how to create a context object in google cloud run for firebase - go

I'm trying to create a context object, so that I can connect to firestore from cloud run, however, all the examples I find on the net basically say I need a context objects, examples I find online usually look like this:
ctx := context.Background()
client, err := firestore.NewClient(ctx, "projectID")
if err != nil {
fail(w, err.Error())
// TODO: Handle error.
You can find these examples in places like this one:
Nowhere in this example is there an explanation of where to find the context object.
so I just get this error:
undefined: context
I think the documentation is just too confusing.

You should use r.Context() of http.Request object in the request handler instead of initializing a new detached context like context.Background().
The main purpose of contexts is to propagate them, and in Cloud Run you always process requests, so if you pass the request’s context, it’s the right thing to do.
I think in your case, “context” package is not imported. Make sure to use go 1.11+ in your Dockerfile and say:
import “context”

In Go, you need to import packages. For this statement ctx := context.Background() add to the top of your source file import "context" or merge with your existing import set.
Like most languages, the more experience you have the more the language makes sense and you just know what to do. Most languages are the same. In C/C++ you have the include statement, C# the using statement, in Python the import statement, etc.
Google has a large package of examples for using Go and Google Cloud Platform:
Google Cloud Examples in Go
I wrote an article that documents my 30-day journey to learn Go and Google Cloud Platform.
Google Cloud and Go – My Journey to Learn a new Language in 30 days

Given the plethora of 3 lines of code examples that are hard for beginners, and the lack of complete working examples online, like myself, here is a full working example, which is kinda what I needed when I started this task, I hope this helps anybody in the future.
package main
import (
"" //"
"context" //
firebase ""
func fail(w http.ResponseWriter, msg string) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "fail:"+msg)
log.Println("fail:" + msg)
// State example code
type State struct {
Capital string `firestore:"capital"`
Population float64 `firestore:"pop"` // in millions
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
override := make(map[string]interface{})
ctx := context.Background()
client, err := firestore.NewClient(ctx, "YOURPID")// set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env var
if err != nil {
fail(w, err.Error())
states := client.Collection("States")
ny := states.Doc("NewYork")
wr, err := ny.Create(ctx, State{
Capital: "Albany",
Population: 19.8,
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe("", nil))


Golang fasthttp router custom logger

I'm playing with fasthttp and it's router, I have no issues with basic things, I have a working server and a router, that is the easy part.
The issue is with the logger, I would like to be able to customize that one, but it does not seem possible with the ctx.Logger() as it only takes a Printf argument and the format is not what I'm looking for.
Does anyone knows where in the documentation I can find a working example of what I want to do?
Example of code I currently have:
package server
import (
// Router will manage the routes of our API server
func Router() *router.Router {
r := router.New()
r.GET("/", index)
return r
func index(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
As I'm still trying my hand with the web servers and I still don't understand some things with it and Go also. So An example would be welcome.
For example I would like to be able to do something like that using a logger define in the main package:
package server
import (
// Router will manage the routes of our API server
func Router(loger *zap.Logger) *router.Router {
r := router.New()
r.GET("/", index)
return r
func index(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
ctx.Logger().Printf("/") // Here should print in the zap format of my choice.
If you look at the source code, it's apparent that all you have is the ability to write standard Go-formatted strings:
func (cl *ctxLogger) Printf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
cl.logger.Printf("%.3f %s - %s", time.Since(cl.ctx.ConnTime()).Seconds(), cl.ctx.String(), msg)
The logger simply adds some additional information from the context. So further cutomisation beyond the standard Go formatting does not seem possible. I'm not sure what "zap format of my choice" is, so I can't say if there's a workaround or even if standard Go formatting options will serve for you here.

How do I change the import file?

I have the following function in golang:
import (
func NewIAM() *SphinxIAM {
// awsConfig := aws.NewConfig()
sess, err := session.NewSession()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to create session,", err)
return nil
session := &SphinxIAM{iam: iam.New(sess)}
return session
Now, I am getting the following error when I run this:
cannot use sess (type *session.Session) as type "".ConfigProvider in argument to iam.New:
*session.Session does not implement "".ConfigProvider (wrong type for ClientConfig method)
have ClientConfig(string, ...*"stash/cloud/sphinx/vendor/".Config) "stash/cloud/sphinx/vendor/".Config
want ClientConfig(string, ...*"".Config) "".Config
I have to change the method getting imported but how do I exactly do that?
The problem here is that your package is vendored, it is loaded from the folder stash/cloud/sphinx/vendor/
But the function you want to pass it: iam.New() is not vendored, it does not come from the same vendor folder (stash/cloud/sphinx/vendor/xxx) but it comes directly from
Either put both packages under the same vendor folder, or none. It is possible that one of your dependency tool does this, (e.g. glide), in which case you should instruct your tool to handle both as vendored.

sensulib package interface as function param

I am trying to make use of this golang package:
I want to get all the events from the sensu API. I've followed the example code and modified it slightly so it works:
config := sensu.DefaultConfig()
config.Address = "sensu-url:port"
onfig.Username = "admin"
config.Password = "password"
// Create a new API Client
sensuAPI, err := sensu.NewAPIClient(config)
if err != nil {
// do some stuff
Now I want to grab all the events from the API, and there's a neat function do to that, GetEvents
However, the function expects a parameter, out, which is an interface. Here's the function itself:
func (c *API) GetEvents(out interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
resp, err := c.get(EventsURI, out)
return resp, err
What exactly is it expecting me to pass here? I guess the function wants to write the results to something, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to call the function with
I've read a bunch of stuff about interfaces, but it's not getting any clearer. Any help would be appreciated!
The empty interface interface{} is just a placeholder for anything. It's roughly the equivalent of object in Java or C# for instance. It means the library doesn't care about the type of the parameter you are going to pass. For hints about what the library does with that parameter, I suggest you look at the source code.

