How do I escape the string to use a variable for the filename within the following script? Am I even getting the variable in a proper manner?
The scenario is I have a few dozen small flac files of voice messages. They need to be sent with the gcloud command/url individually and a return is sent and this return output is set as a variable. After I get the return response I need to send the same file and the return response to a database using the json file schema.
Edited: I have tried escaping by adding/wrapping in single quotes, double quotes and backticks. all return errors and all return errors show the url containing "$i" rather than a filename.flac.
When I try without escaping the string I get this error:
When I do it without escaping I get this: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `sudo' line 4: ` sudo gcloud ml speech recognize `/var/www/html/library/422980-2560-WIN/$i --language-code='en-US' >STT.txt`'
Here is the script:
cd /var/www/html/library/422980-2560-WIN
for i in *.flac;
sudo gcloud ml speech recognize `/var/www/html/library/422980-2560-WIN/"$i" --language-code='en-US' >STT.txt`
STT=`grep -Po '"transcript": *\K"[^"]*"' STT.txt | cut -d '"' -f2`
echo $STT
sudo gsutil cp /var/www/html/library/422980-2560-WIN/"$i".flac gs://422980
#rm -i -f -- /var/www/html/library/422980-2560-WIN/*.flac
sudo /usr/local/fuego --credentials /home/repeater/medialunaauth01-280236ff5e5f.json add 422980 '
"bucketObject": "$i",
"fileDay": "filedaytest33",
"fileMonth": "filemonttest33",
"fileName": "filenametest33",
"fileTime": "filetimetest33",
"fileYear": "fileyeartest33",
"liveOnline": "0",
"qCChecked": "0",
"transcribedData": "",
I'm trying to include a bash script in an AWS SSM Document, via the Terraform templatefile function. In the aws:runShellScript section of the SSM document, I have a Bash for loop with an # sign that seems to be creating an error during terraform validate.
Version of terraform: 0.13.5
Inside file:
resource "aws_ssm_document" "magical_document" {
name = "magical_ssm_doc"
document_type = "Command"
document_format = "YAML"
target_type = "/AWS::EC2::Instance"
content = templatefile(
Inside my ssm-doc.yaml file, I loop through an array:
for i in "$\{arr[#]\}"; do
if test -f "$i" ; then
echo "[monitor://$i]" >> $f
echo "disabled=0" >> $f
echo "index=$INDEX" >> $f
Error: Error in function call
Call to function "templatefile" failed:
./ssm-doc.yml:1,18-19: Invalid character;
This character is not used within the language., and 1 other diagnostic(s).
I tried escaping the # symbol, like \#, but it didn't help. How do I
Although the error is pointing to the # symbol as being the cause of the error, it's the ${ } that's causing the problem, because this is Terraform interpolation syntax, and it applies to templatefiles too. As the docs say:
The template syntax is the same as for string templates in the main Terraform language, including interpolation sequences delimited with ${ ... }.
And the way to escape interpolation syntax in Terraform is with a double dollar sign.
for i in "$${arr[#]}"; do
if test -f "$i" ; then
echo "[monitor://$i]" >> $f
echo "disabled=0" >> $f
echo "index=$INDEX" >> $f
The interpolation syntax is useful with templatefile if you're trying to pass in an argument, such as, in the question Foo. This argument could be accessed within the yaml file as ${Foo}.
By the way, although this article didn't give the answer to this exact issue, it helped me get a deeper appreciation for all the work Terraform is doing to handle different languages via the templatefile function. It had some cool tricks for doing replacements to escape for different scenarios.
I have a bash script where i'm trying to call a curl which is having a variable value as input. When trying to execute the bash script the variable value is not getting expanded in double quotes.
