${__UUID()} is not working when sending the payload content which was read from an external file
I'm making a post call with input payload read from an external file.
In the HTTPRequest post body data, I'm using this function to read the external file : ${__FileToString(${__eval(./HTTP/payload.txt)},,)}
I can verify that data from the external file is read and being used when the post call is being made.
The issue is that, when making the post call, in the payload, against ID element, ${__UUID()} is not replaced/parsed by the UUID value, the static text "${__UUID()}" is being sent in the payload.
How to generate the UUID when the input payload is read from external file ?
Note: i also tried reading the file content line by line in BeanShell PreProcessor, and sending it as body data, same issue, UUID function is not parsed.
Expected result is : ${__UUID()} should be parsed and the actual UUID value should be send as part of the request.
You should first read (FileToString) the file and then evaluate UUID (eval)
allowing arbitrary code to come from external files is a risky endeavor. since you're looking for a UUID each time you generate this data, could you just generate a UUID variable and use any random templating language to plug it in?
With Jmeter I am trying to save the request body using the Flexible file writer in csv file format. The request body is a json format something like this :
POST https://testurl
POST data :
"label" : test
The request body is getting saved to the file but not in a single cell. It is coming in multiple rows. How can I save the complete request body to one single cell.
There is no such a thing as "cell" in CSV files so your question doesn't make a lot of sense
If your request body is multiline you might want to remove these line breaks before saving the request body, it can be done using i.e. JSR223 PostProcessor and the following Groovy code:
def requestBody = prev.getSamplerData().replaceAll('[\n\r]', '')
vars.put('requestBody', requestBody)
You will need to declare this requestBody as a Sample Variable in the user.properties file:
and once done you will be able to access the value in the Flexible File Writer as variable#0
[Filewriter csv][1]
Thanks for the response. When I try this I am seeing the requestdata like shown in the screenshot. And incase if there are multiple controllers the request body for all of them will be appended one after another in the same line.
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/jb9Hm.jpg
This is the json object
The easiest way would be formatting your JSON payload to look like a single string i.e.
Then you will be able either to use CSV Data Set Config with \n Delimiter like:
and refer the value as ${json} where required.
Even easier option would be using __StringFromFile() function directly in your HTTP Request sampler Body Data tab like:
__StringFromFile() function reads the next line from the specified file each time it's being called so this way you will be able to parameterise your request with minimal effort
I'm attempting to simulate a login call with JMeter 2.11 to a service that uses a binary format. I've created an Http Request with the appropriate settings, except for the body data. I need to POST raw binary data.
According to the docs here, I should be able to set the file path for exactly one file, with no parameter name, and no other content in the Body Data, and have it place the data in the request body.
If it is a POST or PUT or PATCH request and there is a single file whose 'Parameter name' attribute (below) is omitted, then the file is sent as the entire body of the request, i.e. no wrappers are added. This allows arbitrary bodies to be sent. This functionality is present for POST requests after version 2.2, and also for PUT requests after version 2.3.
However, when I run the test, the POST Data is empty.
I have tried the extra set of plugins for JMeter as well, but alas, I'm stuck. The loaded file has 145 bytes of data, and the request shows that the content-length is 0. What am I missing?
The Http Request
The result
Update 1
To clarify, I am NOT attempting to send a file, I'm attempting to send a binary encoded message as raw POST data.
Switch back to Parameters tab not Post body.
Yoy could try recoring to see how the resuest look like.
This is my solution,maybe not best, but it works fine:
1st step :
You should write your binary data to a file (assume it's name is
2nd step :
For your http request sampler,Yout should put ${FILENAME} under file
path in the "Send Files with the request" section (while leaving its
paramter name empty and specifying an encoding (for binary, it is
Hope it helps.
Refer to this article
I would like to read the exact value of a variable I use to pass through an HTTP Request. I first read in many values of variables using the CSV Data Set Config. For the username, it is in the form of an email address. So, I have a variable called "email" in the Data Set Config. In the actual HTTP Request, for "name", I call it "username". For the "Value" field for this same "username", I added a time() function to it like this so I would end up creating unique users in my tests:
When I view the "Request" in a View Results Tree, I can see my parameter is listed correctly:
I do not care if this is correct in real world terms. I already know that is not a valid email. That is ok for now.
What I want to know is how can I log that email that I just created on the fly? I would like to not have to pull in the whole request every time also and then use some type of Regular Expression extractor. It just seems like there should be an easy way to do this.
I think there are 2 ways,
Beanshell Pre/Post processors : you can write custom code in which you can log all your variables in some custom log file
Simple data writer : you can configure it and check save url,save field names,save response data field checkboxes that will give you complete data but in that later postprocessing on result file is required to get all usernames (email in your case).
first approach is easier and allows you create your own logging format(easy to retrieve and use somewhere else).
second approach is somewhat tedious and requires post processing.
Question: how can I use an output file stored on the OpenCPU server as input to another function?
I am attempting to use knitr and markdown within openCPU to generate html that I can use to update a webpage with statistical information on the page load.
The basic workflow is as follows:
Generate an .Rmd file, store locally.
Access a webpage that uses AJAX to upload the .Rmd file to an OpenCPU instance on the server.
Use the knit function via openCPU to turn the function into a *.md file stored on the server.
Use the markdownToHTML function on the file stored on the server (by passing in the appropriate hash generated via the call to knit) and receive an AJAX reply that contains the generated HTML.
Update web page with new HTML.
As it stands, I have this process working up to step 4. I can call knit passing in an .Rmd file via a form request POST, and I receive the following reply from OpenCPU:
"object" : "xa9eaea44e1",
"graphs" : [
"files" : {
"figure" : "xfc55396fd8",
"test.md" : "x7821c69f79"
where "test.md" is the output file generated via the knit function. Now, I attempt to use the hash (in this case "x7821c69f79" by POSTing to /R/pub/markdown/markdownToHTML/ascii with the following parameters:
file /R/tmp/x7821c69f79/bin
This returns an HTTP 400 error with the following message:
cannot open URL 'http://localhost/R/store/R/tmp/x7821c69f79/bin/rds'
However, when I make a GET request to /R/tmp/x7821c69f79/bin, the contents of test.md are returned. So I know the file is being stored correctly on the call to knit.
So, what's going on here? In other words, how can I use an output file stored on the OpenCPU server as input to another function?
Hmz the /store error looks like a bug, I'll look into that.
Maybe in step 3 you can have the function return the contents of test.md, e.g. end with return(readLines(test.md))? Or better yet, don't output to test.md but to a tmpfile() and return the contents of that. This way the output is stored as an R object in the store, rather than a raw file, and you can just pass an argument e.g. file=x7821c69f79 in step 4.
Did you have a look at the markdown example app? See source here and here.