Where is the best place to store an application setting that needs to be updated frequently in ServiceNow - servicenow

I have a scheduled script execution that needs to persist a value between runs. It is updated with each run. Using gs.setProperty seemed like the natural place until I came across this:
Care should be taken when setting system properties (sys_properties)
using this method as it causes a system-wide cache flush. Each flush
can cause system degradation while the caches rebuild. If a value must
be updated often, it should not be stored as a system property. In
general, you should only place values in the sys_properties table that
do not frequently change.
Creating a separate table to store a single scalar value seems like overkill. Is there a better place to store it?

You could set a preference if you need it in the instance. Another place could be the events table. Log the event with the data in parm1 or parm2 and on next run query the most recent event.
I'd avoid making a table as that has cost implications for some clients. I agree with the sys_properties.
var encrypter = new GlideEncrypter();
var encrypted = encrypter.encrypt('Super Secret Phrase');
gs.info('encrypted: ' + encrypted);
var decrypted = encrypter.decrypt(encrypted);
gs.info('decrypted: ' + decrypted);
*** Script: encrypted: g/bXLJHa7xNRMKZEo5q/YtLMEdse36ED
*** Script: decrypted: Super Secret Phrase
This way only administrators could really read this data. Also if I recall correctly, the sysevent table is cleared after 7 days. You could have the job remove the event as soon as it has it in memory.


Drupal 7 ignoring $_SESSION in template

I'm working on a simple script in a custom theme in Drupal 7 that is supposed to just rotate through different background image each time a user loads the page. This is my code in [view].tpl.php that picks which image to use.
$img_index = (!isset($_SESSION["img_index"]) || is_null($_SESSION["img_index"])) ? 1 : $_SESSION["img_index"] + 1;
if ($img_index > 2) {
$img_index = 0;
$_SESSION["img_index"] = $img_index;
Pretty simple stuff, and it works fine as long as Drupal starts up a session. However, if I delete my session cookie, then always shows the same image, a session is never started.
I'm assuming that since this code is in the view file that the view code is being cached for anonymous users and hence the session is never started, but I can't figure out how to otherwise do what I want.
Don't mess with session like /u/maiznieks mentioned on Reddit. It's going to affect performance.
I've had to do something similar in the past and went with an approach like /u/maiznieks mentions. It's something like this,
Return all the URLs in an array via JS on Drupal.settings.
Check if a cookie is set.
If it's not, set it and set it's value to 0.
If it's set, get the value, increase the value by one, save it to the cookie.
With that value, now you have an index.
Check if image[index] exists
If it does, show that to the user.
If it doesn't, reset index to 0 and show that. Save 0 to the cookie.
You keep caching. You keep showing the user new images on every page load.
You could set your current view to do a random sort every 5 mins. You would then only have to update the logic above to replace that image. That way you can keep something similar working for users with no JS but still keep this functionality for the rest.
You can replace cookies above with HTML5 local storage if you'd like.
#hobberwickey, I will suggest to create a custom module and implement hook_boot() in module. As per drupal bootstrap process session layer will call after cache layer everytime. hook_boot can be called in cache pages and before bootstrap process also. You can take more information here.

Get current no from prooph event store

I try to update a projection from event store. The following line will load all events:
$events = $this->eventStore->load(new StreamName('mystream'));
Currently i try to load only not handled events by passing the fromNumber parameter:
$events = $this->eventStore->load(new StreamName('mystream'), 10);
This will load all events eg from 15 to 40. But i found no way to figure out which is the current/highest "no" of the results. But this is necessary for me to load only from this entry on the next time.
If the database is truncated (with restarted sequences) this is not a real problem cause i know that the events will start with 1. But if the primary key starts with a number higher than 1 can not figure out which event has which number in the event store
When you are using pdo-event-store, you have a key _position in the event metadata after loading, so your read model can track which position was the last you were working on. Other then that, if you are working with proophs event-store projections, you don't need to take care of that at all. The projector will track the current event position for all needed streams internally, you just need to provide callbacks for each event where you need to do something.

Kaltura Notifications are occationally deactivated?

We are using Kaltura to notify our CMS about changes in the videos. In the KMC under Settings->Integrations Settings we have checked all the checkboxes under "Sent by Server".
Some times these checkmarks disappear? IT happens maybe once a week or once a month. How can we find the reason to these boxes being deactivated?
Those notifications are being stored on the partner object in partner table. The actual data is stored in the custom_data field, which holds large amount of PHP-serialized data.
I can suspect cases that due to updates of other fields in the custom_data object, the notifications section will be erased.
Your best shot would be first check the value of that field when the config got erased. If it was actually erased in the database, try to find the following log messages in api_v3.log (which can lead you to the actual API request that modified the field):
[2124167851][propel] */ UPDATE partner SET
`UPDATED_AT`='2017-10-04 14:11:36',
... tons of PHP serialized data ...
... tons of PHP serialized data ...
}' WHERE partner.ID='101' AND MD5(cast(partner.CUSTOM_DATA as char character set latin1)) = '7eb7781cc04c7f98077efc2e3c1e9426'
The key that stores the notifications config is notificationsConfig (Each number represents the notification type, then 0 / 1 for off / no).
As a side note, which CE version are you using? There might be a more reliable way to integrate with your CMS.

