Array iteration in command to find child items - windows

I created a text file containing the child items from the parent folder. I removed the header and called the file. I am able to iterate through the file, but I am unable to forest out the items in the new parent directory.
#create txt for array
Get-Item -Path HKLM:\test\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\* | Out-File C:\test\shell.txt
$files = "C:\test\shell.txt"
#removes header
get-content $files | select -Skip 7 | set-content "$files-temp"
move "$files-temp" $files -Force
#iterates array
Get-Content $files | ForEach-Object { Get-Item -Path HKLM:\test\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\$_\* }
I need to be able to iterate through the list and obtain the information inside the folders being iterated.
Current output example:
Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TEST\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags
Name Property
---- --------
$filedir = "HKLM:\test\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags"
foreach($file in Get-ChildItem -Recurse $filedir){
echo $file >> "C:\test\shell.csv"

Actually, I don't like how powershell does the registry that much. Here's a script called "get-itemproperty2.ps1":
process {
$valuenames = $key.getvaluenames()
if ($valuenames) {
$valuenames | foreach {
$value = $_
[pscustomobject] #{
Path = $key -replace 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER',
Name = $Value
Value = $Key.GetValue($Value)
Type = $Key.GetValueKind($Value)
} else {
[pscustomobject] #{
Path = $key -replace 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER',
Name = ''
Value = ''
Type = ''
With that in place, you can do:
get-item HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\currentversion\run | get-itemproperty2
Path Name Value Type
---- ---- ----- ----
HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\currentversion\run SecurityHealth C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCuiL.exe ExpandString
HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\currentversion\run DagentUI C:\Program Files\Altiris\Dagent\dagentui.exe String
HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\currentversion\run KeyAccess kass.exe String
You can easily export that to csv. Notice that I used get-item to get the top level key properties. get-childitem can't even do that. But you can pipe get-childitem -recurse to get-itemproperty2.


How to select the file with the maximum number of the specified file

I want to keep only the file with the largest version of the specified zip file in the folder using powershell. I wrote a shell script but it returns all the files. How can I modify the script to select only the file with the largest version?
$files = Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.zip"
$max = $files |Measure-Object -Maximum| ForEach-Object {[int]($_.Split("_")[-1].Split(".")[0])}
$largestFiles = $files | Where-Object {[int]($_.Split("_")[-1].Split(".")[0]) -eq $max}
Write-Output $largestFiles
A1_Fantasic_World's biggest number is 21.B1_Mythical_Realms's is 12.C1_Eternal_Frame_Corporation's is 3. So I want to choose the biggest version of zip.
First you add the calculated properties to your file system objects you use for filtering. Then with a combination of Group-Object, Sort-Object and Select.Object you can filter the desired files.
$FileList =
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.zip |
Select-Object -Property *,
Name = 'Title'
Expression = {($_.BaseName -split '_')[0..$(($_.BaseName -split '_').count - 2)] -join '_' }
Name = 'Counter'
Expression = {[INT]($_.BaseName -split '_')[-1]}
$LastOnesList =
$FileList |
Group-Object -Property Title |
ForEach-Object {
$_.Group | Sort-Object -Property Counter | Select-Object -Last 1
$LastOnesList |
Select-Object -Property Name

How to recurse through folders and display relative folder path?