Expected curl in script after variable expansion should be as following:
/usr/bin/curl -s -vvvv http://hmvddrsvr:8044/query/service -u iamusr:pssd -d 'statement=DELETE FROM `test_bucket` WHERE type = "Metadata" AND market = "ES" AND status = "active" AND meta(test_bucket).id="fgsd34sff334" '
Getting executed as follows when observed in debug mode:
/usr/bin/curl -s -vvvv http://hmvddrsvr:8044/query/service -u iamusr:pssd -d 'statement=DELETE FROM `test_bucket` WHERE type = "Metadata" AND market = "ES" AND status = "active" AND meta(test_bucket).id=\""$idp_sub"\" '
My bash script is as follows:
for idp_sub in $(cat /opt/SP/jboss/home/mayur/es_idp_sub.txt)
/usr/bin/curl -s -vvvv http://hmvddrsvr:8044/query/service -u iamusr:pssd -d 'statement=DELETE FROM `test_bucket` WHERE type = "Metadata" AND market = "ES" AND status = "active" AND meta(test_bucket).id=\""$idp_sub"\" ' -o /opt/SP/jboss/home/mayur/es_delete_response.txt
How does do i expand the variable value within double quotes as shown above in expected output ?
Your double-quoted string is inside single quotes, where it won't be expanded.
echo 'foo=\""$foo\"'
echo 'foo="'"$foo"'"'
In the second example, we end the single quotes, and double-quote $foo, then start new single quotes for the final '.
It's probably easier to read if we expand using printf instead:
printf 'foo=%s\n' "$foo"
That's something you might want to run as a process substitution.
This is a wrong and dangerous way to construct an SQL query (and the web server is also poor, if it forwards arbitrary queries - I hope it has no write permissions to the data). Read about "SQL command injection" and come back to this code when you understand the issues.
Nothing inside single quotes will be expanded by bash, including any double-quotes, and variable names. The good news is you can end your single-quoted section and immediately start a double-quoted section to introduce the variable, and it will all be concatenated into a single argument for the application (curl). Try:
/usr/bin/curl -s -vvvv http://hmvddrsvr:8044/query/service -u iamusr:pssd -d 'statement=DELETE FROM `test_bucket` WHERE type = "Metadata" AND market = "ES" AND status = "active" AND meta(test_bucket).id=\"'"$idp_sub"'\" ' -o /opt/SP/jboss/home/mayur/es_delete_response.txt
You can make your code strongly injection-proof by rejecting any string containing a double-quote, but you might reject some strings that have been legitimately escaped.
If you can use the q syntax to quote the string, you can make it more injection-proof, but I guess the attacker just has to inject ]":
/usr/bin/curl -s -vvvv http://hmvddrsvr:8044/query/service -u iamusr:pssd -d 'statement=DELETE FROM `test_bucket` WHERE type = "Metadata" AND market = "ES" AND status = "active" AND meta(test_bucket).id=q\"['"$idp_sub"]'\" ' -o /opt/SP/jboss/home/mayur/es_delete_response.txt
You could then search for and reject the pattern string ]" as your anti-injection, which will allow a much wider class of legitimate strings. You would have to tell the users that you have applied q[] quoting to their input, so they don't have to.
I am trying to access an env variable in Jenkins pipeline and want to use it in a Shell Script executing in the same pipeline but a differnt step,
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
maven 'M2'
environment {
stable_revision = sh(script: 'curl -H "Authorization: Basic $base64encoded" "https://xyz.sad" | jq -r "name"', returnStdout: true)
stages {
stage('Initial-Checks') {
steps {
echo "Stable Revision: ${env.stable_revision}" //displays the value
bat "sh && sh"
This is a sample Shell script, it has many lines, but I have an issue in only accessing the above stable_revision variable,
echo xyz = ${stable_revision} #### this gives the right value xyz = 22
echo xyz2 = ${stable_revision}/d ### here after the value the /d is written in new line
For example, let's say the stable_revision value is 22, then in the SH script echo I am getting the value as,
xyz2 = 22
I want the value to be xyz2 = 22/d
You can use .trim() to strip off a trailing newline.
environment {
stable_revision = sh(script: 'curl -H "Authorization: Basic $base64encoded" "https://xyz.sad" | jq -r "name"', returnStdout: true).trim()
returnStdout (optional):
If checked, standard output from the task is returned as the step value as a String, rather than being printed
to the build log. (Standard error, if any, will still be printed to
the log.) You will often want to call .trim() on the result to strip
off a trailing newline.
