Automatically allow app (built & run by Xcode) to control your computer - xcode

I am developing an assistive MacOS app in Xcode / ObjC.
It intercepts keystrokes using event-taps.
When I run it from Xcode, I get:
2019-07-05 06:20:32.423783+0300 mapper[8108:1191874] unable to create event tap. must run as root or add privileges for assistive devices to this app.
2019-07-05 06:20:32.423809+0300 mapper[8108:1191874] No Event tap in place! You will need to call listen after tapEvents to get events.
I have to go to system preferences -> security & privacy -> privacy -> {unlock the padlock putting my admin password} -> {locate, uncheck and recheck my executable from the list}, like so:
Every time I modify a line of code and run again I have to go through this process of checking and unchecking.
It is a very clumsy development cycle.
Is there any way to avoid this?

This project was using a 4-year-old Xcode project file.
Starting with a fresh Cocoa App template and copying the files in, the first time I build and run I am now automatically presented with:
... which takes me to the preferences pane and previous screenshot. Subsequent rebuilds do NOT require toggling the setting in this dialog. It is only if I "Clean Build Folder" that this process repeats.
My guess is that the improved behaviour may be because the new project is derived from a Cocoa App template (which inherits its base object from NSApplicationDelegate, whereas the old one inherited from a Commandline App template (and I had to manually manage the run loop with CFRunloop).
Getting mouse coordinates on Mojave contains an answer offering instructions on how to add a row to entitlements.plist:
The entitlement that allows an application to use the Accessibility API is the entitlement (with a value of kTCCServiceAccessibility). As you can probably guess from the name it is only allowed on Apple signed binaries.


Where will get Location Updates feature in XCode?

I can not show/get the "XCode project (Project > Signing and Capabilities > "+ Capability" button) and select the Location Updates" feature in my XCode.
it is in the link
On iOS you'll need to add the following entries to your Info.plist file (located under ios/Runner) in order to access the device's location. Simply open your Info.plist file and add the following (make sure you update the description so it is meaningfull in the context of your App):
<string>This app needs access to location when open.</string>
<string>This app needs access to location when in the background.</string>
If you would like to receive updates when your App is in the background, you'll also need to add the Background Modes capability to your XCode project (Project > Signing and Capabilities > "+ Capability" button) and select Location Updates. Be careful with this, you will need to explain in detail to Apple why your App needs this when submitting your App to the AppStore. If Apple isn't satisfied with the explanation your App will be rejected.
When using the requestTemporaryFullAccuracy({purposeKey: "YourPurposeKey"}) method, a dictionary should be added to the Info.plist file.
<string>The example App requires temporary access to the device&apos;s precise location.</string>
The second key (in this example called YourPurposeKey) should match the purposeKey that is passed in the requestTemporaryFullAccuracy() method. It is possible to define multiple keys for different features in your app. More information can be found in Apple's documentation.
NOTE: The first time requesting temporary full accuracy access it might take several seconds for the pop-up to show. This is due to the fact that iOS is determining the exact user location which may take several seconds. Unfortunately, this is out of our hands.
you need to click + Capability then select background mode and then select location update

What is the fastest/easiest way - step by step, from the beginning - to "code sign" my Qt app on OS X so that it can be distributed?

