Clean output using sed - bash

I have a file that begins with this kind of format
What I need is to read the file and get this output:
I have this so far:
cat clone_them.log | grep 'INFO|NOT-CLONED' | sed -E 's/INFO\|NOT-CLONED\|(.*)/g'
But is not working as intended
NOTE: the last "another-folder" and "last-folder-name is the same

If you want a sed solution:
$ sed -En 's/(INFO\|NOT-CLONED\|).*\|([^|]*)\|$/\1\2/p' file
How it works:
Use extended regex
Don't print unless we explicitly tell it to.
Look for lines that include INFO|NOT-CLONED| (save this in group 1) followed by anything, .*, followed by | followed by any characters not |, [^|]* (saved in group 2), followed by | at the end of the line. The replacement text is group 1 followed by group 2.
The p option tells sed to print the line if the match succeeds. Since the substitution only succeeds for lines that contain INFO|NOT-CLONED|, this eliminates the need for an extra grep process.
Variation: Returning just the last-folder-name
To just get the last-folder-name without the INFO|NOT-CLONED, we need only remove \1 from the output:
$ sed -En 's/(INFO\|NOT-CLONED\|).*\|([^|]*)\|$/\2/p' file
Since we no longer need the first capture group, we could simplify and remove the now unneeded parens so that the only capture group is the last folder name:
$ sed -En 's/INFO\|NOT-CLONED\|.*\|([^|]*)\|$/\1/p' file

Its simpler in awk as input file is properly delimited by | symbol. You need to tell awk that the input fields are separated by | and output should also remain separated with | symbol using IFS and OFS respectively.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"}/INFO\|NOT-CLONED/{print $1,$2,$(NF-1)}' clone_them.log


how to grep everything between single quotes?

I am having trouble figuring out how to grep the characters between two single quotes .
I have this in a file
version: '8.x-1.0-alpha1'
and I like to have the output like this (the version numbers can be various):
I wrote the following but it does not work:
cat myfile.txt | grep -e 'version' | sed 's/.*\?'\(.*?\)'.*//g'
Thank you for your help.
I used the sed command sed -n "s#version:\s*'\(.*\)'#\1#p"
I also like to remove 8.x- which I edited to sed -n "s#version:\s*'8.x-\(.*\)'#\1#p".
This command only works on linux and it does not work on MAC. How to change this command to make it works on MAC?
sed -n "s#version:\s*'8.x-\(.*\)'#\1#p"
If you just want to have that information from the file, and only that you can quickly do:
awk -F"'" '/version/{print $2}' file
$ echo "version: '8.x-1.0-alpha1'" | awk -F"'" '/version/{print $2}'
How does this work?
An awk program is a series of pattern-action pairs, written as:
condition { action }
condition { action }
where condition is typically an expression and action a series of commands.
-F "'": Here we tell awk to define the field separator FS to be a <single quote> '. This means the all lines will be split in fields $1, $2, ... ,$NF and between each field there is a '. We can now reference these fields by using $1 for the first field, $2 for the second ... etc and this till $NF where NF is the total number of fields per line.
/version/{print $2}: This is the condition-action pair.
condition: /version/:: The condition reads: If a substring in the current record/line matches the regular expression /version/ then do action. Here, this is simply translated as if the current line contains a substring version
action: {print $2}:: If the previous condition is satisfied, then print the second field. In this case, the second field would be what the OP requests.
There are now several things that can be done.
Improve the condition to be /^version :/ && NF==3 which reads _If the current line starts with the substring version : and the current line has 3 fields then do action
If you only want the first occurance, you can tell the system to exit immediately after the find by updating the action to {print $2; exit}
I'd use GNU grep with pcre regexes:
grep -oP "version: '\\K.*(?=')" file
where we are looking for "version: '" and then the \K directive will forget what it just saw, leaving .*(?=') to match up to the last single quote.
Try something like this: sed -n "s#version:\s*'\(.*\)'#\1#p" myfile.txt. This avoids the redundant cat and grep by finding the "version" line and extracting the contents between the single quotes.
the -n flag tells sed not to print lines automatically. We then use the p command at the end of our sed pattern to explicitly print when we've found the version line.
Search for pattern: version:\s*'\(.*\)'
version:\s* Match "version:" followed by any amount of whitespace
'\(.*\)' Match a single ', then capture everything until the next '
Replace with: \1; This is the first (and only) capture group above, containing contents between single quotes.
When your only want to look at he quotes, you can use cut.
grep -e 'version' myfile.txt | cut -d "'" -f2
grep can almost do this alone:
grep -o "'.*'" file.txt
But this may also print lines you don't want to: it will print all lines with 2 single quotes (') in them. And the output still has the single quotes (') around it:
But sed alone can do it properly:
sed -rn "s/^version: +'([^']+)'.*/\1/p" file.txt

