Datapump REMAP_DATA using another column - oracle

I need to mask first and last name. Our requirement is to use the first name only. How can I access the FIRST_NM field when masking the LAST_NM?
Lakshmanan Ramaswamy
Expected Result:

Looks like REMAP_DATA is available from Oracle 11g on. The issue is the REMAP_DATA parameter takes one column as input and a PL/SQL package/function to process that data; so you wouldn't really be able to figure out what first name goes with what last name. There is a good DataPump REMAP_DATA PDF on a sample package & function would work; but it won't solve your problem.
What you could do, depending on your Oracle version, is define a virtual column named LAST_NAME_MASKED on your MY_TABLE that contains a function to do your substr, and then exclude the LAST_NM column from the DataPump export.


Oracle Alter command to rename existing Column errorring

alter table tablename rename column zl_divn_nbr to div_loc_nbr;
Error while executing the above statement. Please help.
SQL Error: ORA-54032: column to be renamed is used in a virtual column expression
54032. 0000 - "column to be renamed is used in a virtual column expression"
*Cause: Attempted to rename a column that was used in a virtual column
*Action: Drop the virtual column first or change the virtual column
expression to eliminate dependency on the column to be renamed
Run the following SQL query in your database using the table name mentioned in the error message. For example, in the error message shown in this article, the table name is 'tablename'. Note that whilst the table name appears in lower case in the error message, it may be upper case in your DB. This query is case sensitive so if you receive no results, check whether the table name is upper case inside your database.
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'tablename';
Before proceeding, make sure the Bitbucket Server process is not running. If Extended Statistics has been enabled, contact your database administrator to have them drop the Extended Statistics metadata from the table, and proceed with your upgrade. If you wish to enable Extended Statistics again after the upgrade you may do so, however be aware that you may need to repeat this process again for subsequent upgrades otherwise you risk running into this issue again.
Removing columns created by Extended Statistics requires using an in-build stored procedure,
Usage of this stored procedure is covered further in ORA-54033 and the Hidden Virtual Column Mystery, and looks similar to the following:
EXEC DBMS_STATS.DROP_EXTENDED_STATS(ownname=>'<YOUR_DB_USERNAME>', tabname=>'tablename', extension=>'("PR_ROLE", "USER_ID", "PR_APPROVED")')
Database Upgrade Eror: column to be rename
Probably, you have such a table :
CREATE TABLE tablename(
zl_divn_nbr NUMBER,
zl_divn_percent NUMBER GENERATED ALWAYS AS (ROUND(zl_divn_nbr/100,2)) VIRTUAL
where zl_divn_nbr column is used for a computation for virtual(zl_divn_percent) column.
To rename zl_divn_nbr, all referenced virtual columns to this column should be removed, and may be created later.
The syntax for defining a virtual column is this :
column_name [datatype] [GENERATED ALWAYS] AS (expression) [VIRTUAL]
Since version 11 R1, we have this property.
ALTER TABLE rename column to
In the case of tables with virtual or 'group extension columns' the above
statement returns an error before Oracle 12cR2. For Oracle 12cR2 or newer versions the above statement runs fine cause 'renaming column' command is decoupled from the group extension aspect.

how to specifically define table name in Oracle SQL

i have a DB which has a table named LIKE.
uppon trying to execute any query on the table, it gives me an error and i know it's because of the name which is trying to use the query keyword LIKE.
Now, i have "bypassed" this issue in MySQL by just selecting the table as
SELECT tk_oseba_id, COUNT(tk_tip_like_id) AS St_Like_haha
FROM student999.`like`;
Now this same line wont work at ` there any special way to to this in oracle or how can i manipulate with the table by not using the LIKE keyword.
Oracles's counter part to mysql's back tick is quote for defining tablenames/columns.
To use a key word as a table name though I recommend against it...
wrap the table name in quotes. From student9999."like"
AND... it forces case sensitivity when you use the quotes!

Oracle generated column aliases different on two DB's

We have a legacy application we cannot modify that connects to Oracle 11g and at some point runs a query and returns a result. The application however is using the "generated" column name from Oracle to read the result.
Consider the following query:
select nvl(1,0.0) from DUAL;
As this query does not specify an alias, the generated column name would be "nvl(1,0.0)"
However on another server the generated column name is "nvl(1,0)" (notice 0 and not 0.0) and the application fails.
Is there a configuration that can be changed for Oracle? I've searched for formatting and locale configurations and they are equal on both servers.
Any help would be appreciated
It turns out there's a parameter called cursor_sharing that was set to FORCE instead of EXACT
select nvl(1,0.0) from DUAL;
The query above returns the following depending on the value of the parameter:

Informix "SERIAL" to Oracle NUMBER/Sequence/Trigger in Pro*C

I'm trying to convert some Informix ESQL to Oracle Pro*C. In the existing Informix code the "SERIAL" data type was used to indicate automatically incrementing columns. According to the Oracle documentation, the Oracle Migration Workbench for Informix should be able to handle this, and it explains that it converts the "SERIAL" data type into a "NUMBER" with an associated Oracle sequence and trigger. However, when trying to run the tool it simply replaces the word "SERIAL" with "ERROR(SERIAL)", so I've been trying to manually add in the trigger/sequence.
Their example here: shows a way that this can be done. The sequence appears to be fairly straight forward, however when trying to create a trigger like so:
SELECT clerk.SEQ_11_1.nextval INTO :new.JOB_ID FROM dual; END;
The Pro*C preprocessor picks up the "CREATE" keyword here, and decides that I'm not allowed to use the host variable ":new.JOB_ID", because host variables cannot be used in conjunction with "CREATE" statements.
My question is, is there some way to create a trigger that links an Oracle sequence to a particular column without using a host variable to specify the column name? The Oracle documentation seems to indicate that their migration tool should be able to cope, which means there must be some way of doing this. However all the examples of the trigger use that I have found all use the host variable which causes the preprocessor to complain.
Thank you for your time.
(Note: I've used the trigger/sequence/column names from the example in the Oracle documentation in the example above.)
I managed to resolve the issue by using an "EXEC SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE" statement.
char sql_buf[4096+1];
snprintf(sql_buf, 4096, <sql>);
This bypasses the preprocessor and therefore allows the statement through without complaint.
It is impossible to create a trigger that links an Oracle sequence to a particular column without using a "host variable" to specify the column name. By the way it isn't "host variable" - just reference. The same trigger may fire on update and insert for example, so you have to specify what you are referencing: new or old variables. You can do it in MS-SQL but not in Oracle.

ORA-12704: Unable to convert character data

I am trying to perform SET operations in Oracle across remote databases.
I am using the MINUS operator.
My query looks something like this.
SELECT NAME FROM localdb MINUS SELECT NAME from remotedb#dblink
This is throwing up a ORA-12704 error. I understand this warrants some kind of conversion or a NLS Setting.
What should I try next?
The two name columns are stored in different characters sets. This could be because of their type definitions, or it could be because the two databases are using different character sets.
You might be able to get around this by explicitly converting the field from the remote database to the character set of the local one. Try this:
SELECT NAME FROM localdb MINUS SELECT TO_CHAR(NAME) from remotedb#dblink
It seams the types of NAME column in those 2 tables are different.
Make sure the NAME column in the remotedb table is exactly the same type as the NAME in localdb table. It is mandatory when you use a MINUS operator.
