Where Not In using query builder - laravel-5

Similary with this question I need to execute the following Sql query:
SELECT COUNT(*) from table where column NOT IN (SELECT table2.id from table2 where table2.someanothercolumn >0 );
Using Eloquent's query builder, therefore I tried the following (Model Table maps into table table and Model TableTwo maps into table table2):
$enties = Table::where('id',function($q){
But on the cide above how I can Place the NOT IN clause?

Your answer is in the following snippet of code:
$enties = Table::whereNotIn('id',function($q){
In other words just use the whereNotIn.


Oracle PIVOT with subquery (without XML clause)

Oracle 19.3 on Win2019
Looking for a solution to pivot data based on the subquery. I looked for examples, but all I found is the "pivot xml" solution, which returns xml-formated column.
Here is my query:
with assign_data as
select --*
,sum(pd2_assign_so_quantity) qty
from pd2_assignment
where business_unit_id = '81'
and style_id = 'Y186F3D'
and color_id = '035Y'
and property_mark = '8FQR'
group by
order by size_id
select * from assign_data
pivot XML (
sum(qty) for (in_whse_date) in ( select distinct in_whse_date from assign_data)
Inner query produces this:
Pivot XML produces this:
Question: Is it possible to generate PIVOT with columns from a subquery that are not in xml format?
If not, is there another way to simulate this pivot behavior?

Using same table in subquery

I am failing to convert next SQL code into laravel eloquent:
SELECT t1.template, t1.created_at
FROM sent_emails t1
where created_at = (
select max(created_at) from sent_emails t2 where t2.template = t1.template
group by t1.created_at, t1.template
SELECT t1.template, t1.created_at
FROM sent_emails t1
SELECT Max(created_at) date, template
FROM sent_emails
GROUP BY template
) AS t2
ON t1.template = t2.template
AND t1.created_at = t2.date
group by t1.created_at, t1.template
Both queries return same data set. Creating subquery in separate variable is not an option as I need multiple values to be returned from it.
I also don't know how can I set alias name if I create table using models (and not using DB::), so this is my unsuccessful try:
$sent_emails = SentEmail::where('created_at', function($query) {
SentEmail::where('template', 't1.template')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
})->groupBy('template', 'created_at')->get(['template', 'created_at']);
You query should be something like this (I'm not at a computer to test this, so it may require further editing)
$sent_emails = SentEmail::where('created_at', function($query) {
$query->where('created_at', SentEmail::->whereColumn('column_name', 'table.column_name')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->max('created_at'));
})->groupBy('template', 'created_at')->get(['template', 'created_at']);

eloquent where not in query?

I'm trying to build the following sql query with eloquent. The query gives me all records from table_a which are in the list of ids and do not appear in table_b.
select * from table_a
where id in (1,2,3)
and id not in
(select tablea_id from table_b
where tablea_id in (1,2,3))
So how do I do it in eloquent ? I want to avoid using a raw query.
//does not work
->whereNotIn('id', TableB::select('tabla_id')->whereIn($ids));
To run a subquery you have to pass a closure:
->whereNotIn('id', function($q){
// more where conditions

joining two tables with one table in oracle

I have a table pa_master_details and lov_details.
In the pa_master_details table, I have role_comp_emp_final_rating and role_comp_lm_final_rating columns.
In the lov_details table I have a column rating lov_value and lov_text_en.
I need to join role_comp_emp_final_rating with the lov_value column to get lov_text_en
Based on this lov_value, I need to show lov_text_en from the lov_details table.
So I wrote a query like this and am getting the result for emp rating:
SELECT p.employee_number,
FROM pa_master_details P, lov_details L
WHERE p.role_comp_emp_final_rating = l.lov_value
AND p.employee_number = 34570
Similarly, I need to show lov_text_en for role_comp_lm_final_rating from the lov_details table by joining
role_comp_lm_final_rating with lov_value in the same query.
How do I do it?
I think this is what you're asking for:
SELECT p.employee_number,
lemp.lov_text_en AS "emp_lov_text",
llm.lov_text_en AS "lm_lov_text",
FROM pa_master_details p
JOIN (SELECT lov_text FROM lov_details) lemp ON p.role_comp_emp_final_rating = lemp.lov_value
JOIN (SELECT lov_text FROM lov_details) llm ON p.role_comp_lm_final_rating = llm.lov_value
WHERE p.employee_number = 34570

Linq query ("not in ") on datatable

I would like to return all rows from TableA table that does not exists in another table.
select bench_id from TableA where bench_id not in (select bench_id from TableB )
can you please help me write equivalent LINQ query. Here TableA is from Excel and TableB is from a Database
I am loading Excel sheet data into DataTable, TableA. TableB I am loading from Database. In short, TableA and TableB is type of DataTable
So if table A is from Excel, are you loading the data into memory first? If so (i.e. you're using LINQ to Objects) then I suggest you load the IDs in table B into a set and then use:
var query = tableA.Where(entry => !tableBIdSet.Contains(entry.Id));
If this isn't appropriate, please give more details.
Converting into a set is probably best done just by using the HashSet constructor which takes an IEnumerable<T>. For example:
var tableBIdSet = new HashSet<string>(db.TableB.Select(entry => entry.Id));
(If the IDs aren't actually distinct, you could add a call to Distinct() at the end.)
var lPenaltyEmployee = from row1 in tBal.getPenaltyEmployeeList().AsEnumerable()
select row1;
var PenaltyEmp = new HashSet<string>(lPenaltyEmployee.Select(Entry => Entry.Emsrno);
DataTable lAbsentEmp = (from row in tBal.getAbsentEmployee(txtFromDate.Text).AsEnumerable()
where !(PenaltyEmp).Contains(row["Emsrno"].ToString())
select row).CopyToDataTable();
From a in TableA
Group Join b in TableB on a.bench_id Equalsb.bench_id into g = Group
Where g.Count = 0
Select a
