elasticsearch document found false - elasticsearch

I am trying to access a document with _id.
I recently dumped an index from remote server to my local server.
Here's how I am trying to get the document:
GET http://localhost:9200/dmap_product_match/dmap_product_match/ZA2JeGsBsz9baORiZSkN
And in response:
"_index": "dmap_product_match",
"_type": "dmap_product_match",
"_id": "ZA2JeGsBsz9baORiZSkN",
"found": false
But requesting for the document as a query body returns the document:
GET http://localhost:9200/dmap_product_match/_search
"_source": ["s_item_name","r_item_name","human_verdict"],
"query": {
"_id": "ZA2JeGsBsz9baORiZSkN"
EDIT: elasticsearch v7.0.0.

ElasticSearch is not finding the document you are asking for because the document type is not well defined in the request.
The api to fetch documents has the following format:
GET http://<host>:<port>/<index>/<type>/<docId>
According to the request you post, you are looking for the document with the id ZA2JeGsBsz9baORiZSkN in the index dmap_product_match and type dmap_product_match.
Your request should be something like:
GET http://localhost:9200/dmap_product_match/_doc/ZA2JeGsBsz9baORiZSkN


Calculate field data size and store to other field at indexing time ElasticSearch 7.17

I am looking for a way to store the size of a field (bytes) in a new field of a document.
I.e. when a document is created with a field message that contains the value hello, I want another field message_size_bytes written that in this example has the value 5.
I am aware of the possibilities using _update_by_query and _search using scripting fields, but I have so much data that I do not want to calculate the sizes while querying but at index time.
Is there a possibility to do this using Elasticsearch 7.17 only? I do not have access to the data before it's passed to elasticsearch.
You can use Ingest Pipeline with Script processor.
You can create pipeline using below command:
PUT _ingest/pipeline/calculate_bytes
"processors": [
"script": {
"description": "Calculate bytes of message field",
"lang": "painless",
"source": """
ctx['message_size_bytes '] = ctx['message'].length();
After creating pipeline, you cna use pipeline name while indexing data like below (same you can use in logstash, java or anyother client as well):
POST 74906877/_doc/1?pipeline=calculate_bytes
"hits": [
"_index": "74906877",
"_id": "1",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"message": "hello",
"message_size_bytes ": 5

How to make _source field dynamic in elasticsearch search template?

While using search query in elastic search we define what fields we required in the response
"_source": ["name", "age"]
And while working with search templates we have to set _source fields value while inserting search template to ES Cluster.
"_source": ["name", "age"]
but the problem with the search template is that it will always return us name and age and to get other fields we have to change our search template accordingly.
Is there any way we can pass search fields from the client so that it will only return fields in response to which the user asked?
I have achieved that just for one field like if you do this
"_source": "{{field}}"
then while search index via template you can do this
POST index_name/_search/template
"id": template_id,
"params": {
"field": "name"
This search query returning the name field in response but I could not find a way to pass it as in array or in another format so I can get multiple fields.
Your search template should look like this:
"_source": {{#toJson}}fields{{/toJson}}
And then you can call it like this:
POST index_name/_search/template
"id": template_id,
"params": {
"fields": ["name"]
What it's going to do is to transform the params.fields array into JSON and so the generated query will look like this:
"_source": ["name"]

Empty fields aren't shown directly in Elasticsearch?

I added an extra field called "title" with the Put Mapping API and then tried a normal search on my index with GET index_name/type/_search but the records don't show any field with "title" in it. Is it because the field has no content in it? If so how do I get fields with no content?
Thank you.
if you have _source enabled, elasticsearch will return the field value(whether empty or not), which you sent to it. as shown in below example.
"title" : "" // see empty value
And GET API on this doc-id returns below response
"_index": "newso",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "1",
"_version": 2,
"_seq_no": 1,
"_primary_term": 1,
"found": true,
"_source": {
"title": "" // same value is returned in response.
EDIT:- Based on #Val comment, If you are looking to find this newly added title field in old documents, where you didn't index this field, you will not be able to find it, As elasticsearch is schema-less, and doesn't enforce that you have to mandatory index a field. Also you can add/remove fields without updating mapping as its schemaless.
For this matter, even if you index a new document, after adding this title field in mapping, and don't include title field, then for that document again title field will not be returned.

Elastic Search | How to get original search query with corresponding match value

I'm using ElasticSearch as search engine for a human resource database.
The user submits a competence (f.ex 'disruption'), and ElasticSearch returns all users ordered by best match.
I have configured the field 'competences' to use synonyms, so 'innovation' would match 'disruption'.
I want to show the user (who is performing the search) how a particular search result matched the search query. For this I use the explain api (reference)
The query works as expected and returns an _explanation to each hit.
Details (simplified a bit) for a particular hit could look like the following:
description: "weight(Synonym(skills:innovation skills:disruption)),
value: 3.0988
Problem: I cannot see what the original search term was in the _explanation. (As illustrated in example above: I can see that some search query matched with 'innovation' or 'disruption', I need to know what the skill the users searched for)
Question: Is there any way to solve this issue (example: parse a custom 'description' with info about the search query tag to the _explanation)?
Expected Result:
description: "weight(Synonym(skills:innovation skills:disruption)),
value: 3.0988
customDescription: 'innovation'
Maybe you can put the original query in the _name field?
Like explained in https://qbox.io/blog/elasticsearch-named-queries:
GET /_search
"query": {
"query_string" : {
"default_field" : "skills",
"query" : "disruption",
"_name": "disruption"
You can then find the proginal query in the matched queries section in the return object:
"_index": "testindex",
"_type": "employee",
"_id": "2",
"_score": 0.19178301,
"_source": {
"skills": "disruption"
"matched_queries": [
Add the explain to the solution and i think it would work fine...?

Elasticsearch query to get results irrespective of spaces in search text

I am trying to fetch data from Elasticsearch matching from a field name. I have following two records
"_index": "sam_index",
"_type": "doc",
"_id": "key",
"_version": 1,
"_score": 2,
"_source": {
"name": "Sample Name"
"_index": "sam_index",
"_type": "doc",
"_id": "key1",
"_version": 1,
"_score": 2,
"_source": {
"name": "Sample Name"
When I try to search using texts like sam, sample, Sa, etc, I able fetch both records by using match_phrase_prefix query. The query I tried with match_phrase_prefix is
GET sam_index/doc/_search
"query": {
"match_phrase_prefix" : {
"name": "sample"
I am not able to fetch the records when I try to search with string samplen. I need search and get results irrespective of spaces between texts. How can I achieve this in Elasticsearch?
First, you need to understand how Elasticsearch works and why it gives the result and doesn't give the result.
ES works on the token match, Documents which you index in ES goes through the analysis process and creates and stores the tokens generated from this process to inverted index which is used for searching.
Now when you make a query then that query also generates the search tokens, these can be as it is in the search query in case of term query or tokens based on the analyzer defined on the search field in case of match query. Hence it's very important to understand the internals of your search query.
Also, it's very important to understand the mapping of your index, ES uses the standard analyzer by default on the text fields.
You can use the Explain API to understand the internals of the query like which search tokens are generated by your search query, how documents matched to it and on what basis score is calculated.
In your case, I created the name field as text, which uses the word joined analyzer explained in Ignore spaces in Elasticsearch and I was able to get the document which consists of sample name when searched for samplen.
Let us know if you also want to achieve the same and if it solves your issue.
