How to prepend stdout and stderr output with timestamp when redirecting into log files? - shell

In Linux I'm starting a program called $cmd in an init script (SysVInit). I'm already redirecting stdout and stderr of $cmd into two different logfiles called $stdout_log and $stderr_log. Now I also want to add a timestamp in front of every line printed into the logfiles.
I tried to write a function called log_pipe as follows:
log_pipe() {
while read line; do
echo [$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S)] "$line"
then pipe the output of my script into this function and after that redirect them to the logfiles as follows:
$cmd | log_pipe >> "$stdout_log" 2>> "$stderr_log" &
What I get is an empty $stdout.log (stdout) what should be okay, because the $cmd normally doesn't print anything. And a $stderr.log file with only timestamps but without error texts.
Where is my faulty reasoning?
PS: Because the problem exists within an init script I only want to use basic shell commands and no extra packages.

In any POSIX shell, try:
{ cmd | log_pipe >>stdout.log; } 2>&1 | log_pipe >>stderr.log
Also, if you have GNU awk (sometimes called gawk), then log_pipe can be made simpler and faster:
log_pipe() { awk '{print strftime("[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"),$0}'; }
As an example, let's create the command cmd:
cmd() { echo "This is out"; echo "This is err">&2; }
Now, let's run our command and look at the output files:
$ { cmd | log_pipe >>stdout.log; } 2>&1 | log_pipe >>stderr.log
$ cat stdout.log
[2019-07-04 23:42:20] This is out
$ cat stderr.log
[2019-07-04 23:42:20] This is err
The problem
cmd | log_pipe >> "$stdout_log" 2>> "$stderr_log"
The above redirects stdout from cmd to log_pipe. The stdout of log_pipe is redirected to $stdout_log and the stderr of log_pipe is redirected to $stderr_log. The problem is that the stderr of cmd is never redirected. It goes straight to the terminal.
As an example, consider this cmd:
cmd() { echo "This is out"; echo "This is err">&2; }
Now, let's run the command:
$ cmd | log_pipe >>stdout.log 2>>stderr.log
This is err
We can see that This is err is not sent to the file stderr.log. Instead, it appears on the terminal. It is never seen by log_pipe. stderr.log only captures error messages from log_pipe.

In Bash, you can also redirect to a subshell using process substitution:
while read -r line; do
echo "[$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S)] $line"
cmd > >( > stdout.log) 2> >( > stderr.log)

This works, but my command has to run in background because it is within an init script, therefore i have to do:
({ cmd | log_pipe >>stdout.log; } 2>&1 | log_pipe >>stderr.log) &
echo $! > "$pid_file"
But I think in this case the pid in the $pid_file is not the pid of $cmd...


Bash script - Modify output of command and print into file

Im trying to get text output of specified command, modify it somehow (e.g. add prefix before output) and print into file (.txt or .log)
command_name >> ${LOG_FILE} 2>> ${LOG_ERROR_FILE}
I would like to do it in one line to modify what command will return and print it into files.
The same situation for error output and regular output.
Im beginner in bash scripts, so please be understading.
Create a function to execute commands and capture sterr an stdout to variables.
function execCommand(){
local command="$#"
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' STDERR;
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' STDOUT;
} < <((printf '\0%s\0' "$($command)" 1>&2) 2>&1)
function testCommand(){
grep foo bar
echo "return code $?"
execCommand testCommand
echo err: $STDERR
echo out: $STDOUT
execCommand "touch /etc/foo"
echo err: $STDERR
echo out: $STDOUT
execCommand "date"
echo err: $STDERR
echo out: $STDOUT
err: grep: bar: No such file or directory
out: return code 2
err: touch: cannot touch '/etc/foo': Permission denied
out: Mon Jan 31 16:29:51 CET 2022
Now you can modify $STDERR & $STDOUT
execCommand testCommand && { echo "$STDERR" > err.log; echo "$STDOUT" > out.log; }
Explanation: Look at the answer from madmurphy
Pipe | and/or redirects > is the answer, it seems.
So, as a bogus example to show what I mean: to get all interfaces that the command ip a spits out, you could pipe that to the processing commands and do output redirection into a file.
ip a | awk -F': *' '/^[0-9]/ { print $2 }' > my_file.txt
If you wish to send it to separate processing, you could redirect into a sub-shell:
$ command -V cd curl bogus > >(awk '{print $NF}' > stdout.txt) 2> >(sed 's/.*\s\(\w\+\):/\1/' > stderr.txt)
$ cat stdout.txt
$ cat stderr.txt
bogus not found
But it might be better for readability to process in a separate step:
$ command -V cd curl bogus >stdout.txt 2>stderr.txt
$ sed -i 's/.*\s//' stdout.txt
$ sed -i 's/.*\s\(\w\+\):/\1/' stderr.txt
$ cat stdout.txt
$ cat stderr.txt
bogus not found
There are a myriad of ways to do what you ask and I guess situation will have to decide what to use, but here's a start.
To modify the output and write it to a file, while modifying the error stream differently and writing to a different file, you just need to manipulate the file descriptors appropriately. eg:
# A command that writes trivial data to both stdout and stderr
cmd() {
echo 'Hello stdout!'
echo 'Hello stderr!' >&2
# Filter both streams and redirect to different files
{ cmd 2>&1 1>&3 | sed 's/stderr/cruel world/' > "$LOG_ERROR_FILE"; } 3>&1 |
sed 's/stdout/world/' > "$LOG_FILE"
The technique is to redirect the error stream to the stdout so it can flow into the pipe (2>&1), and then redirect the output stream to a ancillary file descriptor, which is being redirected into a different pipe.
You can clean it up a bit by moving the file redirections into an earlier exec call. eg:
cmd() {
echo 'Hello stdout!'
echo 'Hello stderr!' >&2
exec > "$LOG_FILE"
exec 2> "$LOG_ERROR_FILE"
# Filter both streams and redirect to different files
{ cmd 2>&1 1>&3 | sed 's/stderr/cruel world/' >&2; } 3>&1 | sed 's/stdout/world/'

