How to import grafana dashboard json file manually - grafana-api

I have exported the dashboard in json format.
I want to import the json file manually to create the same dashboard in new grafana instance.
While googling i got some related information but finding difficulties to implement successfully.
From the site Grafana API link i got the code snippet like,
POST /api/dashboards/db HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoiT0tTcG1pUlY2RnVKZTFVaDFsNFZXdE9ZWmNrMkZYbk
“dashboard”: {
“id”: null,
“uid”: null,
“title”: “Production Overview”,
“tags”: [ “templated” ],
“timezone”: “browser”,
“schemaVersion”: 16,
“version”: 0
“folderId”: 0,
“overwrite”: false
The above code snippet looks like we can create new dashboard with existing json file but i have no idea of how to implement this code snippet successfully.
Somebody guide me how to achieve this?

There are two techniques to copy the current dashboard -
if you want to export this
Go to Current Grafana Dashboard
Select the Share button on the top
Select the Export Button and Copy the JSON or save it as JSON
Create new Grafana dashboard and copy this JSON model to
Click on the Setting button on the top
Click on JSON Model - from left panel
Past the JSON & Save the dashboard and run
Please let me know if you have any issue.

I found and answer to your question - how to import a dashboard in grafana by api - in this post on the community board of Grafana:
Haven't tried this out yet though (we are planning on doing something like this as well).
I will quote the original question in this post:
Hi All,
I know how to create a dashboard via API but I don’t find instructions to how to create panels within that dashboard still via API. Any idea?
the part of the message that explains the answer:
And the response that contains the answer to the question:
The panels need to be defined within the JSON that you submit in your POST request.
The example in the docs doesn’t spell this out, beyond
dashboard – The complete dashboard model
To get hands-on with this, you can (1) create a new dashboard with some panels manually, (2) export that dashboard’s definition as JSON, (3) put the exported dashboard definition inside the “dashboard” field of a new JSON object, (4) POST the resulting JSON object to the API endpoint. This will create a copy of your original dashboard. From there on, you can edit the JSON model you’re posting in order to modify or add any panels you desire.
So to your original question, if you want to add a panel to an existing dashboard you can obtain its definition via the API, add the panel to the JSON object, and push the updated model. (keep the same id/uid and set "overwrite": true)"

Note that (now?) grafana has a nice import function too:


drf_yasg and amazon api gateway returns json instead of html ui

I have setup my python api service using djangorestframework and I am using drf_yasg for showing swagger docs for my api.
Here is glance of setup:
schema_view = get_schema_view(
title='My API',
description='rest service',
license=openapi.License(name='BSD License'),
urlpatterns = [
path('pyapi/weather/', include('')),
re_path(r'^pyapi/swagger(?P<format>\.json|\.yaml)$', schema_view.without_ui(cache_timeout=0), name='schema-json'),
re_path(r'^pyapi/swagger/$', schema_view.with_ui('swagger', cache_timeout=0), name='schema-swagger-ui'),
re_path(r'^pyapi/redoc/$', schema_view.with_ui('redoc', cache_timeout=0), name='schema-redoc'),
Next I setup this api with amazon ec2 and stuff, and I am using Amazon API Gateway to access the api from containers.
Now the problem is when I try to access that using api gateway domain, it returns swagger JSON instead of HTML.
I tried several things like setting Content-Type mappings in method response and integration response but nothing works.
In my local machine it shows html as expected, so I am suspecting problem is in my gateway settings.
I highly appreciate if someone can help!
Ok I solved mystery!
After tons of tries and looking here and there, I found there was problem in API Gateway Request header setting.
Actually drf-yasg also kind of weird let me tell you why.
After setting up urls as I shown in first image, if you try to access http://localhost:8000/pyapi/swagger/ it shows UI perfectly.
At that time value of request header is Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
Now same URL if you pass request header "Accept: application/json" then istead of showing html UI, it shows swagger JSON! wutt!!
That I found in Amazon API Gateways's test method's output. It was by default sending "Accept: application/json" and thats why I was always getting swagger.json in output. That was showstopper thing!
I changed it to Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 and now I could see UI perfectly!
I hope this will save time of many other people like me who are new to this kind of stuff!

Where do I get the value for `shopOrigin` when using Shopify app bridge?