Text processing in bash - extracting information between multiple HTML tags and outputting it into CSV format [duplicate]

I can't figure how to tell sed dot match new line:
echo -e "one\ntwo\nthree" | sed 's/one.*two/one/m'
I expect to get:
instead I get original:
sed is line-based tool. I don't think these is an option.
You can use h/H(hold), g/G(get).
$ echo -e 'one\ntwo\nthree' | sed -n '1h;1!H;${g;s/one.*two/one/p}'
Maybe you should try vim
If you use a GNU sed, you may match any character, including line break chars, with a mere ., see :
Matches any character, including newline.
All you need to use is a -z option:
echo -e "one\ntwo\nthree" | sed -z 's/one.*two/one/'
# => one
# three
See the online sed demo.
However, one.*two might not be what you need since * is always greedy in POSIX regex patterns. So, one.*two will match the leftmost one, then any 0 or more chars as many as possible, and then the rightmost two. If you need to remove one, then any 0+ chars as few as possible, and then the leftmost two, you will have to use perl:
perl -i -0 -pe 's/one.*?two//sg' file # Non-Unicode version
perl -i -CSD -Mutf8 -0 -pe 's/one.*?two//sg' file # S&R in a UTF8 file
The -0 option enables the slurp mode so that the file could be read as a whole and not line-by-line, -i will enable inline file modification, s will make . match any char including line break chars, and .*? will match any 0 or more chars as few as possible due to a non-greedy *?. The -CSD -Mutf8 part make sure your input is decoded and output re-encoded back correctly.
You can use python this way:
$ echo -e "one\ntwo\nthree" | python -c 'import re, sys;; s=re.sub("(?s)one.*two", "one", s); print s,'
This reads the entire python's standard input (, then substitutes "one" for "one.*two" with dot matches all setting enabled (using (?s) at the start of the regular expression) and then prints the modified string (the trailing comma in print is used to prevent print from adding an extra newline).
This might work for you:
<<<$'one\ntwo\nthree' sed '/two/d'
<<<$'one\ntwo\nthree' sed '2d'
<<<$'one\ntwo\nthree' sed 'n;d'
<<<$'one\ntwo\nthree' sed 'N;N;s/two.//'
Sed does match all characters (including the \n) using a dot . but usually it has already stripped the \n off, as part of the cycle, so it no longer present in the pattern space to be matched.
Only certain commands (N,H and G) preserve newlines in the pattern/hold space.
N appends a newline to the pattern space and then appends the next line.
H does exactly the same except it acts on the hold space.
G appends a newline to the pattern space and then appends whatever is in the hold space too.
The hold space is empty until you place something in it so:
sed G file
will insert an empty line after each line.
sed 'G;G' file
will insert 2 empty lines etc etc.
How about two sed calls:
(get rid of the 'two' first, then get rid of the blank line)
$ echo -e 'one\ntwo\nthree' | sed 's/two//' | sed '/^$/d'
Actually, I prefer Perl for one-liners over Python:
$ echo -e 'one\ntwo\nthree' | perl -pe 's/two\n//'
Below discussion is based on Gnu sed.
sed operates on a line by line manner. So it's not possible to tell it dot match newline. However, there are some tricks that can implement this. You can use a loop structure (kind of) to put all the text in the pattern space, and then do the operation.
To put everything in the pattern space, use:
To make "dot match newline" indirectly, you use:
So the result is:
root#u1804:~# echo -e "one\ntwo\nthree" | sed -r ':a;N;$!ba;s/one(\n|.)*two/one/'
Note that in this case, (\n|.) matches newline and all characters. See below example:
root#u1804:~# echo -e "oneXXXXXX\nXXXXXXtwo\nthree" | sed -r ':a;N;$!ba;s/one(\n|.)*two/one/'

bash, text file remove all text in each line before the last space

I have a file with a format like this:
First Last UID
First Middle Last UID
Basically, some names have middle names (and sometimes more than one middle name). I just want a file that only as UIDs.
Is there a sed or awk command I can run that removes everything before the last space?
Print the last field of each line using awk.
The last field is indexed using the NF variable which contains the number of fields for each line. We index it using a dollar sign, the resulting one-liner is easy.
awk '{ print $NF }' file
rs, cat & tail
Another way is to transpose the content of the file, then grab the last line and transpose again (this is fairly easy to see).
The resulting pipe is:
cat file | rs -T | tail -n1 | rs -T
cut & rev
Using cut and rev we could also achieve this goal by reversing the lines, cutting the first field and then reverse it again.
rev file | cut -d ' ' -f1 | rev
Using sed we simply remove all chars until a space is found with the regex ^.* [^ ]*$. This regex means match the beginning of the line ^, followed by any sequence of chars .* and a space . The rest is a sequence of non spaces [^ ]* until the end of the line $. The sed one-liner is:
sed 's/^.* \([^ ]*\)$/\1/' file
Where we capture the last part (in between \( and \)) and sub it back in for the entire line. \1 means the first group caught, which is the last field.
As Ed Norton cleverly pointed out we could simply not catch the group and remove the former part of the regex. This can be as easily achieved as
sed 's/.* //' file
Which is remarkably less complicated and more elegant.
For more information see man sed and man awk.
Using grep:
$ grep -o '[^[:blank:]]*$' file
-o tells grep to print only the matching part. The regex [^[:blank:]]*$ matches the last word on the line.

