In case of 401 unauthorized remove header from RequestTemplate and retry - spring-boot

I am inserting an authorization header in a feign request but upon a 401 from the server I am retrying with the same request and same header, resulting in the same error. If I expire manually the token then I end up with 2 Authorization headers old and new resulting in a 400 error. So far I don't see any way of removing the old header and as far as I got was something like this:
public RequestInterceptor oauth2ApplicationRequestInterceptor() {
return new OAuth2FeignRequestInterceptor(getOAuth2ClientContext(), oauth2ApplicationResourceDetails()) {
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
if (template.headers().containsKey("Authorization")) {
// if Authorization exists then remove it
} else {
Expiring manually the token is the only way for me at the moment if server gives me a 401 error.

I got the same issue.
Here is the way I've solved it
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
// We make a copy of the original headers
Map<String, Collection<String>> originalHeaders = template.headers();
// We copy the original headers in a new map
Map<String, Collection<String>> newHeaders = new HashMap<String, Collection<String>>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> originalEntry : originalHeaders.entrySet()) {
// Except "Authorization" header
if (!"Authorization".equals(originalEntry.getKey())) {
newHeaders.put(originalEntry.getKey(), originalEntry.getValue());
// This call will clear the template headers Map (see Feign sources)
// We add the new "Authorization" header to the new headers
Collections.singletonList(String.format("%s %s", OAuth2AccessToken.BEARER_TYPE, getToken())));
// Add the headers to the template


Configuring AWS Signing in Reactive Elasticsearch Configuration

In one of our service I tried to configure AWS signing in Spring data Reactive Elasticsearch configuration.
Spring provides the configuring the webclient through webclientClientConfigurer
ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.builder()
webClient -> {
return webClient.mutate().filter(new AwsSigningInterceptor()).build();
. // ... other options to configure if required
through which we can configure to sign the requests but however AWS signing it requires url, queryparams, headers and request body(in case of POST,POST) to generate the signed headers.
Using this I created a simple exchange filter function to sign the request but in this function I was not able to access the request body and use it.
Below is the Filter function i was trying to use
public class AwsSigningInterceptor implements ExchangeFilterFunction
private final AwsHeaderSigner awsHeaderSigner;
public AwsSigningInterceptor(AwsHeaderSigner awsHeaderSigner)
this.awsHeaderSigner = awsHeaderSigner;
public Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest request, ExchangeFunction next)
Map<String, List<String>> signingHeaders = awsHeaderSigner.createSigningHeaders(request, new byte[]{}, "es", "us-west-2"); // should pass request body bytes in place of new byte[]{}
ClientRequest.Builder requestBuilder = ClientRequest.from(request);
signingHeaders.forEach((key, value) -> requestBuilder.header(key, value.toArray(new String[0])));
I also tried to access the request body inside ExchangeFilterFunction using below approach but once i get the request body using below approach.
(outputMessage, context) -> {
ClientHttpRequestDecorator loggingOutputMessage =
new ClientHttpRequestDecorator(outputMessage) {
public Mono<Void> writeWith(Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> body) {"Inside write with method");
body =
content -> {
// Log request body using
// 'content.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)'
String requestBody =
Map<String, Object> signedHeaders =
requestBody.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));"Signed Headers generated:{}", signedHeaders);
(key, value) -> {
newRequest.header(key, value.toString());
return content;
});"Before returning the body");
return super.writeWith(body);
public Mono<Void>
setComplete() { // This is for requests with no body (e.g. GET).
Map<String, Object> signedHeaders =
Optional.of("".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));"Signed Headers generated:{}", signedHeaders);
(key, value) -> {
newRequest.header(key, value.toString());
return super.setComplete();
return originalBodyInserter.insert(loggingOutputMessage, context);
But with above approach I was not able to change the request headers as adding headers throws UnsupportedOperationException inside writewith method.
Has anyone used the spring data reactive elastic search and configured to sign with AWS signed headers?
Any help would be highly appreciated.

