Ansible Azure Dynamic inventory with tags does not work - ansible

I am using ansible version 2.8.1 and trying to identify the servers in a resource group based on tags Below is my code
i have 2 vms in test-rg (testvm1, testvm2). Only testvm1 has the tag nginx
i have set env variable AZURE_TAGS=nginx
plugin: azure_rm
- test-rg
- name: Install and start Nginx on an Azure virtual machine
hosts: all
become: yes
- name: echo test
shell: " echo test "
ansible-playbook -i ./azureinv.yml nginx.yml -u test
i see its doing echo on both the servers (testvm1, testvm2) even if there is a tag called nginx, only on one server
can some one please help me ?


Passing IP address to another ansible playbook

I have two playbooks
install azure vm
install mongo db and tomcat
I want to integrate both so first one send ip to second playbook and second play book does its job.
-----All the other tasks----
resource_group: Solutioning
allocation_method: Static
name: PublicIP
register: output_ip_address
- name: Include another playbook
import_playbook: install_MongoDb_and_Tomcat.yml
Second Playbook
- name: install Mongo and Tomcat
hosts: demo1
become: yes
become_method: sudo # Set become method
remote_user: azureuser # Update username for remote server
tomcat_ver: 9.0.30 # Tomcat version to install
ui_manager_user: manager # User who can access the UI manager section only
ui_manager_pass: Str0ngManagerP#ssw3rd # UI manager user password
ui_admin_username: admin # User who can access bpth manager and admin UI sections
ui_admin_pass: Str0ngAdminP#ssw3rd
# UI admin password
- install_mongodb
- mongo_post_install
- install_tomcat
- tomcat_post_install
I have used import playbook and I want to pass the IP address instead of taking it from inventory file currently install_MongoDb_and_Tomcat.yml playboook taking it from hosts: demo1 which is declared in the inventory file
Declare the variable in group_vars/all.yml which will make it site wide global variable. It'll be overwritten during execution. Then reference the variable in the new playbook and account for the possibility the variable could be the default (fail/exit fast logic).
See Ansible documentation on variable scoping:

Executing specific tasks against specific hosts in an Ansible playbook

I need to deploy my apps to two VMs using an Ansible playbook. Each VM serves a different purpose and my app consists of several different components, so each component has its own set of tasks in the playbook.
My inventory file looks like this:
Ansible playbooks only have one for declaring hosts, which is right at the top and all the tasks execute against the specified hosts. But what I hope to achieve is:
Tasks 1 to 10 execute against the vig group
Tasks 11 to 20 execute against the websvr group
All in the same playbook, as in: ansible-playbook -i <inventory file> deploy.yml.
Is that possible? Do I have to use Ansible roles to achieve this?
Playbooks can have multiple plays (see
Playbooks can contain multiple plays. You may have a playbook that
targets first the web servers, and then the database servers. For
- hosts: webservers
remote_user: root
- name: ensure apache is at the latest version
name: httpd
state: latest
- name: write the apache config file
src: /srv/httpd.j2
dest: /etc/httpd.conf
- hosts: databases
remote_user: root
- name: ensure postgresql is at the latest version
name: postgresql
state: latest
- name: ensure that postgresql is started
name: postgresql
state: started

Cant start adminctl because of ## placeholders in admin.conf from Connections 6.5 IHS

