How to replace same word from config file to different words from array - bash

Hi there.
I am very new to Shell Script so need your help...
I have config file with below info
config name AAAAA
root root
port number 00000
Hostname hahahahah
config name AAAAA
root less
port number 00001
Hostname nonononono
config name AAAAA
root less
port number 00002
Hostname nonononono
And inside my bash file, there's arraylist with below info
${array1[0]} # Has value of value11111
${array2[1]} # Has value of value22222
${array2[1]} # Has value of value33333
I want to change config file and save as below
config name value11111
root root
port number 00000
Hostname hahahahah
config name value22222
root less
port number 00001
Hostname nonononono
config name value33333
root less
port number 00002
Hostname nonononono
I tried awk and sed but no luck..... Could you please help this?

Check out some of these answers.
I second the advice by Ed and David (and in hindsight, this whole post could have been a comment instead of an answer), that awk/sed might not be the best tool for this job, and you'd want to take a step back and re-think the process. There's a whole bunch of things that could go wrong; the array values might not be populated correctly, there's no check that enough values for all substitutions exist, and in the end, you can't roll changes back.
Nevertheless, here's a starting point, just to illustrate some sed. It certainly is not the most performant one, and only works for GNU sed, but provides the output you required
declare -a array
array=(value11111 value22222 value33333)
for a in "${array[#]}"; do
# Use sed inline, perform substitutions directly on the file
# Starting from the first line, search for the first match of `config name AAAAA`
# and then execute the substitution in curly brackets
sed -i "0,/config name AAAAA/{s/config name AAAAA/config name $a/}" yourinputconfigfile
# yourinputconfigfile
config name value11111
root root
port number 00000
Hostname hahahahah
config name value22222
root less
port number 00001
Hostname nonononono
config name value33333
root less
port number 00002
Hostname nonononono


reuse numerical value from a text entry in subsequent entries

I'm trying to automate a procedure and to create the output file that I need. So far everything is going well, but I cannot figure out how to take the number at the end of one row and fill it in for rows after it.
I've tried solutions using awk, sed, etc, but so far, I can't seem to figure this out even with the helps of many googles.
User: User
Pass: Pass
User: User
Pass: Pass
User: User
Pass: Pass
But I want it to take the numerical values from the first line, and append it to the user and pass lines. But for the pass line, I'd like to add it twice.
User: User01
Pass: Pass0101
User: User02
Pass: Pass0202
User: User03
Pass: Pass0303
These are only examples, but the last two digits of the hostname(ex. POP-Test-03) will always be numerical digits.
I've had some requests for more details. Sorry about that guys, so here is the skinny. Please note that all values are fake, these come from an input file. I just used the most generic values I could think of.
The input is a text file with only the values in the top example.
So I run a script that deploys instances and the only output I get from the deployment script is the Hostname and the IP address. I know it's not clean, but below is how I'm adding the user and password. But the user and pass are always the same between each batch of servers with only the number of the server being appended to the user and the password(twice). I'm doing this because an application we use requires the input of:
User: (username)
Pass: (password)
(empty line)
Normally I have to enter these manually which is time consuming and I was hoping not necessary since I've started it with the commands below in a script I am trying to build to automate the process.
So I start with this:
And I'm trying to get to this:
User: User01
Pass: Pass0101
awk '/([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}/{print;print "User\:
Train";next}1' DeploymentDetails2.txt | tee DeploymentDetails2.txt<br/>
awk '/User/{print;print "Pass\: Training";next}1'
DeploymentDetails2.txt | tee DeploymentDetails2.txt<br/>
awk '/Pass/{print;print "\n";next}1' DeploymentDetails2.txt | tee
This appears to produce what you are looking for:
for i in {01..99} ; do
echo ${HOST}${i}
echo "10.0.10.${IP}"
echo "User: User${i}"
echo "Pass: Pass${i}${i}"
let IP++
As you did not specify that there was an input file, I took the liberty of generating the ending number in the script, and reusing it in the user and pass lines.

