Elasticsearch container empty - jelastic

I tried two hosters. Massivegrid and Unispace.
On both I created a new environment.
Then choose docker install. Choose elasticsearch.
After it finished, I took the url ipv4 address and pasted on the browser with port as 9200 and nothing popped up.
So I went into terminal and netstat told me there was no elastic service running. In fact nothing related to elastic was installed. No /etc/elasticsearch.
I used this tutorial https://docs.jelastic.com/elasticsearch
I failed on "Connection via Public IP" part.
Wondering what am I missing.
Edit: I created another new enviorment and installed Elasticsearch 6.8.1 image and this works as per tutorial. The newer range from 7.0 onwards is all blank inside. No Java, no elasticsearch etc.

In order to fix the problem with version 7.2 the next steps can be taken:
Add the following string in the /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh file:
ulimit -n 65536
And in the elasticsearch.yml file (/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml) please add:
cluster.initial master_nodes: node-1
After that restart the container.

Correct setting for elasticsearch.yml should look like the following:
cluster.initial_master_nodes: node-1


Multiple elastic instances on same host

I'm attempting to test elastic replication and install multiple elastic instances on the same host.
I've created an additional elastic search configuration file and set the following config property:
http.port: 9500
The other elastic search configuration file contains the default value :
http.port: 9200
I attempt to start elastic using :
./bin/elasticsearch -Ees.config=./config/elasticsearch.yml
but receive error :
uncaught exception in thread [main]
org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.StartupException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown setting [es.config] please check that any required plugins are installed, or check the breaking changes documentation for removed settings
How to utilize 2 elasticsearch instances on the same host ?
Is there an alternative to the es.config parameter ?
ES_PATH_CONF=/path/to/my/config ./bin/elasticsearch
This is the way to do it according to the documentation https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/settings.html (depending on the version you are using, it might differ).
I would recommend using a docker setup for this endeavour as described here (official elasticsearch documentation) https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docker.html
As #Alkis Kalogeris already stated, I would also recommend using docker/docker-compose. You would just need to expose a different port to your localhost.

How to run Multiple Instances of Elasticsearch on Single Node

I have found some answers to this question on StackOverflow but those are a bit old. I need to configure multiple instances with the latest version (7.9.3) of elasticsearch and couldn't find any answers which are compatible with that.
Step 01
Set environment variable on windows
ES_HOME = ../elasticsearch
ES_PATH_CONF = ../elastcisearch/config
Step 02
created elasticsearch_1.yml and elastcsearch_2.yml config files
Steo 03
run the elasticsearch.bat with the config file
bin/elasticsearch -Des.config=$ES_HOME/config/elasticsearch.1.yml
then the following error will be thrown
ERROR: D is not a recognized option
Note - I know that the above approach is a bit old and how to do the above steps with the current (7.9) version
No need to give -D option and don't create two config file in a single ES installation folder.
Instead, just change the elasticsearch.config in two ES installation folder and run them on separate ports.
ES-1 elasticsearch.config
http.port: 9200
ES-2 elasticsearch.config
http.port: 9500
And after this, simply start both the node, one by one from using bin/elasticsearch command.