Remove all characters existing between first n occurences of a specific character in each line in shell

Say I have txt file with characters as follows:
I want to remove all the characters in each line that exist within first 3 occurences of | character in each line. I want my output as:
Could anyone help me figure this out? How can I achieve this using sed?
This would be a typical task for cut
cut -d'|' -f4- file
the -f4- means you want from the forth field till the end. Adjust the 4 if you have a different requirement.
You could try the below sed commad,
$ sed -r 's/^(\s*)[^|]*\|[^|]*\|[^|]*\|/\1/g' file
^(\s*) captures all the spaces which are at the start.
[^|]*\|[^|]*\|[^|]*\| Matches upto the third |. So this abcd|123|kds| will be matched.
All the matched characters are replaced by the chars which are present inside the first captured group.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/^\([^|]*|\)\{3\}//' file
or more readably:
sed -r 's/^([^|]*\|){3}//' file
sed 's/\(\([^|]*|\)\{3\}\)//' YourFile
this is a posix version, on GNU sed force --posix due to the use of | that is interpreted as "OR" and not in posix version.
Replace the 3 first occurence (\{3\}) of [ any charcater but | followed by | (\([^|]*|\)) ] by nothing (// that is an empty pattern)
You can print the last 3 fields:
awk '{print $(NF-2),$(NF-1),$NF}' FS=\| OFS=\| file

How to get the part of a file after the first line that matches a regular expression

