Call to a member function fill() on array - laravel

I am trying to update data from the product table. But, when I try to update laravel, it gives me an error which says call to a member function fill() on array. When I debug $data I got an array of key and values.
I have the following code:
public function update(Request $request,Products $product)
$this->products = $this->products->find($product->id);
request()->session()->flash('error','Product not found!');
return redirect()->route('product.index');
$rules = $this->products->getRules('update');
$this->products = $request->validate($rules);
$data = $request->all();
$data['added_by'] = $request->user()->id;
$data['image'] = explode(',',$data['related_images'])[0];
$this->products->fill($data); //Getting error here
$status = $this->products->save();
$request->session()->flash('success','Product updated successfully.');
} else {
$request->session()->flash('error','Sorry! there was problem updating product.');
return redirect()->route('product.index');
I want the fill() function to work so that it can update my data on the product table.

The line below is overwriting your products with an array of the keys that passed validation. You can fix it by removing the assignment (if there are errors, a 422 error will still be returned)
$this->products = $request->validate($rules);
// change to


Stuck at Error = Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::save does not exist

Trying to save data while open page but stuck at error :
"Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::save does not exist."
I have 2 database :
From 2nd table i need to get the avg of totalmilk and update the same to main database (1). This help me to show updated avgmilk data on dashboard front page.
Route:: get('buffalo-details', 'App\Http\Controllers\BuffalodataController#buffalodetails');
BuffalodataController Controller :
public function buffalodetails()
$buffalidforavgmilk = Buffalodata::groupBy('buffaloID')->get('buffaloID')->pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();
foreach ($buffalidforavgmilk as $id )
$milkperid = Buffalomilkrecord::where('buffaloID', $id)->sum('totalmilk');
$avgbuffalocount = Buffalomilkrecord::where('buffaloID',$id)->count();
$getavg = $milkperid / $avgbuffalocount;
$data = Buffalodata::find($buffalidforavgmilk);
$data->avgmilk = ($getavg);
$data->save ();
// dump([$milkperid,$avgbuffalocount,$getavg,$data,$id]);
return view ('pages.Buffalo.BuffaloDetails',[---------]);
Thanks again in Advance
When you pass an Array to ::find(), it returns a Collection, which doesn't have a save() method. This is your code:
// This is an Array of `buffaloID` values
$buffalidforavgmilk = Buffalodata::groupBy('buffaloID')->get('buffaloID')->pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();
// `$data` is now a `Collection` of `Buffalodata` instances
$data = Buffalodata::find($buffalidforavgmilk);
// This now fails, as `Collection` doesn't have a `save()` method
You can rewrite your code as follows:
Buffalodata::whereIn('buffaloID', $buffalidforavgmilk)->update(['avgmilk' => $getavg]);
This will update all records in a single call. If you want to iterate, that's an option too:
$data = Buffalodata::find($buffalidforavgmilk);
foreach ($data as $record) {
$record->avgmilk = $getavg;
Or, since you have $id already:
$record = Buffalodata::find($id);
$record->avgmilk = $getavg;

Laravel save new record returns nothing

I'm trying to save new record, all i get is a white page
even dump and dd for $applicant ->save() returns nothing.
public function store(Request $request) {
try {
if (Auth::guest()) {
return redirect()->route('login');
$applicant = new Applicant();
$applicant->first_name = $request->get('first_name');
$applicant->middle_name = $request->get('middle_name');
$applicant->last_name = $request->get('last_name');
} catch (Exception $e) {
Log::error("Error during orders creation:" .$e>getTraceAsString());
I expected the record should be saved
Try this instead
public function store(Request $request){
$applicant = new Applicant;
$applicant->first_name = $request->input('first_name');
and don't forget to include use App\Applicant model in your Controller class; If it does not solve your problem. please double check your form action post in view section.
I think save function will not return anything.
for data you must use create method.
Used return after save.
return response()->json(['success' => 'Data Added successfully.']);
Use create in stead, write less code if you can us always better.
Try this:
Or change it the way you need by assigning every array key to its value