Here is a simple script:
$srcpth = "C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\dummy\"
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $srcpth -File -Recurse
foreach ($f in $files) {
$filen = $f.Name
$filesize = $f.Length
Write-Output "$filen $filesize"
This will correctly loop through all subfolders in C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\dummy and output file name with file size, but it will not show relative path. How do I resolve the relative path? Thanks.
EDIT: added below for clarification of desired output:
For example, under C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\dummy are subfolders with files
Output with above code produces:
file00.txt 9
file01_01.txt 10
file01_02.txt 12
file01_03.txt 12
file02_01.txt 15
file02_01.txt 14
file03_01.txt 11
file03_02.txt 15
file03_03.txt 13
file03_04.txt 12
But what I want is:
file00.txt 9
\folder01\file01_01.txt 10
\folder01\file01_02.txt 12
\folder01\file01_03.txt 12
\folder02\file02_01.txt 15
\folder02\file02_01.txt 14
\folder03\file03_01.txt 11
\folder03\file03_02.txt 15
\folder03\file03_03.txt 13
\folder03\file03_04.txt 12
preceeding \, no slash, or .\ are fine.
Here you go:
$srcpth = "C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\dummy\"
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $srcpth -File -Recurse
foreach ($f in $files) {
$filen = $f.Name
$filesize = $f.Length
$relativePath = $f.fullname.remove(0,($srcpth.length))
Write-Output "$filen $filesize $relativePath"
There aren't any object properties with the value you're looking for. But you can calculate it like above. It's always useful to look at the members of an object when you're trying to figure something like this out:
$files[0] | get-member
This will give you a better idea of what you can work with, what properties you can use, and what methods are available.
I would recommend you to output objects instead of strings as you're doing right now, in any case, you can get the relative paths either using .SubString(..):
foreach ($f in Get-ChildItem -Path $srcpth -File -Recurse) {
FileName = $f.Name
FileSize = $f.Length
RelativePath = $f.FullName.Substring($srcpth.Length + 1)
Or if you're using PowerShell Core, you can access the .NET API Path.GetRelativePath(String, String):
foreach ($f in Get-ChildItem -Path $srcpth -File -Recurse) {
FileName = $f.Name
FileSize = $f.Length
RelativePath = [IO.Path]::GetRelativePath($srcpth, $f.FullName)
There is also PathIntrinsics.NormalizeRelativePath(String, String) Method available to both, Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core, though this seems an overkill:
$ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.NormalizeRelativePath($f.FullName, $srcpth)
While the String.Substring() / .Remove() and [IO.Path]::GetRelativePath() solutions are sufficient when working with only absolute native paths, they fail when the -Path argument for Get-ChildItem is a relative path or a PowerShell-only path (see examples at the end of this answer for how they can fail).
For a solution that additionally supports PowerShell paths and relative paths, I recommend to use Resolve-Path -Relative:
# For this demo, create a Powershell-only path.
$null = New-PSDrive -Name TempDrv -Root ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -PSProvider FileSystem
$srcpth = 'TempDrv:\RelativePathTest'
$null = New-Item "$srcpth\subdir\test.txt" -Force
# Set base path for Get-ChildItem and Resolve-Path. This is necessary because
# Resolve-Path -Relative resolves paths relative to the current directory.
Push-Location $srcpth
try {
foreach ($f in Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse) {
FileName = $f.Name
FileSize = $f.Length
RelativePath = Resolve-Path $f.FullName -Relative
# Alternative to remove ".\" or "./" prefix from the path:
# RelativePath = (Resolve-Path $f.FullName -Relative) -replace '^\.[\\/]'
finally {
# Restore current directory even in case of script-terminating error
FileName FileSize RelativePath
-------- -------- ------------
test.txt 0 .\subdir\test.txt
Modes of failure:
This is how the String.Substring() method fails for the PowerShell path of the sample above, on my system (you may see a different outcome depending on the location of your temp directory):
FileName FileSize RelativePath
-------- -------- ------------
test.txt 0 ubdir\test.txt
And this is how [IO.Path]::GetRelativePath() fails:
FileName FileSize RelativePath
-------- -------- ------------
test.txt 0 ..\..\..\..\temp\RelativePathTest\subdir\test.txt

Export reg value to csv

i have 1 question:
i need verify 3 reg key on 20 pc and export result on csv file.
I used this string
Get-ItemProperty -Path hklm:"\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\" -Name "keyname" | Export-csv -path "csvpath"
and recive the all value for thi key but i don't need see the "PSPath, PSParentPath, PSChildName, PSDrive, PSProvider.
now i was thinking of making a script with variables to simplify it, but at this point i would like it to tell me even if the key was not found and the basic thing i can run it from the DC to all machines (about 20).
this could be a starting point
$key1 = name key 1
$key2 = name key 2
$key3 = name key 3
$hostname= hostname
$regkey= get-itemprperty -path ecc....
and now i'm seeing how you implement the verification loop and export everything to csv
To verify the key existence, use Test-Path.
Computer names and Key names as arrays of strings.
No experience with remoting, I think you'll be using Invoke-Command, but this should give you an idea of looping and getting all non-PS properties:
'# -split '\n'
$keyNames = #'
`# -split '\n'
ForEach ( $Comoputer in $Computers) {
ForEach ( $KeyName in $KeyNames ) {
If ( Test-Path $KeyName )
$AllProps = ($key = Get-Item $KeyName).Property
(Get-ItemProperty $key).PSobject.Properties | where name -in $AllProps | select Name , Value
<< Create output >>
"$ComputerName: $KeyName not found."
} | Export-Csv "\\Path\to\CsvFile"
To probe multiple computers for 3 registry properties and output the result in a CSV file, you can use Invoke-Command like below:
$computers = 'pc01','pc02','pc03' # etc. the 20 computers you want to probe
$propertynames = 'property1','property2','property3' # you may use wildcards here
# loop over the computers
$result = foreach ($computer in $computers) {
if (!(Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer -Count 1 -Quiet)) {
Write-Warning "Computer '$computer' is not responding"
continue # skip this computer and proceed with the next
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock {
$regPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"
# create a temporary Hashtable to store the items
$hash = [ordered]#{}
# loop over the properties
foreach ($prop in $using:propertynames) {
$entry = Get-ItemProperty -Path $regPath -Name $prop -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($entry) {
$hash['ComputerName'] = $using:computer
$entry = $entry | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty PS*
# use a loop in case you have used wildards for the property names
foreach ($item in $entry.PsObject.Properties) {
$hash[$item.Name] = $item.Value
else {
Write-Warning "Could not find property '$prop'"
if ($hash.Count) {
# output the hash converted to PSObject
# remove the properties added by Invoke-Command
$result = $result | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty PS*,RunspaceId
# output to gridview
$result | Out-GridView
# output to CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'X:\Path\To\TheResults.csv' -NoTypeInformation

