How to change particular property value of a class in a LiveData<List<T>> (in my case LiveData<List<Item>>) using MediatorLiveData - android-architecture-components

The Item.kt class is
#Entity(tableName = "item")
class Item(
val id: Long,
val title: String,
) {
var selection: Boolean = false
Then i make a query to get all the items in the table ,it return
Then in the viewModel i want to apply selection(true) accordig to the Mutablelivedata selectionId, the selection id contain MutableLiveData<Long> (it contain an id in the LiveData<List<Item>>)
The MyViewModel.kt code is look like this
class MyViewModel(val repository: Repository) : ViewModel() {
val selectionId: MutableLiveData<Long> by lazy {
fun setSelectionId(id: Long) {
val itemLiveList: LiveData<List<Item>> = liveData(Dispatchers.IO) {
If it is an List<Item> i can do somethig like this
val ItemWithSelection: List<Item> = repository.getItems().apply {
this.forEach {
if ( == selectionId) {
it.selection = true
but i don't know how to achieve this using Mediator LiveData . Please help me

I don't understand everything in your code, for example I have never seen a function called liveData(CoroutineDispatcher). But do you mean you want something like this?
val listWithoutSelection = liveData(Dispatchers.IO) {
val listWithSelection = MediatorLiveData<List<Item>>().apply {
addSource(listWithoutSelection) { updateListSelection() }
addSource(selectionId) { updateListSelection() }
fun updateListSelection() {
listWithSelection.value = listWithoutSelection.value?.map {
if ( == selectionId.value)
The copyWithSelection could be easily done with Kotlin data classes. It is not needed dependent on whether you want to modify the object you get from the database. If you only use that object here, you could just always reset the selection of the others to false and then you can keep the object and you don't need a copy.


Handling commands from the viewmodel to the UI

The peculiarity of this application is that every time a user does something (except common things like typing) the application must check with an authority that they are indeed allowed to perform that action.
For example, let us say that the user wishes to see their profile (which is on the top bar)
the Composable screen looks something like this:
fun HomeScreen(
navController: NavController,
vm: HomeViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
val state = vm.state.value
val scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState()
HomeScreen(state, scaffoldState, vm::process)
fun HomeScreen(state: HomeState, scaffoldState: ScaffoldState, event: (HomeEvent) -> Unit) {
scaffoldState = scaffoldState,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
topBar = {
title = {
Text("Hello world")
actions = {
IconButton(onClick = {
}) {
painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_person),
contentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.profile)
) {
the view model receives it like so:
class HomeViewModel #Inject constructor(app: Application, private val checkAllowed: CheckAllowed): AndroidViewmodel(app) {
val state = mutableStateOf(HomeState.Idle)
fun process(event:HomeEvent) {
when(event) {
HomeEvent.ShowProfile -> {
state.value = HomeState.Loading
viewModelScope.launch {
try {
val allowed = checkAllowed(Permission.SeeProfile) //use case that checks if the action is allowed
if (allowed) {
} else {
} finally {
state.value = HomeState.Idle
I now have to send a command to the ui, to either show a snackbar with the error or navigate to the profile page.
I have read a number of articles saying that compose should have a state, and the correct way to do this is make a new state value, containing the response, and when the HomeScreen receives it , it will act appropriately and send a message back that it is ok
I assume something like this :
in the viewmodel
val command = mutableStateOf<HomeCommand>(HomeCommand.Idle)
fun commandExecuted() {
command.value = HomeCommand.Idle
and inside the HomeScreen
val command = vm.command.value
try {
when (command) {
is HomeCommand.ShowProfile -> navController.navigate("profile_screen")
is HomeCommand.ShowSnackbar -> scaffoldState.snackbarHostState.showSnackbar(command.message, "Dismiss", SnackbarDuration.Indefinite)
}finally {
but the way I did it is using flows like so:
inside the viewmodel:
private val _commands = MutableSharedFlow<HomeCommand>(0, 10, BufferOverflow.DROP_LATEST)
val commands: Flow<HomeCommand> = _commands
and inside the HomeScreen:
LaunchedEffect(key1 = vm) {
this#ExecuteCommands.commands.collectLatest { command ->
when (command) {
is HomeCommand.ShowProfile -> navController.navigate("profile_screen")
is HomeCommand.ShowSnackbar -> scaffoldState.snackbarHostState.showSnackbar(command.message, "Dismiss", SnackbarDuration.Indefinite)
This seems to work, but I am afraid there may be a memory leak or something I'm missing that could cause problems
Is my approach correct? Should I change it to state as in the first example? can I make it better somehow?

