Is it possible to view content of page renderer within xaml viewer - xamarin

I am using Xamarin Forms as a primary framework, and I rely heavily on visual studio Xaml viewer. It came that I must use Page Renderers to get some native controls from Xamarin.iOS.
Is there anyway to display the native controls in Xaml viewer? What is the best way to design the native UI components within Xamarin?

Is there anyway to display the native controls in Xaml viewer?
Unfortunately , native controls can not display in Xaml Viewer.
What is the best way to design the native UI components within Xamarin?
If want to show native control in Viewer in IOS, just using IOS designer may be the best way to see native viewer, however this is not total viewer in Xaml Viewer.You also can just see part view in Xaml,so this also has a little regret.


Customise bottom Navigation using xamarin forms c#

I need to design bottom navigation bar like I attached image using xamarin.forms common code for both android and IOS. Can anybody refer any link or library tool to do this?
You should check the xamarin community toolkit, this is certainly possible to create with the tabview.

Widgets change places when running from design tab

I am building a visual studio application and have designed it using visual studio windows form. I am using the siticone library for the GUI but when i lay widgets out on the designer and then run the application all the widgets move. The buttons do not but the labs on them do. Also i have added a user control page that moves aswell. Please Help.
Cheers.enter image description here
Make sure that your Winform Font style and size match with all child controls including all Siticone controls.
Verify that you have anchored your controls accordingly on your form or panel control.

Create bottom toolbar using xamarin form for android and iOS

There are good numbers of post of this but not of them are simple one. One of them is below one which is look simple
I am new to xamarin and currently using xamarin form to develope an cross plate form app. It looks above example is using xamarin native not xamarin form? Can same example will work for xamarin form? Or for this kind of UI manipulation xamarin native is better than xamarin form. As i am new to xamarin, should i focus on xamarin native instead of xamarin form for serious app development.
Please click here for Bottom Navigation Bar for Xamarin Forms.
This will look like below:
You could build it on your own with a ControlTemplate.
No CustomRenderer is needed.

Xamarin - mixing Forms and Storyboards

Is it possible to mix iOS Storyboards and Xamarin Forms within one application? I have a bunch of views that are easier to be created in Forms, but some which are heavily customized so we would need to create some of them in native code.
I would like to use Storyboards to create the native parts, but can't seem to find a way to navigate from a Forms page to a Storyboard and vice versa.
I don't mind doing it from code, just need to know the direction to look into and if it's even possible.
You can create native views using the concept of Custom Renderers (see links below). The idea is that you create a Xamarin Forms Control that's shared between all platforms and which old common properties (like colors, general data etc), and do the native rendering on the iOS/Android/WP projects.
So, for your storyboard, you can create it usign Xamarin.iOS, and render using a Custom Renderer. The link posted by #GSerg in the comments have some information and examples, but you can take a closer look at the oficial documentation as well:
Introduction to Custom Renderers
Customizing Controls on Each Platform
Customizing Control Rendering in Xamarin.Forms (video)
Also, for more real world examples you can take a look at the Xamarin Forms XLabs project.
Thanks to Rafael Steil's answer. I looked at the links and a few more samples.
Custom Renderer Map
Using Xamarin Forms alongside Storyboard
And I created a sample project to show the back-and-forth navigation between Xamarin Forms and pages created in Storyboards. You can find it over here:
Xamarin Forms Mixed with Native

Creating a Custom Silverlight Designer in WPF

I need to create a designer for Silverlight in WPF and I’m thinking of a few options
Use a WebBrowser control,
display the content there and
communicate Silverlight using the
JavaScript Bridge. Not sure if this
will be enough for the scenarios I
need to support (see below). This is what KaXaml is doing. SilverlightSpy uses a a more sophisticated WebBrowser control, but I'm not sure how they communicate with Silverlight.
Communicate using Sockets
between the Host and Silverlight.
Host the Silverlight runtime (not in
a browser), but directly using
AgCore.dll. Similar to what sllauncher does for OOB. I imagine
this is what Blend/VS are doing.
Do whatever Blend or VS are doing
I obviously don’t want to go as far as VS and Blend, but I need to support drag and drop of some controls as well as grouping, changing the layout, moving controls in the design surface and obviously updating the Xaml as a result of this actions.
Any ideas, recommendations or pointers on the best way to create a Silverlight Designer in WPF?
SharpDevelop 4 has a WPF based editor for WPF and Silverlight ->