Add Basic Authorization HTTP Headers to SOAP Request with Spring-WS

I have been trying to consume a SOAP service using a Spring application, but I've been absolutely stuck for a while. I expect the solution will be very simple and I'm hoping to be pointed in the right direction.
I am able to successfully make requests via SoapUI. I simply loaded the .WSDL file, selected the method to use, and added the username and password with basic authorization from the 'Auth' menu in SoapUI.
In the Spring application, I've gotten to the point of getting a 401 error, so I believe it's almost there. I referenced these two nice examples below to first add the username and password, and secondly to log the HTTP headers to verify that they are populated correctly.
Setting a custom HTTP header dynamically with Spring-WS client
However, neither setting the 'usernamePasswordCredentials', nor setting the connection's request header seems to have any effect. I've also confirmed that the XML body is correct by testing the logged output in SoapUI. So I believe it's just an authorization issue.
Bean/Configuration Class:
public Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller() {
System.out.println("BEAN CREATED: MARSHALLER...");
Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
marshaller.setContextPath("..."); // omitted for example
return marshaller;
public UsernamePasswordCredentials usernamePasswordCredentials() {
return new UsernamePasswordCredentials("testu", "test");
public HttpComponentsMessageSender httpComponentsMessageSender(UsernamePasswordCredentials usernamePasswordCredentials) {
HttpComponentsMessageSender httpComponentsMessageSender = new HttpComponentsMessageSender();
return httpComponentsMessageSender;
public TicketDetailsClient ticketDetailsClient(Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller) {
TicketDetailsClient ticketDetailsClient = new TicketDetailsClient();
ticketDetailsClient.setDefaultUri("..."); // omitted for example
return ticketDetailsClient;
Bean Method:
public GetTicketDetailsResponse getTicketDetails(long definitionId, long itemId) {
ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory();
this.template.setInterceptors(new ClientInterceptor[] {new LogHttpHeaderClientInterceptor()});
GetItemDetailsRequest itemDetailsRequest = new GetItemDetailsRequest();
GetTicketDetails getTicketDetails = new GetTicketDetails();
JAXBElement<GetTicketDetails> elGetTicketDetails = of.createGetTicketDetails(getTicketDetails);
GetTicketDetailsResponse ticketDetailsResponse = (GetTicketDetailsResponse) this.template.marshalSendAndReceive(elGetTicketDetails);
return ticketDetailsResponse;
public boolean handleRequest(MessageContext arg0) throws WebServiceClientException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
TransportContext context = TransportContextHolder.getTransportContext();
HttpComponentsConnection connection =(HttpComponentsConnection) context.getConnection();
try {
connection.addRequestHeader("username", "testu");
connection.addRequestHeader("password", "test");
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
HttpLoggingUtils.logMessage("Client Request Message", arg0.getRequest());
return true;
Result Snippet (This is where I expected to see the username/password headers. Since they are missing, I'm guessing this is the issue):
2021-08-09 13:46:18.891 INFO 23112 --- [ main] com.fp.fpcustomization.HttpLoggingUtils :
Client Request Message
Accept: text/xml, text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
SOAPAction: ""
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 378
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""><SOAP-ENV:Header/><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns3:getTicketDetails xmlns:ns3=""><getItemDetailsRequest><_itemDefinitionId>76894</_itemDefinitionId><_itemId>30201</_itemId></getItemDetailsRequest></ns3:getTicketDetails></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
[ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.151 s <<< FAILURE! - in com.fp.fpcustomization.FpcustomizationApplicationTests
[ERROR] RequestTest Time elapsed: 0.51 s <<< ERROR! [401]
at com.fp.fpcustomization.FpcustomizationApplicationTests.RequestTest(
Following up with the solution that worked for me. This time around, I looked at going about this via the callback function. This led me to the question asked here:
Add SoapHeader to
The second answer by Pranav Kumar is what worked for me. So I simply added the callback function to the 'marshalSendAndReceive' function call in the 'GetTicketDetailsResponse getTicketDetails(long definitionId, long itemId)' method. This way, I was able to add the Authorization header that got me past the 401 error that I was getting before.
Object theResponseObject = this.template.marshalSendAndReceive((elGetTicketDetails), new WebServiceMessageCallback(){
public void doWithMessage(WebServiceMessage message) throws IOException, TransformerException {
SaajSoapMessage soapMessage = (SaajSoapMessage) message;
MimeHeaders mimeHeader = soapMessage.getSaajMessage().getMimeHeaders();
mimeHeader.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic ...==");
Following this addition, the Authorization header was showing up in the request and the response was successfully returned.

How to read/modify form data that goes through Spring Cloud Gateway?

