Append a file's last modification date to its name - bash

I'm struggling to find a way to get the last modification date of every file in a folder and subfolders and append them to their names accordingly. So far I can only append a custom text per file, in this case it's _Suffix from this command: find * -exec mv {} {}_Suffix \;
Maybe this isn't the best way since my text is inserted at the very end of the file so it changes the file's extension but at least it works :)
But I want to know how to insert the last modification date instead of _Suffix and do that for every file recursively.

find . -type f -exec bash -c 'for arg; do arg=${arg#./} mod=$(stat -c %x "$arg") base=${arg%.*} ext=${arg#$base}; echo mv -i "$arg" "${base}_${mod%% *}$ext"; done' _ {} +
(multiline version for readability):
find . -type f -exec bash -c 'for arg; do
arg=${arg#./} mod=$(stat -c %x "$arg") base=${arg%.*} ext=${arg#$base}
echo mv -i "$arg" "${base}_${mod%% *}$ext"
done' _ {} +
I left the echo there for you to see what it's going to run before actually running it. Remove it once you're sure you want to move the files.
It adds what you want before the extension but it will completely FAIL if:
A filename doesn't contain a dot
That file is in a folder path which does contain a dot
It will also not work properly on files with double extensions, e.g. .tar.gz
I'm passing all files to a bash script with find . -type f -exec bash -c '...' _ {} +
The bash script does the same action for all files: get the modification date, discover the basename and the .extension, then rename the file to basename_date.extension


Recursively Rename Files and Directories with Bash on macOS

I'm writing a script that will perform some actions, and one of those actions is to find all occurrences of a string in both file names and directory names, and replace it with another string.
I have this so far
find . -name "*foo*" -type f -depth | while read file; do
mv "$file" "$newpath"
This works fine as long as the path to the file doesn't also contain foo, but that isn't guaranteed.
I feel like the way to approach this is to ONLY change the file names first, then go back through and change the directory names, but even then, if you have a structure that has more than one directory with foo in it, it will not work properly.
Is there a way to do this with built in macOS tools? (I say built-in, because this script is going to be distributed to some other folks in our organization and it can't rely on any packages to be installed).
Separating the path_name from the file_name, something like.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while read -r file; do
path_name="${file%/*}"; printf 'Path is %s\n' "$path_name"
file_name="${file#"$path_name"}"; printf 'Filename is %s\n' "$file_name"
echo mv -v "$file" "$newpath"
done < <(find . -name "*foo*" -type f)
Have a look at basename and dirname as well.
The printf's is just there to show which is the path and the filename.
The script just replace foo to bar from the file_name, It can be done with the path_name as well, just use the same syntax.
So renaming both path_name and file_name.
Or renaming the path_name and then the file_name like your idea is an option also.
mv -v "$path_name" "$new_pathname"
mv -v "${new_pathname%/*}$file_name" "$new_pathname$new_filename"
There are no additional external tool/utility used, except from the ones being used by your script.
Remove the echo If you're satisfied with the result/output.
You can use -execdir to run a command on just the filename (basename) in the relevant directory:
find . -depth -name '*foo*' -execdir bash -c 'mv -- "${1}" "${1//foo/bar}"' _ {} \;

Bash script to rename file extension

if [[ "$#" -lt 3 ]]; then
echo "USAGE: enter the following arguments:
1st argument = starting directory path (e.g. . for working directory)
2nd argument = old file extension (e.g. txt)
3rd argument = new file extension (e.g. html
Note: Do not enter any . or \. for the 2nd and 3rd arguments
find "$1" -name *."$2"* -exec rename 's/\."${2}"$/."${3}"/' '{}' \;
Example input:
bash . txt html
Example output:
Use of uninitialized value $2 in regexp compilation at (eval 6) line 1.
line 1 contains the if statement above. Argument $2 is txt. So, I am confused as to what it is referring to.
I can run the following line and it works perfectly, but I want to have it accept bash arguments:
find . -name "*.txt.html*" -exec rename 's/\.txt.html.html.html$/.html/' '{}' \;
In this case, as you can see, there were a lot of incorrect file extensions. This line corrected all of them.
I tried editing the find line to:
find "${1}" -name '*."$2"*' -exec rename 's/\."${2}"$/."${3}"/' '{}' \;
This allowed me to move forward without an error; however, there was no output, and it did not change any txt extensions to html when I ran the following command, bash . txt html.
Please help!
Thank you!
to get arguments interpreted by the shell, drop the single quotes:
find "$1" -name "*.$2*" -exec rename "s/\.${2}\$/.${3}/" '{}' \;
or (if you want to keep quotes)
find "$1" -name "*.$2*" -exec rename 's/\.'"${2}"'$/.'"${3}"'/' '{}' \;
(and I would enclose the full argument of -name in double quotes or bash could expand the argument directly if some files match in the current directory)

