How can I map a hostname to localhost with only port? - web-hosting

I want to map to localhost:8080, but any other ports like still map to remote server.
How can I achieve it by a simple way?


connect to server running under wsl 1 from another machine

I have a program that runs from wsl 1 listening to grpc requests under port 5032. When I want to communicate from windows to that program I use host name localhost and the specified port, it works. But when I tried to look up the ip address via ip route and sending requests to that ip with the same port from different machine it didn't work.
Is it possible to send requests from another machine to wsl?
If yes, what should be done: maybe some additional configuration is needed or could I use the wrong ip?

Command to check if can access to Websocket address & port

I'm looking for a command like:
But I also want to use the port, like
I want to know if a client can connect to my servers socket listener at a certain port.
My core problem is, 100% of users are able to connect to my websocket port at 8080, but only single digit x% are able to connect to websocket port at 2053. This is independent of device. After research I've found out that some ISPs might be blocking this port.

How to allow Socket IO requests on Amazon EC2 instance?

I have a web app running on a Amazon EC2 Instance on port 8080, the webapp while starting, starts a Socket io server listening on port 9092.
in the client file connecting to the Socket io server i have this:
Unfortunately, this request is getting blocked as shown :
I thought the problem was about inbound rules of my EC2 instance, i therefore allowed traffic for the purpose as shown:
But the requests are still blocked...
NOTE: When my app is hosted locally, everything works fine.
So why is amazon behaving this way and what am i supposed to do to come across this issue?
netstat -a -n | grep 9092 outputs this on instance:
Also have a look on what firefox shows me about a request attempt timings:
It turns that i was binding my server to the localhost address, as if it were accessed from the localhost.
Thanks to #robertklep comment, i did bound the server to the ec2 instance address and it's working now.
The easiest way to establish a socket connection with your server from outside of EC2 is to listen to all the incoming traffic:
server.listen(3000, '');
This is only recommended for testing and development environment. Do not use this for production.

Https alternative port for 443

I have two raspberry pi and I have two different services on every.
In one case I have open port for 443 (https). I would like to have the (https) on second machine. Is there any alternative port for 443, or I can set any I want?
Also is there any alternative port for 80?
I have two heavy (for rpi:D ) services on each, that is why I want to have alternative ports opened.
Is there any regularity I should follow?
If you setup your rpi to serve https on two different ports (which you can do in the daemons config), then you can access both easily :
The one on the default port can be accessed simply with https://hostname/ or https://ip-address/, whereas the one on the specific port can be accessed by specifying the port, for example : https://hostname:444/
(Same goes for http on port 80)

Port forwarding mac between two networks

I Have a Macbook that connects to two networks. One by ethernet port and the other by a usb ethernet adapter. I'm looking to forward an incoming call to a specific port on the macbook to a different ip/port on the other network. Is this possible?
So for instance, i would like a call to port 7000 to be forwarded to port 8000.
Thanks in advance!
Not my strong suit, but as no-one is answering you, I'll suggest this...
You should be able to get there with ssh something like this:
ssh -L
I think you will need to go to Apple->System Preferences->Sharing and enable the Remote Login service first.
