How to pass whole url as params? - laravel-5

I want allow user to scan QR code and go to website. This is search results with params in url address like
My route is set as
Route::get('qr-code/{data?}/{size?}', 'QrController#qrCode')->name('qr-code');
so i hope my $data will get url:
My Controller has
public function qrCode(Request $request, $data = null, $size = 60) {
$data = (empty($data)) ? env('APP_URL') : $data;
return view('qr.code')->with('qr', QrCode::size($size)->generate($data));
But i can't even see dd(88) route redirect to main page.
How can i fix that ?

The thing is that Laravel doesn't know that you will provide an entire URL as a parameter. He could interpret everything like that: /search/user_id=12&model_id=4&role_id=8 . Try encoding the URL diffrently. Your $data will be "http:/" and your size will be 60.

Ok i took i added to helper
function base64url_encode($s) {
return str_replace(array('+', '/'), array('-', '_'), base64_encode($s));
function base64url_decode($s) {
return base64_decode(str_replace(array('-', '_'), array('+', '/'), $s));
And then i am getting URI from request on view like
Click me
From JS i send params to QrController
public function qrCode(Request $request, $data = null, $type = null, $size = 200) {
$data = (empty($data)) ? env('APP_URL') : $data;
if ($type == 'url') $data = env('APP_URL') . base64url_decode($data);
return view('qr.code')->with('qr', QrCode::size($size)->generate($data));
And works fine. Base64 has + or / sometimes so thats why need to replace both - and _ and second is i add base url from env to make whole address.


How to use parameter from function to create an URL? Laravel Routing

I'm sending an URL hashed and when i get it i have to show a view on Laravel, so i have those functions on the controller and also some routes:
This are my routes:
Route::post('/sendLink', 'Payment\PaymentController#getPaymentLink');
Route::get('/payment?hash={link}', 'Payment\PaymentController#show');
And this are the functions i have on my controller:
public function getPaymentLink (Request $request){
$budgetId = $request[''];
$link = Crypt::decryptString($budgetId);
//here to the show view i wanna send the link with the id hashed, thats why i dont call show($link)
$view = $this->show($budgetId);
public function show($link) {
$config = [
'base_uri' => config('payment.base_uri'), ];
$client = new Client($config);
$banking_entity = $client->get('url')->getBody()->getContents();
$array = json_decode($banking_entity, true);
return view('payment.payment-data')->with('banking_entity', $array);
And this is getting a "Page not found" message error.
What i want to to is that when i the client clicks on the link i send him that has this format "", trigger the getPaymentLink function so i can get de decrypt from that hash and also show him the view .
there is no need to ?hash={link} in get route
it's query params and it will received with $request
// or
You need to define route like this:
Route::get('/payment/{hash}', 'Payment\PaymentController#show');
You can now simply use it in your Controller method like below:
public function getPaymentLink (Request $request,$hash){
$budgetId = $hash;
// further code goes here

Laravel: Database is not storing my image but showing me only array

I am new to Laravel. I have been trying to save an image to the database. Here is my controller method that I am trying for storing the image
public function store(Request $request){
//validation for form
$validate= $request->validate([
'name' => 'required|min:2|max:140',
'position' => 'required|min:2|max:140',
'salary' => 'required|min:2|max:140',
'joining_date' => ''
//saving form
$employee=new Employee;
$employee->name =$request->input('name');
$employee->company_name =$request->input('company_name');
$employee->position =$request->input('position');
$employee->salary =$request->input('salary');
$employee->joining_date =$request->input('joining_date');
$employee->user_id= auth()->user()->id;
//image saveing method
$image= $request->file('image');
$filename = time() . '.' . $image->getClientOriginalExtension();
Employee::make($image)->resize(300, 300)->save( public_path('/employee/images/' . $filename ) );
$employee->image= $filename;
return $request;
$employee->image= '';
//redirecting to Employee list
return redirect('/employee/details')->with('success','Employee Added');
I could save the form while there was no image and redirect it to the details page. but now when I try with the image, instead of saving it and redirecting to the details route, it returns me to the array of row of database like this:
"_token": "FPHm9AKuEbRlqQnSgHhjPnCEKidi2xr0usgp7RoW",
"name": "askfjlk",
"company_name": "laksjsflkj",
"position": "lkasjfkl",
"salary": "35454",
"joining_date": "4654-05-06",
"image": "testing.png"
What did I do wrong here? please help me out this newb.
You are returning $request object and Laravel does automatic JSON response.
if ($request->hasFile('image')){
// image storing logic which obviously is never started because expression above is false
} else {
return $request; // There is your problem
$employee->image= '';
You need to check why you are getting false on $request->hasFile('image').
Also, one tip because you are new to Laravel:
// When you are accessing to $request object you can use dynamic propertes:
$employee->company_name = $request->input('company_name');
// is the same as
$employee->company_name = $request->company_name;
You can check it there: Laravel docs in the section: Retrieving Input Via Dynamic Properties