Iterating over directory and replacing '+' from a file name to '_' in bash

I have a directory named as assets, which in further has a set of directories.
These folders can have folders like original, cropped, resize. And these folders further will have images. These images are named something like this – 14562345+Image.jpeg. I need to replace all the images/files that have + to _.
for f in ls -a;
if [[ $f == ​+​ ]]
cp "$f" "${f//+/_}"
I was able to do this in the current directory. But I need to iterate this to other many other directories. How can I do that?
You can use this loop using find in a process substitution:
cd user_images
while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do
echo "$f"
mv "$f" "${f//+/_}"
done < <(find . -name '*+*' -type f -print0)
With find -exec:
find user_images -type f \
-exec bash -c '[[ $0 == *+* ]] && mv "$0" "${0//+/_}"' {} \;
Notice that this uses mv and not cp as the question states "rename", but simply replace by cp if you want to keep the original files.
The bash -c is required to be able to manipulate the file names, otherwise we could use {} directly in the -exec action.
The following will run recursively and will rename all files replacing + with a _ :
find . -name '*+*' -type f -execdir bash -c 'for f; do mv "$f" "${f//+/_}"' _ {} +
Notice the use of -execdir :
Like -exec, but the specified command is run from the subdirectory containing the matched file, which is not normally the directory in which you started find -- Quoted from man find.
Which will protect us in case of directory names matching the pattern *+* which you do not want to rename.

Using bash I need to perform a find of 0 byte files but report on their existence before deletion

The history of this problem is:
I have millions of files and directories on a NAS system. I found a count of 1,095,601 empty (0 byte) files. These files used to have data but were destroyed by a predecessor not using the correct toolsets to migrate data between an XSAN and this Isilon NAS.
The files were media production data, like fonts, pdfs and image files. They are no longer useful beyond the history of their existence. Before I proceed to delete them, the production user's need a record of which files used to exist, so when they browse a project folder, they can use the unaffected files but then refer to a text file in the same directory which records which files used to also be there and thus provide reason as to why certain reference files are broken.
So how do I find files across multiple directories and delete them but first output their filename to a text file which would be saved to each relevant path location?
I am thinking along the lines of:
for file in $(find . -type f -size 0); do
echo "$file" >> /PATH/TO/FOUND/FILE/PARENT/DIR/deletedFiles.txt -print0 |
xargs -0 rm ;
To delete each empty file while leaving behind a file called deletedFiles.txt which contains the names of the deleted files, try:
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin find . -empty -type f -execdir bash -c 'printf "%s\n" "$#" >>deletedFiles.txt' none {} + -delete
How it works
This sets a temporary but secure path.
find .
This starts find looking in the current directory
This tells find to only look for empty files
-type f
This restricts find to looking for regular files.
-execdir bash -c 'printf "%s\n" "$#" >>deletedFiles.txt' none {} +
In each directory that contains an empty file, this adds the name of each empty file to the file deletedFiles.txt.
Notice the peculiar use of none in the command:
bash -c 'printf "%s\n" "$#" >>deletedFiles.txt' none {} +
When this command is run, bash will execute the string printf "%s\n" "$#" >>deletedFiles.txt and the arguments that follow that string are assigned to the positional parameters: $0, $1, $2, etc. When we use $#, it does not include $0. It, as is usual, expands to $1, $2, .... Thus, we add the placeholder none so that the placeholder is assigned is the $0, which we will ignore, and the complete list of file names are assigned to "$#".
This deletes each empty file.
Why not simply
find . -type f -size 0 -exec rm -v + |
sed -e 's%^removed .\./%%' -e 's/.$//' >deletedFiles.txt
If your find is too old to support -exec ... + you'll need to revert to -exec rm -v {} \; or refactor to
find . -type f -size 0 -print0 |
xargs -r -0 rm -v |
sed -e 's%^removed .\./%%' -e 's/.$//' >deletedFiles.txt
The brief sed script is to postprocess the output from rm -v which looks like
removed ‘./bar’
removed ‘./foo’
(with some funny quote characters around the file name) on my system. If you are fine with that output, of course, just omit the sed script from the pipeline.
If you know in advance which directories contain empty files, you can run the above snippet individually in those directories. Assuming you saved the snippet above as a script (with a proper shebang and execute permissions) named find-empty, you could simply use
for path in /path/to/first /path/to/second/directory /path/to/etc; do
cd "$path" && find-empty
This will only work if you have absolute paths (if not, you can run the body of the loop in a subshell by adding parentheses around it).
If you want to inspect all the directories in a tree, change the script to print to standard output instead (remove >deletedFiles.txt from the script) and try something like
find /path/to/tree -type d -exec sh -c '
t=$(mktemp -t find-emptyXXXXXXXX)
cd "$1" &&
find-empty | grep . >"$t" &&
mv "$t" deletedFiles.txt ||
rm "$t"' _ {} \;
This uses a temporary file so as to avoid updating the timestamp of directories which do not contain any empty files. The grep . is used purely for side effect; if any (non-empty) lines are printed, it will return success, whereas otherwise, it will report failure; this way, we know whether or not to move the temporary file to the target directory.
With prompting from #JonathanLeffler I have succeeded with the following:
## call this script with: find . -type f -empty -exec {} +
for file in "$#"
file2="$(basename "$file")"
echo "$file2" >> "$(dirname "$file")"/deletedFiles.txt
rm "$file"
This means I retain a trace of the removed files in a deletedFiles.txt flag file in each respective directory for the users to see when files are missing. That way, they can pursue going back to archive CD's to retrieve these deleted files, which are hopefully not 0 byte files.
Thanks to #John1024 for the suggestion of using the empty flag rather than size.

