not working #extends() use query in laravel - laravel

i try to display data with id, but problem is when just:
public function category()
return view('font.category.category');
#extends() blade is working. I try to query use this:
function public function category($id)
$pCategoryById = Menu::where('id', $id)->get();
return view('font.category.category', 'pCategoryById'=>$pCategoryById]);
#extends() blade is not working how to solve it? url is {{url('/category/'.$result->id)}} web is: Route::get("/category/{id}",'fontController#category');.

in url
in controller
return view('font.category.category',compact('pCategoryById'));

In the url,
Or you can use as like,
In the Controller,
return view('font.category.category',compact($pCategoryById));
If #extends() is not working, then you have to check the right path which is extended.


Why this Implicit Binding is not working? - Laravel

I'm using Laravel 9. I have a problem, i wil appreciate any help.
I Have a Model named Entity, a controller EntityControler, and a FormRequest UpdateEntityRequest.
My API Routes looks like:
Route::apiResource('entities', EntityController::class);
so i have show, create, store, update, delete... routes.
This is muy update method in EntityController (without the code/not important now)
public function update(UpdateEntityRequest $request, Entity $entity)
return $entity;
the update method works perfect. But I want another update method for only a section and here starts the problem.
This is my new API Routes:
Route::apiResource('entities', EntityController::class);
Route::patch('/entities/{id}/{section}',[EntityController::class, 'updateSection' ]);
And this is the new method in the controller(without code yet):
public function updateSection( UpdateEntityRequest $request,Entity $entity, $section)
return $entity;
But this last method return [] insted of the Entity and the update method works. WHY?
I change de uri in Postman for update PUT {{baseUrl}}/entities/1 and for updateSection {{baseUrl}}/entities/1/1 .
Why does work in update and not in updateSection?
This method work, and give the id, and I can create a Entity from this:
public function updateSection( UpdateEntityRequest $request, $entity, $section)
return $entity;
But this is not what I want. Any idea why this happen?
please make sure your uri segment is same as the variable name in the controller, in your case replace id with entity
Route::patch('/entities/{entity}/{section}',[EntityController::class, 'updateSection' ]);
for more please see documentation
Make the route param name consistent in your route api.php and your function updateSection in EntityController
Route::patch('/entities/{entity}/{section}',[EntityController::class, 'updateSection' ]);
public function updateSection( UpdateEntityRequest $request,Entity $entity, $section)
return $entity;

recover the slug of a category linked to another category Laravel

I would like to recover the slug of 2 categories from my routes but can’t write the Controller.
My Route
Route::get('technicians/o/{occupation}/c/{city}', 'User\TechnicianController#viewoccupationcity');
My Controller
public function viewoccupationcity($slug)
$technicians = TechnicianResource::collection(occupation::where('slug',$slug)->firstOrFail()->technicians()
return $technicians;
Route::get('technicians/o/{occupation}/c/{city}', 'User\TechnicianController#viewoccupationcity');
Your controller will accept the parameters from your route as variables by order
public function viewoccupationcity($ocupation, $city)
URL: technicians/o/foo/c/bar
public function viewoccupationcity($ocupation, $city)
// $ocupation will be 'foo'
// $city will be 'bar
Ok, you would need to retrieve 2 variables as that is what you are passing
public function viewoccupationcity($occupation, $city)
If you want the whole slug to do another search then you would use the $request object. So like so
public function viewoccupationcity(Request $request, $occupation, $city){ // You also need to include the Request decleration
$slug = $request->path();
$technicians = TechnicianResource::collection(occupation::where('slug',$slug)->firstOrFail()->technicians()
return $technicians;
EDIT: We are having to do a lot of guesswork as your question isn't very clear. I think what you are trying to achieve is probably this
public function viewoccupationcity($occupation, $city){
$technicians = TechnicianResource::collection(occupation::where('city',$city)->where('occupation',$occupation)->firstOrFail()->technicians()
return $technicians;
If you need something more then you need to give more details

laravel route by passing parameter got page not found

I just regular do the route with passing parameter
Route::get('cabinet', 'CabinetController#index');
Route::get('cabinet/{$id}', 'CabinetController#show');
and the controller just simple like this
class CabinetController extends Controller
function index()
$cabinets = Cabinet::all();
return view('detail', compact('cabinets'));
function show($id)
$single = Cabinet::find($id);
$cabinets = Cabinet::all();
return view('detail', compact('cabinets', 'single'));
How come i got
Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found.
Thank you for solve this for me
Remove the $ from route declaration:
Route::get('cabinet/{id}', 'CabinetController#show');

