Stateless Lambda and Private members - c++11

In certain cases when programming with libraries written in C involving callbacks, I like to use Lambda expressions; however, if I need to alter the state of a class member variable I can't juts pass this into a stateless(function pointer) lambda. But I can assign this to a data in a context structure. What I find strange is being able to access that member variable even if it's private in the class.
Here's an example code I wrote to demonstrate.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
typedef struct extradatatype{
void* data;
extradata e = {0};
typedef void(*callback)(extradata* e);
void cb(callback c){
class Test{
int x;
Test(int x){
this->x = x;
void setcb(){
cb([](extradata* e){
Test* self = reinterpret_cast<Test*>(e->data);
self->x = 20;
int getx(){
return x;
int main(){
Test t(10); = &t;
cout << t.getx();
return 0;
In the Lambda expression Test* self is assigned to e->data but I can access self->x as if it were a public member instead of private. So what I'm confused about is, is the lambda expression expression being executed within the stack/context of the setcb function or is it being executed elsewhere as its own function but C++ is doing some weird trick to allow private members to be accessed. Because I assume a stateless lambda is really no different than a non member static function which has no access to private members of a class.

Since your lambda function is defined within the class Test context, it will have access to class Test private member (regardless if it's this.x or self.x where self is of type Test). It is similar to this example:
class Example {
int x;
int f(Example e) {
return e.x;
where, since f is a member of Example, it can access e.x because e has type Example.
If you move your lambda function definition out of the class context you'll see the expected error message:
void outside(extradata* e);
class Test{
int x;
void setcb(){
void outside(extradata* e) {
Test* self = reinterpret_cast<Test*>(e->data);
self->x = 20; // error here!
test.cpp:32:11: error: 'int Test::x' is private within this context
self->x = 20;


C++ friend member function behaviour looks erratic

I have always tried to avoid friend concept because it beats the purpose of encapsulation. However, I was just experimenting with the concept and the following code fails to compile with the following error:
main.cpp:29:28: error: ‘int A::a’ is private within this context
On the other hand, if I just place the class B before class A with forward declaration of class A, it runs fine. Am I missing something really trivial here?
#include <iostream>
class A {
int a;
A() { a = 0; }
// friend function
friend void B::showA(A& x);
class B
void showA(A&);
int b;
void B::showA(A& x)
// Since showA() is a friend, it can access
// private members of A
std::cout << "A::a=" << x.a;
int main()
A a;
B b;
return 0;
As it is, you are using class B within class A, but as you can see B is not declared before it is used.
That is causing an error like this:
error: 'B' has not been declared
and a little further
error: int 'A::a' is private within this context
because the friendship relationship has not been linked due to the first error (as A::a is by default private)
You may try then to forward-declare B, like the following
class B;
class A {
int a;
A() { a = 0; }
// friend function
friend void B::showA(A& x);
class B{
This would generate an error error: invalid use of incomplete type 'class B' because a forward declaration only says that a particular
class (here class B) will be defined later so you can reference it or have pointers to it, but it does not say what members this class
will have, so the compiler is unable to know if your future class Bwould have a B::showA method, thus the error, incomplete type error. At this time, the compiler does not know if your future class B (used in class A) would have a function B::showA.
The simplest solution would be to declare B before A and then forward declare A (with class A;) as follows. This way, you tell the compiler - here is my class B declaration (it contains a method B::showA),
and it uses a class A that I will define later. As there is no need to known what would be the content of A, it will compile.
// as you use class A before it is declared, you need to forward declare it
class A;
class B
void showA(A&);
int b;
class A {
int a;
This would compile and execute the function B::showA.

Friend Function definition inside class

When I try to implement friend function inside the class as shown below, I get an error, and I don't know why... It only happens when a non-argumental friend function is declared inside the class. The error is
display() is not defined in this scope
using namespace std;
class test{
int x = 5;
friend void display(){
test obj;
cout << obj.x << endl;
int main(){
return 0;
Output should be simply: 5
But I get this error:
display is not defined()
I'm not sure why you need to do this, but if you have to, define the display() method outside the class.
class Test
int x = 5;
friend void display();
void display()
Test obj;
cout << obj.x << endl;
int main()
return 0;
Though in general, I try to avoid friend classes/functions. I don't know exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but I'd rethink your approach.