Dealing with Memcached Race Conditions

I have two different sources of data which I need to marry together. Data set A will have a foo_key attribute which can map to Data set B's bar_key attribute with a one to many relationship.
Data set A:
[{ foo_key: 12345, other: 'blahblah' }, ...]
Data set B:
[{ bar_key: 12345, other: '' }, { bar_key: 12345, other: '' }, { bar_key: 12345, other: '' }, ...]
Data set A is coming from a SQS queue and any relationships with data set B will be available as I poll A.
Data set B is coming from a separate SQS queue that I am trying to dump into a memcached cache to do quick look ups on when an object drops into data set A.
Originally I was planning on setting the memcached key to be bar_key from the objects in data set B but then realized that if I did that it would be possible to overwrite the value since there can be many of the same bar_key value. Then I was thinking well I can create a key bar_key and the value just be an array of the SQS messages. But since I have multiple hosts polling the SQS queue I think it might be possible that when I check to see if the key is in memcached, check it out, append the new message to it, and then set it, that another host could be trying to preform the same operation and thus the first host's attempt at appending the value would just be overwritten.
I've looked around at memcached key locking but I'm not sure I understand it entirely. Would the solution be that when I get the key/value pair from memcached I create a temporary dummy lock on a new key called bar_key_dummy that expires in x seconds, and if I try to fetch a key that has a bar_key_dummy lock active I just send the SQS message back to the queue without deleting to try again in x seconds?
Here's some pseudocode for what I have going on in my head. Does this make any sense?
store = MemCache.new(host)
sqs_messages.poll do |message|
dummy_key = "#{message.bar_key}_dummy"
sqs.dont_delete_message && next unless store.get(dummy_key).nil?
# set dummy_key in memcache with a value of 1 for 3 seconds
store.set(dummy_key, 1, 3)
temp_data = store.get(message.bar_key) || []
temp_data << message
store.set(message.bar_key, temp_data, 300)
# delete dummy key when done in case shorter than x seconds
Thanks for any help!
Memcached has a special operation - cas Compare and Swap.
Command gets returns Item along with its unique CAS value.
Then dataset can be searched and update must be issued with the cas command which takes original unique CAS value.
If CAS was changed in between two command, update operation will fail with the EXISTS error

How to implement "Distributed cache clearing" in Ofbiz?

We have multiple instances of Ofbiz/Opentaps running. All the instances talk to the same database. There are many tables that are rarely updated hence they are cached and all the instances maintain their individual copies of cache as a standard Ofbiz cache mechanism. But in rare situations when we update some entity using one of many instances then all other instances keep showing dirty cache data. So it requires a manual action to go and clear all the cache copies on other instances as well.
I want this cache clearing operation on all the instances to happen automatically. On Ofbiz confluence page here there is a very brief mention of "Distributed cache clearing". It relies on JMS it seems so whenever an instance's cache is cleared it sends notification over JMS to a topic and other instances subscribing to the same JMS topic clear their corresponding copies of cache upon this notification. But I could not find any other reference or documentation on how to do that? What are the files that need to be updated to set it all up in Ofbiz? An example page/link is what I'm looking for.
Alright I believe I've figured it all out. I have used ActiveMQ as my JMS broker to set it up so here are the steps in Ofbiz to make it working:
1. Copy activemq-all.jar to framework/base/lib folder inside your Ofbiz base directory.
2. Edit File base/config/jndiservers.xml: Add following definition inside <jndi-config> tag:
<jndi-server name="activemq"
3. Edit File base/config/jndi.properties: Add this line at the end:
4. Edit File service/config/serviceengine.xml: Add following definition inside <service-engine> tag:
<jms-service name="serviceMessenger" send-mode="all">
<server jndi-server-name="activemq"
5. Edit File entityengine.xml: Change default delegator to enable distributed caching:
<delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main" entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="true">
6. Edit File framework/service/src/org/ofbiz/service/jms/AbstractJmsListener.java: This one is probably a bug in the Ofbiz code
Change following line from:
this.dispatcher = GenericDispatcher.getLocalDispatcher("JMSDispatcher", null, null, this.getClass().getClassLoader(), serviceDispatcher);
this.dispatcher = GenericDispatcher.getLocalDispatcher("entity-default", null, null, this.getClass().getClassLoader(), serviceDispatcher);
7. And finally build the serviceengine code by issuing following command:
ant -f framework/service/build.xml
With this entity data changes in Ofbiz on one instances are immediately propagated to all the other Ofbiz instances clearing cache line item on its own without any need of manual cache clearing.
I have a added a page on this subject in OFBiz wiki https://cwiki.apache.org/OFBIZ/distributed-entity-cache-clear-mechanism.html. Though it's well explained here, the OFBiz wiki page adds other important information.
Note that the bug reported here has been fixed since, but another is currently pending, I should fix it soon https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-4296
Yes, I fixed this behaviour sometimes ago at http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1090961&view=rev. But it still needs another fix related to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-4296.
The patch below fixes this issue locally, but still creates 2 listeners on clusters, not sure why... Still investigating (not a priority)...
Index: framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/DelegatorFactory.java
--- framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/DelegatorFactory.java (revision 1879)
+++ framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/DelegatorFactory.java (revision 2615)
## -39,10 +39,10 ##
if (delegator != null) {
+ // setup the distributed CacheClear
+ delegator.initDistributedCacheClear();
// setup the Entity ECA Handler
//Debug.logInfo("got delegator(" + delegatorName + ") from cache", module);
- // setup the distributed CacheClear
- delegator.initDistributedCacheClear();
return delegator;
Please notify me using #JacquesLeRoux in your post, if ever you have something new to share.
