How to put a name in uppercase? - ruby

Here below is a picture of the challenge that i have to complete. I already tried two ways to solve this problem but i still can't fix it.
Here below is the snippet of how i tried to solve the problem. It might not make sense at all because i tried to solve the problem by applying what i can remember from learning Ruby a while ago. Like explained in the picture above please do not change the code that is outside the "# Please write your code below this line..." and the "# ...and above this line." comment.
my_name = "Jordan"
# Please write your code below this line...
# The first way i tried to fix this problem
def my_name(name)
upper = my_name.upcase
my_name = upper.upcase!
# Second way i tried to to fix this problem
def my_name(name)
upper = my_name.upcase
# ...and above this line.
puts "My name is #{upper(my_name)}"

puts "My name is #{my_name.upcase}"
work? If you want to make it into a method, you could just return the .upcase of the parameter given. I don't use ruby, so I wouldn't know as much as others, though.
Just call the method upcase of the class String

Try this.
def upper(str, target)
str.gsub(/\b#{target}\b/i) { |s| s.upcase }
target = "jordan"
upper("My name is Jordan", target)
#=> "My name is JORDAN"
upper("My name is Bob", target)
#=> "My name is Bob"
upper("My name is Jordanny", target)
#=> "My name is Jordanny"
upper("My name is Bojordan", target)
#=> "My name is Bojordan
upper("My name is Bob", "bob")
#=> "My name is BOB"
The word breaks (\b) prevent matches in the last two examples. See String#gsub. Note:
#=> /\bjordan\b/i

The other answers provide sufficient solutions, but I wanted to share why this is happening to you. You were close but there's a little nuance to the way upcase! works that isn't intuitive
You original code snippet has this:
upper = my_name.upcase
The my_name.upcase method takes your input, Jordan, and upcases it (just like you expect) and assigns it to the upper variable.
But, you also had this line:
my_name = upper.upcase!
Which is equivalent to "JORDAN".upcase! (because the first upcase call already upcased the text for you. Per the ruby docs I linked above, this method returns nil if no changes were made. Since you already upcased the word, no changes are made, so it returns nil
You can use one of the solutions in the other others, or simply delete the 2nd line where you call upcase!
This is all you really need to do:
def my_name(name)


Outputting hash to text file

I am having trouble outputting the contents of my hash to a file. The program is one that manages a list of student records, including their StudentID, first name, last name, Major, and catalog year. Once the user is finished adding records, it is then added to the hash.
Everything in the program works perfectly, except when I try running the quit_program function, it doesn't save the contents in the file. Additionally, i am not getting any errors, any ideas?
could it potentially not be working because it is having trouble with converting the text in my hash, which is alphanumeric, into the text file?
def quit_program()
puts "Save Changes? y/n"
#changes = gets().chomp
if #changes=="y", 'w')
#sDB.each do |key, store_account_data| #line 50
puts "#{key}: #{store_account_data.join(',')}"
You're not writing anything to the file. The string #this_string is empty. You should do
#sDB.each do |key, store_account_data|
#fh.puts "#{key}: #{store_account_data.join(',')}"
it doesn't save the contents in the file.
The following is NOT how you write to a file:
puts "#{key}: #{store_account_data.join(',')}"
That is how you write to your terminal/console window.
And this code:
writes a blank string to the file.
Here is how you write to a file:
class Student
def initialize(sDB, filename)
#sDB = sDB
#filename = filename
def save_changes()
puts "Save Changes? y/n"
user_answer = gets().chomp
if user_answer == "y", 'w') do |f|
#sDB.each do |key, store_account_data| #line 50
f.puts "#{key}: #{store_account_data.join(',')}"
could it potentially not be working because it is having trouble with
converting the text in my hash, which is alphanumeric, into the text
No. Here is a concrete example you can try:
data = {
"John" => ['a', 123, 'b', 456],
"Sally" => ['c', 789, 'b', 0]
}'data.txt', 'w') do |f|
data.each do |name, data|
f.puts "#{name}: #{data.join(',')}"
$ ruby myprog.rb
$ cat data.txt
John: a,123,b,456
Sally: c,789,b,0
Also, ruby indenting is 2 spaces--not 0 spaces or 3 spaces, or anything else.
The answer is given in the error message: undefined local variable or method 'sDB'. (Which you have since removed from your question making the edited version next to impossible to answer.) Where and when is sDB defined in your program? You are evidently attempting to quit before initializing it.
In any case it is not a good thing to be accessing instance variables directly inside other methods. You should use accessor (getter and setter) methods instead. That would have probably prevented this situation from biting you in the first place.
def sdb
#sDB ||=
def sdb=( key, value )
#sDB[ key ] = value
. . .
You are not properly writing to a file even if #sDB is defined. See Ruby - Printing a hash to txt file for an example.
Your question is missing essential input data, so there's no way to test our suggested changes.
Here's untested code I'd work from:
def quit_program
puts "Save Changes? y/n"
if gets.chomp.downcase == 'y'
#file_name,{ |k, v| "#{ k }: #{ v.join(',') }" }.join("\n")
#sDB isn't a proper variable name in Ruby. We use snake_case, not camelCase for variables and method names. ItsAMatterOfReadability. Follow the convention or suffer the wrath of your team members the first time you have a code review.
Don't add empty parenthesis to method names (quit_program()) or calls (gets()) unless it's essential to tell the difference between a variable and a method invocation. You should also never name a variable the same as a method because it'll confuse everyone working on the code, so that should never be a consideration.
Don't create a variable (#changes) you use once and throw away, unless what you're doing is so complex you need to break down the operation into smaller chunks. And, if you're doing that, it'd be a really good candidate for refactoring into separate methods, so again, just don't.
When comparing user-input to something you expect, fold the case of their input to match what you expect. (gets.chomp.downcase == 'y'). It really irritates users to enter "y" and fail because you insisted on "Y".
While you can use to create or write to a file, there's less visual noise to use File.write. open is great when you need to use various options for the mode but for plain text write is sufficient.
The whole block used for writing looks like it can be cleaned up to a single map and join, which coerces the data into an array of strings then into a single string.