laravel 5.7 how to pass request of controller to model and save

I am trying to pass $request from a function in controller to a function in model.
THis is my controller function:
public function store(Request $request, post $post)
$post->title = $request->title;
$post->description = $request->description;
return redirect(route('post.index'));
how save data in model Post.php?
I want the controller to only be in the role of sending information. Information is sent to the model. All calculations and storage are performed in the model
You can make it even easier. Laravel has it's own helper "request()", which can be called anywhere in your code.
So, generally, you can do this:
public function store()
$post_model = new Post;
// for queries it's better to use transactions to handle errors
try {
\DB::commit(); // if there was no errors, your query will be executed
} catch (\Exception $e) {
\DB::rollback(); // either it won't execute any statements and rollback your database to previous state
// you don't need any if statements anymore. If you're here, it means all data has been saved successfully
return redirect(route('post.index'));
public function postStore()
$request = request(); //save helper result to variable, so it can be reused
$this->title = $request->title;
$this->description = $request->description;
I'll show you full best practice example for update and create:
Route::post('store/post/{post?}', 'PostController#post')->name('');
yourform.blade.php - can be used for update and create
<form action='{{ route('', ['post' => $post->id ?? null]))'>
<!-- some inputs here -->
<!-- some inputs here -->
public function update(Post $post) {
// $post - if you sent null, in this variable will be 'new Post' result
// either laravel will try to find id you provided in your view, like Post::findOrFail(1). Of course, if it can't, it'll abort(404)
// then you can call your method postStore and it'll update or create for your new post.
// anyway, I'd recommend you to do next
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return redirect(route('post.index'));
Based on description, not sure what you want exactly but assuming you want a clean controller and model . Here is one way
Model - Post
class Post {
$fillable = array(
'title', 'description'
class PostController extend Controller {
// store function normally don't get Casted Objects as `Post`
function store(\Request $request) {
$parameters = $request->all(); // get all your request data as an array
$post = \Post::create($parameters); // create method expect an array of fields mentioned in $fillable and returns a save dinstance
// OR
$post = new \Post();
I hope it helps
You need to create new model simply by instantiating it:
$post = new Post; //Post is your model
then put content in record
$post->title = $request->title;
$post->description = $request->description;
and finally save it to db later:
To save all data in model using create method.You need to setup Mass Assignments when using create and set columns in fillable property in model.
protected $fillable = [ 'title', 'description' ];
and then call this with input
$post = Post::create([ 'parametername' => 'parametervalue' ]);
and if request has unwanted entries like token then us except on request before passing.
$post = Post::create([ $request->except(['_token']) ]);
Hope this helps.
I find to answer my question :
pass $request to my_method in model Post.php :
public function store(Request $request)
$post_model = new Post;
$saved = $post_model->postStore($request);
//$saved = response of my_method in model
return redirect(route('post.index'));
and save data in the model :
we can return instance or boolean to the controller .
I returned bool (save method response) to controller :
public function postStore($request)
$this->title = $request->title;
$this->description = $request->description;
$saved = $this->save();
//save method response bool
return $saved;
in this way, all calculations and storage are performed in the model (best way to save data in MVC)
public function store(Request $request)
$book = new Song();
$book->title = $request['title'];
$book->artist = $request['artist'];
$book->rating = $request['rating'];
$book->album_id = $request['album_id'];
$result= $book->save();

how to use $request->all() on controller and blade view in laravel 5.5

in Controller
public function index(Request $request)
$search_cons = $request->all();
$search_con = $search_cons->name; //error place
return $search_cons.$search_con;
->name this place has the error
Trying to get property of non-object
Or in blade.view
<p>{{$search_cons->name}}</p> has the error
Trying to get property of non-object
But if I use
on controller
the blade view
<p>{{$search_cons}}</p> will work ok!
I want the $search=request->all() so I can freely use $search->name on my blade view
How can I fix the question?
PS: I tried $resquest('name') still not to work
Request::all() ->tell me the
When you do $request->all() it returns all the inputs submitted in array format. So in your case, you can do
$search_cons = $request->all(); // dd($search_cons) so you can see its structure
$search_con = $search_cons['name']; // instead of ->name since it's not an object anymore
And anyway, you can skip the $request->all() thing - you can actually just do this directly:
You can cast the array as an object using (object)
$search_cons = (object) $request->all();
this will still let you use $search_cons->name
$search_cons is an array, not an object:
$search_con = $search_cons['name']
public function index(Request $request)
$search_cons = $request->all(); //returns array
$search_con = $search_cons['name']; //error place
return $search_cons.$search_con;
Or you can do like this
request()->name //request() isa global helper function
In Controller
public function index(Request $request)
$search = $request->all();
return ['search' => $search];
In Blade
<p>Name : {{$search['name'] ? $search['name'] : ''}} </p>

Laravel and algolia, ignore array if null

I have this code:
public function toSearchableArray()
$data = $this->toArray();
$data['_geoloc'] = $this->_geoloc->toArray();
$data['address'] = $this->address->toArray();
return $data;
However sometimes $data['entities'] is null therefore throwing me an error:
Call to a member function toArray() on null
Is there any way to by-pass that?
You need to check elements if they exist and not null before call methods on them, like this:
public function toSearchableArray()
$data = $this->toArray();
$data['_geoloc'] = !empty($this->_geoloc) ? $this->_geoloc->toArray() : null;
$data['address'] = !empty($this->address) ? $this->address->toArray() : '';
return $data;
Also $this->toArray(); will convert the model instance to an array with all relations. So you need to load them like: $this->load('_geoloc', 'address'); and call only $data = $this->toArray();
I assume address is a relation to another table.
toArray() will convert it, if it was loaded before
public function toSearchableArray()
$data = $this->toArray();
return $data;
Is _geoloc also a relation to another table?
I think you can try this:
public function toSearchableArray()
$data = $this->toArray();
$data['_geoloc'] = $this->_geoloc->toArray();
$data['address'] = $this->address->toArray();
print('<pre style="color:red;">');
return $data;
Hope help for you !!!
