canvas js delay or wait() before running the following code - canvasjs

I have been trying to find a way of delaying the running for the JS code in a HTML canvas document. I know how it is done with TweenJS see below:
I know how it is done with TweenJS see below:
createjs.Tween.get(this.movieClip).wait(200).to({scaleX:1.10,scaleY:1.10}, 100, createjs.Ease.quadOut);
But I want to delay or wait in running the following code instead of waiting on a tween:

With help from JoãoCésar
Use the setTimeout method.
var root = this;
}, 200);


Electron webview events

I'm writing an app in electron and came across with some issues, appreciate if anyone can help.
I'm navigating a webview to src="about:blank"
and load it with
var urlOptions = {
extraHeaders: 'Authorization: Bearer ' + arg.token
webview.loadURL(arg.viewToLoad, urlOptions);
Then, when the dom-ready event is triggered, I'm calling
webview.addEventListener('did-finish-load', () => spiner.hide());
I'm trying to make a spinner stop after the webview is finished loading but the 'did-finish-load' event fires twice - this causes a blank page for couple of seconds.
Does anyone has a clue why?
I looked the documentation again but this is not explained right. Is there an event that's triggered once after all resources are done downloading and are ready to show?
The 'did-finish-load' event is triggered 2 times : when you load the about:blank, and when you use loadURL().
To convince you, try this:
main.js :
const { BrowserWindow} = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow({width: 1450, height: 1200})
win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => {
console.log('finished to load ');
Then you will notice that did-finish-load has been triggered!
That's why the event is triggered two times in your code.
Note that the important part here is the webContents EventEmitter, that is an attribute of both BrowserWindows and webviews. I used a BrowserWindow to keep the example minimal.

Protractor : How to wait for page complete after click a button?

In a test spec, I need to click a button on a web page, and wait for the new page completely loaded.
// ...Here need to wait for page complete... How?
expect(ptor.getCurrentUrl()).toEqual(url + 'abc#/efg');
Depending on what you want to do, you can try:
or {
// do some stuff
to solve the promise. It would be better if you can do that in the beforeEach.
NB: I noticed that the expect() waits for the promise inside (i.e. getCurrentUrl) to be solved before comparing.
I just had a look at the source - Protractor is waiting for Angular only in a few cases (like when element.all is invoked, or setting / getting location).
So Protractor won't wait for Angular to stabilise after every command.
Also, it looks like sometimes in my tests I had a race between Angular digest cycle and click event, so sometimes I have to do:;
using sleep to wait for execution to enter AngularJS context (triggered by click event).
You don't need to wait. Protractor automatically waits for angular to be ready and then it executes the next step in the control flow.
With Protractor, you can use the following approach
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
// Wait for new page url to contain newPageName
browser.wait(EC.urlContains('newPageName'), 10000);
So your code will look something like,
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
// Wait for new page url to contain efg
ptor.wait(EC.urlContains('efg'), 10000);
expect(ptor.getCurrentUrl()).toEqual(url + 'abc#/efg');
Note: This may not mean that new page has finished loading and DOM is ready. The subsequent 'expect()' statement will ensure Protractor waits for DOM to be available for test.
Reference: Protractor ExpectedConditions
In this case, you can used:
Page Object:
waitForURLContain(urlExpected: string, timeout: number) {
try {
const condition = browser.ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(condition.urlContains(urlExpected), timeout);
} catch (e) {
console.error('URL not contain text.', e);
Page Test:
page.waitForURLContain('abc#/efg', 30000);
I typically just add something to the control flow, i.e.:
it('should navigate to the logfile page when attempting ' +
'to access the user login page, after logging in', function() {
function login() {
// Adding this to the control flow will ensure the resulting page is loaded before moving on
Use this I think it's better
For you to use this setting of isAngularSite should put this in your protractor.conf.js here:
global.isAngularSite = function(flag) {
browser.ignoreSynchronization = !flag;
to wait until the click itself is complete (ie to resolve the Promise), use await keyword
it('test case 1', async () => {
This will stop the command queue until the click (sendKeys, sleep or any other command) is finished
If you're lucky and you're on angular page that is built well and doesn't have micro and macro tasks pending then Protractor should wait by itself until the page is ready. But sometimes you need to handle waiting yourself, for example when logging in through a page that is not Angular (read how to find out if page has pending tasks and how to work with non angular pages)
In the case you're handling the waiting manually, browser.wait is the way to go. Just pass a function to it that would have a condition which to wait for. For example wait until there is no loading animation on the page
let $animation = $$('.loading');
await browser.wait(
async () => (await animation.count()) === 0, // function; if returns true it stops waiting; can wait for anything in the world if you get creative with it
5000, // timeout
`message on timeout`
Make sure to use await
you can do something like this
browser.waitForAngular(); { Do Something });
to solve the promise.

How do I find out with Mootools if an element is being animated?

