Static website on GCP over HTTPS not working - https

I have a .dev domain that requires the website to be hosted using HTTPS.
I am hosting a static website on GCP. For the HTTPS Certificate, I've created one using Letsencrypt and also tried using GCP generated Cert.
I am using a Load-Balancer setup to use the HTTPS cert and serve the static website out of Storage bucket.
However when I go to my site I am told it is not secure. I am currently using GCP generated Cert, waited 12 hours and I get the following error.
How can I fix this so that I don't see it, nor need to add an exception. In this case I am even unable to add an exception with a .dev domain.
Also I have a follow up question. How can I force all HTTP traffic to use HTTPS using the Load-Balancer?

I got this working by doing the following:
Change Load-balancer IP from ephemeral to static.
Add A record of Load-balancer IP to DNS record.
Side note: if you got a Static website working with HTTP, you will also need to change the CNAME entry pointing to to an A record with the IP record of the Load-balancer.


REST API over https in Google Compute Engine

Does anyone know how to easily setup https for a rest api in google compute engine ? I have currently a static ip and the api works over http but in the browser when I call it I get mixed content error because the client is server over https (firebase hosting)
Is it possible to setup https with only a static ip (and not a domain name) ?
Is it possible to setup https with only a static ip (and not a domain
name) ?
Yes, it is possible, but since 2016 you cannot purchase an SSL certificate with a public IP address. You can use a self-signed certificate but you will have even more browser issues. Not recommended.
Possible Options:
Use your domain name (or purchase one) and use Let's Encrypt for SSL which is free and is one of your better options.
Use a different service such as Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, Firebase or App Engine which offers SSL and does not require a domain name that you own as you can use Google's endpoint.
Attach a Google Load Balancer in front of your Compute Engine instance and configure a front end with a Google Managed SSL certificate. However, this will require a domain name.
If you do not want to use your own domain name, then option #2 is your only choice.
To setup https for a rest api in google compute engine:
1- You have to buy a domain
2- You have to buy an SSL certificate
3- create a load balance resource in Google Cloud to which I assign the domain and the certificate
4- You can install the certificate to the server directly
If you want to use https over IP instead of domain, please follow click here

Is there a way to redirect CNAME to with ovh and heroku

I am hosting my nodejs app in heroku and my domain name is in OVH.
I managed to create a subdomain www and a CNAME record that points to my heroku app. It is working fine and SSL is also working fine from heroku.
I added a redirection from all subdomains to and everything is working fine.
My problem is when i type, there is no redirection and no SSL.
How can i redirect to ?
Thanks !
Unfortunately, No.
DNS maps domain names onto IP addresses, that is, it tells the client that points to HTTP vs. HTTPS is a matter of picking a port, and using the right protocol, and this is negotiated directly between client and server; DNS lookup has already happened before that.
If you want to redirect all plain-http traffic to https, you have to do it on the web server, not the DNS server.
In your situation, you could do this in node.js.
There tons of examples online for node's built-in http server or for frameworks like express. I'd recommend this solution.
But there are also solutions like Cloudflare.
They offer you a DNS Service and a proxy, which can handle such HTTP to HTTPS redirection and they even let you use their own SSL Certificate, so you don't need to buy (or let's encrypt) a SSL Certificate on your own, for example.

How to use Azure Traffic Manager with a custom domain, if the DNS settings don't allow for forwarding