fragment for flowpane in TornadoFX

The TornadoFX docs describe using the ListCellFragment to bind each cell in a list control to each item model in a list. I am wondering how to do something similar in a flowpane. I'd like to use that kind of class to render a bunch of controls and an SVG drawing in each cell. (So it would replace the button component in the example code below and somehow bind the shapeItem model to it).
class LibraryView : View("Current Library") {
val shapeLibraryViewModel : LibraryViewModel by inject()
override val root = anchorpane{
flowpane {
shapeItem -> button(shapeItem.nameProperty)
Since I don't see a pre-made class like the one for list view, perhaps I would need to create something similar to it...or maybe there's a more lightweight approach?
Using an ItemFragment is a bit overkill, since the itemProperty of the fragment will never change (a new fragment would be created for every item whenever the libraryItemsProperty change. However, if your view logic for each item is substantial, this approach will provide a clean way to separate and contain that logic, so it might be worth it. Here is a complete example you can use as a starting point.
class ShapeItemFragment : ItemFragment<ShapeItem>() {
val shapeModel = ShapeItemModel().bindTo(this)
override val root = stackpane {
class ShapeItem(name: String) {
val nameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(name)
class ShapeItemModel : ItemViewModel<ShapeItem>() {
val name = bind(ShapeItem::nameProperty)
class LibraryViewModel : ViewModel() {
val libraryItemsProperty = SimpleListProperty<ShapeItem>(
ShapeItem("Shape 1"),
ShapeItem("Shape 2")
class LibraryView : View("Current Library") {
val shapeLibraryViewModel: LibraryViewModel by inject()
override val root = anchorpane {
flowpane {
bindChildren(shapeLibraryViewModel.libraryItemsProperty) { shapeItem ->
val itemFragment = find<ShapeItemFragment>()
itemFragment.itemProperty.value = shapeItem
A slightly lighter version would be to pass the parameter into your fragment manually and just extend Fragment:
class ShapeItemFragment : Fragment() {
val item: ShapeItem by param()
override val root = stackpane {
You can still bind to changes to properties inside the ShapeItem, since the underlying item won't change (as seen from the ItemFragment) anyway.
Your bindChildren statement would then look like this:
bindChildren(shapeLibraryViewModel.libraryItemsProperty) { shapeItem ->
find<ShapeItemFragment>(ShapeItemFragment::item to shapeItem).root

how to convert to NotNull by using enum in Kotlin

How can I convert the following code to accepted NotNull inside enum class by using Kotlin?
Note: i'm using this enum between two activity and one activity has 2 adapters.
Here is enum class
enum class Adapterx {
companion object {
fun fromOrdinal(ordinal: Int): Adapterx? {
return Adapterx.values().firstOrNull { it.ordinal == ordinal }
Since you cannot restrict the ordinal: Int parameter as you've define it, you have two choices if you receive an ordinal which is not part of the enum, or is out of bounds:
Return a default value
Throw an exception
IMHO both cases are plausible if you document properly the method.
Here's a case where you return just a default value if you ask for an ordinal that does not exist:
class KotlinEnumTest {
enum class Adapterx {
companion object {
val defaultValue = ADAPTER_1
fun fromOrdinal(ordinal: Int): Adapterx =
Adapterx.values().getOrElse(ordinal, { _ -> defaultValue })
#Test fun testEnumOrdinals() {
val resultAdapter1 = Adapterx.fromOrdinal(0)
Assert.assertEquals(Adapterx.ADAPTER_1, resultAdapter1)
val resultAdapter2 = Adapterx.fromOrdinal(1)
Assert.assertEquals(Adapterx.ADAPTER_2, resultAdapter2)
// The following returns the default value ADAPTER_1
val resultOrdinalIndexOutOfBounds = Adapterx.fromOrdinal(2)
Assert.assertEquals(Adapterx.ADAPTER_1, resultOrdinalIndexOutOfBounds)

