Copying first lines of multiple text files into single file - bash

Using single bash command (pipes, stdio allowed)
copy first line of each file whose name begins with ABC to file named DEF.
Already tried cat ABC* | head -n1 but it takes only first line from first file, others are omitted.

You would want head -n1 ABC* to let head take the first line from each file. Reading from standard input, head know nothing about where its input comes from.
head, though, adds its own header to identify which file each line comes from, so use awk instead:
awk 'FNR == 1 {print}' ./ABC* > DEF
FNR is the variable containing the line number of the current line of the input, reset to 0 each time a new file is opened. Using ./ABC* instead of ABC* guards against filenames containing an = (which awk handles specially if the part before = is a valid awk variable name. HT William Pursell.)

Assuming that the file names don't contain spaces or newlines, and that there are no directories with names starting with ABC:
ls ABC* | xargs -n 1 head -n 1
The -n 1 ensures that head receives only one name at a time.
If the aforementioned conditions are not met, use a loop like chepner suggested, but explicitly guard against directory entries which are not plain files, to avoid error messages issued by head.


Can I do a Bash wildcard expansion (*) on an entire pipeline of commands?

I am using Linux. I have a directory of many files, I want to use grep, tail and wildcard expansion * in tandem to print the last occurrence of <pattern> in each file:
Input: <some command>
Expected Output:
<last occurrence of pattern in file 1>
<last occurrence of pattern in file 2>
<last occurrence of pattern in file N>
What I am trying now is grep "pattern" * | tail -n 1 but the output contains only one line, which is the last occurrence of pattern in the last file. I assume the reason is because the * wildcard expansion happens before pipelining of commands, so the tail runs only once.
Does there exist some Bash syntax so that I can achieve the expected outcome, i.e. let tail run for each file?
I know I can always use a for-loop to solve the problem. I'm just curious if the problem can be solved with a more condensed command.
I've also tried grep -m1 "pattern" <(tac *), and it seems like the aforementioned reasoning still applies: wildcard expansion applies to only to the immediate command it is associated with, and the "outer" command runs only once.
Wildcards are expanded on the command line before any command runs. For example if you have files foo and bar in your directory and run grep pattern * | tail -n1 then bash transforms this into grep pattern foo bar | tail -n1 and runs that. Since there's only one stream of output from grep, there's only one stream of input to tail and it prints the last line of that stream.
If you want to search each file and print the last line of grep's output separately you can use a loop:
for file in * ; do
grep pattern "${file}" | tail -n1
The problem with non-loop solutions is that tail doesn't inherently know where the output of one file ends and the output of another file begins, or indeed that there are even files involved on the other end of the pipe. It just knows input is coming in from somewhere and it has to print the last line of that input. If you didn't want a loop, you'd have to use a more powerful tool like awk and perhaps use the fact that grep prepends the names of matched files (if multiple files are matched, or with -H) to delimit the start and end of outputs from each file. But, the work to write an awk program that keeps track of the current file to know when its output ends and print its last line is probably more effort than is worth when the loop solution is so simple.
You can achieve what you want using xargs. For your example it would be:
ls * | xargs -n 1 sh -c 'grep "pattern" $0 | tail -n 1'
Can save you from having to write a loop.
You can do this with awk, although (as tjm3772 pointed out in their answer) it's actually more complicated than the shell for loop. For the record, here's what I came up with:
awk -v pattern="YourPatternHere" '(FNR==1 && line!="") {print line; line=""}; $0~pattern {line=$0}; END {if (line!="") print line}'
Explanation: when it finds a matching line ($0~pattern), it stores that line in the line variable ({line=$0}) (this means that at the end of the file, line will hold the last matching line.
(Note: if you want to just include a literal pattern in the program, remove the -v pattern="YourPatternHere" part and replace $0~pattern with just /YourPatternHere/)
There's no simple trigger to print a match at the end of each file, so that part's split into two pieces: if it's the first line of a file AND line is set because of a match in the previous file ((FNR==1 && line!="")), print line and then clear it so it's not mistaken for a match in the current file ({print line; line=""}). Finally, at the end of the final file (END), print a match found in that last file if there was one ({if (line!="") print line}).
Also, note that the print-at-beginning-of-new-file test must be before the check for a matching line, or else it'll get very confused if the first line of the new file matches.
So... yeah, a shell for loop is simpler (and much easier to get right).

Use grep only on specific columns in many files?

