ReactiveUI ReactiveCommand and Xamarin 4.0 Shell Navigation - xamarin

Using Xamarin Forms 4.0 with the new Shell feature, I have a button on a page .Let's call this page the Start Page.
When I press the button the user is navigated to a Second Page using Shell.Current.GoToAsync.
When the user later navigates back to the Start Page the button is now deactiviated. But why?
Here is the code in the view model:
public class SomeViewModel : ReactiveObject
private ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> _someCommand;
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> SomeCommand
get => _someCommand;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _someCommand, value);
public SomeViewModel
SomeCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<Unit>(async x =>
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("//Root/SomePage");
By trial and error, I found a solution.
Specifically, by making the following change to the definition of SomeCommand, the button will no longer be disabled when the user returns to the Start Page:
SomeCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<Unit>(async x =>
await Task.CompletedTask;
.Select(_ => Observable.FromAsync(() => Shell.Current.GoToAsync("//Root/SomePage")}")))
Can anyone expain what is going on here? Why does the first approach not work, and why does the second approach work? To me the two approaches look more or less identical.
I'm using ReactiveUI version v9.17.4. So far I've only tested this on iOS.
UPDATE: Turned out to be a threading issue.

Use Interactions
public static class Interactions
public static readonly Interaction<string, Unit> Navigate = new Interaction<string, Unit>();
then, in AppShell constructor:
Interactions.Navigate.RegisterHandler(async context =>
await Current.GoToAsync(context.Input);
and in your ViewModel constructor:
ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> NavigateToSettingsCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable(() => Interactions.Navigate.Handle("settings"))


Xamarin Forms Commands with Async Methods without lambda

I am trying to pass an asynchronous method to a command in xamarin forms. In microsoft docs, the sample codes are provided with lambda expressions. As I am pretty new at c#, I want to see the explicit form of it to understand the concept clearly:
The code with lambda:
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
public MainPage()
NavigateCommand = new Command<Type>(
async (Type pageType) =>
Page page = (Page)Activator.CreateInstance(pageType);
await Navigation.PushAsync(page);
BindingContext = this;
public ICommand NavigateCommand { private set; get; }
So, my question is how to retype NavigationCommand without lambda. I think It would be more beneficial to the beginners.
Thanks a lot for any respond.
You could check the following code
NavigateCommand = new Command<Type>((pageType) => TestCommand(pageType));
async void TestCommand(Type pageType)
Page page = (Page)Activator.CreateInstance(pageType);
await Navigation.PushAsync(page);
If your method has no argument, you could init it like
NavigateCommand = new Command(TestCommand);
async void TestCommand()

Dynamic ViewModel navigation

I am trying to find a way to be able to set from the View to what ViewModel I have to navigate. This is to be able to change the navigation flow without changing the core project.
I thought the easier way would be creating an interface, setting the target ViewModel there and injecting the interface into the ViewModel to then perform the navigation.
public interface IModelMapping
MvxViewModel ViewModelToNavigate();
public class MyViewModel : MvxViewModel
readonly IMvxNavigationService navigationService;
readonly IModelMapping modelMapping;
public MyViewModel(IMvxNavigationService navigationService, IModelMapping modelMapping)
this.navigationService = navigationService;
this.modelMapping = modelMapping;
public IMvxAsyncCommand GoContent
IMvxViewModel vm = modelMapping.ViewModelToNavigate();
IMvxAsyncCommand navigateCommand = new MvxAsyncCommand(() => navigationService.Navigate<vm>());
return navigteCommand;
The problem with this code is I am getting an error setting the navigationService.Navigate(). The error is 'vm is a variable but it is used like a type'
What about using the URI navigation together with the facade? See also
Say you are building a task app and depending on the type of task you want to show a different view. This is where NavigationFacades come in handy (there is only so much regular expressions can do for you).
mvx://task/?id=00 <– this task is done, show read-only view (ViewModelA)
mvx://task/?id=01 <– this task isn’t, go straight to edit view (ViewModelB)
[assembly: MvxRouting(typeof(SimpleNavigationFacade), #"mvx://task/\?id=(?<id>[A-Z0-9]{32})$")]
namespace *.NavigationFacades
public class SimpleNavigationFacade
: IMvxNavigationFacade
public Task<MvxViewModelRequest> BuildViewModelRequest(string url,
IDictionary<string, string> currentParameters, MvxRequestedBy requestedBy)
// you can load data from a database etc.
// try not to do a lot of work here, as the user is waiting for the UI to do something ;)
var viewModelType = currentParameters["id"] == Guid.Empty.ToString("N") ? typeof(ViewModelA) : typeof(ViewModelB);
return Task.FromResult(new MvxViewModelRequest(viewModelType, new MvxBundle(), null, requestedBy));

