Audiokit 4.7 Playgrounds not compiling. error: Couldn't lookup symbols: - swift-playground

When I run an AudioKit playground that includes live views, XCode is unable to compile the AudioKit UI framework. An example follows:
error: Couldn't lookup symbols:
AudioKitUI.AKLiveViewController.addView(__C.NSView) -> ()
AudioKitUI.AKLiveViewController.stackView.modify : Swift.Optional<__C.NSStackView>
AudioKitUI.AKLiveViewController.stackView.getter : Swift.Optional<__C.NSStackView>
AudioKitUI.AKLiveViewController.stackView.setter : Swift.Optional<__C.NSStackView>
AudioKitUI.AKLiveViewController.addLabel(Swift.String) -> __C.NSTextField
AudioKitUI.AKLiveViewController.addTitle(Swift.String) -> ()
AudioKitUI.AKLiveViewController.textField.modify : Swift.Optional<__C.NSTextField>
AudioKitUI.AKLiveViewController.textField.getter : Swift.Optional<__C.NSTextField>
AudioKitUI.AKLiveViewController.textField.setter : Swift.Optional<__C.NSTextField>
type metadata for AudioKitUI.AKLiveViewController
type metadata accessor for AudioKitUI.AKOutputWaveformPlot
AudioKitUI.AKOutputWaveformPlot.__allocating_init(_: Swift.Optional<AudioKit.AKNode>, frame: __C.CGRect, bufferSize: Swift.Int) -> AudioKitUI.AKOutputWaveformPlot
AudioKitUI.AKSlider.__allocating_init(property: Swift.String, value: Swift.Double, range: Swift.ClosedRange<Swift.Double>, taper: Swift.Double, format: Swift.String, color: __C.NSColor, frame: __C.CGRect, callback: (Swift.Double) -> ()) -> AudioKitUI.AKSlider
type metadata accessor for AudioKitUI.AKSlider
AudioKitUI.AKStylist.sharedInstance.unsafeMutableAddressor : AudioKitUI.AKStylist
The project builds fine and Playgrounds without UI components work okay.

I had the same problem. I fixed it by going into the general project settings and adding AudioKitUI.framework
More precisely: in the project navigator on the left side of the project in xCode I selected the project AudioKitPlaygrounds. This should then display the project settings with the General tab selected. Then I went down to "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" and clicked on the plus sign and browsed within the AudioKitPlaygrounds files for AudioKitUI.framework. Add this framework. Build the project again. Then it should work.



All of a sudden my Xamarin iOS project is not building. My last commited version of the Storyboard is working, but any slight change in the file producing the following errors.
MainController.storyboard : error : 2019-11-19 19:53:33.159 ibtoold[9510:345883] [MT] DVTAssertions: ASSERTION FAILURE in /Library/Caches/
MainController.storyboard : error : Details: nsColor should be an instance inheriting from NSColor, but it is IBUIColor
MainController.storyboard : error : Object: <IBUIColor: 0x7fd6420a5290>
MainController.storyboard : error : Method: -initWithNSColor:
Here is the full log:
Here is full xcode crash log:
If I try to open the file in xcode, it's producing the same error & crashing xcode.
I'm really clueless now what causing the errors. I have tried searching the Storyboard in xml format for nscolor, there is none!
Xamarin iOS designer for some reason removing my below custom color asset from the StoryBoard resources
<namedColor name="lightdarkcolor">
<color colorSpace="custom" customColorSpace="sRGB" red="0" green="0" blue="0" alpha="1" />
I had to manually add this to storyboard code behind.
And it seems xamarin ios designer is doing this with color assets for every project(Maybe after recent update).