ElasticSearch service starts but can not be reached and does not do any logging

ElasticSearch 6.2.2 on Linux Ubuntu 16.04.3 VM in Azure. It had been up and running fine and then after I rebooted the machine a few days ago I could not get the ElasticSearch service to start at all. Issue was shared and solved here: (ElasticSearch Fails to Start on Ubuntu 16.04.3 - status=1 Failure) by increasing the heap size in the jvm.options file.
Now I have the ElasticSearch service running but I cannot ping it at all. I have tried to ping it from both inside the VM (as localhost:9200) and from outside, (similar to how I make calls to our other ES boxes, and do so successfully) but I'm told Could Not Get Any Reponse (Postman syntax).
The part that is making this impossible to diagnose is nothing is getting written to the ElasticSearch logs! The last time anything was written to any log at /var/log/elasticsearch was before I rebooted the machine a couple days ago.
I have checked the settings in elasticsearch.yml and all seems to be in-line with the elasticsearch.yml that's on a different box of ours in a different location which runs another ElasticSearch instance of ours without any issue.
EDIT: per request - the elasticsearch.yml file from the box that is NOT working correctly is here: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=72318548245343478927 For comparison purposes, the elasticsearch.yml file from the box that IS working correctly is here: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=20127693354114612595 Please note that the one that IS working correctly has 3 nodes whereas the one that is not working has only one node, so there will be some slight differences between the yml files because of this.
Check if path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch is defined in elasticsearch.yml. Add this line if not present.
Check whether the user has permission to write into /var/log/elasticsearch. Change the permission of the files. sudo chmod 777 /var/log/elasticsearch/* and sudo chmod 777 /var/log/elasticsearch
Open /etc/init.d/elasticsearch and check whether ES_PATH_CONF is defined as ES_PATH_CONF="/etc/elasticsearch"
You may try commenting the following lines on log4j2.properties under /etc/elasticsearch.
logger.xpack_security_audit_logfile.name = org.elasticsearch.xpack.security.audit.logfile.LoggingAuditTrail
logger.xpack_security_audit_logfile.level = info
logger.xpack_security_audit_logfile.appenderRef.audit_rolling.ref = audit_rolling
logger.xpack_security_audit_logfile.additivity = false
Use netstat -nultp | grep 9200 and check whether the port is being listened to.
The issue was with the line in the ElasticSearch.yml file which showed as
That extra quotation mark at the end is what was causing the entire problem.
For anyone that this can benefit, the ElasticSearch.yml file is extremely sensitive when it comes to space, punctuation and case: even an extra space somewhere can cause the entire service to crash. Be very diligent with your edits to elasticsearch.yml.
There are ways to debug:
1. Check if you have ES service running on that particular host via `ps -ef | grep elastic`
2. Look on which port es is listening (or not) ? via netstat
3. it might be a case that your es is running and but is binding not to localhost but to the instance IP . You should be getting the hint on the elasticsearch.yaml
4. Make sure your /usr/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yaml is the file that is being picked up and not the default at /etc/elasticsearch.yaml
5. Configure logging in elasticsearch.yaml to the location
Hope this helps?

Elasticsearch is not running

I tried running ubuntu elasticsearch at 12:04, after I install and run is OK, but i'm check sudo /etc/init.d/elasticsearch status there I see message elasticsearch is not running. and I tried to run in the browser to localhost: 9200 also failed.
help me please..
It will not start automatically after you install it for good reason. You don't want it to accidentally join a cluster configured to use multicast discovery. See my post here for information on the basics for configuring elasticsearch.
In addition to that post, also make sure you set the following two options in /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml:
cluster.name: some-other-name
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
After you have done that, start it by running:
sudo service elasticsearch start
You should almost always disable multicast because on a local testing environment you only have one node so you don't need it, and in a production environment it's just bad practice since nodes accidentally joining the cluster can break things (trust me, I've had this happen and it's a headache).
Did you try sudo /etc/init.d/elasticsearch start?

Elasctic Search is working at port 9200 but Kibana is not working

Hello I am starting work with kibana and elasticsearch. I am being able to run elasticsearch at port 9200 but kibana is not running at port 5601. The following two images are given for clarification
Kibana is not running and showing the page is not available
Kibana doesn't support space in the folder name. Your folder name is
GA Works
Remove the space between those two words kibana will then run without errors and you will be able to access at
You can rename the folder with
Have you
a) Set the elasticsearch_url to point at your Elasticsearch instance in file kibana/config.yml?
b) Run ./bin/kibana (or bin\kibana.bat on windows) (after setting the above config)
If you tried all of the above and still it doesn't work make sure that the kibana process is running first. I found that /etc/init.d/kibana4_init doesn't start the process. If that is the case then try: opt/kibana/bin/kibana.
I also made kibana user:group owner of the folder/files.