Basically, I have one file with patterns and I want every line to be searched in all text files in a certain directory. I also only want exact matches. The many files are zipped.
However, I have one more condition. I need the first two columns of a line in the pattern file to match the first two columns of a line in any given text file that is searched. If they match, the output I want is the pattern(the entire line) followed by all the names of the text files that a match was found in with their entire match lines (not just first two columns).
An output such as:
file23:"text from entire line in file 23 here"
file37:"text from entire line in file 37 here"
file156:"text from entire line in file 156 here"
file12:"text from entire line in file 12 here"
file67:"text from entire line in file 67 here"
file200:"text from entire line in file 200 here"
I know that grep can take an input file, but the problem is that it takes every pattern in the pattern file and searches for them in a given text file before moving onto the next file, which makes the above output more difficult. So I thought it would be better to loop through each line in a file, print the line, and then search for the line in the many files, seeing if the first two columns match.
I thought about this:
cat pattern_file.txt | while read line
echo $line >> output.txt
zgrep -w -l $line many_files/*txt >> output.txt
But with this code, it doesn't search by the first two columns only. Is there a way so specify the first two columns for both the pattern line and for the lines that grep searches through?
What is the best way to do this? Would something other than grep, like awk, be better to use? There were other questions like this, but none that used columns for both the search pattern and the searched file.
Few lines from pattern file:
1 5390182 . A C 40.0 PASS DP=21164;EFF=missense_variant(MODERATE|MISSENSE|Aag/Cag|p.Lys22Gln/c.64A>C|359|AT1G15670|protein_coding|CODING|AT1G15670.1|1|1)
1 5390200 . G T 40.0 PASS DP=21237;EFF=missense_variant(MODERATE|MISSENSE|Gcc/Tcc|p.Ala28Ser/c.82G>T|359|AT1G15670|protein_coding|CODING|AT1G15670.1|1|1)
1 5390228 . A C 40.0 PASS DP=21317;EFF=missense_variant(MODERATE|MISSENSE|gAa/gCa|p.Glu37Ala/c.110A>C|359|AT1G15670|protein_coding|CODING|AT1G15670.1|1|1)
Few lines from a file in searched files:
1 10699576 . G A 36 PASS DP=4 GT:GQ:DP 1|1:36:4
1 10699790 . T C 40 PASS DP=6 GT:GQ:DP 1|1:40:6
1 10699808 . G A 40 PASS DP=7 GT:GQ:DP 1|1:40:7
They both in reality are much larger.
It sounds like this might be what you want:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1,$2]; next} ($1,$2) in a' patternfile anyfile
If it's not then update your question to provide a clear, simple statement of your requirements and concise, testable sample input and expected output that demonstrates your problem and that we could test a potential solution against.
if anyfile is actually a zip file then you'd do something like:
zcat anyfile | awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1,$2]; next} ($1,$2) in a' patternfile -
Replace zcat with whatever command you use to produce text from your zip file if that's not what you use.
Per the question in the comments, if both input files are compressed and your shell supports it (e.g. bash) you could do:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1,$2]; next} ($1,$2) in a' <(zcat patternfile) <(zcat anyfile)
otherwise just uncompress patternfile to a tmp file first and use that in the awk command.
Use read to parse the pattern file's columns and add an anchor to the zgrep pattern :
while read -r column1 column2 rest_of_the_line
echo "$column1 $column2 $rest_of_the_line"
zgrep -w -l "^$column1\s*$column2" many_files/*txt
done < pattern_file.txt >> output.txt
read is able to parse lines into multiple variables passed as parameters, the last of which getting the rest of the line. It will separate fields around characters of the $IFS Internal Field Separator (by default tabulations, spaces and linefeeds, can be overriden for the read command by using while IFS='...' read ...).
Using -r avoids unwanted escapes and makes the parsing more reliable, and while ... do ... done < file performs a bit better since it avoids an useless use of cat. Since the output of all the commands inside the while is redirected I also put the redirection on the while rather than on each individual commands.

Utilising variables in tail command

I am trying to export characters from a reference file in which their byte position is known. To do this, I have a long list of numbers stored as a variable which have been used as the input to a tail command.
For example, the reference file looks like:
And the list looks like:
I have tried using this code:
echo "$list"
cat ref.txt | tail -c +"list" | head -c1 > out.txt
However, it keeps returning "invalid number of bytes: '+5\n10\n7\n15...'"
My expected output would be
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
It looks like you are trying to access your list variable in your tail command. You can access it like this: $list rather than just using quotes around it.
Your logic is flawed even after fixing the variable access. The list variable includes all lines of your list.txt file. Including the newline character \n which is invisible in many UIs and programs, but it is of course visible when you are manually reading single bytes. You need to feed the lines one by one to make it work properly.
Also unless those numbers are indexes from the end, you need to feed them to head instead of tail.
If I understood what you are attempting to do correctly, this should work:
while read line
head -c $line ref.txt | tail -c 1 >> out.txt
done < pos.txt
The reason for your command failure is simple. The variable list contains a multi-line string stored from the pos.txt files including newlines. You cannot pass not more than one integer value for the -c flag.
Your attempts can be fixed quite easily with removing calls to cat and using a temporary variable to hold the file content
while IFS= read -r lineNo; do
tail -c "$lineNo" ref.txt | head -c1
done < pos.txt
But then if your intentions is print the desired output in a new-line every time, head does not output that way. It just forms a string atga for your given input in a single line and not across multiple lines with one character at each line.
As Gordon mentions in one of the comments, for much more efficient FASTA files processing, you could just use one invocation of awk though (skipping multiple forks to head/tail). Your provided input does not involve any headers to skip which would be straightforward as
awk ' FNR==NR{ n = split($0,arr,""); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) hash[i] = arr[i] }
( $0 in hash ){ print hash[$0] } ' ref.txt pos.txt
You could use cut instead of tail:
cut -c ${pos//$'\n'/,} --output-delimiter=$'\n' ref.txt
Or just awk:
awk -F '' 'NR==FNR{c[$0];next} {for(i in c) print $i}' pos.txt ref.txt
both yield:

echo last character of text file in Unix/Bash

I need to see the last characters of bunch of text files (or alternatively test whether they are "}" and give a list of files that test negative ). Is there an easy way to do this from the command line.
(Ideally the solution works without reading the whole file from the start because in addition to there being many they can also be quite large.
P.S.: Any answer would be great but I would really appreciate if the function and syntax of everything in the answer can be fully explained.
It can be done fairly easily with tail and then string indexing in bash. For example, you obtain the last line in a file with, tail -n1 file. You will need to store the line in a variable using command-substitution, e.g.
lastln=$(tail -n1 file)
Then it is simply a matter of indexing the last characters, e.g.
echo ${lastln:(-1)}
(note: when indexing from the end of the string, you must put the offset (e.g. -1 in parenthesis (-1) -- or -- you must leave a space before the -1, e.g. echo ${lastln: -1} is also valid.)
You can try this:
for file in file1 file2; do tail -n 1 "$file" | grep -q '}$' || echo "$file"; done
where you should replace file1 file2 with the list of files you want to analyze, e.g. * or the like. Now what happens here? The outer part
for file in file1 file2; do ...; done
is a simple loop over the files, where inside the loop, you can refer to the current file as $file. Then,
tail -n 1 "$file"
prints the last line of the given file and
| grep -q '}$'
redirects the output to grep (turned into silent mode with -q), which looks for '}' immediatly followed by the end of the line ($). The return value of this command can be used to chain another action: when grep returns non-zero (indicating failure, i.e., the pattern is not matched), the last part
|| echo "$file"
is executed, resulting in the list of files you need.

Use grep to print only the context

Using grep, you can print lines that match your search query. Adding a -C option will print two lines of surrounding context, like this:
> grep -C 2 'lorem'
some context
some other context
**lorem ipsum**
another line
yet another line
Similarly, you can use grep -B 2 or grep -A 2 to print matching lines with two preceding or two following lines, respectively, for example:
> grep -A 2 'lorem'
**lorem ipsum**
another line
yet another line
Is it possible to skip the matching line and only print the context? Specifically, I would like to only print the line that is exactly 2 lines above a match, like this:
> <some magic command>
some context
If you can allow couple of grep instances to be used, you can try like as I mentioned in the comments section.
$ grep -v "lorem" < <(grep -A2 "lorem" file)
another line
yet another line
$ grep -A2 "lorem" file | grep -v "lorem"
another line
yet another line
If you are interested in a dose of awk, there is a cool way to do it as
$ awk -v count=2 '{a[++i]=$0;}/lorem/{for(j=NR-count;j<NR;j++)print a[j];}' file
another line
yet another line
It works by storing the entire file in its own array and after searching for the pattern lorem, the awk special variable which stores the row number(NR), points at the exact line in which the pattern is found. If we loop for 2 lines before it as dictated by the awk variable -v count, we can print the lines needed.
If you are interested in the printing the pattern also, just change the condition in for-loop as j<=NR instead of j<NR. That's it!
There’s no way to do this purely through a grep command. If there’s only one instance of lorem in the text, you could pipe the output through head.
grep -B2 lorem t | head -1
If there may be multiple occurrence of lorem, you could use awk:
awk '{second_previous=previous; previous=current_line; current_line=$0}; /lorem/ { print second_previous; }'
This awk command saves each line (along with the previous and the one before that) in variables so when it encounters a line containing lorem, it prints the second last line. If lorem happens to occur in the first or second line of the input, nothing would be printed.
awk, as others have said, is your friend here. You don't need complex loops or arrays or other junk, though; basic patterns suffice.
When you use -B N, (and the --no-group-separator flag) you get output in groups of M=N+1 lines. To select precisely one of those lines (in your question, you want the very first of the group), you can use modular arithmetic (tested with GNU awk).
awk -vm=3 -vx=1 'NR%m==x{print}'
You can think of the lines being numbered like this: they count up until you reach the match, at which point they go back to zero. So set m to N+1 and x to the line you want to extract.
1 some context
2 some other context
0 **lorem ipsum**
So the final command would be
grep -B2 --no-group-separator lorem $input | awk -vm=3 -vx=1 'NR%m==x{print}'