Adding Parameters in Routing URL Codeigniter

I have some problem with routing and parameters.
I have routing in routes.php like this :
$route['register/(:any)'] = 'member/register/$1';
And in my controller I have like this :
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Register extends CI_Controller
function __construct()
public function index()
$slug = $this->uri->segment(1);
$type = $this->uri->segment(2);
if ($slug != NULL)
$data['page'] = $this->Page_model->get_page($slug);
if (empty($data['page']))
// show_404();
$data['page'] = new stdClass();
$data['page']->page_template = 'forofor';
$data['page']->title = 'Page Not Found';
$data['page']->meta_description = 'Page Not Found';
$data['page']->meta_keywords = 'Page Not Found';
$data['slider'] = $this->Page_model->get_slider($data['page']->page_id);
$data['page'] = $this->Page_model->get_page('home');
$data['slider'] = $this->Page_model->get_slider($data['page']->page_id);
$data['head_title'] = $data['page']->title;
// load all settings and data
$data['settings'] = $this->Page_model->get_settings();
$data['gallery'] = $this->Page_model->get_gallery();
$data['meta'] =
'name' => 'description',
'content' => $data['page']->meta_description
'name' => 'keywords',
'content' => $data['page']->meta_keywords
// $data['meta'] = $this->meta;
$data['menu'] = $this->Page_model->get_menu('frontend','header');
$data['settings'] = $this->Page_model->get_settings();
$data['notice'] = $this->session->flashdata('notice');
// $this->load->view('frontend/template/index_full', $data);
$this->load->view('frontend/template/head', $data);
/*if ($page[0]->page_template != 'forofor' && $data['page']->slider != 0)
if ($slug != 'home' && $slug != NULL)
But if I input the routes in my browser it gives me 404 Page not found
This is my routes :
And is my Base URL
Anyone knows why it could be happen ?
Thank you.
Your routing is wrong. According to your post you are setting Member controller then register method.
Try below code
$route['register/(:any)'] = 'register/index/$1';
$route['register/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'register/index/$1/$2'; // Optional
The second option is only optional:
This is how routes work in Codeigniter
Typically there is a one-to-one relationship between a URL string and
its corresponding controller class/method. The segments in a URI
normally follow this pattern: In some instances, however, you may
want to remap this relationship so that a different class/method can
be called instead of the one corresponding to the URL.
For example, let’s say you want your URLs to have this prototype: Normally the second segment of the URL is
reserved for the method name, but in the example above it instead has
a product ID. To overcome this, CodeIgniter allows you to remap the
URI handler.
Reference :
So,the routes follow this syntax
$route['route_url'] = 'controller/method/$paramater';
So,your route will be
Let me know your queries
$route['register/(:any)'] = 'register/index/$1';

how to get user profile from linked in using codeigniter

How do you get the user profile after you have finish verification in linkedin? I've been googling around and found some tutorials but none of them are working, or should I say I can't get them to work. Below is my controller.
function __construct(){
$this->data['consumer_key'] = $this->config->item('api_key');
$this->data['consumer_secret'] = $this->config->item('secret_key');
$this->data['callback_url'] = site_url() . 'main/linkedin_display';
function linkedin_request(){
$this->load->library('linkedin', $this -> data);
$token = $this->linkedin->get_request_token();
$oauth_data = array(
'oauth_request_token' => $token['oauth_token'],
'oauth_request_token_secret' => $token['oauth_token_secret']
$request_link = $this->linkedin->get_authorize_URL($token);
header("Location: " . $request_link);
function linkedin_display{
// get user details(first name, email etc) here
Add the following function to your linkedin library, in order to get data
function getData($url, $access_token)
$request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($this->consumer, $access_token, "GET", $url);
$request->sign_request($this->method, $this->consumer, $access_token);
$auth_header = $request->to_header("");
$response = $this->httpRequest($shareUrl, $auth_header, "GET");
return $response;
Then create a function in your controller as follows:
* Fetch linkedin profile
function myprofile()
$auth_data = $this->session->userdata('auth');
$this->load->library('linkedin', $this->data);
$status_response = $this->linkedin->getData('', unserialize($auth_data['linked_in']));
This should work for you.

codeigniter validate

Hello I have a forum and when a user creates a comment, I want that if he didn't type anything I want to show him an error that he must type something in :) but I dont know how to put him the the thread he is in.
I have this
if($this->_submit_validate_comment() == false) {
$this->post(); return;
function _submit_validate_comment() {
$this->form_validation->set_rules('kommentar', 'kommentar', 'required|min_length[4]');
return $this->form_validation->run();
You could do this with jquery but if that is not an option you could get the forum or topic id from the url (assuming your are using the url this way).
For example:
if($this->_submit_validate_comment() == false)
$topic_id = $this->uri->segment(3);
redirect('/forum/topic/'. $topic_id);
if($this->_submit_validate_comment() == false)
$topic_id = $this->uri->segment(3);
Hope this helps.
Thanks for helping i can see what you mean but it just dont work :b,
i have this
$topic_id = $this->uri->segment(3);
and my url is
it looks like it cant find the ID
my URL to the forum is
this is my functions
function create_comment() {
== false) { $id = $this->uri->segment(3);
$this->post($id); return;
//echo "validate fejl, kontakt lige
en admin!"; } else { $data =
array( 'fk_forum_traad' =>
'brugernavn' =>
'indhold' =>
'dato' => 'fejl' );
'refresh'); }
function post($id) {
$data['query'] =
$data['comments'] =
$data['content'] = 'forum_post_view';
$data); }
Why not pass in the return uri in the form submission using a hidden input field? No additional work will be needed by the controller other than validation of the return uri before performing a redirect.
Place the validation error string in session class's flashdata for echoing out in the form, along with any other data used to pre-populate your form)
