Algorithm for translating MLB play-by-play records into descriptive text - algorithm

I'm trying to collect a dataset that could be used for automatically generating baseball articles.
I have play-by-play records of MLB games from that I would like to be written out to plain text, as those that could possibly appear as part of a recap news article.
Here are some examples of the play-by-play records:
The following is what I would like to achieve:
For the first example
I want it to be written out as something like:
"semim001 (Marcus Semien) was on three balls and two strikes in the second inning as the away player. He hit the ball into play after one called strike, one ball, three fouls, and another two balls. The fly ball was caught by the right outfielder."
The plays are formatted in the following way:
The first field is the inning, an integer starting at 1.
The second field is either 0 (for visiting team) or 1 (for home team).
The third field is the Retrosheet player id of the player at the plate.
The fourth field is the count on the batter when this particular event (play) occurred. Most Retrosheet games do not have this information, and in such cases, "??" appears in this field.
The fifth field is of variable length and contains all pitches to this batter in this plate appearance and is described below. If pitches are unknown, this field is left empty, nothing is between the commas.
The sixth field describes the play or event that occurred.
Explanations for all the symbols in the fifth and sixth field can be found on this Retrosheet page.
With Python 3, I've been able to format all the info of invariable length into a formatted sentence, which is all but the last two fields. I'm having difficulty in thinking of an efficient way to unparse (correct me if this is the wrong term to use here) the fifth and sixth fields, the pitches and the events that occurred, due to their variable length and wide variety of things that can occur.
I think I could write out all the rules based on the info on the Retrosheet website, but I'm looking for suggestions for a smarter way to do this. I wrote natural language processing as tags, hoping this could be a trivial problem in that field. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated!


How to differentiate code terminology in MEDICAL SERVICE LINES?

In the MEDICAL_SERVICE_LINES table, there is a field ‘PROCEDURE’. The data dictionary notes that this is ‘CPT, HCPCS, or ICD-10-PCS (less commonly)’. Is there a field that indicates which of these terminologies the code is from?
Can you use modifiers to help identify? Or are the code formats the best tool like:
5 numbers or 4 numbers and a letter (in that order)
1 letter and 4 numbers (in that order).
This customer receives PLAID and is not in Sentinel. (data dictionary here)
The code formats would be the best to distinguish definitively what type of code it is. The modifiers are not filled out all the time (some claims may not have modifiers attached to the procedure).
Your layout of the code format is correct (see section HCPCS Coding here for additional confirmation). HCPCS Level 1 is comprised of CPT codes. HCPCS Level 2/3 is what we typically regard as just "HCPCS"

To build a flow using Power Automate to download linked csv report in gmail

I'm trying to create a flow using Power Automate (which I'm quite new to) that can get the link/URL in an email I receive daily, then download the .csv file that normally a click to the link would do, and then save the file to a given local folder.
An example of the email I get:
Screenshot of the email I get daily
I searched in Power Automate Community and found this insightful LINK post & answer almost solved it. However, after following the steps and built the flow, it kept failing at the Compose step.
Screenshot of the Flow & Error Message
The flow
Error message
Expression used:
Seems the expression couldn't really get the URL/Link? I'm not sure and searched but couldn't find any more posts that can help.
Please kindly share all insights on approaches or workarounds that you think may help me solve the problem and truly thanks!
We need to breakdown the bits of the function here which needs 3 bits of info
substring(1 text to search, 2 starting position of the text you want, 3 length of text)
For example, if you were trying to return an unknown number from the text dog 4567 bird
Our function would have 3 parts.
body('Html_to_text'), this bit gets the text we are searching for
add(indexOf(body('Html_to_text'),'dog'),4), this bit finds the position in the text 4 characters after the start of the word dog (3 letters for dog + the space)
sub(sub(indexOf(body('Html_to_text'),'bird'),2)),add(indexOf(body('Html_to_text'),'dog'),4)), I've changed the structure of your code here because this part needs to return the length of the URL, not the ending position. So here, we take the position of the end of the URL (position of the word bird minus two spaces) and subtract it from the position of the start of the URL (position of the word dog + 4 spaces) to get the length.
In your HTML to text output, you need to check what the HTML looks like, and search for a word before the URL starts, and a word after the URL starts, and count the exact amount of spaces to reach the URL. You can then put those words and counts into your code.
More generally, when you have a complicated problem that you need to troubleshoot, you can break it down into steps. For example. Rather than putting that big mess of code into a single block, you can make each chunk of the code in its own compose, and then one final compose to bring them all together - that way when you run it you can see what information each bit is giving out, or where it is failing, and experiment from there to discover what is wrong.