Copy stderr to stdout without using tee

I know there are many similar questions. But, none of the scenario satisfy my requirement.
I have a cron which backup MySQL databases. Currently, I redirect stderr to Slack and stdout to syslog like this: 1> >(logger -it DB_BACKUP) 2> >(
This way, we are instantly notified about any errors during backup process. And stdout is kept in syslog, but the stderr are missing from the syslog.
In short, I need stdout+stderr in syslog (with date, PID etc) and pipe (or redirect) stderr to
Any solutions without using temporary files are expected.
This sends stderr to while sending both stderr and stdout to logger:
{ 2>&1 1>&3 | tee >(; } 3>&1 | logger -it DB_BACKUP
Reproducible Example
Let's create a function that produces both stdout and stderr:
$ fn() { echo out; echo err>&2; }
Now, let's run the analog of our command above:
$ { fn 2>&1 1>&3 | tee err_only; } 3>&1 | cat >both
$ cat err_only
$ cat both
We can see that err_only captured only the stderr while both captured both stdout and stderr.
(Note to nitpickers: Yes, I know that cat above "useless" but I am keeping the command parallel to the one the OP needs.)
Without using tee
If you really seriously can't use tee, then we can do something like using shell:
{ fn 2>&1 1>&3 | (while read -r line; do echo "$line" >&3; echo "$line"; done >err_only); } 3>&1 | cat >both
Or, using awk:
{ fn 2>&1 1>&3 | awk '{print>"err"} 1'; } 3>&1 | cat >both

Executing code in bash only if a string is not found in a file

I'm trying to execute a block of code only if the string SVN_BRANCH is not found in /etc/profile. My current code looks like the following:
a = cat /etc/profile
b = `$a | grep 'SVN_BRANCH'`
not_if "$b"
This fails as given. How should it be done?
grep can take file as an argument, you don't need to cat the file and then pass the content to grep with pipe, that's totally unnecessary.
This is an example of if else block with grep:
if grep -q "pattern" filepath;then
echo "do something"
echo "do something else"
-q option is for quite operation. It will hide the output of grep command (error will be printed).
If you want it to not print any errors too then use this:
if grep -sq "pattern" filepath;then
Or this:
if grep "pattern" filepath >/dev/null 2>&1;then
>/dev/null is to redirect the output to /dev/null
2>&1 redirects both stderr and stdout
you can use the exit code of the grep command to determine whether to execute your code block like this
cat /etc/profile | grep SVN_BRANCH 2>&1 >/dev/null || {

How pipe std and err output to separate commands in bash script?

I have a bash script executing a long run command. I want to prefix each line printed by the command to stdout with $stdprefix and each line printed to stderr with $errprefix.
I don't want to store output to variables or even worse to files, because I'd have to wait until the command finishes execution to see the output.
You can use:
# your prefixes
stdprefix="stdout: "
errprefix="stderr: "
# sample command to produce output and error
cmd() { echo 'output'; echo >&2 'error'; }
Now to redirect stdout and stderr independently:
{ cmd 2>&3 | awk -v p="$stdprefix" '{print p $0}'; } 3>&1 1>&2 |
awk -v p="$errprefix" '{print p $0}'
stderr: error
stdout: output
Just replace cmd with your long running command.

pipe stdout and stderr to two different processes in shell script?

