Simple use of Fouladgar's Eloquent Builder class return error "it is not an interface" - laravel

I am having a problem creating a simple filter to use the Eloquent Builder class. Returns me the error
App\EloquentFilters\Property\RoomsFilter cannot implement Fouladgar\EloquentBuilder\Support\Foundation\Contracts\Filter - it is not an interface
basically copied and pasting from how to get started
namespace App\EloquentFilters\Property;
use Fouladgar\EloquentBuilder\Support\Foundation\Contracts\Filter;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
class RoomsFilter implements Filter
public function apply(Builder $builder, $value): Builder
return $builder->where('rooms', $value);
Thanks guys for the help

You need to extend it, not implement it, as the error is saying.
class RoomsFilter implements Filter
{ }
class RoomsFilter extends Filter
{ }
From the gitHub repo:
Writing a filter is simple. Define a class that extends the Fouladgar\EloquentBuilder\Support\Foundation\Contracts\Filter abstract class. This class requires you to implement one method: apply.


Target [Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model] is not instantiable while building

Peeps, I'm lost. Tried everything and after 5 hours of searching through the 10th page of Google hits, I give up. Maybe I just dont know how to ask Google the correct keywords..
I have this scenario: In lumen app, lets call it X, I have require custom packages CRUD and Storage, Storage is using functionality of CRUD.
StorageService has:
use Crud\Services\BaseService;
class StorageService extends BaseService{}
And Crud\BaseService has constructor, that uses Model:
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class BaseService
protected $model;
public function __construct(Model $model)
$this->model = $model;
When I try to do anything with my app X, I get error:
Target [Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model] is not instantiable while building [Lumee\Storage\Services\StorageService]
I cannot get my head around how to get to proper class of Model, since I saw, that Model is abstract class.
Also, I'm using this CRUD package successfully in another App, only difference is, there CRUD is used directly in app, not via some other package. I'm confused, why there is working without any additional bindings and service registering..
EDIT: Added some binding into StorageServiceProvider (boot and register methods):
$this->app->bind(BaseService::class, function(){
return new BaseService(new Model());
And registered StorageServiceProvider in my boostrap/app.php:
Thing still returns same error. I tried with binding in CrudServiceProvider, nope.
you can't get object from abstract class (Model class) to solve this try this :
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class BaseService
protected $model;
suppose your model is (Storage) :
use Crud\Services\BaseService;
class StorageService extends BaseService{
public function __construct(Storage $model)
$this->model = $model;

Override vendor model in laravel 6.X

I want to override the model inside of vendor. I tried bellow code. But not working.
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
public function boot()
$this->app->bind('VendorName\Models\User', 'App\Models\User');
Extending model is not an option, as i have to override all controller change model path and write all methods again, its not worth it.
Binding a class in the container like this isn't going to override direct references to the class you're trying to override if the object isn't being resolved using the service container.
So for example, something like $user = new \VendorName\Models\User; isn't going to be affected because it's simply not using the container.
I think the only sensible solution is to refactor your code so you're using a class that extends the base User class.

Laravel 5.8 dependecy injection - how to inject model to service

I have BooksService class which should be injected by Book model object. Then I want to inject BooksService to BookController. But I dont know ho to do it.
I am getting an error Class App\Model\BookService does not exist. Is it neccesary to register it somewhere? Also I am not sure if I am doing it right. Is it in this code?
namespace App\Model;
class BookService
/** #var Book */
public $books;
// I am not sure if this is ok
public function construct(Book $books)
$this->books = $books;
public function test()
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Requests\StoreBook;
use App\Model\Book;
use App\Model\BookService;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class BookController extends Controller
// This throws me an error BookService does not exists
public function create(BookService $bookService)
return view('book.create');
So the problem is that __contruct() method expects Book facade instance but Laravel does not know what is it. Also Book facade is available from inside the service class so no need to be injected to it.

Laravel: use extended controller or Traits or something else?

To maintain my Laravel application and save myself from a lot of duplicate code I have made the following solution:
class BaseController extends Controller
public function get($id){
return $this->baseService->get($id);
public function getAll(){
return $this->baseService->getAll();
class BaseService
protected $model;
public function __construct($model){
$this->model = $model;
public function get($id){
return response()->json($this->model->where('id', $id)->first());
public function getAll()
return $this->model->get();
class MyController extends BaseController
protected $model;
protected $baseService;
public function __construct(){
$this->model= new Model();
$this->baseService = new BaseService($this->model);
* This controller has all the functionality from BaseController now
What I'm wondering if this is a good method. Should I stick with this or should I use a different approach? I've heard about Traits but not sure if they are doing the same thing. It's Laravel 5.5 I'm using.
Yes, traits are used to move methods out of a controller regularly. A good example that the Laravel framework uses is the ThrottlesLogin trait. Take a look at
to see how the methods are moved outside of a controller but can be still accessed by importing the trait using the use keyword.
While traits would work for your use case I wouldn't use them here for the functionality you are looking for. I would use the repository pattern. It would better separate your code and make it more reusable.
Take a look at for more information on the repository pattern. Basically, you would separate your code into a separate repository and use Laravel's built in IoC to inject the repository into your controller.
class MyController extends Controller
protected $repo;
public function __construct(MyRepository $myRepository)
$this->repo = $myRepository;
public function index()
$myStuff = $this->repo->all();
// you can also inject the repository directly in the controller
// actions.
// look at
public function other(MyRepository $repo)
$myStuff = $repo->all();
This is the perfect use case for a Trait. Traits are intended for reusable functions. They're super simple to implement, and won't take more than a few minutes to change what you have.
Here is a great article on them:

Polymorphic relation in Eloquent ORM (Laravel)

I am trying to achieve an inheritance by using polymorphic relations in Eloquent ORM.
My model schema looks like this:
class Section extends Model {
public function blocks() { // section has many blocks }
abstract class Block extends Model {..}
class Exercise extends Block {..}
class Info extends Block {..}
So in my case Section has an array of blocks (and each element could be Exercise or Info).
I tried to tell Eloquent that Section.blocks is an hasMany relation to Block, and Block is morphedTo by it's blockable relation to Exercise or Info, but i failed (and it also doesn't seem like a proper way to do it, because it creates one additional property like $section->blocks[0]->blockable, which should be $section->blocks[0] ).
I also tried to morphTo from Section.blocks right away, but also failed.
Maybe somebody already achived that, and could point me towards right direction.
The question is a little vague but your models should be like below. If there are any difference then add exact errors you get when you fail.
class Section extends Model {
public function blocks() {
return $this->morphTo();
class Exercise extends Block {
public function sections() {
return $this->morphMany('App\Section', 'blocks');
class Info extends Block {
public function sections() {
return $this->morphMany('App\Section', 'blocks');