Bash script copying certain type of file to another location

I was thinking if using a BASH script is possible without manually copying each file that is in this parent directory
So in this folder PrivateFrameworks, there are many subfolders and in each subfolder it consists of the file that I would like to copy it out to another location. So the structure of the path looks like this:
-AccessibilityUI <- copy this
-AccountSettings <- copy this
I do not want the option of copying the entire content in the folder as there might be cases where the folders contain files which I do not want to copy. So the only way I thought of is to copy by the file extension. However as you can see, the files which I specified for copying does not have an extension(I think?). I am new to bash scripting so I am not familiar if this can be done with it.
To copy all files in or below the current directory that do not have extensions, use:
find . ! -name '*.*' -exec cp -t /your/destination/dir/ {} +
The find . command looks for all files in or below the current directory. The argument -name '*.*' would restrict that search to files that have extensions. By preceding it with a not (!), however, we get all files that do not have an extension. Then, -exec cp -t /your/destination/dir/ {} + tells find to copy those files to the destination.
To do the above starting in your directory with the long name, use:
find "/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.0.sdk/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks" ! -name '*.*' -exec cp -t /your/destination/dir/ {} +
UPDATE: The unix tag on this question has been removed and replaced with a OSX tag. That means we can't use the -t option on cp. The workaround is:
find . ! -name '*.*' -exec cp {} /your/destination/dir/ \;
This is less efficient because a new cp process is created for every file moved instead of once for all the files that fit on a command line. But, it will accomplish the same thing.
MORE: There are two variations of the -exec clause of a find command. In the first use above, the clause ended with {} + which tells find to fill up the end of command line with as many file names as will fit on the line.
Since OSX lacks cp -t, however, we have to put the file name in the middle of the command. So, we put {} where we want the file name and then, to signal to find where the end of the exec command is, we add a semicolon. There is a trick, though. Because bash would normally consume the semicolon itself rather than pass it on to find, we have to escape the semicolon with a backslash. That way bash gives it to the find command.
sh copy-from-directory .extension copy-to-directory
USAGE="""Usage: sh copy-from-directory .extension copy-to-directory
- EXAMPLE: sh PrivateFrameworks .framework .
- NOTE: 'copy-to-directory' argument is optional
## print usage if less than 2 args
if [[ $# < 2 ]]; then echo "${USAGE}" && exit 1 ; fi
## set copy-to-dir default args
if [[ -z "$TO_DIR" ]] ; then TO_DIR=$PWD ; fi
## find directories; find target file;
## copy target file to copy-to-dir if file exist
find $FROM_DIR -type d | while read DIR ; do
FILE_TO_COPY=$(echo $DIR | xargs basename | sed "s/$EXTENSION//")
if [[ -f $DIR/$FILE_TO_COPY ]] ; then
