--watch command is obsolete? - sass

--watch command
no longer works for scss. What's the equivalent
Bought a new pc and can't get newest version of sass to compile
This is going to be marked as duplicate but please point me in right direction

No, I don't think so.
As the official SASS website explained, you can use --watch command like this:
sass --watch <input file or folder>:<output file or folder>
To install sass on your new machine you can use this command:
npm install -g sass


Gulp Error Message "File not found" on MacOS

I'm attempting to get Gulp up and running on MacOS 10.12.3. However, no matter what I do, I am getting the following error: No Gulp File Found.
I have done the following:
Installed gulp cli globally via sudo bash. Gulp version as of this writing is 3.9.1
Installed gulp locally via npm install gulp. Gulp version as of this writing is 3.9.1.
I've done the touch gulp command. This has created a 0kb blank gulp file.
I've created a test gulp.js file in my root directory. The code for said file looks likevar gulp = require('gulp');
Any thoughts on what's going on here?!
Your gulp file needs to be called gulpfile.js, not gulp.js.
While you're at it, I also recommend initializing npm by running npm init (it will walk you through it… just use all the defaults for now), and then adding gulp to your package.json by running npm install --save gulp. This will add
"dependencies": {
"gulp": "^3.9.1"
to your package.json.
What's the point of this? npm's package.json's "dependencies" becomes a list of all the gulp-related plugins your project needs. Any time you need to recreate the project, all you need is that package.json and you can run npm install to install them.
Note that even after renaming your file, you'll get the error
Task 'default' is not in your gulpfile
At the very least gulpfile.js will have to include the line gulp.task('default');… but if that's all your gulpfile has, you won't actually be doing anything with gulp.
I highly recommend working through css-trick's Gulp for Beginners - it doesn't take long, and you'll come out with a much more complete understanding of how to use gulp.

Sass: Watch multiple input-files for one output-file [duplicate]

How could I trace changes in whole directory containing many sass files ? I'm using the following command to watch changes in sass
sass --watch style.scss:style.css
But how to watch changes in whole directory/folder containing many sass files.
Simply use the command sass --watch <input folder>:<output folder>, like this:
$ ls -l
css/ sass/
$ sass --watch sass:css
Where <input folder> contains the Sass files and <output folder> that hosts the generated CSS files.
Expanding the answer by piouPiouM a little:
Output files will be created with the same names as input files except ending with .css.
<input folder> and <output folder> can be the same.
Both folders can be the present working directory, so the following is valid:
$ sass --watch .:.
Go to you terminal and get to you folder then wrote:
sass --watch .
this will watch all sass files and convert to css files with the same name.
also you can do it in this way:
sass --watch ~/user/youUser/workspace/project/styles/
I hope this can help you.
I ended up doing this without using Grunt or Sass-watch:
npm install -g watch
watch "sass assets/app.scss assets/dist/app.css" assets/css
if you are in your current folder then do the following to watch it.
F:\sass tutorial>sass --watch ./:./
Just in case someone faces with this issue in 2018:
sass Website refers to Ruby Sass that is been deprecated.
and as now (May 2018) if you install dart sass via npm , it does not support --watch command
What to do:
you need to install node-sass globaly , like:
npm install node-sass -g
and then restart the command line , then use this code:
node-sass --watch scss/styles.scss css/styles.css
to compile your scass files to css.
basically node-sass supports --watch command and we use that to compile our scss codes to regular css files.
and just in case you get an error like this at the first time that you save your .scss file:
"status": 3,
"message": "File to read not found or unreadable: yourdirectory/scss/styles.scss",
"formatted": "Internal Error: File to read not found or unreadable: yourdirectory/scss/styles.scss\n"
what you need to do is save it again, it will work correctly!
According to the information, you can use the next command line:
sass --watch .
Source: http://sassbreak.com/watch-your-sass/#what-does---watch-do
You can create one sass file which includes the rest of the files, and then just watch this file.
Alternately, look into Grunt and the very good grunt-contrib-compass plugin
You can set sass to watch all the .scss files(for my case i got several .scss files in src/static folder) to compile, but before install it globally:
npm i -g sass
then go to the project folder and type command below:
sass --watch $(pwd)/src/static
also you can wrap it in npm script in package.json, like
"scripts": {
"sass:watch": "sass --watch $(pwd)/src/static"
and run it by this command:
npm run sass:watch