Convert a letter to its corresponding control code

Given a single letter (string), say "a", I want to convert this into its corresponding control code, i.e. "\ca" - or equivalently (in alternate syntax) - "\C-a", ?\ca, "\x01", "\u0001"
I was hoping there'd be some "nice", clean way of doing this conversion, but I can't figure it out.
An obvious first attempt might be to try something like:
def convert_to_control_code(letter)
...But this does not work, since this will always return "\u0003{letter}" (where "\u0003" is the control code "\c#"
My current solution is simply to "brute force" it by doing the following:
def convert_to_control_code(letter)
(0..255).detect { |x| x.chr =~"\\c#{char}") }.chr
However, I can't help but feel there's a "right" way of doing this!
Here's another, non brute-force solution I've come up with, that seems to work:
def convert_to_control_code(letter)
(letter.ord % 32).chr
This looks much nicer, but also very hacky!
You can write it as :
def convert_to_control_code(letter)
eval "?\\C-#{letter.chr}"
convert_to_control_code(97) # => "\u0001"
convert_to_control_code(98) # => "\u0002"
One possibility is to do the same as Ruby itself does. It might look something like this:
def convert_to_control(letter)
letter = letter.chr # ensure we are only dealing with a single char
return 0177.chr if letter == '?'
raise 'an error' unless letter.ascii_only? # or do something else
(letter.ord & 0x9f).chr
You might want to change the encoding of the result depending on what you are doing.

Why does Array.to_s return brackets?

For an array, when I type:
puts array[0]
==> text
Yet when I type
puts array[0].to_s
==> ["text"]
Why the brackets and quotes? What am I missing?
ADDENDUM: my code looks like this
page = open(url) {|f| }
page_array = page.scan(/regex/) #pulls partial urls into an array
partial_url = page_array[0].to_s
full_url = base_url + partial_url #adds each partial url to a consistent base_url
puts full_url
what I'm getting looks like:
This print the array as is without brackets
array.join(", ")
to_s is just an alias to inspect for the Array class.
Not that this means a lot other than instead of expecting array.to_s to return a string it's actually returning array.inspect which, based on the name of the method, isn't really what you are looking for.
If you want just the "guts" try:
If there are multiple elements to the array:
page_array.join(" ")
This will make:
page_array = ["test","this","function"]
"test this function"
What "to_s" on an Array returns, depends on the version of Ruby you are using as mentioned above. 1.9.X returns:
You need to show us the regex to really fix this properly, but this will do it:
Replace this
partial_url = page_array[0].to_s
with this
partial_url = page_array[0][0]
This doesn't necessarily fix why you are getting a doubled-up array, but you can flatten it and then call the first element like this.
page_array = page.scan(/regex/).flatten
Flattening takes out stacked arrays and creates one level, so if you had [1,2,[3,[4,5,6]]] and called flatten on it, you would get [1,2,3,4,5,6]
It is also more robust than doing array[0][0], because, if you had more than two arrays nested in the first element, you would run into the same issue.
Iain is correct though, without seeing the regex, we can't suss out the root cause.

is this a valid ruby syntax?