I am writing a cross-platform app in Qt (using Qt Creator). One of the target platforms is OS X.
The application is being packaged for installation on OS X by using the BitRock Installer system to create an .app file.
The application is intended for download and use by students and researchers in political science at various different colleges and universities. (A download either from the App Store, or from a product website, is fine.)
I do not need iCloud or any other features associated with the App Store. I just need to be able to distribute this application so that the warning (below) does not appear.
Currently the application is in an alpha-testing state - it is being tested by the product managers only. I would nonetheless prefer to offer the product managers an installation package for OS X that does not present them with the following warning:
The [installer application] can't be opened because it is from an
unidentified developer
(And, more importantly, when the application is released, I also don't want this warning to appear for end users.)
I understand that I need to prepare my application for distribution by using an Apple Developer account and properly signing the application.
I have created a developer account, and I am attempting to follow the steps in the link to sign my application and prepare it for distribution.
However, because the application is built in Qt, not Xcode, I do not know how to follow the steps through to completion, because some of the key steps assume that Xcode is being used.
I have searched for any questions that might describe how to prepare Qt applications on OS X for distribution, but come up empty.
(Further, I would also prefer to have a set of steps provided that is as simple as possible - preferably simpler than the steps provided in the above link - in any case.)
What is the simplest possible set of steps that will allow me to code sign my application, developed with Qt, on OS X, so that it can be distributed?
Prepare .app file
This is a step by step guide to create a signed package which can be uploaded to the Mac App Store, or distributed independently as a standalone application + installer:
Check app icon - it should have all sizes (16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024). (See
Add compile options for proper generation of debugging symbols:
QMAKE_CFLAGS += -gdwarf-2 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -gdwarf-2
(noting that QMAKE_CFLAGS may not be highlighted by Qt Creator as valid, but still may need to be included - see here)
Settings should be saved in a directory with same name as bundle identifier.
Check the application's Info.plist file. It should contain the correct bundle identifier and minimum MacOS X version of 10.6.6.
(Note: though Qt Creator automatically generates a default info.plist file that is placed inside the .app bundle, it is also possible to create your own file and have this automatically used instead. See this link for a sample info.plist file that works with Qt and the App Store, and note that QMAKE_INFO_PLIST does work to use a custom file (see comments in that link).)
(Also, see notes below about how to obtain a bundle identifier.)
(The minimum OS X version - which should be set to 10.6.6 or later - can be set with the following line in the .pro file: QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.6 - but if you use a custom info.plist file, this setting won't take effect, so you must include the proper setting in your custom info.plist anyways; see previous link for the entry that should be used in the file.)
You also need certificates to sign your application and installer: open “Keychain Access” (use Mac OS X search) -> double click on each certificate (look in the kind column for these) and enter password -> check added certificates in Keychain Access.
Register application in iTunesConnect
Log in to your developer account at (which will reroute you to https://, but you may need to first enter http://)
(Note: If you do not already have one, you must first create a Mac Developer Account, $99/year, in order to proceed.)
Click on “Manage your apps” -> “Add new app”
If application has no Bundle ID - create it.
Creating a new Bundle ID is not intuitive.
To create a new Bundle ID:
-> Log in to the Developer Center website: This is a different site
(perhaps open it in a new tab):
-> Click Member Center near the very top right (next to the search bar)
-> Click on Manage your certificates, App IDs, devices, and provisioning profiles
(underneath Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles)
-> Click on App IDs in the left navigation bar (in the Identifiers section)
(This might already be selected.)
-> Click on + button
-> The screen you now see (Register Mac App ID / Registering an App ID)
is the screen you use to create a new bundle identifier
-> Enter the necessary information. Write anything for the
App ID Description (it can contain only a short line of text)
The Explicit App ID field is actually the new Bundle ID.
Type a reverse URL here, such as com.mydomain.myapp.
A website or server does not actually need to exist at this URL.
You just make one up here, but of course you can use one that
already exists if you wish.
-> Click Continue, then Submit if you're satisfied, then Done
Now be sure to go back to the previous section, and add the Bundle ID you have just created to the custom info.plist file.
Also save the Team ID in case you need it later - this is the string that precedes the Bundle > > ID (called the prefix) that you see when you look at the details of the Bundle ID you've just > > > created in the Developer Center.
Now, go back to the iTunesConnect website. (Perhaps in another tab - this is not the Developer Center website.)
In the App Information section, select language. Then, enter app name. Make up a random string of characters for the SKU field (I use something of the format 2436-7623-7782-8327). Finally, select the Bundle ID. Click Continue.
Select availability date (simply as far as possible, for now - currently, it's only possible to make it available for at most 2 years). Select price tier (can be any - customer can change later). Click Continue.
Enter detailed application information on the following screen, and click Save.
Click “View Details” in app page -> Click “Ready to upload binary” -> On summary page click on link “latest version of Application Loader” and download it -> Click “Continue”.
Creating and Uploading installer
Check application Info.plist - enter right bundle id, app name, category.
Build application in release mode.
Extract debug symbols. At the command line:
dsymutil -o
Execute the helper program macdeployqt (included with Qt). At the command line:
/path/to/macdeployqt /path/to/
(macdeployqt can be found in QTDIR/bin. See this link for a handful of official details.)
Running macdeployqt modifies your existing application by incorporating the necessary Qt frameworks internal to the .app bundle and changing various other internal settings in the application.
Codesign application:
Codesigning is a tricky step.
You must first create a Distribution certificate, if you don't already have one. (Not a