If you use bash instead of sh for your commands, you can benefit from Bash's built-in string transformations
Here it trims all trailing characters from the [:space:] class witch includes actual spaces and newlines.
echo "xyz2 = ${stable_revision%%[[:space:]]}/d"
If $stable_revision is always an integer, you can force the shell to use it like an integer with:
echo "xyz2 = $((stable_revision))/d"
If you are sure that $stable_revision contains no space, you can force the shell to trim all spaces by using it like a table element:
sr=($stable_revision); echo "xyz2 = ${sr[0]}/d"
You can also use the automatic trimming of a sub-shell returned value, that would trim any leading, trailing and duplicate spaces in-between:
echo "xyz2 = $(echo ${stable_revision})/d"`
I'm doing some basic unit testing with the shunit2 unit test framework.
I'm getting the error " syntax error near unexpected token `nodeError=$( node "node_fake_returns/return_error.js" )" on the first line of my function. the function is as follows:
function testHandleNodeReturnError{
nodeError=$( node "./node_fake_returns/return_error.js" )
if [ grep -i "Error" <<< "$nodeError" ]; then
assertTrue "true"
It is suppose to run a node script that returns an error message to stdout, then assign that output to a variable. Only this first line in the function is important.
I'm quite new to bash and I've messed with the formatting of this line, mostly just adding spaces in different places, but I can't seem to find what's causing the syntax error. This is probably pretty simple but if somebody could show me what might be wrong I would be greatful.
By pasting your code to shellcheck I was left with:
function testHandleNodeReturnError{
^-- SC1095: You need a space or linefeed between the function name and body.
Which is quite literal. You need a space there.
function testHandleNodeReturnError
Using function keyword is deprecated. Just use function_name() { function_body; }.
if [ grep -i "Error" <<< "$nodeError" ]; then
This is very wrong. This is outputting the content of nodeError variable to standard input of [ command. The [ is a command, a executable, just like grep, it's an alias to test program. Then it runs [ comamnd with grep, -i, "Error" and ] as 4 of it's arguments. You don't want that. If you want to check for Error string, just use grep's exit status:
So do:
testHandleNodeReturnError() {
nodeError=$(node "./node_fake_returns/return_error.js")
if grep -q -i "Error" <<<"$nodeError"; then
assertTrue "true"
I am trying to create a string with a query that will be save / send to another location, this string contains different variables.
The issue that I am having is that the echo of the variables are completely upside down and mix.
See code below:
tokenID=$(docker exec -ti $dockerContainerID /bin/sh -c "cat /tempdir/tokenfile.txt")
attQuery="$tokenID $serverName"
agentRegQuery="$./opt/mule/bin/amc_setup -H $attQuery"
echo TOKEN ID $tokenID
echo SERVER NAME $serverName
echo $attQuery
echo $agentRegQuery
Find below the output I am receiving:
TOKEN ID 29a6966f-fa0e-4f08-87eb-418722872d80---46407
asdasdmule/bin/amc_setup -H 29a6966f-fa0e-4f08-87eb-418722872d80---46407
There's a carriage return character at the end of the tokenID variable, probably because /tempdir/tokenfile.txt is in DOS/Windows format (lines end with carriage return+linefeed), not unix (lines end with just linefeed). When you print tokenID by itself, it looks ok, but if you print something else after that on the same line, it winds up overwriting the first part of the line. So when you print $attQuery, it prints this:
29a6966f-fa0e-4f08-87eb-418722872d80---46407[carriage return]
...but with the second line printed on top of the first, so it comes out as:
The solution is to either convert the file to unix format (dos2unix will do this if you have it), or remove the carriage return in your script. You can do it like this:
tokenID=$(docker exec -ti $dockerContainerID /bin/sh -c "cat /tempdir/tokenfile.txt" | tr -d '\r')
I think everything works as it should
echo TOKEN ID $tokenID -> TOKEN ID 29a6966f-fa0e-4f08-87eb-418722872d80---46407
echo SERVER NAME $serverName -> SERVER NAME asdasd
echo $attQuery -> asdasdf-fa0e-4f08-87eb-418722872d80---46407
echo $agentRegQuery -> asdasdmule/bin/amc_setup -H 29a6966f-fa0e-4f08-87eb-418722872d80---46407
Why do you think something is wron here?
Best regards, Georg