How to make templates work with gin framework?

I am newbie to golang.
To learn it I have started with a simple web app using gin framework.
I have followed the gin doc & configured template file but not able to make it work. I am getting an error -
panic: html/template: pattern matches no files: `templates/*`
goroutine 1 [running]:
Below is my code -
package main
import (
func main() {
//os.Setenv("GIN_MODE", "release")
// Creates a gin router with default middleware:
// logger and recovery (crash-free) middleware
router := gin.Default()
router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.tmpl", gin.H{
"title": "GoSpike",
// By default it serves on :8080 unless a
// PORT environment variable was defined.
My directory structure is
- gospike
--- templates
--- main.go
go install command does not give any error
but on actually running, it gives the above error. I searched & there were similar issues logged on gin's github repo but they are closed now.
I have tried various things but I guess I am missing something obvious. What am I missing?
I'm guessing the issue is that you're using a relative filepath to access your templates.
If I compile and run your code from the gospike directory, it works fine. But if I run gospike from any other directory, I get the same error you were seeing.
So either you need to always run gospike in the parent directory of templates, or you need to use the absolute path. You could either hard code it:
or you could do something like
but that will fail if you have multiple paths set in your GOPATH. A better long-term solution might be setting a special environment variable like TMPL_DIR, and then just using that:
router.LoadHTMLGlob(filepath.Join(os.Getenv("TMPL_DIR"), "*"))
use relative path glob will working, you can try to code
notice the . dot sign which meaning current directory, gin.Engine will load template
base on templates subdirectory of current directory .
Here is how I do it. This walks through the directory and collects the files marked with my template suffix which is .html & then I just include all of those. I haven't seen this answer anywhere so I thought Id post it.
router := gin.Default()
var files []string
filepath.Walk("./views", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".html") {
files = append(files, path)
return nil
router.Use(static.Serve("/css", static.LocalFile("./css", true)))
router.Use(static.Serve("/js", static.LocalFile("./js", true)))
router.Use(static.Serve("/images", static.LocalFile("./images", true)))
There is a multitemplate HTML render to support multi tempaltes.
You can use AddFromFiles to add multi files:
r.AddFromFiles("index", "templates/base.html", "templates/index.html")
r.AddFromFiles("article", "templates/base.html", "templates/index.html", "templates/article.html")
Or load multi files under a directory:
package main
import (
func main() {
r := gin.New()
r.HTMLRender = loadTemplates()
// ...
func loadTemplates() multitemplate.Render {
files, err := filepath.Glob("template/*.tmpl")
if err != nil {
panic("failed to load html templates: " + err.Error())
r := multitemplate.New()
// Generate our templates map from our template/ directories
for _, file := range files {
r.AddFromFiles(filepath.Base(file), file)
// add other html templates directly
r.Add("test.tmpl", someTemplate)
return r
You could see more APIs in this repo you want, hope this post help :)

Google Cloud Bigtable authentication with Go

I'm trying to insert a simple record as in GoDoc. But this returns,
rpc error: code = 7 desc = "User can't access project: tidy-groove"
When I searched for grpc codes, it says..
PermissionDenied Code = 7
// Unauthenticated indicates the request does not have valid
// authentication credentials for the operation.
I've enabled Big table in my console and created a cluster and a service account and recieved the json. What I'm doing wrong here?
package main
import (
func main() {
func getClient() *bigtable.Client {
jsonKey, err := ioutil.ReadFile("TestProject-7854ea9op741.json")
if err != nil {
config, err := google.JWTConfigFromJSON(
) // or bigtable.AdminScope, etc.
if err != nil {
ctx := context.Background()
client, err := bigtable.NewClient(ctx, "tidy-groove", "asia-east1-b", "test1-bigtable", cloud.WithTokenSource(config.TokenSource(ctx)))
if err != nil {
return client
func put() {
ctx := context.Background()
client := getClient()
tbl := client.Open("table1")
mut := bigtable.NewMutation()
mut.Set("links", "", bigtable.Now(), []byte("1"))
mut.Set("links", "", bigtable.Now(), []byte("1"))
err := tbl.Apply(ctx, "", mut)
if err != nil {
I've solved the problem. It's nothing wrong with the code, but config json itself. So anyone who out there want to authenticate and came here by google search... This code is correct and working perfectly. What I've done wrong is follows.
First I made a service account and got the json. But google warned me that im not an owner of project hence it wont be added to accept list but anyway it let me download the json.
Then I deleted that key from console and requested project owner to create a key for me.
There he has created another key with the same name I given.. And since he's the owner no error/warning msgs displayed and successfully json file was downloaded.
When I tried with that... my question begun. That's when i posted this question.
After that with no solutions. I asked owner to delete that key and create another key but with a different name..
Then it worked! It seems if you try to create a key with non-owner account and then again create with same name ( after deleting original of course ) has no effect. Hope this helps everyone out there :)
Take a look at: helloworld.go or search.go which uses GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.
For most environments, you no longer even need to set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. Google Cloud Platform, Managed VMs or Google App Engine all have the right thing set for you. Your desktop environment will also be correct if you've used gcloud init or it's predecessor gcloud auth login followed by gcloud config set project <projectID>.