I have a file with about 1000 lines. I want the part of my file after the line which matches my grep statement.
That is:
cat file | grep 'TERMINATE' # It is found on line 534
So, I want the file from line 535 to line 1000 for further processing.
How can I do that?
The following will print the line matching TERMINATE till the end of the file:
sed -n -e '/TERMINATE/,$p'
Explained: -n disables default behavior of sed of printing each line after executing its script on it, -e indicated a script to sed, /TERMINATE/,$ is an address (line) range selection meaning the first line matching the TERMINATE regular expression (like grep) to the end of the file ($), and p is the print command which prints the current line.
This will print from the line that follows the line matching TERMINATE till the end of the file:
(from AFTER the matching line to EOF, NOT including the matching line)
sed -e '1,/TERMINATE/d'
Explained: 1,/TERMINATE/ is an address (line) range selection meaning the first line for the input to the 1st line matching the TERMINATE regular expression, and d is the delete command which delete the current line and skip to the next line. As sed default behavior is to print the lines, it will print the lines after TERMINATE to the end of input.
If you want the lines before TERMINATE:
sed -e '/TERMINATE/,$d'
And if you want both lines before and after TERMINATE in two different files in a single pass:
sed -e '1,/TERMINATE/w before
/TERMINATE/,$w after' file
The before and after files will contain the line with terminate, so to process each you need to use:
head -n -1 before
tail -n +2 after
IF you do not want to hard code the filenames in the sed script, you can:
sed -e "1,/TERMINATE/w $before
/TERMINATE/,\$w $after" file
But then you have to escape the $ meaning the last line so the shell will not try to expand the $w variable (note that we now use double quotes around the script instead of single quotes).
I forgot to tell that the new line is important after the filenames in the script so that sed knows that the filenames end.
How would you replace the hardcoded TERMINATE by a variable?
You would make a variable for the matching text and then do it the same way as the previous example:
sed -e "1,/$matchtext/w $before
/$matchtext/,\$w $after" file
to use a variable for the matching text with the previous examples:
## Print the line containing the matching text, till the end of the file:
## (from the matching line to EOF, including the matching line)
sed -n -e "/$matchtext/,\$p"
## Print from the line that follows the line containing the
## matching text, till the end of the file:
## (from AFTER the matching line to EOF, NOT including the matching line)
sed -e "1,/$matchtext/d"
## Print all the lines before the line containing the matching text:
## (from line-1 to BEFORE the matching line, NOT including the matching line)
sed -e "/$matchtext/,\$d"
The important points about replacing text with variables in these cases are:
Variables ($variablename) enclosed in single quotes ['] won't "expand" but variables inside double quotes ["] will. So, you have to change all the single quotes to double quotes if they contain text you want to replace with a variable.
The sed ranges also contain a $ and are immediately followed by a letter like: $p, $d, $w. They will also look like variables to be expanded, so you have to escape those $ characters with a backslash [\] like: \$p, \$d, \$w.
As a simple approximation you could use
grep -A100000 TERMINATE file
which greps for TERMINATE and outputs up to 100,000 lines following that line.
From the man page:
-A NUM, --after-context=NUM
Print NUM lines of trailing context after matching lines.
Places a line containing a group separator (--) between
contiguous groups of matches. With the -o or --only-matching
option, this has no effect and a warning is given.
A tool to use here is AWK:
cat file | awk 'BEGIN{ found=0} /TERMINATE/{found=1} {if (found) print }'
How does this work:
We set the variable 'found' to zero, evaluating false
if a match for 'TERMINATE' is found with the regular expression, we set it to one.
If our 'found' variable evaluates to True, print :)
The other solutions might consume a lot of memory if you use them on very large files.
If I understand your question correctly you do want the lines after TERMINATE, not including the TERMINATE-line. AWK can do this in a simple way:
awk '{if(found) print} /TERMINATE/{found=1}' your_file
Although not best practice, you could rely on the fact that all variables defaults to 0 or the empty string if not defined. So the first expression (if(found) print) will not print anything to start off with.
After the printing is done, we check if this is the starter-line (that should not be included).
This will print all lines after the TERMINATE-line.
You have a file with start- and end-lines and you want the lines between those lines excluding the start- and end-lines.
start- and end-lines could be defined by a regular expression matching the line.
$ cat ex_file.txt
not this line
second line
A good line to include
And this line
Nope more
never ever
$ awk '/END/{found=0} {if(found) print} /START/{found=1}' ex_file.txt
A good line to include
And this line
If the end-line is found no printing should be done. Note that this check is done before the actual printing to exclude the end-line from the result.
Print the current line if found is set.
If the start-line is found then set found=1 so that the following lines are printed. Note that this check is done after the actual printing to exclude the start-line from the result.
The code rely on the fact that all AWK variables defaults to 0 or the empty string if not defined. This is valid, but it may not be best practice so you could add a BEGIN{found=0} to the start of the AWK expression.
If multiple start-end-blocks are found, they are all printed.
grep -A 10000000 'TERMINATE' file
is much, much faster than sed, especially working on really a big file. It works up to 10M lines (or whatever you put in), so there isn't any harm in making this big enough to handle about anything you hit.
Use Bash parameter expansion like the following:
content=$(cat file)
echo "${content#*TERMINATE}"
There are many ways to do it with sed or awk:
sed -n '/TERMINATE/,$p' file
This looks for TERMINATE in your file and prints from that line up to the end of the file.
awk '/TERMINATE/,0' file
This is exactly the same behaviour as sed.
In case you know the number of the line from which you want to start printing, you can specify it together with NR (number of record, which eventually indicates the number of the line):
awk 'NR>=535' file
$ seq 10 > a #generate a file with one number per line, from 1 to 10
$ sed -n '/7/,$p' a
$ awk '/7/,0' a
$ awk 'NR>=7' a
If for any reason, you want to avoid using sed, the following will print the line matching TERMINATE till the end of the file:
tail -n "+$(grep -n 'TERMINATE' file | head -n 1 | cut -d ":" -f 1)" file
And the following will print from the following line matching TERMINATE till the end of the file:
tail -n "+$(($(grep -n 'TERMINATE' file | head -n 1 | cut -d ":" -f 1)+1))" file
It takes two processes to do what sed can do in one process, and if the file changes between the execution of grep and tail, the result can be incoherent, so I recommend using sed. Moreover, if the file doesn’t not contain TERMINATE, the first command fails.
Alternatives to the excellent sed answer by jfg956, and which don't include the matching line:
awk '/TERMINATE/ {y=1;next} y' (Hai Vu's answer to 'grep +A': print everything after a match)
awk '/TERMINATE/ ? c++ : c' (Steven Penny's answer to 'grep +A': print everything after a match)
perl -ne 'print unless 1 .. /TERMINATE/' (tchrist's answer to 'grep +A': print everything after a match)
This could be one way of doing it. If you know in what line of the file you have your grep word and how many lines you have in your file:
grep -A466 'TERMINATE' file
sed is a much better tool for the job:
sed -n '/re/,$p' file
where re is a regular expression.
Another option is grep's --after-context flag. You need to pass in a number to end at, using wc on the file should give the right value to stop at. Combine this with -n and your match expression.
This will print all lines from the last found line "TERMINATE" till the end of the file:
LINE_NUMBER=`grep -o -n TERMINATE $OSCAM_LOG | tail -n 1 | sed "s/:/ \\'/g" | awk -F" " '{print $1}'`