On loading a file in redis, a new line is being inserted in value, how to avoid this

I am trying to upload a file in redis using command:
redis-cli -p <Port> -h <Host> -n <DB> -x set <key> < /tmp/file.json
The problem is : in redis value -
It is storing a \n at the end of line and I don't want this.
Since your file contains newlines, that's what gets stored in Redis.
You'll need to strip the newlines from your file before setting its contents to Redis. Depending on your OS, the method may vary. Here's a question about this: How do I remove newlines from a text file?
Finally got this working -
cat /tmp/up.json | redis-cli -n 20 --pipe
and up.json contents
set 'PACKAGES_CONFIG' '{"checkOfferFieldPrices":true,"showPrescInfoScreen":true,"showAddOnsScreen":true,"offerText":"1 + 1 with Lenskart Gold","bannerConfig":{"isVisible":true,"primaryText":"Hi %s, You are a GOLD Member!","secondaryText":"You are eligible for Buy 1 Get 1 offer on this order!"},"isExpandedByDefault":true,"isPreSelected":true,"displayBogoTabs": true, "defaultSelectedTabId": "buy2","tabConfig":[{"id":"buy1","title":"Buy 1","subtitle":"No Offer","enabled":true},{"id":"buy2","title":"Buy 2","subtitle":"Buy 1 Get 1 Free","enabled":true}]}'

Shell / Korn script - set variable depending on hostname in list

I need to write a korn script that depending on the host the script is running on, will set a deployment directory (so say 5 hosts deploy the software to directory one and five other hosts deploy to directory two).
How could I do this - I wanted to avoid an if condition for every host like below
IF [hostname = host1] then $INSTALL_DIR=Dir1
ELSE IF [hostname = host2] then $INSTALL_DIR=Dir1
and would prefer to have a list of say Directory1Hosts and Directory2Hosts which contains all the hosts valid for each directory, and then I would just check if the host the script is running on is in my Directory1Hosts or Directory2Hosts (so only two IF conditions instead of 10).
Thanks for your help - have been struggling to find how to do effectively a contains clause.
Use a case statement:
case $hostname in
host1) INSTALL_DIR=DIR1 ;;
host2) INSTALL_DIR=DIR2 ;;
or use an associative array
install_dirs=([host1]=DIR1 [host2]=DIR2)
When you want to have configuration and code apart, you can make a config directory: one file with hosts for each install dir.
# cat installdirs/Dir1
With these files your code can be
INSTALL_DIR=$(grep -Flx "${hostname}" installdirs/* | cut -d"/" -f2)

Splitting extra columns in a text file into separate lines (keeping first column)

I'm going to try to describe my problem and my end goal as best as I can, here it goes:
I have a script that fetches AWS ELB information (elb name + ports that's associated with a specific certifican arn).
So, in the end I have a text file (I call it elb_ports) and it looks something like this:
ccds-lb 636
cf-router 443 4443
dev-cf-router 443 4443
eng-jenkins-monit 443
gitlab-lb 443
gitlab-mattermost-elb 443
jenkins-np-elb 443
saml 443
uaa 443
I have another script that comes after that which I want it to go through that elb_ports file and replace the certificates with a new one, but according to Amazon's documentation: It says in order to replace the certificates, I need two things from that elb_ports file. The load balancer name and the load balancer port.
So basically their command looks like this
aws elb set-load-balancer-listener-ssl-certificate \
--load-balancer-name my-load-balancer \
--load-balancer-port 443 \
--ssl-certificate-id arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/my-new-certificate
I want to be able to loop through the file and execute the command above to each elb and port, but my problem is with the elbs that has multiple ports associated with the cert like: cf-router 443 4443 for example.
So my idea was to split that into two lines, so like this:
cf-router 443
cf-router 4443
But I'm not sure how to add cf-router (for example) to the ports that come after the first one (there could be more than two ports using the same cert).
I hope I was able to explain my problem and end goal clearly, if this isn't a good method, I'm open to suggestions also.
EDIT: Perhaps something like this is beneficial, but not sure how to tailor it to my needs.. Like put each line in an array and the space as a delimiter and then loop through each line putting arr(1) (load balancer name) and then the load balancer port, but not sure how to count and go through >arr(2) in bash.
To split out your extra columns into separate lines:
while read -r lb_name lb_ports_str; do ## split line into lb name and port list string
read -r -a lb_ports <<<"$lb_ports_str" ## split out port list string into an array
for port in "${lb_ports[#]}"; do ## iterate through that array
printf '%s %s\n' "$lb_name" "$port" ## handle each port separately
done <elb_ports ## reading lines from elb_ports
Of course, that printf could be any other line referring to $lb_name and $port -- meaning you could potentially run your code that's installing new certificates here.

