Are you billed for a Google Places AutoComplete session if the user doesn't type in the textbox? - google-places-api

I'm trying to decide if it's worth the cost to add Google Places AutoComplete to our customer address forms. We have 5 places users could see this. I would say on average, they may see it twice in a session.
Google's documentation says a session starts with the first request and ends when the place is selected, or the user doesn't make a selection for 3 minutes.
What it doesn't say is if I include the widget but the user doesn't make any requests, am I billed for a session. This makes about an 75% usage difference.
Anyone have stats on this?

This is not really a technical question, but to answer this, you will not be billed if the user will not type anything.
You will only be billed once you make successful Places Autocomplete requests (which is triggered when the user starts typing) or make successful Place Details requests (which is triggered when a user selects a place from the suggestions). If you only include the widget, but not make any API requests, then you will not be charged.
Please see more info here about Places API Autocomplete sessions.
Hope this helps!


How to prevent unwanted API calls in Laravel

I have some simple websites (not Laravel applications) with forms where people can input there postalcode and housenumber where the street and city field automatically gets filled in with the associated information. To accomplish this I make an API call with a ajax request to my Laravel application which returns the associated street and city. My Laravel application then makes a call to a third-party api which costs me around € 0.01 per request.
No I want to avoid unwanted an unauthorized access to my Laravel api calls, because each call costs me money. Because at this moment it is very easy to replicate such calls and someone with bad intentions could make a script that could perform thousands of calls per minute.
So my questions is how I can prevent unwanted and unauthorized api calls. I already read about Sanctum and passport, but from what I read this applies only for authenticated users. And using a token in the request header seems unnecessary, because anybody with a little knowledge can trace the token and use it.
Note that the people who fill in the forms can be random people and don't have an account.
There are probably many approaches. A simple but effective one would be sessions. You can save the user in a session. This way you can also count his Api accesses. As soon as they are larger than allowed, you can block their requests. You also write the block in the session. But pay attention to the session duration. It must be long enough.
But the user with bad intentions can get a new session. To avoid this, you can also put his IP on an internal blacklist for a day.
Note: But an open api is always a point of attack.

Can I use recaptcha v3 to verify click traffic?

I have a website where people can interact with different objects to view specific content. I would like to know which objects get the most interactions by real people. For example there are thumbnails of images and I would like to know when a user clicks on a thumbnail to view an image.
To do this I thought I would create a psql table with thumbnail_id and an IP address, where every single view is stored (to ensure every combination of thumbnail and ip is only counted once and people can't just spam click it).
And so every time a click happens, a post request on a /views endpoint with the thumbnail id attached is made in the background.
The proplem is, some people may be incentivized to create bots to auto click certain images with many different IPs.
So I was wondering if I could use recaptcha v3 to identify real users as opposed to bots which would include a token with every view request.
But I was wondering, would is this too much for my backend to handle (since it would have to talk to googles servers every time anybody views an image, which might be every few seconds for each user and I would be billed while the server waits for a response) or be too expensive, since I have to pay google on every request? Or is there some other obvious problem with this?
I'm asking since I have only ever found recaptcha used for single form validation and never for traffic measurements, even though that seems like a pretty obvious use case.

MS Teams custom tab app changes Session.SessionID between requests

I'm making a custom tab app of MS Teams with ASP.NET, however, the tab doesn't seem to pass a same cookie between requests on MS Teams. So the ASP.NET app behind the tab generates a new Session.SessionID on every request.
I've checked the following question, and tried some settings according to that page, but nothing helped me. Actually my web site works nicely if I navigate it via Chrome or Edge.
ASP.NET: Session.SessionID changes between requests
How do I get a same cookie between requests on MS Teams?
I've not tested this specifically so haven't seen it, but basically the broad idea of session is to have to uniquely "remember" a user, and then restore State for them from a location (e.g. database). From your question, it seems like the out of box "Session" object is giving trouble, but at any rate you should probably avoid using it because it won't "remember" the user even across devices.
However, Teams provides you a way to achieve the same thing yourself quite easily. Remember that the Teams 'Context' object provides a userObjectId property that is unique and valid for the same user on all sessions on all devices (it's actually their Azure Active Directory id). You can simply store whatever you want in your own database, key'ed by this id, and request it on page load. It's also possible to get this from the querystring for a static (personal) tab if you want to handle the behaviour server-side (e.g. C#).

Magento / Paypal reserve funds to charge months later

I am looking to see if there is a way to use Paypal within Magento to have a authorize a charge to an account, and only do the capture several months later. We are designing a site where the lead time on orders could be months as the products need to be created once ordered.
Based on what I have seen in Paypals documentation (links below), I believe there is a time limit of about a month, however I thought it prudent to confirm this.
Thank you,
Authorizations normally only allow up to 30 days from the original transaction date. There isn't a way to guarantee those funds for an extended period of time, though you can reauthorize for a short time, you would not be able to extend it for months at a time.
The best way to go about this would be to utilize Reference Transaction which allows you to run a new transaction off an existing transaction.
How this would work is you would run an intial charge usually a smaller amount then your system would store the transaction ID from the original payment and then you would use the reference transaction API to run a new transaction for the remaining amount at the time you are requesting.
Note, Reference Transaction is not enabled by default so you would need to contact PayPal Business Support to get a request submitting to activate this service.