if step.include? "apples" or "banana" or "cheese"
say "yay"
Several issues with your code.
step.include? "apples" or "banana" or "cheese"
This expression evaluates to:
step.include?("apples") or ("banana") or ("cheese")
Because Ruby treats all values other than false and nil as true, this expression will always be true. (In this case, the value "banana" will short-circuit the expression and cause it to evaluate as true, even if the value of step does not contain any of these three.)
Your intent was:
step.include? "apples" or step.include? "banana" or step.include? "cheese"
However, this is inefficient. Also it uses or instead of ||, which has a different operator precedence, and usually shouldn't be used in if conditionals.
Normal or usage:
do_something or raise "Something went wrong."
A better way of writing this would have been:
step =~ /apples|banana|cheese/
This uses a regular expression, which you're going to use a lot in Ruby.
And finally, there is no say method in Ruby unless you define one. Normally you would print something by calling puts.
So the final code looks like:
if step =~ /apples|banana|cheese/
puts "yay"
The last two terms appear to Ruby as true, rather than having anything to do with the include? phrase.
Assuming that step is a string...
step = "some long string with cheese in the middle"
you could write something like this.
puts "yay" if step.match(/apples|banana|cheese/)
Here's a way to call step.include? on each of the arguments until one of them returns true:
if ["apples", "banana", "cheese"].any? {|x| step.include? x}
It's definitely not what you appear to be wanting. The include? method takes in a String, which is not what "apples" or "banana" or "cheese" produces. Try this instead:
puts "yay" if ["apples", "banana", "cheese"].include?(step)
But it's unclear from the context what step is supposed to be. If it's just the single word, then this is fine. If it can be a whole sentence, try joel.neely's answer.
The closest thing to that syntax that would do what you appear to want would be something like:
if ["apples", "banana", "cheese"].include?(step)
puts "yay"
But one of the other suggestions using a regex would be more concise and readable.
Assuming step is an Array or a Set or something else that supports set intersection with the & operator, I think the following code is the most idiomatic:
unless (step & ["apples","banana","cheese"]).empty?
puts 'yay'
I'll add some parentheses for you:
if (step.include? "apples") or ("banana") or ("cheese")
say "yay"
(That would be why it's always saying "yay" -- because the expression will always be true.)
Just to add another side to this...
If step is an Array (as calling include? seems to suggest) then maybe the code should be:
if (step - %w{apples banana cheese}) != step
puts 'yay'

