assembleRelease.dependsOn test for allprojects - gradle

im trying to run test task before android's assembleRelease
App has multiple modules.
In single module app I used to do it via
afterEvaluate {
println tasks
in app/build.gradle
This does not work anymore for multimodule, i.e. it only runs tests on app module. So I need that block inside every module's build file, which is error prone
So I tried globally in root build file
allprojects {
afterEvaluate {
tasks.findByName("assembleRelease").dependsOn tasks.findByName("test")
This however fails that those tasks cannot be find, i.e. they're not present in println tasks anyways.
Anybody have idea where to get reference to them? Or better, how to run root test task before root assembleRelease?


Use build.finalizedBy on each subproject with Gradle kotlin

I want to run a specific task after EVERY build of my subprojects. I can go into each of my subprojects build.gradle.kts file and add the following {
However, this should be possible to do in my root project build.gradle.kts file right? I tried it by doing the following:
subprojects {
But nothing happens. How can I achieve this?
You can't programatically execute tasks from other tasks in newer versions of Gradle.
Instead, you are supposed to declare task dependencies and Gradle will ensure they get executed in the correct order. But I think it's not what you want
Alternatively, you could move your logic into the doLast block in the build task. eg:
build {
doLast {
copy {
from 'source'
into 'target'
include '*.war'
good coding! ¯_(ツ)_/¯

gradle custom task that depends on build task without testing

I am using gradle 6.0.1
I am trying to write my on task, but I want first the the build task is executed but without tests.
I tried (from build.gradle):
task startEnv(type: GradleBuild) {
tasks = ['build']
doLast {
However, I don't manage to find a way to call build without running tests, as I would run
gradle build -x test
Is it possible to achieve this functionality?
Another option I can use, is to check inside my startEnv task whether build already exists and run this task only if build exists - Is there a way to query whether build exists? (this is a multi module projects, so I am not sure it is enough to check whether build directory exists on the root project).
I followed the comments and tried the solution mentioned at Skip a task when running another task
I added to build.gradle:
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
if (graph.hasTask(startEnv)) {
test.enabled = false
task startEnv(type: GradleBuild) {
tasks = ['build']
doLast {
But when I run ./gradlew startEnv - it still fails with some tests that in current phase I know they should fail.
I can see the DEBUG1 print when I execute this command but the build fails with tests that are failing.
Thank you,

Depend on multiple gradle tasks in multi project build

Currently I have task which starts Google Cloud server, runs tests and stops server. It is defined at root project:
buildscript {...}
allprojects {...}
task startServer (dependsOn: "backend:appengineStart") {}
task testPaid (dependsOn: "app:connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest") {}
task stopServer (dependsOn: "backend:appengineStop") {}
task GCEtesting {
dependsOn = ["startServer",
group = 'custom'
description 'Starts GCE server, runs tests and stops server.'
testPaid.mustRunAfter 'startServer'
stopServer.mustRunAfter 'testPaid'
I tried multiple ways to write it something like this, short with only one task. I didn't get how to refer to task from another project and call mustRunAfter on it. This doesn't work (I also tried to refer from Project.tasks.getByPath, root.tasks, etc):
task GCEtesting {
dependsOn = ["backend:appengineStart",
group = 'custom'
description 'Starts GCE server, runs tests and stops server.'
"app:connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest".mustRunAfter "backend:appengineStart"
"backend:appengineStop".mustRunAfter "app:connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest"
Is it possible? What is correct syntax to make this work?
It looks like your problem is that you're treating dependsOn as meaning "invoke this task". It actually means "ensure the result of the depended on task is available before the dependent task starts". That's why your first solution didn't work: statements like testPaid.mustRunAfter only affect the actions of the testPaid task itself, not its dependencies.
Anyway, you can get the behaviour you want using dependsOn and finalizedBy, but they have to be declared in the build file of the app subproject.
task connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest {
dependsOn 'backend:appengineStart' // Ensure appengineStart is run at some point before this task
finalizedBy 'backend:appendginStop' // Ensure appengineStop is run at some point after this task
Then, you can run your tests simply with gradle app:connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest. If you really want to define a task in the root project to run the tests, then that's easy too:
task GCEtesting {
dependsOn = "app:connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest"

How can I share build code script for all my gradle projects (not just subprojects)

I want to have this code snippet
test {
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
Shared for all my gradle projects. Is that possible? Preferrably something I add to ~/.gradle/common.gradle or similar.
Probably the best way to inject build logic into existing build scripts without touching them is using init scripts. So you can create a script like testlogging.gradle that looks like this:
allprojects {
tasks.withType(Test) {
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
As you can see I use tasks.withType(Test) instead of test here to reference the test task by type. That has some benefits:
this script works also for builds with no task with name test. This could likely happen (e.g. in multiproject builds)
this script would also apply for any other tasks in your build that are of type Test. Some projects use integTest etc.
To auto apply this script on your machine, you can put it in the folder ~/.gradle/init.d. Gradle considers every .gradle file in there as init script and applies them to each build.
To learn more details about init scripts check the according chapter in the gradle userguide.

Wrong order of task execution in gradle 3.3

I want to define methods inside my script file, and use them to define build tasks for each project individual (custom library).
ext.buildDockerImage = { imageName ->
def distDir = "${getProject().getBuildDir()}/docker"
copy {
from "${project.getProjectDir()}/src/docker/"
into distDir
println 'Build docker image'
In my project build.gradle I have created a task:
apply plugin: "war"
apply plugin: "jacoco"
dependency {
// all dependencies
task buildDocker() {
apply from: "${project.getRootDir()}/docker/scripts.gradle"
The problem is that whenever I am running gradle build, this tasks executes also:
$ gradle build -xtest
Build docker image
# rest of build
As you can see , all I want is to create a custom library that will hold methods, used to create tasks for each project. But currently I cannot import those methods without breaking the build. Method buildDockerImage will work only after war file is added to build directory, so this task must be executed on demand only, I don't want to be included in the process all the time.
My questions:
how make my task to only run when I execute task manually
why, when I execute my build, script executes as first?
Your task buildDocker() defines everything in configuration phase. So when you run your gradle build this will always run.
task buildDocker() {
apply from: "${project.getRootDir()}/docker/scripts.gradle"
If you want to run this task as a standalone task, define your stuff in execution phase of the task. something like below
task buildDocker() {
apply from: "${project.getRootDir()}/docker/scripts.gradle"
Read This article
This might help