Developer certificate.)
(The following steps are taken from this link, with a correction regarding the certificate
-> Open Xcode (version 5 as of this writing)
-> Navigate to Xcode > Preferences
-> Click the Accounts tab
-> If you have not already done so, add the Apple ID that is registered in the Mac Developer
-> Select the Apple ID that you want to use, and click View Details
-> In the window that opens, click Add (+) and then select Mac App Distribution.
(2) Code signing the application with the Distribution Certificate
To properly codesign, every .framework and .dylib inside the .app bundle must FIRST
be signed; and then the .app itself must be signed. See critical steps in bottom paragraph of
this grey block before you codesign the internal Qt frameworks - and be sure to do this first.
The command to sign the internal libraries/frameworks, and the command to sign the main .app,
is the same:
codesign -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Daniel Nissenbaum (S6V5TT9QRL)" –-entitlements
The --entitlements MyEntitlements.plist option is only necessary if you actually have
entitlements beyond the basic
defaults. I (Dan Nissenbaum) did not select additional privileges for my app when I created the
Bundle ID in Developer Center (such as ability to access iCloud, push notifications, etc.). So, I
left off the --entitlements option, and I have not looked into how to obtain a
MyEntitlements.plist file.
Note regarding the -s argument: See paragraph below for information about finding the correct
name to use (this is the Distribution Certificate "Common Name").
This codesign command is for the main .app. To codesign the internal (Qt)
which must be done first, use the proper path; i.e., in the command above, use rather than - and note that
the path to the libraries/frameworks must be just to the root of the internal library/framework
bundle, not to inside the internal library/framework bundle.
Various other internal .dylibs or .frameworks may also need to be signed, in addition to the
Qt .frameworks - if you try to sign your main application but have not
signed all of the internal .dylibs/.frameworks, you will receive an error indicating another
.dylib/.framework that needs signing. Just proceed through them all. In my case, there were
10 additional .dylibs that needed to be signed after I completed signing the Qt .frameworks.
Once you have the developer certificate, you need to find the name of the certificate for use with
the codesign process. Open "Keychain Access" (to find this, simply type "Keychain Access" into
the Search bar in the Finder, and locate the application from among the results returned). In the
main list that you see when Keychain Access runs, you will see your Developer certificate among
various other things. There will also be some other certificates - ignore those. It should be
obvious which certificate is the correct one. In my case (which is standard, I assume), the
certificate name is "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Daniel Nissenbaum (S6V5TT9QRL)".
This is the official name of the certificate, to be
used as the -s argument to codesign, but to really confirm this, double-click on the
certificate and in the info window that appears, have a look at the "Common Name". The value of
Common Name is the official text to use as the -s argument of codesign.
Note regarding a complication with codesign'ing the internal Qt frameworks. As of today,
when macdeployqt is run, the Qt frameworks are not fully copied correctly into the .app bundle.
They are missing their Info.plist file. But these necessary Info.plist files DO exist inside
the Qt installation. You can simply use the Finder to copy them. (For example on my system, the
required Info.plist file for the QtWidgets.framework framework has this path (where "Qt"
corresponds to the root path of your Qt installation):
Qt/5.1.1/clang_64/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Contents/Info.plist. This is to be copied into Ditto for all of the other Qt
frameworks that were copied into the bundle by macdeployqt. See for more details.exists and is enabled for code
Create installer (a different certificate is required; see comment):
productbuild –-component ./ /Applications –-sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Daniel Nissenbaum (S6V5TT9QRL)" MyApp.pkg
Note that a different certificate is required to be used as the argument to the --sign parameter. The certificate has type "Mac Installer Certificate", rather than "Mac App Distribution" (the type of the certificate used with codesign, above). To create this certificate, follow the same steps above, but select Mac Installer Certificate as the type. Use its Common Name as the argument to the --sign parameter here.
The ./ preceeding the application name might be important. Also, use the same argument to the --sign parameter that you did when you ran codesign - the Common Name of your Developer certificate. See above.
Check the installer:
sudo installer -store -pkg MyApp.pkg -target /
If there are no errors, you now have a legitimate Mac application, packaged into a legitimate Mac installer, both of which can be distributed to anyone. You can distribute them by simply sending them the .pkg file (via website, Dropbox, etc.), or you can upload to the Mac App Store.
I have not confirmed these steps, which are for actually uploading the application to the Mac App Store: Open Application Loader and sign in with Apple Developer Account -> Select “Deliver Your App” -> Choose right AppID -> Click on “Choose…” button on “Application Information” page and select created pkg file -> Click “Send”.
Additional information
Information about entitlements
Information about Info.plist
Additional information about deploying app to Mac AppStore
First, see Sign Qt applications on Mac with Developer ID and Sign a Framework for OSX 10.9
compile your application
run macdeployqt
check using otool -L ... the dependencies of all your frameworks, libraries and plugins
use install_name_tool -change ... to change any dependencies not properly deployed to inside the bundle
sign your frameworks and bundle (see the 2 links given above)
You will need to pay Apple for a developer ID to be able to sign your application otherwise your users will have to deal with Gatekeeper.
First of all, please, check the following link
As you wrote, you may distribute your application outside of the App Store. Such bundles or pkg installers should be signed with the Developer ID signing identity. This is the only signature that will pass checks by MacOS GateKeeper.
You must be a "Team Agent" to obtain this. If you are working alone this should be no problem for you. If you are not "Team Agent" you will need to create the certificate request and send it to your "Team Agent" who will generate the public key for you and send it back.
Once you will have a valid Developer ID signing identity (as people wrote in comments) you can just sign your app with similar command line command: codesign "Developer ID ...."
P.S. Latest xCode provides a nice UI to obtain different types of signing identities. Just check the link at the top of answer.