Access variables programmatically by name in Ruby

I'm not entirely sure if this is possible in Ruby, but hopefully there's an easy way to do this. I want to declare a variable and later find out the name of the variable. That is, for this simple snippet:
foo = ["goo", "baz"]
How can I get the name of the array (here, "foo") back? If it is indeed possible, does this work on any variable (e.g., scalars, hashes, etc.)?
Edit: Here's what I'm basically trying to do. I'm writing a SOAP server that wraps around a class with three important variables, and the validation code is essentially this:
[foo, goo, bar].each { |param|
if param.class != Array
puts "param_name wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
return "Error: param_name wasn't an Array"
My question is then: Can I replace the instances of 'param_name' with foo, goo, or bar? These objects are all Arrays, so the answers I've received so far don't seem to work (with the exception of re-engineering the whole thing ala dbr's answer)
What if you turn your problem around? Instead of trying to get names from variables, get the variables from the names:
["foo", "goo", "bar"].each { |param_name|
param = eval(param_name)
if param.class != Array
puts "#{param_name} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
return "Error: #{param_name} wasn't an Array"
If there were a chance of one the variables not being defined at all (as opposed to not being an array), you would want to add "rescue nil" to the end of the "param = ..." line to keep the eval from throwing an exception...
You need to re-architect your solution. Even if you could do it (you can't), the question simply doesn't have a reasonable answer.
Imagine a get_name method.
a = 1
Everyone could probably agree this should return 'a'
b = a
Should it return 'b', or 'a', or an array containing both?
[b,a].each do |arg|
Should it return 'arg', 'b', or 'a' ?
def do_stuff( arg )
Should it return 'arg', 'b', or 'a', or maybe the array of all of them? Even if it did return an array, what would the order be and how would I know how to interpret the results?
The answer to all of the questions above is "It depends on the particular thing I want at the time." I'm not sure how you could solve that problem for Ruby.
It seems you are trying to solve a problem that has a far easier solution..
Why not just store the data in a hash? If you do..
data_container = {'foo' => ['goo', 'baz']} is then utterly trivial to get the 'foo' name.
That said, you've not given any context to the problem, so there may be a reason you can't do this..
[edit] After clarification, I see the issue, but I don't think this is the problem.. With [foo, bar, bla], it's equivalent like saying ['content 1', 'content 2', 'etc']. The actual variables name is (or rather, should be) utterly irrelevant. If the name of the variable is important, that is exactly why hashes exist.
The problem isn't with iterating over [foo, bar] etc, it's the fundamental problem with how the SOAP server is returing the data, and/or how you're trying to use it.
The solution, I would say, is to either make the SOAP server return hashes, or, since you know there is always going to be three elements, can you not do something like..
{"foo" => foo, "goo" => goo, "bar"=>bar}.each do |param_name, param|
if param.class != Array
puts "#{param_name} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
puts "Error: #{param_name} wasn't an Array"
OK, it DOES work in instance methods, too, and, based on your specific requirement (the one you put in the comment), you could do this:
local_variables.each do |var|
puts var if (eval(var).class != Fixnum)
Just replace Fixnum with your specific type checking.
I do not know of any way to get a local variable name. But, you can use the instance_variables method, this will return an array of all the instance variable names in the object.
Simple call:
to get an array of all instance variable names.
Building on joshmsmoore, something like this would probably do it:
# Returns the first instance variable whose value == x
# Returns nil if no name maps to the given value
def instance_variable_name_for(x)
self.instance_variables.find do |var|
x == self.instance_variable_get(var)
There's Kernel::local_variables, but I'm not sure that this will work for a method's local vars, and I don't know that you can manipulate it in such a way as to do what you wish to acheive.
Great question. I fully understand your motivation. Let me start by noting, that there are certain kinds of special objects, that, under certain circumstances, have knowledge of the variable, to which they have been assigned. These special objects are eg. Module instances, Class instances and Struct instances:
Dog = # Dog
The catch is, that this works only when the variable, to which the assignment is performed, is a constant. (We all know that Ruby constants are nothing more than emotionally sensitive variables.) Thus:
x = # creating an anonymous module #=> nil # the module does not know that it has been assigned to x
Animal = x # but will notice once we assign it to a constant #=> "Animal"
This behavior of objects being aware to which variables they have been assigned, is commonly called constant magic (because it is limited to constants). But this highly desirable constant magic only works for certain objects:
Rover = #=> raises NoMethodError
Fortunately, I have written a gem y_support/name_magic, that takes care of this for you:
# first, gem install y_support
require 'y_support/name_magic'
class Cat
include NameMagic
The fact, that this only works with constants (ie. variables starting with a capital letter) is not such a big limitation. In fact, it gives you freedom to name or not to name your objects at will:
tmp = # nameless kitty #=> nil
Josie = tmp # by assigning to a constant, we name the kitty Josie #=> :Josie
Unfortunately, this will not work with array literals, because they are internally constructed without using #new method, on which NameMagic relies. Therefore, to achieve what you want to, you will have to subclass Array:
require 'y_support/name_magic'
class MyArr < Array
include NameMagic
foo = ["goo", "baz"] # not named yet #=> nil
Foo = foo # but assignment to a constant is noticed #=> :Foo
# You can even list the instances
MyArr.instances #=> [["goo", "baz"]]
MyArr.instance_names #=> [:Foo]
# Get an instance by name:
MyArr.instance "Foo" #=> ["goo", "baz"]
MyArr.instance :Foo #=> ["goo", "baz"]
# Rename it: = "Quux" #=> :Quux
# Or forget the name again:
MyArr.forget :Quux #=> nil
# In addition, you can name the object upon creation even without assignment
u = [1, 2], name: :Pair #=> :Pair
v = [1, 2, 3], ɴ: :Trinity #=> :Trinity
I achieved the constant magic-imitating behavior by searching all the constants in all the namespaces of the current Ruby object space. This wastes a fraction of second, but since the search is performed only once, there is no performance penalty once the object figures out its name. In the future, Ruby core team has promised const_assigned hook.
You can't, you need to go back to the drawing board and re-engineer your solution.
Foo is only a location to hold a pointer to the data. The data has no knowledge of what points at it. In Smalltalk systems you could ask the VM for all pointers to an object, but that would only get you the object that contained the foo variable, not foo itself. There is no real way to reference a vaiable in Ruby. As mentioned by one answer you can stil place a tag in the data that references where it came from or such, but generally that is not a good apporach to most problems. You can use a hash to receive the values in the first place, or use a hash to pass to your loop so you know the argument name for validation purposes as in DBR's answer.
The closest thing to a real answer to you question is to use the Enumerable method each_with_index instead of each, thusly:
my_array = [foo, baz, bar]
my_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
if item.class != Array
puts "#{my_array[index]} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{item.class}"
I removed the return statement from the block you were passing to each/each_with_index because it didn't do/mean anything. Each and each_with_index both return the array on which they were operating.
There's also something about scope in blocks worth noting here: if you've defined a variable outside of the block, it will be available within it. In other words, you could refer to foo, bar, and baz directly inside the block. The converse is not true: variables that you create for the first time inside the block will not be available outside of it.
Finally, the do/end syntax is preferred for multi-line blocks, but that's simply a matter of style, though it is universal in ruby code of any recent vintage.