Creative account confirmation without the use of emails

I employ email validation to grant people full use of the site. The trouble is, sometimes these emails get spam-boxed, or never arrive, so I get many people complaining that they cannot confirm their account.
Was wondering if there are other (creative) ways to offer secondary validation option to users who didnt get the validation. Its a free site, so I dont want to ask for credit cards, or mobile #s.
The purpose of this is to make abuse of the site less rampant, since we ban a lot of people, and they come back with dozens of accounts to prove something. Spam/robot registrations are not an issue (right now).
What we started doing recently was letting members send us an email to a special email address. We give them a hash code, and all they have to do is put that code somewhere in the subject or the body of the email, and send it to us. We have a cron job running in the background that gets those emails, parses the subject/body looking for the hash, and if found activates the account.
It doesn't work 100%, because some ISPs also block their users from sending us emails, but no solution would work 100%.
Based on your comment in Rob S.' answer, it sounds more like you want to identify situations where the same browser is creating multiple accounts rather than confirm that what's at the other end is human.
Dropping a cookie in the user's browser can be very helpful in finding the repeat offenders, especially those not savvy enough to clear their cookies or visit while in private mode. Some forum software like vBulletin does this and can notify the administrators when it happens.
Another alternative might be browser fingerprinting, which is where you use a bunch of the information provided in the HTTP exchange. An example of this is the EFF's Panopticlick.
Just got a "fun" new way to annoy your banned people a bit.
once you ban them (I guess you close the account and ban the IP). Then log their browser agent string with their IP and screen resolution.
If there is a match when showing the website to them. Just remove the registration link/page. Dont even show the link to the page, as it might piss them off. Dont explain why its gone. Just keep it gone, eg. for 3 weeks or 2 month.
That way they dont have a cookie on the browser to remove, they cant find the registration so they cant know WHY they cant make a new account.
Secondly, if on a school or something (dont know how old they are), the other existing users will still be able to login to their accounts as its ONLY registration that has been removed. Not login.
How about that? is that clever enough?
Basically what you're looking to do is separate the humans from the robots. There are two primary ways to do this:
1) Require users signing up to check boxes and type a word spelled out in an image captcha. These are usually very difficult tasks for a computer to complete.
2) Allow users to sign-up using their account from a different site such as OpenID or Google assuming that anyone who has one of these accounts is a real person.
I recommend combining both methodologies.
Good luck!
There are unlimited ways of doing this.
You mention mobiles and free, but if you have access to a SMS-gateway, you can receive SMS-messages for free (but might need to pay some sort of monthly subscription though). But show a dynamically generated code the the current user. Store this code in "his session" and do an ajax check each 15-30 sec to see if the sms-code was received by the gateway. If so, accept the account and let them registrate. This would requiere the gateway + your users to have a personal mobile. Enough about mobiles...
Make a question or more that is randomly generated. Use pictures/tokens instad of tekst so that the user has to press the correct image in correct order to perform some sort of answer.
Could be like a jackpot-machine with 3 cells where the images are randomly placed and generated inside dynamic named files, so that robots cant analyse the names to guess the right answer.
You mention e-mails to be easy to spoof. Yes indeed, but what if the emails would come lets say each week containing some sort of "important info" that the user would need to read/use on the website to continue. Once the account hasnt been used for a certain time (lets say 3 month, kill it)... and you could also say to have a "free account" you must accept that we send you 1 mail pr. month that you need to activate within 1 week. If you dont, we are free to close/delete your account details.
... and many more
I dont know what you want to "protect", but if its for gaming, then dont let the gamers have "extra levels/weapons" until they have provided a certain amount of these codes OR paid for access OR validated by phone or something.
Thats my first 3 ideas, I think the possibilities are unlimited. The main issue here is, make it too hard to validate yourself and the users go away unless your site is REALLY worth it.
You might think of the much used "Free forever (but limited)" approach way of selling stuff these days on the net. The users can make as many accounts they want, but the licens is still only "single/small/basic". Once you get more experienced, you get more features or you might just upgrade by paying... at this time you know WHO is real and WHO isnt.
My point is, dont over protect. Just design with the mind of spammers will always find a way in, no matter how good you protect it. Those giving up first are your real users/customers.
I would rather spend time on making this product/website/game so great that EVERYONE wants to pay for an account after a while.
Lastly from real life... there are COMPANIES in China with kids employeed to play World of Warcraft with one purpose. Harvest virtual gold and sell it on Ebay to other western players who pays with real dollars. Its not allowed according to the gamelicens and their accounts/gameslicenses are constantly getting banned. But it gives them so much income so they have calculated with this and they just buy new licences and continue.
So if EVEN Blizard(WoW creators)
doesnt have enough power/money to keep
fakes out of the game, how do you
expect to do much better? :o)
Usefull answer?
