Issue with logstash Dissect - elasticsearch

I am having some serious problems with dissecting the below text blob in my ELK stack
This is the field -
INFO [2019-06-20 10:37:42,734]
Informational request: ip_address="" domain_name=""
random_id_2="Isl/eC4ERnoLVEBMXYtWeMjwqkSKA2MPSsDnGHe4EzE=" number=1000
timestamp=1561027064 valid_token_present=true everything_ok=true
[Http/1.1] [,,]
I have the below currently -
dissect { mapping => { "message" => '%{} ip_address="%{ip}" domain_name="%
{name}" some_random_id="%{some_random_id}" random_id_2="%{random_id_2}"
number="%{number}"%{}' } }
It seems to be breaking on the number field, if i remove the number it all works fine.(albeit throws a warning, but works fine and shows the fields in my kibana)
Can anyone suggest a way of getting the IP address/Domain some_random_id/random_id_2 aswell as the [http/1.1] block.

The quotes around %{number} in your mapping aren't present in the log you provided, which is what breaks your filter.
With this configuration:
dissect {
mapping => {
"message" => '%{} ip_address="%{ip}" domain_name="%{name}" some_random_id="%{some_random_id}" random_id_2="%{random_id_2}" number=%{number} timestamp=%{timestamp} valid_token_present=%{valid} everything_ok=%{ok} [%{http}]'
I'm getting this result:
"ok": "true",
"random_id_2": "Isl/eC4ERnoLVEBMXYtWeMjwqkSKA2MPSsDnGHe4EzE=",
"message": "INFO [2019-06-20 10:37:42,734] com.something.something.something.information.core.LoggingPiracyReporter: Informational request: ip_address=\"\" domain_name=\"\" some_random_id=\"HrmwldM4DQNXoQF3AnYosJ0Mtig=\" random_id_2=\"Isl/eC4ERnoLVEBMXYtWeMjwqkSKA2MPSsDnGHe4EzE=\" number=1000 timestamp=1561027064 valid_token_present=true everything_ok=true [Http/1.1] [,,]\r",
"ip": "",
"http": "Http/1.1",
"name": "",
"valid": "true",
"some_random_id": "HrmwldM4DQNXoQF3AnYosJ0Mtig=",
"timestamp": "1561027064",
"number": "1000"


Split a message using grok

I have logs in the format:
2018-09-17 15:24:34;Count of files in error folder in;C:\Scripts\FOLDER\SUBFOLDER\error;1
I want to put in a separate field the path to the folder and the number after.
I use for this grok pattern in logstash config:
if "TestLogs" in [tags] {
match => { "message" => "%{DATE:date_in_log}%{SPACE}%{};%{DATA:message.text.log};%{WINPATH:dir};%{INT:count.of.error.files}" }
add_field => { "dirTEST" => "%{dir}" }
add_field => { "count.of.error.filesTEST" => "%{count.of.error.files}" }
No errors in logstash logs.
But in the Kibana I get the usual log without new fields.
A couple of notes here. First of all, it must be said that the solution seems to be doing what you expect, so probably the problem is that your Index Pattern has not been updated with the new fields. To do so in Kibana you can go to Management -> Kibana -> Index Patterns and refresh the field list in the upper right corner (Next to the delete Index Pattern button).
Second is that you must take into account that using points to separate the terms makes the structured data look like this:
"date_in_log": "18-09-17",
"count": {
"of": {
"error": {
"files": "1"
"time": {
"in": {
"log": "15:24:34"
"message": {
"text": {
"log": "Count of files in error folder in"
"dir": "C:\\Scripts\\FOLDER\\SUBFOLDER\\error"
I don't know if this is how you want your data to be represented, but maybe you should consider other solution changing the naming of the fields in the grok pattern.