More fun with Kotlin delegates

If you know Google's experimental Android Architecture Components, you probably know MutableLiveData. Trying to make it a bit more fun to use I came with:
class KotlinLiveData<T>(val default: T) {
val data = MutableLiveData<T>()
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>):T {
return data.value ?: default
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value:T) {
if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) {
data.value = value
} else {
And then I can:
var name : String by KotlinLiveData("not given")
name = "Chrzęszczybrzęczykiewicz"
But alas - that makes data which is needed i.e. to register Observer inaccessible:, nameObserver) // won't work :(
Any idea if I can get it somehow?
You can access the delegate object of the property and get the MutableLiveData<T> from it:
inline fun <reified R> KProperty<*>.delegateAs<R>(): R? {
isAccessible = true
return getDelegate() as? R
Then the usage is:
::name.delegateAs<KotlinLiveData<String>>?.data?.observe(this, nameObserver)
To reference a member property, use this::name or someInstance::name.
This solution requires you to add the Kotlin reflection API, kotlin-reflect, as a dependency to your project. Also, due to the type erasure, the .delegateAs<KotlinLiveData<String>> call is not type-safe: it can only check that the delegate is KotlinLiveData<*> but not that its type argument is String.
Thanks to hotkey's solution, here's some better code:
class KotlinLiveData<T>(val default: T, val liveData : MutableLiveData<T>? = null) {
val data = liveData ?: MutableLiveData<T>()
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>):T {
return data.value ?: default
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value:T) {
if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) {
data.value = value
} else {
inline fun <reified R> KMutableProperty0<*>.getLiveData(): MutableLiveData<R> {
isAccessible = true
return (getDelegate() as KotlinLiveData<R>).data
inline fun <reified R> KMutableProperty0<*>.observe(owner: LifecycleOwner, obs : Observer<R>) {
isAccessible = true
(getDelegate() as KotlinLiveData<R>).data.observe(owner,obs)
Now I can:
someViewModel::name.observe(myActivity, Observer<String>{...})
with = "Kowalski, Leon"
working as expected
This class enables using LiveData with Android Data Binding out of the box.
the simplest way you can achieve is make the delegator to a field, for example:
#JvmField val dataOfName = KotlinLiveData("not given")
var name : String by dataOfName
then you can using live data in the class, for example:, nameObserver)
name = "Chrzęszczybrzęczykiewicz"
OR you can write some syntax suglar, for example:
var name : String by live("not given").observe(this, nameObserver)
Note you can make nameObserver lazily too, for example:
val observers by lazy{mutableListOf<Observer>()}
var name : String by live("not given").observe(this){data->
then you can do something like as below:
observers+= nameObserver;
name = "Chrzęszczybrzęczykiewicz"
observers-= nameObserver;

How to combine a Silhouette-4.0.X UserAwareAction with Cache Action?

I'm trying to combine UserAwareAction with Cache. I'm able to get CacheBeforeSilhouette but not the other way around? Could anyone give me a hint on how to do this?
class MessageController #Inject() (
implicit val env: Environment[DefaultEnv],
silhouette: Silhouette[DefaultEnv],
cache: CacheApi,
cached: play.api.cache.Cached)
extends Controller with I18nSupport {
def testOnlySilhouette = silhouette.UserAwareAction { request =>
def testOnlyCache = cached("homePage") {
Action {
Ok("Hello world")
def testCacheOfSilhouette = cached("homePage") {
silhouette.UserAwareAction { request =>
def testSilhouetteOfCache =
silhouette.UserAwareAction { request =>
cached("homePage") {
val res:Result = Ok("hi")
res //type mismatch; found : play.api.mvc.Result required: play.api.mvc.EssentialAction
Christian Kaps #akkie replied on gitter:
The problem is first that the play.api.cache.Cached.applyfunction returns a CachedBuilderwhich needs an EssentialAction as parameter. So you must always write:
Cached("some-key") {
Action {
The second problem ist that the request types are not compatible. The Play classes needs a Request[B] but Silhouette produces a SecuredRequest[E, B]. With a bit handwork you can get it to work:
def testSilhouetteOfCache =
silhouette.SecuredAction.async { securedRequest =>
cached("some-key") {
Action {
You need a implicit val materializer: Materializer injected