I need to be able to detect is an animation is currently happening using Mootools.
Of course if there is a way to detect this with plain old js even better. But I couldn't think of a way to do this without running it every ms and seeing if the styles are changing.
How i'm doing the animation
new Fx.Tween(c.getElement('.is-active'), {
property: 'opacity',
duration: e.options.speed,
onComplete: function () {
.setStyle('display', "")
.setStyle('opacity', "");
One way that I often use is to check if animation is running with isRunning function:
// constructor
var fx = new Fx.Tween( ....
// later when I want to check if animation is running
if ( fx.isRunning() ) ...

casper js screenshot not working with svg masks

I'm creating visualizations with d3 that use svg masks and I'm trying to get a screenshot using casper js. It usually works fine except it's not rendering the mask properly; it shows all of the layers rather than just the one being masked. This is the casper code:
var casper = require('casper').create();
casper.start('http://localhost:3000', function() {
this.captureSelector('bicycles.png', 'svg');
Anybody else having issues with this?
Thanks, Tom
I don't know if it will help, but in my tests I always set the viewport size and then add a delay before running any other code. One reason for the delay is because we are using knockout and DOM elements have not been fully created by the time the 'start' function is called.
So your test would look like this:
var casper = require('casper').create();
casper.start('http://localhost:3000', function () {
casper.viewport(1024, 768);
casper.wait(1000); // Wait for knockout bindings and animations...
casper.then(function () {
this.captureSelector('bicycles.png', 'svg');
Probably won't help you, but worth a try?

jQuery .load() wait till content is loaded

How to prevent jQuery $('body').load('something.php'); from changing any DOM till all the content from something.php (including images,js) is fully loaded
-Lets say some actual content is:
Hello world
And something.php content is:
image that loads for 10 seconds
20 js plugins
After firing .load() function nothing should happen, till images an js files are fully loaded, and THEN instantly change the content.
some preloader may appear, but its not subject of question.
My solution for that was css code (css is loaded always before dom is build) that has cross-browser opacity 0.
-moz-opacity: 0.00;
opacity: 0.00;
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0);
And it prevent from bad flickr of content usually but not always. Now its possible to detect somehow that content is loaded by jQuery ajax and apply some show timeout and so on. But in fact question is still open.
To make now a little more simple example for that question:
How to begin changing DOM after $('body').load('something.php') with 3000ms delay after clicking the link that fire .load('something.php') function? (Browser should start downloading instantly, but DOM changing has to be initiated later)
Use .get instead and assign the contents in the success callback:
$.get('something.php', function(result) {
There are some implementation details you may have to solve yourself, but here's a rough solution:
Don't use .load() directly. It can't be changed to wait for all images to load.
Use $.get() to fetch the HTML into a variable, let's call it frag.
Use $(frag).find('img').each(fn) to find all images and dump each this.src inside a preloader.
var images = [],
$frag = $(frag),
loaded = 0;
function imageLoaded()
// reference images array here to keep it alive
if (images.ready && loaded >= images.length) {
// add $frag to the DOM
$frag.find('img').each(function() {
var i = new Image();
i.onload = i.onerror = imageLoaded;
i.src = this.src;
images[images.length] = i;
// signal that images contains all image objects that we wish to monitor
images.ready = true;
Once all images are loaded, append the earlier frag to the DOM using $frag.appendTo('#container').
Here is a quick proof of concept that loads relevant images before inserting an HTML fragment into the DOM:
You can preload the images using the onload handler to trigger iterations:
var images = $(frag).find('img'),
loader = $('<img/>');
function iterate(i, callback) {
if (i > 0) {
loader.load(function() {
iterate(i, callback);
loader.attr('src', images[i].src);
This should work, since each image is loaded after the previous one has finished loading.
Have you tried this?
Edit: I just realized you are actually wanting to wait for the stuff to load before it get's placed in the body.
Here are three links to similar questions.
Preloading images with jQuery
Is it possible to preload page contents with ajax/jquery technique?
Preloading images using PHP and jQuery - Comma seperated array?
You can probably adapt those to scripts too.
This might work too.
'url': 'content.php',
'dataType': 'text',
'success': function(data){
var docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
var tmp = document.createElement('div'), child;
//get str from data here like: str data.str
tmp.innerHTML = str;
while(child = tmp.firstChild){
It's a longer way of doing what Shadow Wizard suggests, but it will probably work.
Hm. Never mind. Jack's answer looks the best. I'll wait a while and if no one likes my answer I'll delete it.
Edit: It looks like appending to documentfragments can do http requests.
Any script using createDocumentFrament may benefit from preloading.
In this question they want no http requests even though that's what createDocumentFragment is doing:
Using documentFragment to parse HTML without sending HTTP requests.
I can't be sure if this is true for all browsers or just when the console.log is run, but it could be a good option for preloading if this behavior is universal.