Create a Kibana graph from logstash logs

I need to create a graph in kibana according to a specific value.
Here is my raw log from logstash :
2016-03-14T15:01:21.061Z Accueil-PC 14-03-2016 16:01:19.926 [pool-3-thread-1] INFO com.github.vspiewak.loggenerator.SearchRequest - id=300,ip=,brand=Apple,name=iPhone 5S,model=iPhone 5S - Gris sideral - Disque 64Go,category=Mobile,color=Gris sideral,options=Disque 64Go,price=899.0
In this log line, I have the id information "id=300".
In order to create graphics in Kibana using the id value, I want a new field. So I have a specific grok configuration :
grok {
match => ["message", "(?<mycustomnewfield>id=%{INT}+)"]
With this transformation I get the following JSON :
"_index": "metrics-2016.03.14",
"_type": "logs",
"_id": "AVN1k-cJcXxORIbORG7w",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"message": "{\"message\":\"14-03-2016 15:42:18.739 [pool-1950-thread-1] INFO com.github.vspiewak.loggenerator.SellRequest - id=300,ip=,,sex=F,brand=Apple,name=iPad R\\\\xE9tina,model=iPad R\\\\xE9tina - Noir,category=Tablette,color=Noir,price=509.0\\\\r\",\"#version\":\"1\",\"#timestamp\":\"2016-03-14T14:42:19.040Z\",\"path\":\"D:\\\\LogStash\\\\logstash-2.2.2\\\\logstash-2.2.2\\\\bin\\\\logs.logs.txt\",\"host\":\"Accueil-PC\",\"type\":\"metrics-type\",\"mycustomnewfield\":\"300\"}",
"#version": "1",
"#timestamp": "2016-03-14T14:42:19.803Z",
"host": "",
"port": 57867
"fields": {
"#timestamp": [
"sort": [
A new field was actually created (the field 'mycustomnewfield') but within the message field ! As a result I can't see it in kibana when I try to create a graph. I tried to create a "scripted field" in Kibana but only numeric field can be accessed.
Should I create an index in elasticSearch with a specific mapping to create a new field ?
There was actually something wrong with my configuration. I should have paste the whole configuration with my question. In fact i'm using logstash as a shipper and also as a log server. On the server side, I modified the configuration :
input {
tcp {
port => "yyyy"
host => "x.x.x.x"
mode => "server"
codec => json # I forgot this option
Because the logstash shipper is actually sending json, I need to advice the server about this. Now I no longer have a message field within a message field, and my new field is inserted at the right place.

Multiple Logstash Outputs depending from collectd

I'm facing a configuration failure which I can't solve on my own, tried to get the solution with the documentation, but without luck.
I'm having a few different hosts which send their metrics via collectd to logstash. Inside the logstash configuration I'd like to seperate each host and pipe it into an own ES-index. When I try to configtest my settings logstash throws a failure - maybe someone can help me.
The seperation should be triggered by the hostname collectd delivers:
[This is an old raw json output, so please don't mind the wrong set index]
"_index": "wv-metrics",
"_type": "logs",
"_id": "AVHyJunyGanLcfwDBAon",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"host": "",
"#timestamp": "2015-12-30T09:10:15.211Z",
"plugin": "disk",
"plugin_instance": "dm-5",
"collectd_type": "disk_merged",
"read": 0,
"write": 0,
"#version": "1"
"fields": {
"#timestamp": [
"sort": [
Please see my config:
Input Config (Working so far)
input {
udp {
port => 25826
buffer_size => 1452
codec => collectd { }
Output Config File:
filter {
if [host] == "" {
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "someip:someport"
user => logstash
password => averystrongpassword
index => ""
Error which is thrown:
root#test-collectd1:/home/username# service logstash configtest
Error: Expected one of #, => at line 21, column 17 (byte 314) after filter {
if [host] == "" {
output {
I understand, that there's a character possible missing in my config, but I can't locate it.
Thx in advance!
I spot two errors in a quick scan:
First, your output stanza should not be wrapped with a filter{} block.
Second, your output stanza should start with output{} (put the conditional inside):
output {
if [host] == "" {
elasticsearch {

_grokparsefailure without Filters

I have some simple logstash configuration:
input {
syslog {
port => 5140
type => "fortigate"
output {
elasticsearch {
cluster => "logging"
node_name => "logstash-logging-03"
bind_host => ""
Thats it. Problem is that the documents that end up in elasticsearch do contain a _grokparsefailure:
"_index": "logstash-2014.12.19",
"_source": {
"message": ...",
"tags": [
How come? There are no (grok) filters...
OK: The syslog input obviously makes use of gork internally. Therefore, if some other log format than "syslog" hits the input a "_grokparsefailure" will occure.
Instead, I just used "tcp" and "udp" inputs to achieve the required result (I was not aware of them before).

