Laravel: Redirect login & register if logged in? - laravel

I'm struggling to get the login/register pages to redirect the user if already logged in.
in routes.php
Route::group(array('before' => 'auth'), function()
Route::get('hud', 'HomeController#index')->name('hud');
Route::get('search', 'HomeController#search')->name('search');
Route::get('profile', 'UsersController#index')->name('profile');
Route::get('clients', 'ClientsController#index')->name('clients');
Route::delete('clients/{id}', 'ClientsController#destroy');
Route::resource('projects', 'ProjectsController', array('only' => array('show')));
I've tried no_auth and it just breaks. Am I missing something?

You should set the redirect path for when a given visitor is authenticated user.
You can do so in: App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if ($this->auth->check()) {
return redirect('/dashboard');
return $next($request);
Stackoverflow: laravel redirect if logged in

You want to redirect already registered user to Homepage whenever they try to hit /login.
Here's how laravel tries to achieve that.
Firstly this is achieved through App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated.
However a key to this middleware is registered to guest in this file app\Http\Kernel.php under array protected $routeMiddleware.
Then in your login controller presumably at app\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController.php
In the construct method, We have something like this:
class LoginController extends Controller
use AuthenticatesUsers;
protected $redirectTo = '/';
public function __construct()


Cant logout from custom Admin Panel Laravel 5.7

I liked Matrix Admin panel, so i started implementing it. I didnt like the option of having admin in User model (boolean check isAdmin), so i created a separate model called Admin. I set up all the routes, and it worked in my test admin page with the following routes:
Route::get('/admin/login', 'Auth\AdminLoginController#showLoginForm')-
Route::post('/admin/login', 'Auth\AdminLoginController#login')-
Route::get('/admin', 'AdminController#index')->name('admin.admin');
This is my AdminLoginController:
public function showLoginForm()
return view('admin/admin-login');
protected function guard(){
return Auth::guard('admin');
use AuthenticatesUsers;
protected $redirectTo = '/admin/login';
public function __construct()
And my AdminController:
public function __construct()
public function index()
return view('admin.admin');
I call routes in the view like this:
href="{{ route('admin.login') }}"
For some reason, it doesn't log me out and get me to the login page, instead it just refreshes the page, hence returns me to the /admin page with the admin logged in. What am i missing here? Thanks for all replies.
In the constructor for the AdminLoginController, you have set the middleware to be 'guest:admin'.
This uses the guest middleware that is defined in /app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php by default, or configured in /app/Http/Kernel.php
The $guard string passed for it to use is 'admin'.
I'm guessing that you provide an implementation for this admin guard.
Supposing that you're logged in as an admin, navigating to route('admin.login')
will redirect your request to '/home' in the default implementation;
there are likely chances that there exists a custom redirection to /admin in your implementation.
If you like to logout of the session, you can register a route for the logout method provided in Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers trait.
Route::get('/admin/logout', 'AdminController#logout')->name('admin.logout');
Since the AuthenticatesUsers::logout redirects to / by default, I'm guessing you need to override this behavior.
You can do exactly that by providing a custom implementation for AuthenticatesUsers::loggedOut in your controller.
protected function loggedOut(Request $request)
return redirect('/admin');
Finally, provide this route for the href in your link {{ route('admin.logout') }}
It's all about session,

Laravel 5.4 redirect to specific page if user is not authenticated using middleware

I want to redirect user, if not authenticated, to my index page (which is the login page)
Can't seem to make it work and i really got confused with the routing.
class HomeController extends Controller
* Show the application dashboard.
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index()
return redirect()->guest('/');
// Index
Route::get('/', [
'as' => 'index',
'uses' => 'UserController#index'
The routing as you see redirects to a User Controller at index function, which is the below :
*has __construct() so it uses the middleware 'auth'.
public function __construct()
public function index(){
// If user is logged
if(Auth::check()) {
// If user has NOT submitted information form redirect there, otherwise to categories
return redirect()->route('information');
return redirect()->route('categories');
return view('index', ['body_class' => 'template-home']);
And the unauthenticated function inside middleware of auth (Exceptions/Handler.php)
protected function unauthenticated($request, AuthenticationException $exception)
if ($request->expectsJson()) {
return response()->json(['error' => 'Unauthenticated.'], 401);
return redirect()->route('index');
The error i get right now is the below :
InvalidArgumentException in UrlGenerator.php line 304:
Route [index] not defined.
This error happens because of the line of
return redirect()->route('index'); in the above unauthenticated function.
What am i missing here? If you need any more information please feel free to ask.
EDIT : Until now, if i remove from UserController the __construct() method, and insert in web.php to all the routes what middleware to use, it works.
For example
Route::get('/categories', [
'as' => 'categories',
'uses' => 'UserController#showCategories'
But i am trying to find, without specifying there what middleware to use, to use it automatically.
Build your route like below code:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth']], function() {
// uses 'auth' middleware
Route::get('/mypage', 'HomeController#mypage');
Open your middleware class named RedirectIfAuthenticated and then in handle fucntion
you write below code:
if (!Auth::check()) {
return redirect('/mypage'); // redirect to your specific page which is public for all
Hope it will work for you.
Your route should be like
// Index
see here for more about routing.