Mac OS X: How to launch an application (.app) from a "Command Line Tool" type of app?

In Xcode 4.6, I created a new application based on the "Command Line Tool" project template.
How can I programmatically start another application (.app application bundle) from that "Command Line Tool" app?
There are numerous ways to accomplish this, using Launch Services and or NSWorkspace.
One of the more flexible ways to identity a bundled application is via its bundle identifier (CFBundleIdentifier), which is a string like This allows you to identify an application without having to hard-code an assumed path where the application will be found, or by hard-coding the name of the application bundle, both of which a user could easily change. You can use NSWorkspace's launchAppWithBundleIdentifier:options:additionalEventParamDescriptor:launchIdentifier: to launch the app. If you don't already know it, you can obtain the bundle identifier of an application bundle by checking its file. Then use the following code:
if (![[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]
launchIdentifier:NULL]) {
NSLog(#"launching app failed!);
Important: NSWorkspace is part of the AppKit.framework framework, which is not initially included in the "Command Line Tool" project template. To add it to your project, select the target in the list of targets like shown in the image below, and click the + button to add additional frameworks.
Add both AppKit.framework and Cocoa.framework.
That will result in all 3 being listed in the Link Binary With Libraries step. At that point, you can remove both the Foundation.framework and AppKit.framework from the linking stage, and leave just the Cocoa.framework, like below:
Have you tried "open"? At least in terminal "open" runs files and/or apps.