std::function and friend function

In this example, I have a pointer of function (std::function) as an attribute of my class. So I can associate any function of the form void myFunction(void) to my class.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
class Example{
int variable=4;
std::function<void(void)> myNonMemberFunction;
Example(std::function<void(void)> MyNonMemberFunction){
void PrintPlop(){
int main() {
Example example(PrintPlop);
Now, I want to do the same but with a function which has accessed to the class attribute like a friend function or a class-member function. How can I do this?
So you want any function you pass to the constructor become a friend?
In the strict sense it is impossible, because the access level (friend or not) is a compile-time issue, and which value is passed to the constructor, generally speaking, is determined only in run-time.
So you either declare all the relevant functions as friends (why not just make them methods in this case?) or pass the private members to them as additional parameters. Like this:
class Example{
int variable=4;
std::function<void(int)> myNonMemberFunction;
Example(std::function<void(int)> MyNonMemberFunction){
void callMyNonMemberFunction() {
void PrintPlop(int v){
std::cout<<"plop"<< v << std::endl;
int main() {
Example example(PrintPlop);

Can a method of an class (in a shared_ptr) be tied to a static function in a traits class?

Historically, I've been using trait classes to hold information and apply that into a "generic" function that runs the same "algorithm." Only differed by the trait class. For example:
enum selector { SELECTOR1, SELECTOR2, SELECTOR3, };
// declaration
template < selector T> struct example_trait;
template<> struct example_trait<SELECTOR1> {
static constexpr size_t member_var = 3;
static size_t do_something() { return 0; }
template<> struct example_trait<SELECTOR2> {
static constexpr size_t member_var = 5;
static size_t do_something() { return 0; }
// pretend this is doing something useful but common
template < selector T, typename TT = example_trait<T> >
void function() {
std::cout << TT::member_var << std::endl;
std::cout << TT::do_something() << std::endl;
int main()
return 0;
I'm not sure how to create "generic" algorithms this when dealing with polymorphic classes.
For example:
Below I have created an inherited class hierarchy. In this example I have a base catch-all example that defaults all the parameters to something (0 in this case). And then each derived class sets overrides specific methods.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
struct Base {
virtual int get_thing_one() {
return 0;
virtual int get_thing_two() {
return 0;
virtual int get_thing_three() {
return 0;
virtual int get_thing_four() {
return 0;
struct A : public Base {
virtual int get_thing_one() override {
return 1;
virtual int get_thing_three() override {
return 3;
struct B : public Base {
virtual int get_thing_one() override {
return 2;
virtual int get_thing_four() override{
return 4;
Here I created a simple factory, not elegant but for illustrative purposes
// example simple factory
std::shared_ptr<Base> get_class(const int input) {
case 0:
return std::shared_ptr<Base>(std::make_shared<A>());
case 1:
return std::shared_ptr<Base>(std::make_shared<B>());
So this is the class of interest. It is a class does "something" with the data from the classes above. The methods below are a simple addition example but imagine a more complicated algorithm that is very similar for every method.
// class that uses the shared_ptr
class setter {
std::shared_ptr<Base> l_ptr;
setter(const std::shared_ptr<Base>& input):l_ptr(input)
int get_thing_a()
return l_ptr->get_thing_one() + l_ptr->get_thing_two();
int get_thing_b()
return l_ptr->get_thing_three() + l_ptr->get_thing_four();
int main()
constexpr int select = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Base> example = get_class(select);
setter l_setter(example);
std::cout << l_setter.get_thing_a() << std::endl;
std::cout << l_setter.get_thing_b() << std::endl;
return 0;
How can I make the "boilerplate" inside the setter class more generic? I can't use traits as I did in the example above because I can't tie static functions with an object. So is there a way to make the boilerplate example more common?
Somewhere along the lines of having a selector, say
enum thing_select { THINGA, THINGB, };
template < thing_select T >
struct thing_traits;
template <>
struct thing_traits<THINGA>
static int first_function() --> somehow tied to shared_ptr<Base> 'thing_one' method
static int second_function() --> somehow tied to shared_ptr<Base> 'thing_two' method
template <>
struct thing_traits<THINGB>
static int first_function() --> somehow tied to shared_ptr<Base> 'thing_three' method
static int second_function() --> somehow tied to shared_ptr<Base> 'thing_four' method
// generic function I'd like to create
template < thing_select T, typename TT = thing_traits<T> >
int perform_action(...)
return TT::first_function(..) + TT::second_function(..);
I ideally would like to modify the class above to something along the lines of
// Inside setter class further above
int get_thing_a()
return perform_action<THINGA>(...);
int get_thing_b()
return perform_action<THINGB>(...);
The answer is, maybe I can't, and I need to pass int the shared_ptr as a parameter and call the specific methods I need instead of trying to tie a shared_ptr method to a static function (in hindsight, that doesn't sound like a good idea...but I wanted to bounce my idea)
Whoever makes the actual call will need a reference of the object, one way or the other. Therefore, assuming you want perform_action to perform the actual call, you will have to pass the parameter.
Now, if you really want to store which function of Base to call as a static in thing_traits without passing a parameter, you can leverage pointer to member functions:
template <>
struct thing_traits<THINGA>
static constexpr int (Base::*first_function)() = &Base::get_thing_one;
template < thing_select T, typename TT = thing_traits<T>>
int perform_action(Base & b)
return (b.*TT::first_function)() + ...;
You can also play instead with returning a function object that does the call for you (and the inner function takes the parameter).
It all depends on who you need to make the call and what information/dependencies you assume you have available in each class/template.