Page Navigation using MVVM pattern without using existing MVVM frameworks

I am trying to implement MVVM pattern in my xamarin mobile project.
I have following files for MVVM
Following is my LoginViewModel
public class LoginViewModel : BaseViewModel
private bool isLoginIndicator= false;
private string etUserName;
private string etPassword;
public LoginViewModel()
OnLogin = new Command(doLogin , ()=>!LoginIndicator);
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<IMessage, EventType>(this, RestApi.UI_EVENT, (sender, eventType) =>
LoginIndicator = false;
if (eventType.status)
Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert(AppResources.success, "Login done", "Ok");
Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert(AppResources.failed, eventType.errorMessage, "Ok");
public bool LoginIndicator
get { return isLoginIndicator; }
isLoginIndicator = value;
public string UserName
get { return etUserName; }
etUserName = value;
public string Password
get { return etPassword; }
etPassword = value;
public Command OnLogin { get; }
void doLogin()
LoginIndicator = true;
UserRequest user = new UserRequest();
user.userName = etUserName;
user.password = etPassword;
user.companyId = "CEE";
user.appVersion = Constants.getAppVersion();
user.osVersion = Constants.getOSVersion();
user.deviceId = Constants.getDeviceModel() + " " + Constants.getDevicePlatform();
new RestApi().userLogin(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user));
This class usually makes a webservice call when OnLogin command gets fired from Button and broadcast the Message using MessageCenter
Now i want to navigate to my MainPage which is master page once the user is logged in successfully hence i need to navigate to master page when eventType.status is true inside the Message Subscriber
but i don't know how can i properly navigate to other pages according to MVVM pattern.
i tried to search on net and i found there are ready made frameworks available like MVVMCross and MVVMLight etc. But i do not want to use those dependecies and willing to implement navigation some other way if anyone can suggest
MVVM says nothing about navigation, so basically every option will be fine.
The only thing against code like:
Application.Current.MainPage = new MyFirstPageAfterLogin();
Is that you now have a reference to a page from your ViewModel, which should not be what you want. That is why MVVM frameworks tend to implement a concept called ViewModel-to-ViewModelnavigation. With that, you can specify a ViewModel that you want to navigate to. Depending on the framework (or how they implemented it), they have you register a coupling first or use a naming convention. For instance; I like to use FreshMvvm, which does this by naming convention.
So when I want to navigate to the PageAfterLoginPage, I create a PageAfterLoginPageModel. From my ViewModel (or PageModel in Xamarin naming) I can now navigate to the PageModel, instead of making a hard reference to the page. This way, Page and PageModel are separated and I can easily swap out the View if I wanted to.
So, either use an already existing framework, or peek into their Github repo to see how they do it if you insist on doing it yourself.
With the latest tools do a File / New Project / CrossPlatform / Master-Detail. The master-detail template is all MVVM, without using any 3rd party frameworks. There are permutatations of native and forms. Great for learning and exploring.
Healy in Tampa.

