How to use NFC and iOS13 to call contactless payment machine without apple pay? - nfc

I want to build a payment app by NFC and iOS13 to send/receive data from contactless payment machine for a country not support apple pay, is it possible?

The only way to work with NFC at iOS is Core NFC.
You can read tags and get some special Informations. For example to get information about a product.
In my opinion Apple blocks the data evaluation of payments. So you can only use the Core NFC.


What is happening after nfc loyalty card is submitted?

We are developing mobile app in which customers can access multiple loyalty programs. The most convenient way for customers is to use nfc loyalty card and we are in search of ways to implement it via google pay passes and apple wallet passes
However, we are quite not familiar with the pipeline and user—>PoS—>etc interactions.
Could someone explain, please:
What process is happening after card is submitted to PoS terminal? (Interactions with GPay/Wallet and our backend).
Any information is appreciated!
For the Google Pay Passes side the protocol to transmit loyalty card payload through NFC is called Smart Tap. The design is as follows:
The phone with Google Pay and loyalty passes (enabled with Smart tap) loaded into the wallet is tapped on the terminal.
The terminal through Smart Tap Protocol presents a unique collector ID and signed information to the Google Pay app.
The Google Pay app uses this signed information to verify the identity of the terminal and that collector id is used to determine which passes it transmits.
Google Pay transmits the pass payload through Smart Tap from the wallet.
The terminal then decrypts the payload and passes upstream, to the POS.
The best way to think about NFC transmission is as an encrypted alternative to transmitting a value using barcode.

Instant payments options in Android and iOS app

I have payoneer account and i'd like to receive payments from app into this account.
Payments are not for physical goods. They are more like app content-unblockers.
Let's focus on Android and Google Play distribution case.
I suppose, payoneer is not designed for processing quick small payments, right?
I need these:
App should be able to set price according to misc factors.
Payments should be instant without credit card entering - i guess it called "Payments from Google Wallet". E.g. if i (app user) have google account and i have payment method in Google Play, then i do not need to enter my credit card number again.
Payments should be possible independently of user location (country)
So, can I use, say, Braintree to process payments with those requirements?
Will it violate any kind of Google Play policies (the fact, that i'm processing payments not through Google)?
The same questions about iOS
For Android : You can use third party payment seamless/non-seamless as long as their sdk supports Android platform. Google doesn't stop you from choosing any payment service.
For iOS : : It's million dollar question. Always refer to latest app store review guidelines
You can use third party payment gateway in iOS if you are selling physical goods/services outside of the app. For any in-app purchases you must use IAP.
For any in-app purchases if you use other purhasing mechanisms your app will be rejected.
Refer to section 3.1.1
If you want to unlock features or functionality within your app, (by way of example: subscriptions, in-game currencies, game levels, access to premium content, or unlocking a full version), you must use in-app purchase. Apps may not include buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to purchasing mechanisms other than IAP.

Braintree using customized UI and PCI compliance

I am going to use braintree with cutsomized UI which takes customer credit card information either scaning card or entering credit card information.
I am also going to provide user facility of adding and replacing of existing credit card.
Should I need go for PCI compliance in this case.
This seems like more of a design question. But when you are dealing with sensitive information like credit cards it is best to use whatever is at your disposal to maintain security. The app I made that utilized braintree's api has all of the fraud protection tools in place. If you implement PCI compliance make sure to read the section on PCI compliance
I work as a developer at Braintree. I recommend using Hosted Fields so that you have the flexibility to use a custom UI while maintaining the easiest level of PCI Compliance.
You can also see how to implement the functionality of creating users and adding/replacing payment methods in the Braintree Guides.

Braintree and credit card payment from mobile app

I am working on an app that requires payment to be collected from customers. I have few questions related to braintree integration with my app. I am actually struggling a bit with the workings of the braintree so thought of checking here.
The PCI compliance is critical so i do not want to store anything in my app or the backend server. Can I achieve this with braintree? I also don’t want customer to retype the credit card information when they come back to the app. As I understand there is a Vault functionality which can do this but I was not sure.
Do I invoke the braintree API from iOS app directly or do I need to first send the credit card information to my backend layer and then invoke the Braintree APIs from backend. I don’t want to transmit anything to my server due to the PCI compliance so I am hoping that I can just invoke the braintree API directly from the iOS APP and when user comes back, again invoke the braintree Vault API from the APP and pull the previously used credit card.
appreciate if anyone can pls. direct me to some kind of architecture / white paper/best practice on this. I went thru the APIs document on braintree site which provides and good API documents but i could not find the high level architecture document on this.
Thanks in advance..
Yes use from iOS.
for number three... I'm not sure where to find that. Definitely ask support

windows 8 mobile native api allows to capture the credit card data?

I need to know is there any native API to store the credit card information in Windows 8 Mobile. I found a lot about NFC technology. Our requirement is storing the credit card information in wallet only by touch the credit card with phone like storing business card info by tapping using NFC.
Windows 8 Phone - access to NFC reader?
I could see some answers in this post. But it doesn't exactly matches our requirement.In the second link there says that tapping a credit card is it possible to tap an store the info of credit card in the wallet app.
There is no API in the public SDK that will allow you to store credit card information outside of the wallet.
You haven't said what your requirements actually are so it's hard to say for sure but be aware of the possible legal implications of storing credit card details in each of the countries where the app is to be used. There are strict requirements around this.