I've a pipline doing just
command1 | command2
So, stdout of command1 goes to command2 , while stderr of command1 go to the terminal (or wherever stdout of the shell is).
How can I pipe stderr of command1 to a third process (command3) while stdout is still going to command2 ?
Use another file descriptor
{ command1 2>&3 | command2; } 3>&1 1>&2 | command3
You can use up to 7 other file descriptors: from 3 to 9.
If you want more explanation, please ask, I can explain ;-)
{ { echo a; echo >&2 b; } 2>&3 | sed >&2 's/$/1/'; } 3>&1 1>&2 | sed 's/$/2/'
Produce two log files:
1. stderr only
2. stderr and stdout
{ { { command 2>&1 1>&3; } | tee err-only.log; } 3>&1; } > err-and-stdout.log
If command is echo "stdout"; echo "stderr" >&2 then we can test it like that:
$ { { { echo out>&3;echo err>&1;}| tee err-only.log;} 3>&1;} > err-and-stdout.log
$ head err-only.log err-and-stdout.log
==> err-only.log <==
==> err-and-stdout.log <==
The accepted answer results in the reversing of stdout and stderr. Here's a method that preserves them (since Googling on that purpose brings up this post):
{ command 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | stderr_command; } 3>&1 1>&2 | stdout_command
3>&- is required to prevent fd 3 from being inherited by command. (As this can lead to unexpected results depending on what command does inside.)
Parts explained:
Outer part first:
3>&1 -- fd 3 for { ... } is set to what fd 1 was (i.e. stdout)
1>&2 -- fd 1 for { ... } is set to what fd 2 was (i.e. stderr)
| stdout_command -- fd 1 (was stdout) is piped through stdout_command
Inner part inherits file descriptors from the outer part:
2>&1 -- fd 2 for command is set to what fd 1 was (i.e. stderr as per outer part)
1>&3 -- fd 1 for command is set to what fd 3 was (i.e. stdout as per outer part)
3>&- -- fd 3 for command is set to nothing (i.e. closed)
| stderr_command -- fd 1 (was stderr) is piped through stderr_command
foo() {
echo a
echo b >&2
echo c
echo d >&2
{ foo 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | sed -u 's/^/err: /'; } 3>&1 1>&2 | sed -u 's/^/out: /'
out: a
err: b
err: d
out: c
(Order of a -> c and b -> d will always be indeterminate because there's no form of synchronization between stderr_command and stdout_command.)
Using process substitution:
command1 > >(command2) 2> >(command3)
See for more info.
Simply redirect stderr to stdout
{ command1 | command2; } 2>&1 | command3
Caution: commnd3 will also read command2 stdout (if any).
To avoid that, you can discard commnd2 stdout:
{ command1 | command2 >/dev/null; } 2>&1 | command3
However, to keep command2 stdout (e.g. in the terminal),
then please refer to my other answer more complex.
{ { echo -e "a\nb\nc" >&2; echo "----"; } | sed 's/$/1/'; } 2>&1 | sed 's/$/2/'
Pipe stdout as usual, but use Bash process substitution for the stderr redirection:
some_command 2> >(command of stderr) | command of stdout
Header: #!/bin/bash
Zsh Version
I like the answer posted by #antak, but it doesn't work correctly in zsh due to multios. Here is a small tweak to use it in zsh:
{ unsetopt multios; command 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | stderr_command; } 3>&1 1>&2 | stdout_command
To use, replace command with the command you want to run, and replace stderr_command and stdout_command with your desired pipelines. For example, the command ls / /foo will produce both stdout output and stderr output, so we can use it as a test case. To save the stdout to a file called stdout and the stderr to a file called stderr, you can do this:
{ unsetopt multios; ls / /foo 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | cat >stderr; } 3>&1 1>&2 | cat >stdout
See #antak's original answer for full explanation.
The same effect can be accomplished fairly easily with a fifo. I'm not aware of a direct piping syntax for doing it (though it would be nifty to see one). This is how you might do it with a fifo.
First, something that prints to both stdout and stderr,
echo "This goes to stdout"
echo "This goes to stderr" >&2
Then we can do something like this:
$ mkfifo err
$ wc -c err &
[1] 2546
$ ./ 2>err | wc -c
20 err
[1]+ Done wc -c err
That way you set up the listener for stderr output first and it blocks until it has a writer, which happens in the next command, using the syntax 2>err. You can see that each wc -c got 20 characters of input.
Don't forget to clean up the fifo after you're done if you don't want it to hang around (i.e. rm). If the other command wants input on stdin and not a file arg, you can use input redirection like wc -c < err too.
It's been a long time but...
#oHo's answer has the disadvantage of redirecting command2 outputs to stderr. While #antak's answer may reverse the order of the outputs.
The solution below is likely to fix these problems by correctly redirecting command2 and command3 outputs and errors to, respectively, stdout and stderr, as expected and preserving order.
{ { command1 2>&3 | command2; } 3>&1 1>&4 | command3; } 4>&1
Of course, it also satisfies the OP's need to redirect output and errors from command1 to, respectively, command2 and command3.