Prolog text game printing descriptions duplicate output

I'm working on a text based adventure game in prolog. I'm trying to define something that prints out all the adjacent rooms and their descriptions, except when I try to use it it is printing duplicate items and their descriptions.
The definitions for adjacent_rooms is as follows:
is_connected(Location, AdjacentLocation),
name(AdjacentLocation, AdjacentName),
short_desc(AdjacentLocation, AdjacentDescription),
write(AdjacentName), write(': '), write(AdjacentDescription),nl,fail.
Below is the output when I call adjacent_rooms(bedroom).
?- adjacent_rooms(bedroom).
Your Bedroom's Closet: A cozy little room used for storing your valuables
Your Bedroom's Closet:
: A cozy little room used for storing your valuables
Hallway: Long pathway that has pictures hanging on wall
: Long pathway that has pictures hanging on wall
What is causing duplicate names and descriptions to be printed? Thanks.

Reporting Multiple Values & Sorting

Having a bit of an issue and unsure if it's actually possible to do.
I'm working on a file that I will enter target progression vs actual target reporting the % outcome.
¦NAME ¦TAR 1 %¦TAR 2 %¦TAR 3 %¦TAR 4 %¦OVERALL¦SUB 1¦SUB 2¦SUB 3¦
¦NAME1¦ 114%¦ 121%¦ 100%¦ 250%¦ 146%¦ 2¦ 0¦ 0%¦
¦NAME2¦ 88%¦ 100%¦ 90%¦ 50%¦ 82%¦ 0¦ 1¦ 0%¦
¦NAME3¦ 82%¦ 54%¦ 64%¦ 100%¦ 75%¦ 6¦ 6¦ 15%¦
¦NAME4¦ 103%¦ 64%¦ 56%¦ 43%¦ 67%¦ 4¦ 4¦ 24%¦
¦NAME5¦ 87%¦ 63%¦ 89%¦ 0%¦ 60%¦ 3¦ 2¦ 16%¦
Now I already have it sorting all rows by the Overall % column so I can quickly see at a glance but I am creating a second page that I need to reference points.
So on the second page I would like to somehow sort and reference different columns for example
TOP TAR 1¦Name of top %¦Top %¦
TOP TAR 2¦Name of top %¦Top %¦
Is something like this possible to do?
Essentially I'm creating an Employee of the Month form that automatically works out who has topped what.
I'm willing to drop a paypal donation for whoever can figure this out for me as I've been doing it manually every month and would appreciate the time saved
I don't think a complicated array formula is necessary for this - I am suggesting a fairly standard Index/Match approach.
First set up the row titles - you can just copy and transpose them from Page 1, or use a formula in A2 of Page 2 like
=transpose('Page 1'!B1:E1)
The use them in an index/match to get the data in the corresponding column of the main sheet and find its maximum (in C2)
=max(index('Page 1'!A:E,0,match(A2,'Page 1'!A$1:E$1,0)))
Finally look up the maximum in the main sheet to find the corresponding name:
=index('Page 1'!A:A,match(C2,index('Page 1'!A:E,0,match(A2,'Page 1'!A$1:E$1,0)),0))
If you think there could be a tie for first place with two or more people getting the same score, you could use a filter to get the different names:
So if the max score is in B8 this time (same formula)
=max(index('Page 1'!A:E,0,match(A8,'Page 1'!A$1:E$1,0)))
the different names could be spread across the corresponding row using transpose (in C8)
=ArrayFormula(TRANSPOSE(filter('Page 1'!A:A,index('Page 1'!A:E,0,match(A8,'Page 1'!A$1:E$1,0))=B8)))
I have changed the test data slightly to show these different scenarios

Logic for parsing names

I am wanting to solve this problem, but am kind of unsure how to correctly structure the logic for doing this. I am given a list of user names and I am told to find an extracted name for that. So, for example, I'll see a list of user names such as this:
How can I then turn each user name into an extracted name? The only parameter I am given is that every user name is guaranteed to have at least a partial person's name.
So for example, kristi.bailey would be turned into "Kristi Bailey"
alexanderson would be turned into "Alex Anderson"
So, the pattern I see is that, if I see a period I will turn that into two strings (possibly a first and last name). If I see three periods then it will be first, middle. The problem I am having trouble finding the logic for is when the name is just clumped up together like alexanderson or jgarciathome. How can I turn that into an extracted name? I was thinking of doing something like if I see 2 consonants and a vowel in a row I would separate the names, but I don't think that'll work.
Any ideas?
I'd use a string.StartsWith method and a string.EndsWith method and determine the maximum overlap on each. As long as it's more than 2 characters, call that the common name. Sort them into buckets based on the common name. It's a naive implementation, but it that's where I'd start.
string name1 = "kristi.bailey";
string name2 = "kristi.betty.bailey";
// We've got a 6 character overlap for first name:
name2.StartsWith(name1.Substring(0,6)) // this is true
// We've got a 6 character overlap for last name:
name2.EndsWith(name1.Substring(7)) // this is true