I am trying to validate and log form data that goes through Spring Cloud Gateway. I have tried a few methods and encounter a few problems and I could not read it properly. I have tried:
public class GatewayRequestFilter {
public GlobalFilter apply() {
return (exchange, chain) -> {
MediaType contentType = exchange.getRequest().getHeaders().getContentType();
ModifyRequestBodyGatewayFilterFactory.Config modifyRequestConfig = new ModifyRequestBodyGatewayFilterFactory.Config();
/// Method 1
if (contentType.includes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)) {
modifyRequestConfig.setRewriteFunction(String.class, String.class, (exchange1, originalRequestBody) -> {
validateAndAuditLog(exchange1, originalRequestBody);
return Mono.just(originalRequestBody);
/// Method 2
if (contentType.includes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)) {
return exchange.getMultipartData().flatMap(originalRequestBody -> {
validateAndAuditLog(exchange1, originalRequestBody);
return chain.filter(exchange);
/// Method 3:
return new ModifyRequestBodyGatewayFilterFactory().apply(modifyRequestConfig).filter(exchange, chain);
For the 1st and 3rd method, if I set inClass as String.class then I can see data in some kind of http format. The problem is that I don't know how to parse it into hashMap or LinkedMultiValueMap to access each of value using key. Here is the output I get:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="simple-text"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="simple-file"; filename="simple-file"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Simple file
If I change inClass as Object.class then there is another error:
"timestamp": "2020-04-03T02:37:57.096+0000",
"path": "/tc/test/test",
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "Content type 'multipart/form-data;boundary=--------------------------537619313111072161580699' not supported for bodyType=java.lang.Object",
"requestId": "0592497a-1"
For the 2nd method I can get data in LinkedMultiValueMap which is good because I can read each data using key value and I can also get uploaded files name, but the problem is that, it hang for 10s before pass the request to down stream.
Anyone has any idea what should I do to read or modify form data that goes through Spring Cloud Gateway?
Rewriting the answer with example.
Basic approach is defined here, though it needs lot of refinement to work for multi-part.
For any approach to work once you read the data, you need to set a modified request object to exchange downstream to be processed again. Setting the new multi-part object downstream is bit tricky because there is not a straightforward way to convert string->multi-part->string.
Here is a sample code based on the approach. Note that this for now works only if multi-part contains form fields and not file type fields, because in later case we are dealing with a stream, which can be embedded anywhere within the entire multi-part request, and it is not possible to modify such request without blocking calls, which the netty does not allow.
private final List<HttpMessageReader<?>> messageReaders = HandlerStrategies.withDefaults().messageReaders();
public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
return new OrderedGatewayFilter((exchange, chain) -> {
ServerRequest serverRequest = ServerRequest.create(exchange, messageReaders);
// get modified body from original body o
Mono<MultiValueMap<String, String>> modifiedBody = serverRequest.bodyToMono(String.class).flatMap(o -> {
// create mock request to read body
SynchronossPartHttpMessageReader synchronossReader = new SynchronossPartHttpMessageReader();
MultipartHttpMessageReader reader = new MultipartHttpMessageReader(synchronossReader);
MockServerHttpRequest request ="").contentType(exchange.getRequest().getHeaders().getContentType()).body(o);
Mono<MultiValueMap<String, Part>> monoRequestParts = reader.readMono(MULTIPART_DATA_TYPE, request, Collections.emptyMap());
// modify parts
return monoRequestParts.flatMap(requestParts -> {
Map<String, List<String>> modifedBodyArray = requestParts.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> {
String key = entry.getKey();;
List<String> entries = entry.getValue().stream().map(part -> {"{}", part);
// read the input part
String input = ((FormFieldPart) part).value();
// return the modified input part
return new String(modifyRequest(config, exchange, key, input));
return new Map.Entry<String, List<String>>() {
public String getKey() {
return key;
public List<String> getValue() {
return entries;
public List<String> setValue(List<String> param1) {
return param1;
}).collect(Collectors.toMap(k -> k.getKey(), k -> k.getValue()));
return Mono.just(new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>(modifedBodyArray));
// insert the new modified body
BodyInserter bodyInserter = BodyInserters.fromPublisher(modifiedBody, new ParameterizedTypeReference<MultiValueMap<String, String>>() {});
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
// the new content type will be computed by bodyInserter
// and then set in the request decorator
CachedBodyOutputMessage outputMessage = new CachedBodyOutputMessage(exchange, headers);
return bodyInserter.insert(outputMessage, new BodyInserterContext())
.then(Mono.defer(() -> {
ServerHttpRequest decorator = decorate(exchange, headers, outputMessage);
return chain.filter(exchange.mutate().request(decorator).build());
}, RouteToRequestUrlFilter.ROUTE_TO_URL_FILTER_ORDER + 1);
// some of the helper methods
private String modifyRequest(Config config, ServerWebExchange exchange, String key, String input) {
// do your thing in here !!!
return input;
private ServerHttpRequestDecorator decorate(ServerWebExchange exchange, HttpHeaders headers, CachedBodyOutputMessage outputMessage) {
return new ServerHttpRequestDecorator(exchange.getRequest()) {
public HttpHeaders getHeaders() {
long contentLength = headers.getContentLength();
HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
if (contentLength > 0) {
} else {
// TODO: this causes a 'HTTP/1.1 411 Length Required' // on
httpHeaders.set(HttpHeaders.TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked");
return httpHeaders;
public Flux<DataBuffer> getBody() {
return outputMessage.getBody();

