How to discard some messages for a window? - winapi

My goal is to disable some tool-tip-like thing in window of another process. My thoughts are to block WM_MOUSEMOVE if the coordinates of mouse movement is in certain rectangle of the window.
I can use SetWindowsHookEx to receive that messages (WH_CALLWNDPROC and WH_GETMESSAGE), but it doesn't allow to block them. I can return 1 instead of calling CallNextHookEx, but it doesn't prevent WndProc of window to receive the message. However, this approach works for blocking events in MOUSE_LL/KEYBOARD_LL.
SetWindowsHookEx is also not good, because it installs hook to all windows across the system.
How I can prevent window of another process from receiving certain windows messages?

The WH_GETMESSAGE message hook doesn't let you "block" or cancel the message but you can modify it. So simply change lpMsg->message to WM_NULL to prevent the mouse move message from being processed by the target window.


SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND) failed when mouse captured

I'm using the win32sdk, but some messages would never work as expected while mouse was captured by calling SetCapture(), such as:
return 0;
The Window won't be maximized. but why?
1. if I use PostMessage() instead, it works.
2. if I use PostMessage() instead and remove the ReleaseCapture(); statement, it doesn't work again.
In general:
PostMessage is asynchronous and you call ReleaseCapture() before WM_SYSCOMMAND is processed. So you have only one question: Why you can't maximize if mouse is captured?
I haven't found any info on this but read here:
"When the mouse is captured, menu hotkeys and other keyboard accelerators do not work." I suppose WM_SYSCOMMAND is not processed also because of this restriction. May be it was done like this to keep coords consistent.
As norekhov said menu hotkeys don't work when the mouse is captured. When the mouse is captured the the only action a user can take that will result in the WM_SYSCOMMAND message being sent is to use a system menu hotkey.
Note that the WM_SYSCOMMAND message is only meant to be used to notify a window of a user initiated action. When you send it to a window, you're in essence trying to mimic a user's action. In this case you don't need to do this. You can tell the window to maximize itself directly:
In this case it won't appear to be a user command, so it won't be ignored because the mouse has been captured.

Track a moving desktop window WinApi

I am trying to track a moving desktop application window so I can move a corresponding transparent overlay window in parity. Currently, I hook the EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZEEND event with SetWinEventHook. Inside my callback, I update the location of my overlay with the new location of the target application window.
This works, but it means that my overlay jumps around after the user lets go of the target window's title bar. I would like my overlay to track the target window as it is moving, not just after it has been moved.
The only way I can think to do this is to also hook the EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZESTART event. When the START event fires, spawn a new thread that polls the target windows location and updates my overlay location. Then, when the END event fires, kill the polling thread.
Is this a reasonable approach, or is there a better way to achieve the functionality I want.
As per Hans Passant's suggestion on my question. I was indeed looking to hook EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE instead of EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZEEND. Once I hooked LOCATIONCHANGE, the tracking worked as expected.
One thing of note, by hooking LOCATIONCHANGE you will also receive mouse events for the window. You can easily filter the movement of the window by checking the hwnd of the WinEventProc callback function.
Handle to the window that generates the event, or NULL if no window is associated with the event. For example, the mouse pointer is not associated with a window.

Fool the target app's HWND into thinking mouse moved

I am trying to emulate simple mouse movement in a window belonging to another process. My app uses global hooks to inject DLL into the target process (WH_CBT and WH_GETMESSAGE) and the injection works like a charm. The intention is to fool the target process into thinking the mouse went over a portion of the screen. When I do a movement with the physical mouse, this triggers a certain app behavior (e.g. a tooltip is being shown). I would prefer if the actual mouse pointer remained in its current position when I perform the "trick".
I have established message monitoring with Spy++. Sending (or posting) plain WM_MOUSEMOVE messages to the target HWND is registered by Spy++ but has no desired effect. When the mouse is physically moved, the app does its thing. I have tried sending some other messages in conjunction to WM_MOUSEMOVE (e.g. WM_SETCURSOR) but things didn't improve. I have even hijacked GetCursorPos in the target process to return the same coordinate as posted in WM_MOUSEMOVE (former is screen, latter is client) but this didn't help either.
When I do a simple SetCursorPos, the app does what it's supposed to do. What other magic am I missing that the SetCursorPos is doing? The messages captured by Spy++ look more or less the same in both scenarios.
Any suggestions on how to send mouse movement are welcome. I do not want to use SendInput, mouse_event or other APIs. I need to target a specific HWND for a very brief period of time.
Usually a tooltip is shown as a result of the WM_NOTIFY message, which is sent with the TTN_SHOW notification code. Have you tried it?