I made a Connections 6.5 headless installation which itself works, but couldn't start adminctl in the
# cd /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/
# ./adminctl start
Syntax error on line 7 of /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/admin.conf:
Port must be specified
Line 7 seems like an variable, that doesn't got parsed properly when configuring the IHS
# grep Listen ../conf/admin.conf
Listen ##AdminPort##
There are also other such ## variables in the config file:
# grep ## ../conf/admin.conf
Listen ##AdminPort##
User ##SetupadmUser##
Group ##SetupadmGroup##
ServerName cnx65.internal:##AdminPort##
Why are those values not correctly replaced? For example to Listen 8008 (default IHS admin port).
How I configure the IHS
The machine got provisioned using ansible, where the following shell command runs for IHS plugin configuration:
./ -tool pct -createDefinition -defLocPathname /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins -response /tmp/plugin-response-file.txt -defLocName webserver1
Response file /tmp/plugin-response-file.txt:
As you can see, all required variables for substitution were present. So the tool should be able to replace ##AdminPort## by the value 8008. just creates the WAS definition for the IHS, but doesn't prepare the admin server. We need to do this manually with postinst and setupadm as documented here. This seems not just required for zip installations. My installation was done using Installation Manager and the admin server doesn't work without those steps.
I automated it in Ansible like this:
- name: Check if admin config is properly parsed
become: yes
shell: grep ##AdminPort## {{ }}/conf/admin.conf
register: admin_conf_check
# File not found raise rc = 2, rc = 0 found, rc = 1 not found but file exists
failed_when: admin_conf_check.rc != 0 and admin_conf_check.rc != 1
changed_when: False
- set_fact:
admin_conf_is_configured: "{{ admin_conf_check.rc == 1 }}"
- name: Parse IHS admin config
become: yes
# plugin_config_file is defined in http-plugin.yml
shell: |
./bin/postinst -i $PWD -t setupadm -v ADMINPORT={{ http_server.admin_port }} -v SETUPADMUSER=nobody -v SETUPADMGROUP=nobody
./bin/setupadm -usr nobody -grp nobody -cfg conf/httpd.conf -plg {{ plugin_config_file }} -adm conf/admin.conf
chdir: "{{ }}"
LANG: "{{ system_language }}"
register: ihs_setup
# setupadm returns 90 if it was successfull: "Script Completed RC(90)"
failed_when: ihs_setup.rc != 90
when: not admin_conf_is_configured
- name: Create htpasswd for admin config
become: yes
shell: ./bin/htpasswd -c conf/admin.passwd adminihs
chdir: "{{ }}"
creates: "{{ }}/conf/admin.passwd"
LANG: "{{ system_language }}" is the IHS base path, e.g. /opt/IBM/HTTPServer
http_server.admin_port is the IBM default value 8008
plugin_config_file is set to /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins/config/{{ }}/plugin-cfg.xml where matches the definition name in WAS (webserver1 in my example)
system_language is set to en_US.utf8 to make sure that we get english error message for output validation (when required), independent of the configured OS language
After running those configuration tools, we can see that all placeholders were replaced by their corresponding values:
# grep -i listen ../conf/admin.conf
Listen 8008
Running the admin server by executing ./adminctl start in the bin directory now works as expected.
I heard from folks in the lab at IBM that webServerSelected=IHS is not being regognized and it must be webServerSelected=ihs (lowercase)
Specifies the web server to be configured
Specify only one web server to configure.
Apache Web Server Version 2.2
64-bit configuration not supported on Windows
Apache Web Server Version 2.4
64-bit configuration not supported on Windows
IBM® HTTP Server
64-bit configuration not supported on Windows

How to make an ansible playbook that works according to user input?

In my ansible playbook i am taking 2 inputs from user and i also wanted to take a third input which should be optional at times and if user provides the value for var3 then playbook must execute a task otherwise it should not, so what is the way to achieve this?
Also i wanted to know that i am using awx open-source UI for ansible so i choose the hosts to run the playbook in ansible awx inventory, after that what should i write in 'hosts' of my playbook or it can be left alone.
- name: Updating "{{ service_name }}" server codebase and starting its service.
hosts: all
- name: Stopping nginx service
command: sudo service nginx stop
- name: Performing git checkout in the specified directory "{{ path }}"
command: git checkout .
chdir: "{{ path }}"
- name: Running npm install in the directory "{{ path }}"
command: npm install
chdir: "{{ path }}/node_modules"
- name: Restarting the "{{ service_name }}" service
command: sudo service "{{ service_name }}" restart
- name: Restarting the nginx service
command: sudo service nginx restart
Who is the user in this instance? you? if you are the user then you can run
ansible-playbook -i hosts <your-playbook> -e "service_name=<yourservice>"
to dynamically change the service_name variable upon playbook excecution.
you can then add the second variable to the command also, but be aware with the 'optional' third variable as i'm sure if you do not reference all variables in your playbook you will get an error.
EDIT: You will need to ref both service_name and path variables when you execute the ansible-playbook command, where is the 3rd variable as it doesnt appear to be in your provided code sample?

How can I get ansible to only install MySQL if it's being run via Vagrant?

Our actual setup runs on AWS where we have RDS available, but in vagrant we naturally need to install MySQL locally. What's the normal way of skipping installation with Vagrant? My ansible file looks something like this:
- name: foo
hosts: foo
sudo: yes
- common-web
- bennojoy.mysql
- php
I would recommend having specific groups in your inventory file, and run an 'install locally' playbook on the vagrant instances. This also means you would want to run an 'install RDS config' playbook on the AWS instances of course...
Trying to do all the things in all the places in one playbook is possible, but imo its cleaner to have different playbooks for different environments.
You can do this, as the vagrant always created a directory on the root level "/vagrant"
So just check it like this:
- name: foo
hosts: foo
sudo: yes
- common-web
- bennojoy.mysql
- php
- name: Check that /vagrant directory exist
command: /usr/bin/test -e /vagrant
register: dir_exists
- common-web
- { role: bennojoy.mysql, when: when: dir_exists.rc == 0 }
- php
Here I am supposing that "bennojoy.mysql" is your main mysql role, please check it and let me know if it work for you. Thanks
