Strapi : What is the Content and API migration strategy - strapi

Strapi is a powerful tool, but I am unable to find any documentation/instructions which explain about the best practices/strategy to migrate contents from one environment to another, for example Dev to staging to production ?
If you got a lot of content and recreate all the content on each environment is not viable.
Please guide, how to move API and DB (mongo) stuff.
If there is only manual workaround for now, we should document it so that can be used for now.

For now there is no other way than manually import/export your database:
Github issue: Import / export data


How to deploy changes to production without downtime (generic hosting)?

What is the recommended way to deploy changes (for example change in some Content Type model) from development to production without downtime?
I’m using this setup.
I have development instance with development postgres database.
On production I have 3 strapi instances (serving both api & admin, using the same production postgres database) and those instances are behind loadbalancer.
Lets say that I have Content Type named: Article (both on development and deployed on production).
Lets assume that I want to change that content type for example I want to add some fields and remove some fields in Article content type.
How to deploy changes to production without downtime?
I’ve done some tests and when I for example update Strapi Production Instance #1 to pull new code for updated models, strapi will update database of course. And from that time Strapi Production Instance #2 and #3 have problems serving Admin panel for example (javascript errors because database was changes but JS model files are not updated).
After I updated code on instance #2 and #3 everything works as expected.
But doing something like this on “working product” will be visible as downtime.
How to properly handle this situation? Thanks for help!
Could PM2 solve this problem? Strapi mentiones this in their documentation
PM2 Runtime allows you to keep your Strapi project alive and to reload it without downtime.
Strapi Docs v4

migrate Strapi project from sqlite to postgres

I've got a local strapi set up with sqlite. I didn't think ahead, sadly that I would need use postgres to deploy to Heroku later.
After struggling to deploy with the project using sqlite, I decided to create a new project using postgres and successfully deployed it to Heroku. Now, in the local project, I've already setup content types, pages and everything. I was wondering, instead of having to recreate what I have done locally, how do I copy what I've done to the new project on Heroku including the database (sqlite --> postgres).
Has anyone done this before or maybe could point me to the right direction?
thank you in advance!
According to this:
Database migration (content types and relations) is no longer an issue, but moving existing data entries from one database to another is.
To change database provider, I suppose you just need to edit config/environments/**/database.json according to Postgres setup.
Faced same issue, my solution is to use new project to generate a core for PostgreSQL and then run your existing code base on freshly created PostgreSQL:
npx create-strapi-app my-project and then choose custom -> PostgreSQL (Link)
When manually create a collections that are exists in SQLite, without fields
Run your old codebase with new database config which point on a PostgreSQL (that will create fields that you have in your data models)
Require a little bit of manual work, but works for me. Good luck!

How to manage MS Dynamics 365 CRM Portal custom codes?

I would like to know how to auto manage portal's custom code just like in TFS/VSTS?
At present ,I am using XRMToolbox to manage ,push or pull portal's code into CRM Instance but disadvantage is code checkin and checkout.
Can anyone help me in this to manage a code with auto pull and push option into CRM instance with checkin ,checkout options?
Thanks in Advance!
I'm afraid the XRMToolbox plugin doesn't support it yet.
But there is no stopping you from creating your own pipeline - at the end of the day portal code is just bunch of Crm entities. Part of Crm SDK is configuration migration tool - last version is here:
So the idea is:
1) Get this tool
2) Define entities you want to backup & create schema xml file for them. I think you'd want adx_webpage, adx_webfile, adx_pagetemplate (and all attributes from them)
3) Export data using this schema - this exports them to .zip package that contains simple structure (schema file and data file); so you can unzip it and store in your git branch (pull)
4) For push zip this file and again use configuration migration tool to import the data
This gives you also an opportunity to have separate dev version of portal code and production version of portal code (which is always a good thing).
Portals code is made up of configuration changes to a solution (which can be extracted as xml) and data (records such as web pages, web roles etc.)
There are several tools available to help you source control both.
xrm-ci-framework provides automation tools to extract your CRM solution as xml, and then source control it. You can do this locally or in the cloud with Azure DevOps or other.
msbuild-xrm-sourcecontrol is similar. It integrates into Visual Studio to help you extract CRM customisations locally. It also has a partner project xrm-datamigration which helps you extract data from CRM, version control it and deploy it to other environments in your release pipeline. Both have documentation on the GitHub pages I've linked; this blog post is informative too.

Strapi - how to migrate content

I'm looking to use Strapi for a client of mine and I was wondering if there were best practices to migrate content from one environment, for example staging to production? My client has a lot of content, so recreating all the content on each environment is not viable.
Thanks a lot !
For now, the only raw solution is to dump your database ...
I think that the best option is to create a module that let you import/export content.
But keep in mind that migrate content between environment is never the best option. Your client probably want to see only the final state, but you probably want test content that use every spec' of your app.

Umbraco 7 fields show locally, but not at remote server?

Does anyone know about this problem: Any new fields I add work fine in the local back office, but when I use Webmatrix to publish to the server ( fields don't show up. I did a view source in the browser and they're just not there!
For example, #Umbraco.Field("comments")
If you add new field, they are only added in the database. That means you would need to update the database on the production website. Webmatrix doesn't do this for you (by default).
There are a few ways to handle this scenario:
copy your database to the production server (i would advice against this, because you might overwrite content and media changes on the production server)
create the fields manually on the production server (easy solution)
use a commercial package like courrier (personally i believe it's a good solution, only if you have a content staging workflow)
use a free package like usync (
