How to configure Couchbase connection pool - spring-boot

I want to configure my connection pool size for Spring Boot Couchbase application, but I can't find any property in order to set it.
A colleague suggested to use (in order to configure queryservice pool)
but when i do a netstat it doesn't work. i have 1 socket per node.
I am using spring boot.


why is spring boot opening a lot of connections?

I'm using a cloud database at As I'm using a free plan I can have only 5 concurrent connections.
I have a spring boot application that connects with this cloud database. The problem is that even when there is just one user at the website the spring boot application opens a lot of connections and some times it exceed the 5 connections.
I checked the connections at and got this:
Its seems that the following unnecessary query is increasing the amount of connections...
SET application_name = 'PostgreSQL JDBC Driver'
How could I fix this to avoid the application to open unnecessary connections?
The setting you're looking for is probably
Default value of this property is 10.

Is it possible to disable a Spring Boot datasource configuration based on unavailability of a connection to a DB

We have an application that uses several data sources. A DB underlying one of those data sources is down at the moment: IOError. Network adapter couldn't establish the connection & Socket read timed out.
Is there an annotation (or other means) of configuring Spring Boot such that it bypasses the culprit data source and still starts up: the DB is not essential in current development work. spring.datasource.continue-on-error=true doesn't seem to work. This is Spring 2.2.2.RELEASE.
using multiple datasource, so when your apps fail at start up your apps still work, i mean using memory db / sqlite to handle fail at connection error...

Spring Boot application with HikariCP and PgPool-II

I need to configure a failover cluster for Postgres. I want to use PgPool-II as failover for the failed instance of DB.
My application runs on Spring Boot 2 and uses HikariCP as datasource. HikariCP is a connection pool by itself, and PgPool uses its connection pool.
HikariCP allocate connection pool from PgPool, which gives connections from it's own pool. I understand that PgPool pool size must be greater than Hikari pool.
Can they work together? And is this a good practice to use both of them in conjuction?

SpringBoot and HikariCP relationship

SpringBoot already is managing dataConnection then why is Hikari CP needed?
I have just started using SpringBoot so do not know much about SpringBoot and Hikari relation, although i read about Hikari but couldn't find any explicit explanation about its relationship with Springboot in presence of Spring data connection.
I read that Hikari is used when we need heavy db operations with lots of connections, if it is true then should we not use Hikari in follwoing scenario?
There is a small application, having maximum 8-10 REST calls once in a month or maximum fortnightly.That application needs to perform some probability and statistics related calculation.
Users login on that app at a time are of maximum 2-3 in numbers.
Do we still need to use Hikari?
There are two ways to communicate with the database from your application. You can either open a new DB connection any time you wish execute some query there, or you have a connection pool. Connection pool is a collection of reusable connections that application uses for DB communication. As establishing a new connection is relatively expensive operation, using connection pool gives you a significant performance improvement.
HikariCP is one of the connection pools libraries available in java and SpringBoot uses it as a default. As you don't need to do anything special to have it in your application, just enjoy your free lunch :)
HikariCP is used as the default connection pool in SpringBoot2, it was TomcatJDBC in SpringBoot 1. You must be using it as a default in your settings. You can overwrite it by setting another connection pool in your setting properties if you need. Please find more details about the connection pools and the default configurations of Spring Boot versions here.
Hikari is the default DataSource implementation with Spring Boot 2. This means we need not add explicit dependency in the pom.xml. The spring-boot-starter-JDBC and spring-boot-starter-data-JPA resolve it by default. To sum up, you require no other steps with Spring Boot 2.
Compared to other implementations, it promises to be lightweight and better performing.
Tuning Hikari Configuration Parameters:
spring.datasource.hikari.connection-timeout = 20000 #maximum number
of milliseconds that a client will wait for a connection
spring.datasource.hikari.minimum-idle= 10 #minimum number of idle
connections maintained by HikariCP in a connection pool
spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size= 10 #maximum pool size
spring.datasource.hikari.idle-timeout=10000 #maximum idle time for
spring.datasource.hikari.max-lifetime= 1000 # maximum lifetime in
milliseconds of a connection in the pool after it is closed. =true #default auto-commit
HikariCP is a reliable, high-performance JDBC connection pool. It is much faster, lightweight, and has better performance as compared to other connection pool APIs. Because of all these compelling reasons, HikariCP is now the default pool implementation in Spring Boot 2. In this article, we will have a closer look to configure Hikari with Spring Boot.

number of live connections

My application is using Websphere 6.1, Spring JDBC and oracle.I am using connection pooling to manage the connections.Is there any way to find out the number of connections active(alive) between the application and database at any point of time?.Can we have any indicator to let us know when a connection is/was dropped?
One option would be to manage your connection pool via JMX. Spring has excellent support for it. You just need to expose your connection pool bean via org.springframework.jmx.export.MBeanExporter. You can pick and choose the methods you want to expose. For example if you use DBCP you can use the method BasicDataSource#getNumActive().
