Add external jar in pom.xml - maven

I have a spring boot application with maven.
I need to use an external jar say "tp.jar". I have used the method of system scope to do the same but seems it has been deprecated. Is there any better alternative which doesn't involve running maven commands to do the same. I found some solutions here Can I add jars to maven 2 build classpath without installing them?
But the posts are pretty old was wondering if any new solution and convenient solution has been found.

If you are in a company doing Java, you probably have a Nexus or Artifactory server running. This is the place to put the jar. Then you can use all Maven mechanisms to use it.


what is the javaagent.jar dependency from appD

I need to add this to the central repository. But appD does not give its details such as group id, artifact id etc to add in the proper path. What would that be?
AppDynamics doesn't provide it as a Maven dependency and I think it makes sense as well as it there is no application code which needs to call the java agent jars method.
But If you want to make it as a Maven dependency(Maybe so that in your organisation you have a same version of jar used everywhere and provide an easy way to get the jar, which IMO is a good practice), then you have to download java agent jar and put it in your private/public maven repository.
Please see this answer on how to place your own jars to Maven.

spring 4 security jars are missing for offline download

while working on spring mvc 4, how to find the jar for offline project like the jar Spring Security Config,spring-security-web for spring 4 ... etc as thet are not available with default package of jars and I do not want to use maven at this time so where one can find the jar for spring 4
First of all, foregoing proper dependency management is a bad idea and will make development that much harder, especially when it comes to transitive dependency resolving.
However, if you really want to do it then you can download .jars straight from Maven Repository or any other online repo that hosts them.
If that fails then a Google search will give you some source to download them from.
Trying to avoid a dependency management tool that to with a framework like Spring which complements many other frameworks is a bad idea in the long run. It will be painful to upgrade the versions in future.
But if you still don't want to use maven/gradle kind of build tool, just use pom.xml/build.gradle just for onetime use and let maven/gradle download all the dependencies and copy all those jars in some folder of your code.
Again I strongly suggest to use a build tool, especially for Spring. Maven/Gradle are not that bad if you don't want to do crazy things!!

How to combine 3 standalone applications on java and run parallely with maven in spring

How to combine 3 standalone applications on java and run parallely with maven in spring.
The three othe standalone applications run on different Db's and I want to make use of these three in my main Standalone app.
What are the required maven settings i need to follow and what are the best spring components i used.
Any kind of answer is appresiable.
Thanks in Advance.
About Maven.
I recomend you to use a Repository Manager (Nexus, Artifactory...). In that repository, you can upload manually your aplications as a jar (I assumed that these three app are not build with Maven, but it could be interesant to migrate them, you should evaluate that).
You have to configure your new app pom.xml and settings.xml to get access to this repository. And then, you can add these dependencies in your new app pom.xml. After that, you can use your applications classes in your new app.
About Spring
Spring Framework, has a lot of things that could help you in your development (like dependency injection, jdbcTemplate and a large etc)
I really recommend you to read the documentation (with the index you can get an idea), and evaluate what things could help you.

Maven Jetty plugin with endorsed external directory

I have a project with more than an hundred external library dependencies, here we use tomcat with this endorsed jar libs configured on a directory in the server (now is under $CATALINA_HOME/lib/endorsed), so the webapp can access those resources on runtime start.
I wanted to try jetty instead, because tomcat takes too much memory and crashes frequently. Now I'm wondering if there is a parameter to pass on maven-jetty-plugin to specify this jar's folder so as the webapp class loader find them in its classpath.
I've tried extraClasspath in configuration tag, but it seems to load only classes and ignore all jars in the directory I set into (if I pass the full name path of the jar, it is loaded, but I don't want to set every library that I need there).
Thanks in advance for the help
update:I know it's not a standard maven operation, i'm searching for an emergency workaround since this project is very huge and I can't refactor as I want.
But also I expected this feature was not as tricky as it seemed to me at first glance.
You need to pass them as absolute paths, or, alternatively, have them as dependencies of the plugin itself.
What you want to have done goes against Maven's portability principles, so don't expect it to support it.

Use Local Maven Repository

How can I use jars that buildr loads by default into the local maven repo, rather than creating new (and repetitive) artifact tasks/dependencies?
For example, if were creating a scala or groovy application buildr would automatically download the scala or groovy jars respectively. Is it possible to include or merge these (default) jars into an application rather than creating a new artifact?
I think that is not possible or doable in a one step, easy way. I recommend you talk with us on the dev list of Buildr and we can probably create an enhancement for that.
For each library you would like to depend on, you usual can grep the code to find where we define the default jar we depend on.
For the example you mention, here are the default method to retrieve the default jars:
For Groovy: Buildr::Groovy::Groovyc.dependencies
For Scala: Buildr::Scala::Scalac.dependencies
I hope that helps.
