How to use sortedWith() in kotlin? - sorting

I am trying to sort that simple list of users by "created". What am I doing wrong?
val user1 = User("2019-01-01 17:42:34")
val user2 = User("2019-01-02 17:42:34")
val user3 = User("2019-01-03 17:42:34")
val list = listOf(user2, user3, user1)
list.sortedWith(compareBy {
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
data class User(val created: String = "")

Your code works. The problem here is that sortedWith returns a new list with the results of the sorting! Check the documentation:
Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified [comparator].
The sort is stable. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.
So if you want to sort the collection itself you need to use a MutableList and sortWith:
val list = mutableListOf(User("2019-01-01 17:42:34"), User("2019-01-02 17:42:34"), User("2019-01-03 17:42:34"))
list.sortWith(compareBy {
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))

sortedWith function returns a new list with sorted elements without modifying the original collection. You probably want to use sortWith function of MutableList that sorts the original collection.


How to sort string with numbers in it numerically?

So I am getting some json data and putting it inside of a Mutable List. I have a class with id, listId, and name inside of it. Im trying to sort the output of the list by listId which are just integers and then also the name which has a format of "Item 123". Im doing the following
val sortedList = data.sortedWith(compareBy({ it.listId }, { }))
This sorts the listId correctly but the names is sorted alphabetically so the numbers go 1, 13, 2, 3. How am I able to sort both the categories but make the "name" also be sorted numerically?
I think
val sortedList = data.sortedWith(compareBy(
{ it.listId },
{,' ')) },
{' ') + 1).toInt() }
will work but it is not computationally efficient because it will call String.indexOf() many times.
If you have a very long list, you should consider making another list whose each item has String and Int names.

Java8 stream average of object property in collection

I'm new to Java so if this has already been answered somewhere else then I either don't know enough to search for the correct things or I just couldn't understand the answers.
So the question being:
I have a bunch of objects in a list:
try(Stream<String> logs = Files.lines(Paths.get(args))) {
And this is how the properties are added:
LogLine line = new LogLine();
How do I sort logs so that I end up with list where objects with same "uri" are displayed only once with average requestDuration.
object1.uri = 'uri1', object1.requestDuration = 20;
object2.uri = 'uri2', object2.requestDuration = 30;
object3.uri = 'uri1', object3.requestDuration = 50;
object1.uri = 'uri1', 35;
object2.uri = 'uri2', 30;
Thanks in advance!
Take a look at Collectors.groupingBy and Collectors.averagingDouble. In your case, you could use them as follows:
Map<String, Double> result =
The Collectors.groupingBy method does what you want. It is overloaded, so that you can specify the function that returns the key to group elements by, the factory that creates the returned map (I'm using TreeMap here, because you want the entries ordered by key, in this case the URI), and a downstream collector, which collects the elements that match the key returned by the first parameter.
If you want an Integer instead of a Double value for the averages, consider using Collectors.averagingInt.
This assumes LogLine has getUri() and getRequestDuration() methods.

How to sort a list of strings by using the order of the items in another list?

I want to sort a list of strings (with possibly duplicate entries) by using as ordering reference the order of the entries in another list. So, the following list is the list I want to sort
List<String> list = ['apple','pear','apple','x','x','orange','x','pear'];
And the list that specifies the order is
List<String> order = ['orange','apple','x','pear'];
And the output should be
List<String> result = ['orange','apple','apple','x','x','x','pear','pear'];
Is there a clean way of doing this?
I don't understand if I can use list's sort and compare with the following problem. I tried using map, iterable, intersection, etc.
There might be a more efficient way but at least you get the desired result:
main() {
List<String> list = ['apple','pear','apple','x','x','orange','x','pear'];
List<String> order = ['orange','apple','x','pear'];
list.sort((a, b) => order.indexOf(a).compareTo(order.indexOf(b)));
Try it on DartPad
The closure passed to list.sort(...) is a custom comparer which instead of comparing the passed item, compares their position in order and returns the result.
Using a map for better lookup performance:
main() {
List<String> list = ['apple','pear','apple','x','x','orange','x','pear'];
List<String> orderList = ['orange','apple','x','pear'];
Map<String,int> order = new Map.fromIterable(
orderList, key: (key) => key, value: (key) => orderList.indexOf(key));
list.sort((a, b) => order[a].compareTo(order[b]));
Try it on DartPad