listener.rb: Not a directory

In the past few week, I've started seeing errors when I try to run compass watch:
Errno::ENOTDIR on line ["60"] of /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/listen-2.8.0/lib/listen/listener.rb: Not a directory - /Users/nick/.compass/extensions/readme.txt/stylesheets
It will watch and compile the SCSS into CSS once and then I have to run compass watch again and get that error. When I run compass watch --trace, I get this:
My versions are Compass 1.0.1 (Polaris) & Sass 3.4.9 (Selective Steve)
I had the same problem when running compass watch in terminal because I was in the wrong directory. Are you running it in the same directory as the config.rb file is located at?
I fixed it by first navigating to the folder config.rb is in and then executing compass watch...
Best option I found was this: Failed to build gem native extension (installing Compass)
After that, I starting using http://mhs.github.io/scout-app/ and that worked fine. When I started a new job that uses Grunt, I ditched compass watch all together and used the grunt-contrib-sass plug-in to get the job done.

How to convert directory SASS/SCSS to CSS via command line?

I tried:
sass-convert --from scss --to css --recursive app/assets/stylesheets temp
But this only converts css to SASS, and I want the other way around.
Then I looked at the sass command, but it doesn't look like I can pass it a directory.
To do a one-time Sass compile instead of a watch, you can do this from the command line:
sass --update scss:css
To have Sass import one file (usually a partial, with a _ starting the filename), you can do this inside a Sass file:
#import "_base.scss";
This way, Sass knows where you want the include to occur.
By default, Sass can't import an entire directory. The Sass Globbing gem, however, can. You can install it from the command line:
gem install sass-globbing
And then watch with it:
sass -r sass-globbing --watch sass_dir:css_dir
Note that globbing will import files alphabetically, so be sure your CSS will cascade appropriately if this occurs.
Use the sass command followed by the input file name and path, a colon (:) and the desired output file name and path. If the output file does not already exist Sass will generate it. For example,
sass sass/main.scss:css/main.css
However, this is a one-off command that would require being run every time you want to generate a new CSS file. A simpler and handier method is to use Sass's built-in --watch flag. This watches for changes to your Sass file and automatically runs the compile command each time you save changes.
sass --watch sass/main.scss:css/main.css
If you have multiple Sass files within a directory you can watch for changes to any file within that directory:
sass --watch sass:css
Sass also has four CSS output styles available: nested, expanded, compact and compressed. These can be used thus:
sass --watch sass:css --style compressed
Refer to the Sass documentation for more.
to that, simply go your project directory and do this :
sass --update sass-dir:assets/css
with sass-dir the directory containing your actual sass files and assets/css the desired output directory.
Hope this could help.
You can use compass to convert Sass files into CSS.
To initialize the config.rb, try:
compass init --syntax=sass --css-dir=css --javascripts-dir=js
Once you've the configuration file, try:
compass compile
or by specifying the file explicitly: compass compile sass/foo.scss.
To install it, try:
sudo gem update
sudo gem install sass compass
you can use
sass --watch [input folder path]:[output folder path]
i tried running it in a new terminal and after that sass watches the folder and compiles upon any changes.
you can use this code
sass --watch file.sass:file.css
sass --watch folderSass:foldercss
if you want to create css.main you can use this code
sass --watch sass:css --style compressed

Use Bourbon SASS library with LiveReload

I'd love to use Bourbon with LiveReload but I can't seem to get them to work together. Anybody successfully made these two play nice?
If you use the 'Run a custom command after processing changes' option rather than the standard compilation option, then you can use the commands as detailed on the readme.
# Example (project root directory)
sass --watch stylesheets/sass:stylesheets -r ./stylesheets/sass/bourbon/lib/bourbon.rb
I wrote a blog post covering this.
If you install the latest version (3.0.0) of Bourbon and install bourbon into your compass sass directory:
bourbon install --path ./sass
You can then use LiveReload with one small tweak. You will need to replace LiveReload's version of SASS with at least 3.2.3, since Bourbon requires this.
Instructions on how to replace LiveReload's default SASS version can be found here: http://carl-topham.com/theblog/post/changing-version-sass-livereload/
This seems to work for me.
I've been told you can get it to work by passing the lib/bourbon.rb file into the "Run a custom command" option in LiveReload. See attached image.