How to stop logstash from creating a default mapping in ElasticSearch

I am using logstash to feed logs into ElasticSearch.
I am configuring logstash output as:
input {
file {
path => "/tmp/foo.log"
codec =>
plain {
format => "%{message}"
output {
elasticsearch {
#host => localhost
codec => json {}
manage_template => false
index => "4glogs"
I notice that as soon as I start logstash it creates a mapping ( logs ) in ES as below.
"4glogs": {
"mappings": {
"logs": {
"properties": {
"#timestamp": {
"type": "date",
"format": "dateOptionalTime"
"#version": {
"type": "string"
"message": {
"type": "string"
How can I prevent logstash from creating this mapping ?
I have now resolved this error too. "object mapping for [logs] tried to parse as object, but got EOF, has a concrete value been provided to it?"
As John Petrone has stated below, once you define a mapping, you have to ensure that your documents conform to the mapping. In my case, I had defined a mapping of "type: nested" but the output from logstash was a string.
So I removed all codecs ( whether json or plain ) from my logstash config and that allowed the json document to pass through without changes.
Here is my new logstash config ( with some additional filters for multiline logs ).
input {
kafka {
zk_connect => "localhost:2181"
group_id => "logstash_group"
topic_id => "platform-logger"
reset_beginning => false
consumer_threads => 1
queue_size => 2000
consumer_id => "logstash-1"
fetch_message_max_bytes => 1048576
file {
path => "/tmp/foo.log"
filter {
multiline {
pattern => "^\s"
what => "previous"
multiline {
pattern => "[0-9]+$"
what => "previous"
multiline {
pattern => "^$"
what => "previous"
remove_field => ["kafka"]
remove_field => ["#version"]
remove_field => ["#timestamp"]
remove_tag => ["multiline"]
output {
elasticsearch {
manage_template => false
index => "4glogs"
You will need a mapping to store data in Elasticsearch and to search on it - that's how ES knows how to index and search those content types. You can either let logstash create it dynamically or you can prevent it from doing so and instead create it manually.
Keep in mind you cannot change existing mappings (although you can add to them). So first off you will need to delete the existing index. You would then modify your settings to prevent dynamic mapping creation. At the same time you will want to create your own mapping.
For example, this will create the mappings for the logstash data but also restrict any dynamic mapping creation via "strict":
$ curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/4glogs/logs/_mapping' -d '
"logs" : {
"dynamic": "strict",
"properties" : {
"#timestamp": {
"type": "date",
"format": "dateOptionalTime"
"#version": {
"type": "string"
"message": {
"type": "string"
Keep in mind that the index name "4glogs" and the type "logs" need to match what is coming from logstash.
For my production systems I generally prefer to turn off dynamic mapping as it avoids accidental mapping creation.
The following links should be useful if you want to make adjustments to your dynamic mappings:
logs in this case is the index_type. If you don't want to create it as logs, specify some other index_type on your elasticsearch element. Every record in elasticsearch is required to have an index and a type. Logstash defaults to logs if you haven't specified it.
There's always an implicit mapping created when you insert records into Elasticsearch, so you can't prevent it from being created. You can create the mapping yourself before you insert anything (via say a template mapping).
The setting manage_template of false just prevents it from creating the template mapping for the index you've specified. You can delete the existing template if it's already been created by using something like curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/_template/logstash?pretty
Index templates can help you. Please see this jira for more details. You can create index templates with wildcard support to match an index name and put your default mappings.