Role-based routing in LoginController (Auth)

In my Laravel 5.3 setup, I am using Bouncer package, and I defined two roles, admin and customer. When logged in, customers are redirected to /home, as specified in protected $redirectTo = '/home'; under App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController.php. Now, if a user with the role of an admin logs in, he is also redirected to /home because $redirectTo does not make any distinction between user roles. My goal here is to redirect admin users to /admin/home instead.
What is the best solution to handle this? Here is my attempt.
In web.php routes, outside of any middleware groups:
Route::get('/home', function(Illuminate\Http\Request $request) { //
if (Auth::user()->isA('customer')) // -> goto HomeController#index
return app()->make('\App\Http\Controllers\HomeController')->index($request);
else if (Auth::user()->isAn('admin')) // -> redirect
return redirect('/admin/home');
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin','middleware' => 'auth'], function () {
Route::get('/home', 'Admin\HomeController#index');
Alternatively, this can can be done in a middleware, as well:
Route::get('/home', 'HomeController#index')->middleware('auth', 'role');
// in VerifyRole.php middleware...
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null)
if (Auth::user()->isAn('admin')) {
return redirect('/admin/home');
return $next($request);
This would work, but it's not scalable if more roles are added. I am sure there must be an elegant built-in way to accomplish this. So the question is, how do I route users to their proper dashboard (i.e. home) based on their role?
You can override the authenticated() method in your class App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController as:
protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user)
if ($user->isA('customer'))
return redirect('/home');
else if ($user->isAn('admin'))
return redirect('/admin/home');
You can override the redirectPath() method as:
public function redirectPath()
if (auth()->user()->isA('customer'))
return '/home';
else if (auth()->user()->isAn('admin'))
return '/admin/home';
In Laravel 5.3, you can override sendLoginResponse() method in AuthController.php to be able to redirect users to a different routes after login.

Laravel 5 restrict access to pages using middleware

I am working on a laravel project and i need to restrict access to some pages such that only authenticated users can view that page.
To do this, created a middleware: php artisan make:middleware OnlyRegisteredUser
and registered it in the $routemiddleware inside App\Http\kernel.php as
'onlyregistereduser' => \App\Http\Middleware\OnlyRegisteredUser::class,
and this is the class. it redirects user to auth/login if not logged in
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $right=null)
$user = $request->user();
if ($user && $user->onlyregistereduser()) {
return $next($request);
return redirect('auth/login');
Here is my route:
Route::get('admin/poem', ['middleware' => 'onlyregistereduser:admin', 'uses'=>'PoemsController#poem']);
admin is a parameter passed to my middleware. It is taken from my user model which has an `enum' column as follows:
public function up()
Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->enum('rights', ['admin', 'guest'])->nullable();
// ...
Now to restrict access to some of my controller methods, e.g create, i added a constructor to my PoemsController as shown:
public function __construct()
My problem now is that this caused every single route to the PoemsController to redirect me to the login page. And again after login in, it doesn't take me to the page i intended to visit. it takes me instead to the home page. What i want is to restrict access to only some of the controller methods and not all of them and to be able to redirect to the intended page after user login.
I hope you understand my problem.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Remove the middleware from constructor, you don't have to add middleware to both route and costructor. That should solve your ". What i want is to restrict access to only some of the controller methods and not all of them" issue.
For othe issue modify your middleware like this
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $right=null)
$user = $request->user();
if ($user && $user->onlyregistereduser()) {
return $next($request);
$request_url = $request->path();
session()->put('login_refferrer', $request_url);
return redirect('auth/login');
and before redirect user after login
$url = session()->pull('login_refferrer');
return redirect($url);

Laravel route group middleware issue

I keep some laravel routes in the middleware auth group as:
Route::controller('Activities', 'ActivitiesController');
When I try to login to access these page, I am unable to login and url redirect to login page again and again. But If I use constructor as:
public function __construct()
In those controllers It works perfectly. What is route group problem?
Route has a ::middleware class that you can use:
Routes > web.php
Route::get('/activities', 'ActivitiesController#index');
You can also use Route::resource(); which I prefer. If you don't know what it does, here are the docs:
This works for me , in route
Route::controller('activities', 'ActivitiesController');
then controller
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class ActivitiesController extends Controller {
public function getIndex() {
return 'you are in;
on attempt to visit /activities I was redirected to login page , and on success back to \activities with 'you are in'.
In web.php:
$roleGeneral = role1.'~'.role2.'~'.role3.'~'.role4;
Route::group(['middleware' => ['permission.role:'.$roleGeneral]], function() {})
In Kernel.php:
protected $routeMiddleware = [...,
'permission.role' => \App\Http\Middleware\CheckPermission::class,
In CheckPermission.php:
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $role)
$roleArr = explode('~', $role);
$token = JWTAuth::getToken();
$user = JWTAuth::toUser($token);
$roleLogin = SysRoleModel::where('id', $user->role_id)->first();
if (in_array($roleLogin['name'], $roleArr)){
return $next($request);
return \Redirect::back()->withMessage('You are not authorized to access!');