C++ class member callback and external library

I would like to solve this issue about class member function callback.
Imagine you have a function from an external library (which cannot be modified!) like this:
void fortranFunction(int n, void udf(double*) );
I would like to pass as the udf function above a function member of an existing class. Please look at the following code:
// External function (tipically from a fortran library)
void fortranFunction(int n, void udf(double*) )
// do something
// User Defined Function (UDF)
void myUDF(double* a)
// do something
// Class containing the User Defined Function (UDF)
class myClass
void classUDF(double* a)
// do something...
int main()
int n=1;
// The UDF to be supplied is myUDF
fortranFunction(n, myUDF);
// The UDF is the classUDF member function of a myClass object
myClass myClassObj;
fortranFunction(n, myClassObj.classUDF); // ERROR!!
The last line of the code above results in a compilation error, because you cannot declare the classUDF member function as a static function.
Do you know if it is possible to solve this issue?
Probably Boost libraries could help me, but I do not know how (please consider that fortranFunction cannot be modified because is from an external library).
Thanks a lot!
I don't understand, why can't you declare classUDF as static like this
class myClass {
static void classUDF(double *a) {
and then pass it like
fortranFunction(n, myClass::classUDF);
You might try that solution (a little bit hacky, but I think, it should work for you):
void fortranFunction(int n, void udf(double*))
double d = static_cast<double>(n);
class myClass {
void classUDF(double* a) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define THREADLOCALSTATIC __declspec(thread) static
#define THREADLOCALSTATIC static ___thread
#define THREADLOCAL ___thread
struct _trampolinebase {
THREADLOCALSTATIC _trampolinebase* current_trampoline;
THREADLOCAL _trampolinebase* _trampolinebase::current_trampoline = 0;
template<class CBRET, class CBARG1, class T>
struct _trampoline1 : _trampolinebase
_trampoline1(T& target, CALLBACKFN& callback)
: callback_(callback)
, target_(target)
assert(current_trampoline == 0);
current_trampoline = this;
static CBRET callback(CBARG1 a1) {
_trampoline1* this_ = static_cast<_trampoline1*>(current_trampoline);
current_trampoline = 0;
return this_->trampoline(a1);
CBRET trampoline(CBARG1 a1) {
return (target_.*callback_)(a1);
CALLBACKFN& callback_;
T& target_;
template<class FRET, class FARG1, class CBRET, class CBARG1, class T, class F>
FRET call1_1(T& target, CBRET (T::*callback)(CBARG1), F& fortranfunction, FARG1 a)
typedef typename _trampoline1<CBRET, CBARG1, T> trampoline;
trampoline t(target, callback);
return fortranFunction(a, trampoline::callback);
int main()
int n=1;
myClass myClassObj;
call1_1<void,int,void,double*>(myClassObj, &myClass::classUDF, fortranFunction, 1);
With the 'threadlocal' stuff, this will work in multithreaded calls, too. You may omit that, if you don't use a multithreaded environment. It also works with recursive calls (e.g. if the callback calls another fortran function).
This solution works only for one single argument plus callback for the fortran function and one single argument in the callback function itself, but you should be able to extend it easily. This is also, why I called it 'call1_1' (fortran function with 1 argument, callbackfunction with 1 argument). FRET is the return type of the fortran function, FARG1 the type of the first argument (int in this case). CBRET and CBARG are the same for the callback function.
Before the fortran function is actually called, the target object is stored within a global (thread-local) variable. The fortran function calls a static callback function, which finally calls your member function.
I invented the trampolinebase to instantiate the static member, I could also have used a global variable for that (but for some reason, I don't like global variables too much) ;-)