Throughout the documentation for the new App Bridge, Shopify refers to the shopOrigin value and how it's used to configure the Provider from app-bridge-react but they never specify how to get this value?
The react app is loaded inside of an iframe and the src includes the shopOrigin value as a query string param called shop, but when I try the following code I get the error window is not defined:
const params = queryString.parse(;
const config = {
apiKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY,
1) Why would I be getting window is not defined in javascript code running in a browser?! This makes no sense to me
2) If this value can be read from of the provided libraries such as #shopufy/app-bridge-react please tell me how
Unless you're using a library tailored specifically to Shopify, you have to manually save the shop origin during OAuth authorization.
Hopefully this Shopify tutorial is of some assistance
The shopOrigin is available within your browser cookies.
If you followed the Shopify development for react and Node.js, you should already saved this after the Shopify authentification.
I am not sure what exactly is the need for shopOrigin, if you just wanted to go to admin section of the shop from client side you can use Redirect in app bridge. otherwise you can store the shop detail on server during auth process and create a get api to retrive the details on client side as needed.

Unsure how to retrieve data from a custom endpoint?

Context to this post is I'm a java developer attempting to teach myself Ember. It isn't going well. I realize this question is pretty vague so I apologize, I'm not even sure what I should be asking...
I need to pull data into a model, i.e. via some sort of query, from a heroku json endpoint. In the application.js file, I have the following:
import DS from ‘ember-data’;
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
host: ''
Ideally I would like to pull this data into a user model, then display that data on a page as a sort of proof of concept. This unfortunately gets me nothing. Nor am I even sure I'm going about this correctly. Should I be doing something different than attempting to use Host Customization? Any guidance would be much appreciated!
There are different things involved for retrieving records via ember-data.
First of all you should define your models:
// app/models/post.js
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string')
You should retrieve records in a model hook of a route.
// app\routes\posts.js
import Route from '#ember/routing/route';
export default Route.extend({
model() {
return this.get('store').findAll('post');
Then you should configure your api host and maybe a namespace. You included that step in your question:
// app/adapters/application.js
import DS from ‘ember-data’;
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
host: ''
If your api does not implement JSON Api specification you need to customize your serializer and adapter. Ember-data ships with a RESTAdapter/RestSerializer additionally to the default adapter and serializer which implements JSON Api spec. There is also one abstract adapter and serializer If you need to start from scratch. Before that I would definitely have a look if there is any community adapter/serializer fitting your needs.
To decouple api and client development and to speed up tests I would recommend ember-cli-mirage which allows you to mock your api.

How to send custom form data to FineUploader Azure Success endpoint?

I am using FineUploader 5.13.0 with the Azure Blob Storage end point.
I have it successfully uploading files directly to blob storage, and also successfully hitting my web server success endpoint when the upload is concluded.
However, I am looking for a way to include custom data in the post to the success endpoint.
This bit in the documentation seems to imply that it is possible.
Under the section "Optional server-side tasks" for "uploadSuccess.endpoint", it says it will send
"Any parameters/form fields you have associated with the file".
However, I just cannot seem to figure out how to do that.
This issue seems to refer to it, but doesn't give enough info.
Note, I am not referring to the feature to hook into existing HTML forms as explained on this documentation page:
"Integrating with Existing HTML Forms"
You might be looking for FineUploader's Request params. This allows you to add extra form data.
new qq.FineUploader({
// elided
request: {
params: {
testing: "THIS IS A TEST"
This will show up in the multi-part body of the request:

How to load the data using Ajax in Django template?

Using Ajax in Django is a open Issue. I have tried to understand it by reading blogs and forums, but it didn't work for me. I am posting a very simple question related to it.
Method defined in (just a sample)
def widget_data(request):
extra_context = {
'data': username
'part': company
return direct_to_template(request,'test/widgets.html',
I want to load extra_context to rendered template using Ajax.
Following things will happen in widget.html template i.e.
When a moderator will type a URL at the address bar to open a page it will load two widgets i.e. one for loading all the registered username and other one for their company name . user are continuously registering to the sites and adding company name to their profile. When a new user will registered to the site both widget should load automatically using Ajax.
I have no idea about the topic of Ajax.
How to do this?
How should i even start this?
I have read these following links :
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
I know that the answer will be too long and too messy but any help will be appreciative.
If you use jQuery you can do the following
$.get('/url/of/widget_data/view', success(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
That would probably be the easiest way to do it.