How to remove from an List Object in c#

I have an Action method in my controller which returns a List Object
Public ActionResult GetCats(long Id,string strsortorder,string dltIds)
var Result=objrepo.GetCats(Id);//this method returns me List of Result
My array looks like this:
var Result=[{CatId:1015,CatName:Abc},{CatId:1016,CatName:Acd},
What I want to do is:
Using two more parameters in my Action Method "strsortorder" and "dltIds"
that have a list of ids like this:
From this the "Result" returned from my method , I want to remove the records which are in "dltids" and the remaining array should be sorted in the order which I have in "strsortorder";
In the end the new object should look like this:
var NewResult=[{CatId:1021,CatName:Abc},{CatId:1015,CatName:Abc},
Can any one help me in acheiving this in linq or any other way?
I want to avoid any type of loop or froeach here for max extent, I know it can be done by looping but I want to avoid this since the result can sometimes contain large amounts of data.
I realized you can use an ArrayList instead of a Dictionary and it would be faster. I think Dictionary is clear how it works but here is the "better" implementation using array list:
var excludeList = dltIds.Split(",".ToCharArray());
ArrayList sortList = new ArrayList(strsortorder.Split(",".ToCharArray()));
var NewResult =
Result.Where(item => ! excludeList.Contains(item.CatId.ToString()))
.OrderBy(item => {
if (sortList.Contains(item.CatId.ToString()))
return sortList.IndexOf(item.CatId.ToString());
return sortList.Count;
Original answer below:
Public ActionResult GetCats(long Id,string strsortorder,string dltIds)
var Result=objrepo.GetCats(Id);//this method returns me List of Result
var excludeList = dltIds.Split(",".ToCharArray());
int orderCount = 0; // used in the closure creating the Dictionary below
var sortList = strsortorder.Split(",".ToCharArray())
.ToDictionary(x => x,x => orderCount++);
// filter
var NewResult =
Result.Where(item => ! excludeList.Contains(item.CatId.ToString()))
.OrderBy(item => {
if (sortList.ContainsKey(item.CatId.ToString()))
return sortList[item.CatId.ToString()];
return sortList.Count();
How this works:
First I create lists out of your comma separated exclude list using split.
This I create a dictionary with the key being the ordering ID and the value being an integer that goes up by one.
For the filtering I look to see if an item is in the exclude array before I continue processing the item.
I then do a sort on matching against the key and the dictionary and returning the value -- this will sort things in the order of the list since I incremented a counter when creating the values. If an item is not in the dictionary I return one more than the maximum value in the dictionary which must be the count of the items. (I could have used the current value of orderCount instead.)

IQueryable .Except() is not resulting what I expect!

I have the following object:
Line{ String Content; Type type;}
And I have, IQeryable<Line> lines, which I perform operations against. I selected certain lines where line.Content.Contains('x') = list1, and now am trying to get to the rest of the lines i.e. lines - list1 and for this am using
list2 = lines.Except(list1);
but that results in list2 = lines.
IQueryable<Line> allLines,
String keyword,
ref IQueryable<Line> hits)
hits = allLines.Where(lx => lx.Content.Contains(keyword));
return allLines.Except(hits);
any ideas?
Alright. All I needed to do is to implement IEqualityComparer<T> in Line class.
lines is IQeryable<Line>. If you do not save its result, it will run every time you select from it. If Line does not override Equals and ==, that will create different objects each time, so Except cannot remove the previous object from new objects.
Now, a lot is missing, but try:
var linesList = lines.ToList(); // get results ones
var hasX = lines.Where(line => line.Content.Contains('x'));
var noX = lines.Except(hasX);
