ERROR - Trying to get property of non-object - in laravel - laravel

I am getting the problem when i fetch categorey name from categorey table ..
code here ..
public function viewProducts(){
$products = Product::get();
$products = json_decode(json_encode($products));
foreach($products as $key => $val){
$category_name = Category::where(['id'=>$val->category_id])->first();
$products[$key]->category_name= $category_name->name;
echo "<pre>";print_r($products);die;
return view('admin.products.view_products')->with(compact('products'));
ErrorException (E_NOTICE)
Trying to get property of non-objectenter image description here

The error is straight forward. You haven't gotten any objects of $category_name variable and you're trying to access to the value of the name property. Which is not defined because there's no object.
Add a simple condition to fix it like this
public function viewProducts(){
$products = Product::get();
$products = json_decode(json_encode($products));
foreach($products as $key => $val){
$category_name = Category::where(['id'=>$val->category_id])->first();
if($category_name != null){
$products[$key]->category_name= $category_name->name;
echo "<pre>";print_r($products);die;
return view('admin.products.view_products')->with(compact('products'));
To send data to your blade:
# Controller:
$data['category_name'] = $category_name;
$data['products'] = $products;
# Blade:
{{ $KeyName['category_name'] }}
{{ $KeyName['products'] }}


Passing variables,arrays and objects to view with compact

I have a method in laravel that aims to pass data to views. I have data in variables, arrays and objects.
This is the method
public function view($id){
$id = request()->segment(2);
$items = Role::all(['name', 'display_name']);
return view('text.ServicesEditUser',compact('items',$items));
I also have this code
$uid = Auth::id();
$settings = Settings::where('user_id','=',Auth::id())->first();
return view('text.settings',compact('settings'));
that i want to incorporate to the code above. Once i pass the settings to the view, i can access data like $settings->language for instance. I also want to pass a variable which is
$title = 'degrees of tilt';
to the first code snippet's compact method.
This is the method now with all the data i want to pass to the view
public function view($id){
$id = request()->segment(2);
$title = 'Tilt in degrees';
$settings = Settings::where('user_id','=',Auth::id())->first();
$users = User::where('id','=',$id)->get();
$items = Role::all(['name', 'display_name']);
return view('text.ServicesEditUser',compact('items',$items));
How do i pass $settings ,$title,$users , $items to the view and how do i access each in view?
When returning a view you can pass multiple variables like this.
return view('text.ServicesEditUser')
->with('variable2', $variable2);
See here the documentation about this - Laravel Views.
In controller:
$variable = "Var";
$array = ["first" => "a", "second" => "b"];
$object = (object) $array;
return view('view',compact(['variable', 'array', 'object']));
In view:
compact() doesn't need dollar at start.
You can just add your code to view by:
$title = 'My title';
$settings = ['my', 'settings',];
return view('text.settings', compact('title', 'settings'));
Anyway you can pass your variables by array:
$settings = ['my', 'settings',];
return view('text.settings', [
'title' => 'Title',
'settings' => $settings,
The last option is with() method:
return view('text.settings')
->with('settings', $settings)
->with('title', 'My title');
Get access to variables in the view by {{ $title }} and
#foreach ($settings as $sett)
{{ $sett }}
This did also work
public function view($id){
$id = request()->segment(2);
$title = 'Degrees of tilt';
$settings = Settings::where('user_id','=',Auth::id())->first();
$users = User::where('id','=',$id)->get();
$items = Role::all(['name', 'display_name']);
return view('text.ServicesEditUser', compact('title', 'settings','users','items'));
in the blade view
#foreach($items as $item)
<option value="{{$item->name}}">{{$item->display_name}}</option>
#foreach($users as $user)
<option value="{{$user->id}}">{{$user->email}}</option>
In settings

Call to a member function setPath() on a non-object in laravel

In my Laravel web application, getting error like "Call to a member function setPath() on a non-object" while using pagination.
My code is
In model,
public function scopegetApartments()
$list1 = DB::table('properties')->orderBy('id','DESC')->paginate(1);
$list = array();
foreach($list1 as $listeach){
$imgs = DB::table('property_images')->where('property_id',$listeach->id)->get();;
$images = array();
foreach($imgs as $img){
array_push($images, $img->image);
$lists = array(
array_push($list, $lists);
return $list;
return '[]';
In view,
echo $apartmentlist->render();
How to resolve this problem?

How to optimize code in Laravel?

I use the following code to get data from two related tables:
$arr = [];
$objectModel = new ProductCategory();
$objectModel::$language = 2;
$subcategories = $objectModel::with("translate", "parent")->get();
foreach($subcategories as $key => $item) {
$arr[$item->translate()->first()->objectId] = $item->translate()->first()->name;
array_unshift($arr, 'Select category');
return $arr;
In result this part of code I get array with key => value to insert this in select list in Blade template.
But I desire to escape a loop:
foreach($subcategories as $key => $item) {
$arr[$item->translate()->first()->objectId] = $item->translate()->first()->name;
And get clear collection from request. How can I do it?
You can use Laravel Collections
$arr = ProductCategory::with("translate", "parent")->get()
->mapWithKeys(function ($item, $key) {
return [$item->translate()->first()->objectId => $item->translate()->first()->name];

CodeIgniter pass variables form controller to model

Ok I want to pass two variables from a controller to a model but I get some kind of error. Am I passing variables on right way? My syntax is:
public function add_tag(){
if(isset($_POST['id_slike']) && isset($_POST['id_taga'])){
$slika = $_POST['id_slike'];
$tag = $_POST['id_taga'];
$res = $this->Member_model->add_tags($slike, $tag);
foreach ($res->result() as $r){
echo $r->name;
echo "";
public function add_tags(){
$data = array(
'tags_id' => $tag ,
'photos_id' => $slika
$check = $this->db->query("SELECT tags_id,photos_id FROM bridge WHERE bridge.tags_id='{$tag}' AND bridge.photos_id={$slika} ");
$res = $this->db->query("SELECT name FROM tags where `tags`.`id`='{$tag}' ");
return $res;
you are passing variables correctly, but do not get them correctly in the model, which should look like this:
public function add_tags($slike, $tag){
//your other code
The following code write on the controller file:-
$data = array();
$data['item'] = $this->dbmodel->getData('*','catagory',array('cat_id'=>21));
$this->load->view('listing_view', $data);
The following code write on the dbmodel file:-
public function getData($cols, $table, $where=array()){
$query = $this->db->get();
$result = $query->result();
return $result;}

Laravel: Error in Passing a multidimensional array from controller to view in Laravel

Route File:-
$menuitem = Menuitem::all();
return VIEW::make('index',$menuitem);
#foreach($menuitem as $item)
I am getting an error Undefined variable $menuitem in index.blade.php.
$menuitem = Menuitem::all();
return View::make('index')->with('menuItem', $menuItem);
View::make accepts an array for the second parameter.
public View make(string $view, array $data = array(), array $mergeData = array())
So it should be:
$menuitem = Menuitem::all();
$data = array(
'menuitemKey' => $menuitem
return View::make('index', $data);
Then you can access it like:
#foreach($menuitemKey as $item)
This worked for me.
$myarray = Menuitem::all();
return View::make('myview')->with('data',$myarray);