Laravel How to get Route Profile based on Route Name

I have this route:
I've been tried to use $routeProfile=route('test');
But the result is returned url string
I need ['as'=>'test','custom_key'=>'custom_value'] so that I can get the $routeProfile['custom_key']
How can I get 'custom_value' based on route name ?
For fastest way, now I use this for my question:
function routeProfile($routeName)
$routes = Route::getRoutes();
foreach ($routes as $route) {
$action = $route->getAction();
if (!empty($action['as']) && $routeName == $action['as']) {
$action['methods'] = $route->methods();
$action['parameters'] = $route->parameters();
$action['parametersNames'] = $route->parametersNames();
return $action;
If there's any better answer, I will be appreciate it.
Try this:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
$customKey = Route::current()->getAction()['custom_key'];
I believe you are looking for a way to pass variable to your route
You could generate a valid URL like so using
In your view:
<a href="{route('test',['custom_key'=>'custom_key_vale'])}"
In your controller method:
public function test(Request $request)
$custom_key = $request->custom_key;
You can try one of the below code:
1. Add use Illuminate\Http\Request; after namespace line code
public function welcome(Request $request)
2. OR with a facade
Add use Route; after namespace line code
and use below into your method
public function welcome()
Both are tested and working fine!

Simple AJAX / JSON response with CakePHP

I'm new to cakePHP. Needless to say I don't know where to start reading. Read several pages about AJAX and JSON responses and all I could understand is that somehow I need to use Router::parseExtensions() and RequestHandlerComponent, but none had a sample code I could read.
What I need is to call function MyController::listAll() and return a Model::find('all') in JSON format so I can use it with JS.
Do I need a View for this?
In what folder should that view go?
What extension should it have?
Where do I put the Router::parseExtension() and RequestHandlerComponent?
// Controller
public function listAll() {
$myModel = $this->MyModel->find('all');
if($this->request->is('ajax') {
// What else?
I don't know what you read but I guess it was not the official documentation. The official documentation contains examples how to do it.
class PostsController extends AppController {
public $components = array('RequestHandler');
public function index() {
// some code that created $posts and $comments
$this->set(compact('posts', 'comments'));
$this->set('_serialize', array('posts', 'comments'));
If the action is called with the .json extension you get json back, if its called with .xml you'll get xml back.
If you want or need to you can still create view files. Its as well explained on that page.
// Controller code
class PostsController extends AppController {
public function index() {
$this->set(compact('posts', 'comments'));
// View code - app/View/Posts/json/index.ctp
foreach ($posts as &$post) {
echo json_encode(compact('posts', 'comments'));
// Controller
public function listAll() {
$myModel = $this->MyModel->find('all');
if($this->request->is('ajax') {
// What else?
echo json_encode($myModel);
// What else?
You must use exit after the echo and you are already using layout null so that is OK.
You do not have to use View for this, and it is your wish to work with components. Well all you can do from controller itself and there is nothing wrong with it!
In Cakephp 3.5 you can send json response as below:
//in the controller
public function XYZ() {
$this->autoRender = false;
$taskData = $this->_getTaskData();
$data = $this->XYZ->getAllEventsById( $taskData['tenderId']);
return $this->response;
Try this:
public function listAll(){
$output = $this->MyModel->find('all')->toArray();
$this->response = $this->response->withType('json');
$json = json_encode($output);
$this->response = $this->response->withStringBody($json);