I have an Azure web app up and running, using a custom domain purchased outside of Azure... and that all runs fine. So I have loading fine with my domain name URL
I'm trying to upgrade the web app, though using Azure Traffic Manager. I've cloned the app a few times, each on its own app service plan, and I have the traffic manager all up and running fine. I can successfully hit different versions of my cloned website based on the traffic manager configuration profile... so no issues there.
The only issue is that I can only access the "traffic managed" version of my website via the standard azure URL ->
All examples I've seen say all I really need to do now, is go into my DNS Management screen, and add domain forwarding, however, my online DNS management tool does not offer this option.
I can't really change my A record in the DNS management screen, because I don't know the IP address of
Every place I've tried to change the name of the current/working Azure URL (like in awverify text files, www cnames, etc.) does nothing. The DNS still points to the single instance which remains in the IP address od the DNS managers A record.
Also, since my live/single instance is linked to the domain name (along with the SSL binding), I can't add those properties to the clones, which makes sense....only one version can be live. However I could unbind that when I make the switch from the single instance web app to the traffic managed set of clones, but I fear I can only bind that to one of the clones. I can't seem to bind it to the version, which might cascade down to all of its endpoints. Is there a way to bind my domain name and SSL cert to more than one version of my web app?
Is there a way to bind my domain name and SSL cert to more than one
version of my web app?
I don't think you can do that unless you have two different domains or subdomains with each own SSL cert. Each web app hostname is unique globally and each SSL binding is attached with the web app domain name.
If you have a purchased domain and just keep the default as each hostname. Then you could configure the two Azure app serves as the endpoint of TM.
By default, Azure provided a wildcard cert for this domain *, so you can automatically access this hostname with HTTPS without any extra cert. Then use a CNAME record www in the domain in your DNS provider to point to the traffic manager hostname Since Traffic Manager works as DNS level, it does not validate the server and client SSL, you could safely ignore the SSL warning when accessing with traffic manager hostname.
Feel free to let me know if you have any question.

Setting Google domains to use https

I purchased a domain (say, from Google and my Django application (say, runs on Heroku. The CNAME is set on Google to forward the http requests to the Django applicaiton on Heroku. Forwarding requests from to works just fine.
Recently, I need to introduce progressive-web-application to my application and it requires the https protocol, instead of http, that is, the URL now has to be and it doesn't work for Google domains. I tried and it works fine, which means Heroku already supports https. However, I tried (and also googled) for a long time without finding a solution.
So how do I set the Google domain to use https protocol?
The DNS answer from Google cannot contain the port or protocol (http vs. https), it just contains the hostname.
You need to add a redirect from http to https in the Heroku django app, see e.g. here for more instructions.
It's not Google you need to change, it's your Django configuration.
Set SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT to True, and enable the SecurityMiddleware in your app, and any requests should automatically be redirected from HTTP to HTTPS.
When switching to HTTPS you need to add certs to heroku and that process updates the host from "" to something like "". You will need to update your DNS to serve HTTPS pages from the new SSL compliant heroku instance for both HTTP and HTTPS.
Here is a tutorial that outlines the process with Godaddy, it should be very similar or all DNS providers.
Just got a solution from one of Heroku's engineers:
1) Upgrade the Heroku app to a paid one (e.g., Hobby)
2) On the DNS provider's settings, set the DNS target to <app_name>.<domain> (e.g., "")
3) Run $ heroku certs:auto:refresh -a <app_name> (e.g., $ heroku certs:auto:refresh -a mysite)
I'm not sure if this is the same problem that you ran into, but when forwarding from to my wix subdomain, I got a "No resource with given identifier found" error in the browser. Forwarding from to was working just fine.
I had to open Google Domains' advanced forwarding options for my forwarding rule and enable SSL forwarding, like so:

How to serve static content over https from a storage bucket with a load balancer with a let's encrypt certificate?

Currently I'm serving the build of a React App (bunch of static files) from a storage bucket so that by using a CNAME redirect in the DNS, the contents load on a domain. But that only works for HTTP (according to this), and we need HTTPS.
In that same link they tell you to setup a load balancer but that requires a certificate and I don't see a way to set this up with a let's encrypt certificate since I'm not using an vm instance or anything.
I already know that I have to setup an A record to point to the load balancer.
So I figured out I can create the certificate with a txt dns record for the challenge with: certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns. For Public key upload cert.pem, for the Certificate chain chain.pem and the priviate key is obvious.
The last issue I have may be related to dns cache, if I load the site on firefox (by just typing the domain) it goes directly to the https version, but it chrome it show a google 404 error.
If you don't insist on having a Let's Encrypt certificate here's an alternative solution using Cloudflare CDN: GCS Site over HTTPS (free)