UI action in middle of MvxCommand

I am using MvvmCross, but this may be general command binding.
When user click a button, the application require an extra input data before proceed to what I want to do in the actual command. The problem that I cannot call an UI action in middle of ViewModel, so just binding MvxCommand (or any ICommand) would not work.
One may ask why:
1) I don't put an input on the UI and user can enter data before click button -> I don't have space.
2) Make default data, and let user change it later -> This my first though, but user tend to forget to change it later!!
So can someone come up with a solution? The only thing I can think of is forgetting command binding, and have code behind pop the ui for extra data, then call a method in view model!
There are several ways to do this.
My personal preferred way is to use an "Interaction Request" - something that I learnt from the Prism framework from Microsoft patterns and practices.
In Mvx, you can do this using an IMvxInteraction property on your ViewModel. An example of this is shown in
Each time an interaction is requested, the ViewModel provides an object to the View - in this case a YesNoQuestion:
public class YesNoQuestion
public Action YesAction { get; set; }
public Action NoAction { get; set; }
public string QuestionText { get; set; }
public YesNoQuestion()
YesAction = () => { };
NoAction = () => { };
The ViewModel exposes the requester using an IMvxInteraction<TQuestion> property:
public class QuestionViewModel
: MvxViewModel
private MvxInteraction<YesNoQuestion> _confirm = new MvxInteraction<YesNoQuestion>();
public IMvxInteraction<YesNoQuestion> Confirm
get { return _confirm; }
public IMvxCommand GoCommand
return new MvxCommand(() =>
var question = new YesNoQuestion()
QuestionText = "Close me now?",
YesAction = () => Close(this),
The view on each platform can then bind and subscribe to the interaction request property. This is a little fiddly - because it uses weak references to prevent memory leaks - especially on iOS, but also possible on other platforms too.
Some example Droid code for this is in:
with AXML in
Sorry for the confusing ConfirmationView and QuestionView names here - the first is an Android View, the second is an Mvvm View and an Android Activity.
Also, please note that when implementing Dialogs in Android, then you need to be careful about screen rotation - as Android's Activity lifecycle can very much confuse things here - easiest mecahnism (I find) is to just handle screen rotation yourself rather than allowing Android to handle it.

Prism Shell buttons shared by modules

I am using Prism 2, trying to add four navigation buttons (First Record, Last Record, Previous Record, Next Record) in shell to be used by modules. I also want these buttons to be disable if active View/ViewModel does not provide these functions.
I tried using events but didn't know how to achieve my second goal regarding disabling buttons. It seems I need to check current active View/ViewModel to see if they subscribed the click event during View switch. But I think publisher should be unaware of subscriber...
Somehow I tried my own way. I create an IDocNavigation interface which has four method corresponding to my four buttons. At runtime I check modules' ViewModel if they implemented that interface or not, and change the ICommand on fly. Below is my code. I include one LastRecordCommand only:
public ShellViewModel(Views.Shell shell)
this.Shell = shell;
shell.DataContext = this;
shell.MainDocking.ActivePaneChanged += (s, e) =>
if (e.NewPane.Content is UserControl &&
((UserControl)e.NewPane.Content).DataContext is IDocumentNavigate)
IDocumentNavigate vm = ((UserControl)e.NewPane.Content).DataContext as IDocumentNavigate;
LastRecordCommand = new RelayCommand(x => vm.GotoLastRecord(), x => true);
LastRecordCommand = new RelayCommand(x => { }, x => false);
I feel these are quite ugly. Creating an empty RelayCommand is also stupid. How can I improve ? or how can I achieve disabling command if event is more suitable in my case ?
You can make use of CompositeCommand in prism.
Define a globally available CompositeCommand
public static readonly CompositeCommand FirstRecord= new CompositeCommand(true);
Then in your your module view models
class Module1
public DelegateCommand Module1Firstrecord{ get; set; }
Module1Firstrecord = new DelegateCommand(this.FirstRecord, CanExecute);
private void FirstRecord()
//do whatever you want
private bool CanExecute()
return true;
private void Module1_IsActiveChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Find if your window is acive
// if it is active Module1Firstrecord.IsActive = true
//else false.
With IActiveAware you can handle the active window scenario easily. According to whether your active module have a handler for the command on not the buttons will enable/disable.