Why we need to call UpdateWindow following ShowWindow?

ShowWindow(g_hWnd, 1);
I am wondering why we need to call UpdateWindow following the ShowWindow?
It is entirely unnecessary, your window will paint just fine without it.
You'll see a minor benefit from it if your program goes off doing lots of stuff after creating the window but before entering the message loop. The user has something to look at. A splash screen is the more typical approach.
ShowWindow does not repaint the window. The call to UpdateWindow sends WM_PAINT message to the window and thus repainting it.
Normally, the system sends WM_PAINT only if the message queue is empty. Under normal circumstances this is good enough and it actually optimizes out a lot of unnecessary repaint. The messages in the queue often will change application state which can often result in invalidating part of the window, and hence result in yet another painting (so the user sees the new application state). So the repaint just happens after all such messages are handled and the system thinks the new window content will be valid for some time (until yet another message(s) come into the queue).
However if you need to force the WM_PAINT immediately and bypass the logic above, you may force sending WM_PAINT (if there is an invalid region) by calling UpdateWindow().
ShowWindow causes a WM_PAINT message, whereas anything which makes a previously hidden part of a window visible. UpdateWindow does any outstanding paint message(s) to be delivered immediately, waiting until the paint processing is complete until returning. Without the call to UpdateWindow the message isn't received until your program goes into the message loop. This avoids any possible delay in response to the user.

MFC app doesn't seem to receive input messages?

We have a MFC Visual-C++ application that is not reacting to any user input.
(Note: Currently only known on one machine. The behavior does recur occasionally, but only after the App has been running for several days!)
The application is redrawn when we switch to it via Alt-Tab (or the Task Bar), but we cannot, for example, activate it's main window by clicking on the title bar.
We have already pulled 4 dumps with WinDbg and checked the active instructions. We always were in some redraw code or somesuch inside the main thread (the GUI thread). We definitely were/are not in a modal message loop and the main thread's stack always looked "OK". (Most/all worker threads were idling, waiting for some event, no suspicious code there either.)
When investigating the problem with Spy++, we see the behavior specified also in this separate question, namely that we seem to get paint and activation messages, but no user input is routed to the application. When I have the application window on the screen, and select it to show messages of the main window,
it will only show "generic" "referesh" messages and nothing else
If I drill deeper, and select all messages for the whole process,
this is what we see:
The app is apparently only processing messages on one hidden sub-window (00CB09F0), and what we see there is a constant stream of 200 WM_PAINT messages per second.
Normally this Sub Window isn't processing any messages at all (except refresh WM_PAINT etc. when Windows sends them). It is normally used as a drawing area and the drawing happens through a WM_TIMER message on it's parent (010A09B8) window. (This WM_TIMER message isn't shown on the hanging app either though.)
The performance profile as shown in process explorer looks like this (100% kernel time, more or less):
I'd say that you have a redraw loop in that window that receives the WM_PAINT flood.
That usually happens if you call Invalidate or similar from the processing of the WM_PAINT message, directly or indirectly.
Other posibility is that, since you say that you are using a timer to redraw the window, the actual drawing is taking more time that the time it self, so the messages pile up in the queue.
Yet another posibility is that you are invalidating the window from a different thread than the one making the painting.
Anyway, you should ensure that you are calling Invalidate*() properly (you showed no code), and never from the OnPaint event. And avoid calling UpdateWindow() as this function can mess things if called without a little care.
I've seen this problem when an exception is thrown from a dialog. MFC's DoModal function disables the main program window then reenables it when the dialog returns; exceptions bypass the reenabling part and the main window remains disabled forever.