Sorting files into directories with powershell

I have the following problem and I would really appreciate it if I could get some help on that front. I am getting a constant flow of xml files into a folder. A XML file name can look like this. It only goes up to 1005.
I want to sort the files into uniquely named folders that are not based on the file names. A example for that would be
C:\Directory Path...\Peter (All files starting with 1001 go in there)
C:\Directory Path...\John (All files starting with 1002 go there)
How can I create a batch or a powershell script to continuously sorts files into the specified folders? Since I only have 5 folders I would like to simply specify the target folders for each and not have elaborate loops but I don't know how to do that.
The easiest way is to create a lookup Hashtable where you define which prefix ('1001' .. '1005') maps to which destination folder:
# create a Hasthable to map the digits to a foldername
$folderMap = #{
'1001' = 'Peter'
'1002' = 'John'
'1003' = 'Lucretia'
'1004' = 'Matilda'
'1005' = 'Henry'
# set source and destination paths
$rootFolder = 'X:\Where\the\files\are'
$destination = 'Y:\Where\the\files\should\go'
# loop over the files in the root path
Get-ChildItem -Path $rootFolder -Filter '*.xml' -File |
Where-Object { $_.BaseName -match '^\d{4}\.' } |
ForEach-Object {
$prefix = ($_.Name -split '\.')[0]
$targetPath = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath $folderMap[$prefix]
$_ | Move-Item -Destination $targetPath -WhatIf
Remove the -WhatIf safety-switch if you are satisfied with the results shown on screen
You could use a switch statement to decide on the target folder based on the first part of the file name:
$files = Get-ChildItem path\to\folder\with\xml\files -Filter *.xml
{$_.Name -like '1001*'} {
$_ |Move-Item -Destination 'C:\path\to\Peter'
{$_.Name -like '1002*'} {
$_ |Move-Item -Destination 'C:\path\to\John'
{$_.Name -like '1003*'} {
# etc...
default {
Write-Warning "No matching destination folder for file '$($_.Name)'"
If you change your mind about loops, my preference would be to store the mapping in a hashtable and loop over the entries for each file:
$files = Get-ChildItem path\to\folder\with\xml\files -Filter *.xml
$targetFolders = #{
'1001' = 'C:\path\to\Peter'
'1002' = 'C:\path\to\John'
'1003' = 'C:\path\to\Paul'
'1004' = 'C:\path\to\George'
'1005' = 'C:\path\to\Ringo'
foreach($file in $files){
$targetFolder = $targetFolders.Keys.Where({$file.Name -like "${_}*"}, 'First')
$file |Move-Item -Destination $targetFolder

powershell exporting to text file

I'm working on a script that checks folders in specific directory. For example, I run the script for first time, it generates me a txt file containing folders in the directory.
I need the script to add any new directories that are found to the previously created txt file when the script is run again.
Does anyone have any suggestions how to make that happen?
Here is my code so far:
$LogFolders = Get-ChildItem -Directory mydirectory ;
If (-Not (Test-Path -path "txtfilelocated"))
Add-Content txtfilelocated -Value $LogFolders
$File = Get-Content "txtfilelocatedt"
$File | ForEach-Object {
$_ -match $LogFolders
something like this?
You can specify what directory to check adding path to get-childitem cmdlet in first line
$a = get-childitem | ? { $_.psiscontainer } | select -expand fullname #for V2.0 and above
$a = get-childitem -Directory | select -expand fullname #for V3.0 and above
if ( test-path .\list.txt )
compare-object (gc list.txt) ($a) -PassThru | Add-Content .\list.txt
$a | set-content .\list.txt