Formatting IP with sed

I am trying to figure out how to do the following with sed:
I got a list of IPv4 addresses and I am trying to make them all uniform in the display. So for example: would be would be
I am trying to use sed to do it because that's what I am learning right now.
I got these two, which will take any one or two digit number and append zeros at the front.
sed 's/\<[0-9][0-9]\>/0&/g' file
sed 's/\<[0-9]\>/00&/g' file
But that runs into a more practical problem in that my input file will have single or double digits numbers in other non-IP address places. Example:
So I need a way for it to look for the full IP address, which I thought could be achieved by this
sed 's/\.\<[0-9]\>/00&/g'
but not only does that ignore the case of 1.something.something.something, but also it appends the 00 at the end of 3rd octet for some reason.
echo "" | sed 's/\.\<[0-9]\>/00&/g'
Sample file:
Jumpstart Server jumo
Jumpstart Server acob
NW1 H17 Node cluster
NW1 H17 Node-1
NW1 H17 Node-2
The idiomatic way of changing only parts of a line is to copy it to the hold space, remove the parts we're not interested in from the pattern space, get the hold space back and then rearrange the pattern space to replace the part we've changed with our new version.
This should work (replace -r with -E for BSD sed):
sed -r 'h # Copy pattern space to hold space
# Remove everything except IP address from pattern space
s/([0-9])+/00&/g # Prepend '00' to each group of digits
s/[0-9]*([0-9]{3})/\1/g # Only retain last three digits of each group
G # Append hold space to pattern space
# Replace old IP with new IP
s/(.*)\n(.*)\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b(.*)/\2\1\4/' infile
The last step is the most complicated one. Just before it, a line looks like this (newline as \n, end of line as $):\nJumpstart Server jumo$
i.e., our new and improved IP address, a newline, then the complete old line. We now capture the underlined groups:\nJumpstart Server jumo$
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^
(.*) \n (.*) \b...\b (.*)
\1 \2 \3 \4
and rearrange the line by using group 2, then groups 1 (our new IP) and 4. Notice that
There are four capture groups, but the third one is just there to help describe an IP address, we don't actually want to retain it, hence \2\1\4 in the substitution (there are no non-capturing groups in sed).
The last capturing group (after the IP address) is empty, but having it makes it possible to use this for lines that have the IP address anywhere.
This only replaces the first IP address on each line, in case there are several.
The overall output is
Jumpstart Server jumo
Jumpstart Server acob
NW1 H17 Node cluster
NW1 H17 Node-1
NW1 H17 Node-2
The same as a solidly unreadable one-liner:
sed -r 'h;s/.*\b(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})\b.*/\1/;s/([0-9])+/00&/g;s/[0-9]*([0-9]{3})/\1/g;G;s/(.*)\n(.*)\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b(.*)/\2\1\4/' infile
\b is a GNU extension. The script mostly works without it as well; using it makes sure that blah1.2.3.4blah is left alone.
$ cat 37222835.txt
Jumpstart Server jumo
Jumpstart Server acob dig opt
Jumpstart Server reac rel
NW1 H17 Node cluster
NW1 H17 Node-1
NW1 H17 Node-2
Nw2 HW12 Node-3
Doing :
sed -n 's/\([1]\?[0-9][0-9]\?\|2[0-4][0-9]\|25[0-5]\)\{1\}\.'\
'\([1]\?[0-9][0-9]\?\|2[0-4][0-9]\|25[0-5] \)/00\1\.00\2\.00\3\.00\4/g;
s/0\+\([0-9]\{3\}\)/\1/g;p' 37222835.txt
gives :
Jumpstart Server jumo
Jumpstart Server acob dig opt
Jumpstart Server reac rel
NW1 H17 Node cluster
NW1 H17 Node-1
NW1 H17 Node-2
Nw2 HW12 Node-3
Advantage over the approach mentioned by #benjamin-w
This can replace multiple ip addresses in the same line
Disadvantage(the approach mentioned by #benjamin-w remedy this)
Had there be a word say Node-000234 it would be changed to Node-234. In fact, you could work on the second substitution command to get the desired behaviour.