Using OSX Security-Scoped Bookmarks in a Firemonkey app

I have been developing an OSX app with Delphi XE3 and running into various problems. The latest one is with the sanboxed version built for the Apple Appstore.
The user has to select an arbitrary folder and the app needs to get access to it. Since there is a problem with the OpenDialog, I had to turn to drag-drop functionality instead.
The user drags a folder to the app, the sandbox gives the app temporary access to it and all works properly.
To preserve the access to this folder when the app is restarted I have to use the so-called "security-scoped bookmarks"
I am having two issues with them:
1) How to add the "" entitlement to an XE3 firemonkey app? It is not available in the Project Options->Entitlements. If I add it manually in the ".entitlements" file it gets overwritten when the app is built.
So is there a way to add a custom entitlement that is not in the list in the project options?
2) To create the bookmark I should use the NSURL.bookmarkDataWithOptions method. I think it should be used like this, but I am not sure of the exact syntax:
Err: NSError;
Data: NSData;
URL := TNSURL.Create;
Data := URL.bookmarkDataWithOptions(NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope, nil, #Err);
Maybe there should be a call to Wrap(...) instead of Create.
I have not yet experimented with it, because it is pointless without the answer to issue 1).
It seems no one has written anything about these problems for Delphi, but I hope someone here has experience with that.
Thanks in advance.
For problem 1) I tried to add edit manually the ".entitlements" file in the OSX32 folder and set it to read-only to prevent it from being overwritten. It was too easy to be true of course, because the linker complained that the file can not be modified...
OK, I finally found the way to manually add entitlements that are not available in the Project Options > Entitlements.
Instead of selecting the "App Store" build in the Project Manager you have to select a Normal release build and deploy the application as usual.
The application gets deployed in the PAServer scratch-dir as APP package. Inside this package there is an "Entitlements.plist" file, which is in XML format and can be edited with a text editor. It is quite obvious how to add new entitlements once you open the file.
After it is edited, the app has to be code-signed manually and a package has to be prepared. It is slightly more complicated than using the Delphi IDE, but there are instructions about it on the Embarcadero and Apple websites and it actually went without problems.
Still haven't tried the bookmarkDataWithOptions functions.
An alternative could be to deactivate the checkbox for the entitlements-file in the deployment page.
But attention: Evry time you change between Build/Release or App Store/Normal, delphi activates the checkbox. That means you have to deactivate it again in the deplayment-page, to avoid the transfer of this file to the mac PC.
By the way: Do you have tryed meanwhile the StartAccessingSecurityScopedResource function?
In the MacApi.Foundation unit the function is not declared in the NSURL interface.
Do you have found a way to use this function?

Problem in working with core data

Am using core data framework in my cocoa application,I have created couple of entities and created reference using NSEntityDescription. When i run the application am getting an error saying that "The managed object model version used to open the persistent store is incompatible with the one that was used to create the persistent store."
You need to delete the application from your device / simulator, then build and run again.
This will happen each time you change your model, because the old data store will remain in the apps documents folder, while the classes accessing it have been altered.
In a later stage of development, you will propably want to introduce store migration, sou your testers and users won't have to delete their data each time a new version is released. If your model remains static though, you don't need to migrate the data during future updates.
You might want to take a look at the Core Data Migration Programming Guide for further information.
The answer is a bit tricky but this always works for me. This is for a clean installation of a new compatible .sqlite file, not a migration!
launch simulator, delete the app and the data (the popup after you delete the app).
quit simulator
open X-Code, after making any edits to your data model
delete the {*appname*}.sqlite file (or back it up, remove it from project folder, and delete reference)
clean the app (Product > Clean)
Run the app in a simulator (for this tutorial I will assume 4.2)
While the simulator is running, in a Finder window, navigate to:
{*home*} > Library > Application Support > iPhone Simulator > 4.2 > Applications > {*random identifier*} > Documents > {*appname*}.sqlite
Copy this file to another location
Stop running your app in X-Code
Drag and drop the {appname}.sqlite file into the files list in X-Code.
In the dialog that pops up, make sure the copy to folder checkbox, is checked.
Product > Clean
Then run the app in the simulator again
Now you should have a working sqlite file!
You must delete the persistent store file from either:
~/Library/Application Support/$AppName
(Depending on your version of Xcode.)