Linker command failed error in AppDelegate because of Google Analytics

I'M trying to integrate Google Analytics to my Xcode project. I've added obj-c classes by using bridging header and then I've set some options in AppDelegate. After AppDelegate commands I got the following errors. How can I solve that one?
Note: Xcode recognises GAI class.
Error causing code:
GAI.sharedInstance().trackUncaughtExceptions = true
GAI.sharedInstance().logger.logLevel = .Verbose
GAI.sharedInstance().dispatchInterval = 20
Quick fix(works for me) - Delete the 'Google Analytics' references,not "remove to trash" option from your project navigator, and add them again. Should work out
I just forgot to libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a file.

How do I successfully add RealmSwift to Xcode?

I would like to add RealmSwift to an experimental Xcode project (for Mac OS X Yosemite) and have tried to follow the installation instructions on the Realm website.
I have downloaded the Swift version of Realm and dragged the framework to Xcode correctly.
I have set the Framework search paths to point to the new framework.
On trying to run, Xcode trips up with a code sign error, exit code 1.
I have not added anything else to a standard Xcode template / Cocoa (non-document) application using Swift and storyboards - its just a bog-standard appDelegate Xcode template at the moment without any added code other than the Realm framework. I have searched endlessly around SO and across the internet in general but most help out there concentrates on iOS.
I am using Xcode 6.3.2 build 6D2105 and OS X 10.10.4.
The error log looks like this:
Warning: usage of --preserve-metadata with option "resource-rules"
(deprecated in Mac OS X >= 10.10)!
code object is not signed at all In subcomponent:
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
Any pointers would be very welcome!
i have this problem before.. and the documentation is working allright.. i think there something wrong on the way your adding the framework.. on a new xcode project.. Go to General.. Drag and Drop the framework on Embedded Binaries.. then add Run Script on Build Phases.. add also the path on Build Settings> Framework search paths like this>> $(PROJECT_DIR)/RealmSwift.framework/Frameworks add also other library needed for RealmSwift.... On the project make sure your import is RealmSwift.

xcode 4.5.2 crashing if I am adding FacebookSDK.framework

I just add facebookSDK.framework in ios project. xcode keep crashing just after attaching the app.
Even I am not able to run facebooksdk 3.1 samples. xcode crashing but samples are attaching to simulator successfully. As I am able to run it on simulator after xcode crash. please help
Did you follow these steps :
Installing Facebook sdk link see the video --
Configure app and get the App Id from Facebook
Start Xcode project --
Drag and Drop the Framework folder in the project framework folder
Add Resource Bundle also (and Version -- A -- DeprecatedHeaders)
Check three frameworks --
Account, Add Support, and Social framework's
Build Setting -- other Linker Flags (Double click it ) "-sqlite3.0"
Set Facebook app id in app configuration --
in supporting file in the project-name.plist file of the project -- add a new row
Facebook AppId -- string value and enter the app id
URL Types -- Add URL Scheme(Array) -- Item 0 (string) -- fbAppId (App ID and prefix with fb)
Let me know if you did all the steps and still if it does not worked...

Adding Sparkle framework in Xcode 4

I'm totally stuck in a operation that might be really simple...adding Sparkle to a project created in Xcode 4.
I did these operations :
Added Sparkle.framework to my project (drag&drop)
Added to "link Binary With Libraries" but it generated this error:
dyld: Library not loaded: #loader_path/../Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle
Referenced from: /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-esurnmkwvxcgcxbbrdgsobkoimfv/Build/Products/Release/
Reason: image not found
Removed to "link Binary With Libraries"
Added to "Copy Bundle Resources"
Add an instance on SUUpdater to mainMenu.xib
Did every config step required (create the private Key, upload file and rss etc..)
When i launch my application i get a warning :
Unknown class 'SUUpdater', using 'NSObject' instead. Encountered in Interface Builder file at path /Users/...etcetcetc
And obviously due to this warning the updater never starts. What I missed?
You also need to import the Sparkle framework into the header file for your class:
#import <Sparkle/Sparkle.h>
#implementation YourClass : NSObject
This isn't mentioned in your question as one of the steps you've taken, hence I'm assuming it hasn't been done.