problem with volley Post request with header token

i have laravel site and i want create android app for this site
and im beginner in java .
In summary...
for authentication api route i use one middleware .
this middleware have one token .
in the postman program all thing is good...
but when i want send one post request with header token in volley android
my function cant give username or some variable ...
please help me to resolve this problem
this is my function send volly , dont forget all thing is good in postman request
int selectedId = statusregister.getCheckedRadioButtonId();
String url="my http api site...";
requestQueue= Volley.newRequestQueue(RegisterActivity.this);
StringRequest stringRequest=new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, url, new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
Log.e("HttpClient", "error: " + error.toString());
protected Map<String, String> getParams() {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("username",username.getText().toString().trim());
return params;
public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
Map<String, String> params2 = new HashMap<String, String>();
params2.put("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
params2.put("APP_KEY", "7ACFdsd328BEA81sssdfgg556B91");
return params2;
401 erorr ...
when i remove middleware its ok ...
this is screenshot begore set APP_KEY in header
enter image description here
and this screenshot after set APP_KEY in header
enter image description here
401 is an authorization issue
The default API token name in laravel is access_token not APP_KEY
params2.put("access_token", "7ACFdsd328BEA81sssdfgg556B91");
The API_KEY is an environment variable used for encryption in Laravel and you're sending it as a header in a post request

Why OAuth2AccessTokenSupport always send POST request ??

I'm working with a Spring Boot + Spring Security OAuth2 to consume the Restful Oauth2 service.
Our Oauth2 service is always expects HTTP GET But OAuth2AccessTokenSupport always sending HTTP POST.
resulted in 405 (Method Not Allowed); invoking error handler
protected OAuth2AccessToken retrieveToken(AccessTokenRequest request, OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resource,
MultiValueMap<String, String> form, HttpHeaders headers) throws OAuth2AccessDeniedException {
try {
this.authenticationHandler.authenticateTokenRequest(resource, form, headers);
this.tokenRequestEnhancer.enhance(request, resource, form, headers);
AccessTokenRequest copy = request;
ResponseExtractor delegate = getResponseExtractor();
ResponseExtractor extractor = new ResponseExtractor(copy, delegate) {
public OAuth2AccessToken extractData(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
if (response.getHeaders().containsKey("Set-Cookie")) {
return ((OAuth2AccessToken) this.val$delegate.extractData(response));
return ((OAuth2AccessToken) getRestTemplate().execute(getAccessTokenUri(resource, form), getHttpMethod(),
getRequestCallback(resource, form, headers), extractor, form.toSingleValueMap()));
} catch (OAuth2Exception oe) {
throw new OAuth2AccessDeniedException("Access token denied.", resource, oe);
} catch (RestClientException rce) {
throw new OAuth2AccessDeniedException("Error requesting access token.", resource, rce);
<b>protected HttpMethod getHttpMethod() {
return HttpMethod.POST;
protected String getAccessTokenUri(OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resource, MultiValueMap<String, String> form) {
String accessTokenUri = resource.getAccessTokenUri();
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug(new StringBuilder().append("Retrieving token from ").append(accessTokenUri).toString());
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(accessTokenUri);
String separator;
if (getHttpMethod() == HttpMethod.GET) {
separator = "?";
if (accessTokenUri.contains("?")) {
separator = "&";
for (String key : form.keySet()) {
builder.append(new StringBuilder().append(key).append("={").append(key).append("}").toString());
separator = "&";
return builder.toString();
Can Anyone explain me why OAuth2AccessTokenSupport always returns POST and
How to send HTTP GET request
To enable GET requests for the token endpoint, you need to add the following in your AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter:
public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) throws Exception {
endpoints.allowedTokenEndpointRequestMethods(HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST);
As for why only POST by default: I think that is due to GET requests potentially sending username and password information as request params (this is certainly the case for password grant). These may well be visible in web server logs, while POST body data is not.
Indeed the RFC for OAuth2 declares that the client must use HTTP POST when requesting an access token (
