Segmentation fault smart pointers - c++11

I get an error of" Segmentation fault while accessing address 0x0000000000000078 .(_ZNKSt8_detail15_Hash_code_baseImSt4pairIKmSt10unique_ptrIN10prometheus5GaugeESt14default_deleteIS5_EEENS_10_Select1stEst4hashImENS_18_Mod_range_hashingENS_20_Default_ranged_hashELb0EE15_M_bucket_indexEPKNS_10_Hash_nodeIS9_Lb0EEEm+0x3b)[0x7fff84143cac1]
While debugging it shows an error in the line in function Family::Add(const std::map& labels,
Args&&... args) in the line->
auto metrics_iter = metrics_.find(hash);
The error says
SIGSEV, Gegmentation fault
0x00007fffcfa29ac1 in std::detail::_Hash_code_base>>,std::_detail::_Select1st,std::hash,std::_detail::_Mod_range_hashing,std::detail::_Default_ranged_hash,false>::_M_bucket_index (this=0x86a5878, _p=0x70,_n=1)include/c++/6.3.1/bits/hashtable_policy.h
The code is below->
GaugeFamilyCopy::Add() function
//namespace prometheus
GaugeCopy* GaugeFamilyCopy::Add()
{ GaugeCopy* ge = new GaugeCopy(gauge_family->Add(mp));
return ge;
Family::Add function
//namespace prometheus
T& Family<T>::Add(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& labels,
Args&&... args) {
auto hash = detail::hash_labels(labels);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{mutex_};
auto metrics_iter = metrics_.find(hash);
/*some code which returns T& which I didn't include as the error lies before
it */
hash_labels function
//namespace detail which is inside prometheus namespace
std::size_t hash_labels(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& labels)
size_t seed = 0;
for (auto& label : labels) {
hash_combine(&seed, label.first, label.second);
return seed;
Also I had assigned gauge_family it's value in this function ->
//namespace MySpace
void GaugeFamilyCopy::MakeGauge2(std::string s1, std::string s2, const
std::map<string,string>& labels, MyExposer* ex)
{ auto registry = make_shared<prometheus::Registry>();
gauge_family = & (prometheus::BuildGauge().Name(s1).Help(s2).Labels(labels).Register(*registry));
where Register function is given below->
//namespace detail nested inside namespace prometheus
Family<Gauge>& GaugeBuilder::Register(Registry& registry) {
return registry.Add<Gauge>(name_, help_, labels_);
The Add function used above is-
template <typename T>
Family<T>& Registry::Add(const std::string& name, const std::string& help,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& labels) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{mutex_};
auto family = detail::make_unique<Family<T>>(name, help, labels);
auto& ref = *family;
return ref;
GaugeFamilyCopy class defined in MySpace namespace has a private member called gauge_dummy which is of type prometheus::Family*.
GaugeCopy classdefined in MySpace namespace has a private member called g of type prometheus::Gauge*.
Gauge is a class defined in prometheus namespace.
Family class
//namespace prometheus
template <typename T>
class Family : public Collectable {
Family(const std::string& name, const std::string& help,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& constant_labels);
std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<T>> metrics_;
std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::map<std::string, std::string>>
std::mutex mutex_;


Template function taking generic pointer to member function with both const& and by-value implementations

I want to have a template function which accepts unary member-function pointers of an instance of some generic type.
My problem is that I must support both void(T val) and void(const T& val) member functions.
I have written one template function for each case and it works fine, but this leads to code duplication since the function logic is completely the same. (I found something completely similar here: Function taking both pointer to member-function and pointer to const member-function but I fail to see a definitive solution).
An example of the generic type mentioned above:
using UserAddress = std::string;
class User
int mHeight;
UserAddress mAddress;
void SetHeight(int height){mHeight = height;}
void SetAddress(const UserAddress& address){mAddress = address;}
Where UserAddress is some heavy type I want to pass by reference.
My templated function:
template <typename TPersistentObject>
class Persistence
std::map<std::string, std::function<void(User*)>> mSetterOfProperty;
template <typename TPersistentObject, typename TPropertyValue>
void DefinePropertySettingMethod(const std::string& propertyName,
void (TPersistentObject::*propertySetter)(TPropertyValue), std::function<TPropertyValue(void)> dataReader)
mSetterOfProperty[propertyName] =
[propertySetter, columnDataReader](TPersistentObject* persistentObject)
/// Const& implementation leading to code duplication
template <typename TPersistentObject, typename TPropertyValue>
void DefinePropertySettingMethod(const std::string& propertyName,
void (TPersistentObject::*propertySetter)(const TPropertyValue&), std::function<TPropertyValue(void)> dataReader)
Is there some way to define this function to support the following:
int main()
auto intDataReader = []() {
return 1;
auto stringDataReader = []() {
return UserAddress("Next Door");
Persistence p;
p.DefinePropertySettingMethod<User,int>("Height", &User::SetHeight, intDataReader);
p.DefinePropertySettingMethod<User,UserAddress>("Address", &User::SetAddress, stringDataReader);
Thanks to Igor Tandetnik 's tip I managed to compile a solution. std::enable_if is not what I needed though since I did not need to deactivate an overload (or at least I couldn't come to a solution using it).
std::conditional did the trick.
Here is the code:
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
using UserAddress = std::string;
class User
int mHeight;
UserAddress mAddress;
void SetHeight(int height){mHeight = height;}
void SetAddress(const UserAddress& address){mAddress = address;}
template <typename TPersistentObject>
class Persistence
std::map<std::string, std::function<void(TPersistentObject*)>> mSetterOfProperty;
template <typename TPropertyValue>
void DefinePropertySettingMethod(const std::string& propertyName,
void (TPersistentObject::*propertySetter)(TPropertyValue),
typename std::conditional<!std::is_same<TPropertyValue, typename std::decay<TPropertyValue>::type>::value,
typename std::decay<TPropertyValue>::type, TPropertyValue>::type
(void)> dataReader)
mSetterOfProperty[propertyName] =
[propertySetter, dataReader](TPersistentObject* persistentObject)
int main()
std::function<int()> intDataReader = []() {
return 1;
std::function<std::string()> stringDataReader = []() {
return UserAddress("Next Door");
Persistence<User> p;
p.DefinePropertySettingMethod("Height", &User::SetHeight, intDataReader);
p.DefinePropertySettingMethod("Address", &User::SetAddress, stringDataReader);

Generate one method per type from variadic class template

I would like to have a variadic class template to generate one method per type, such that for example a class template like the following:
template <class T, class ... Ts>
class MyClass {
virtual void hello(const T& t) = 0;
would make available the methods hello(const double&) and hello(const int&) when instantiated as MyClass<double, int> myclass;
Note that I want the class to be pure abstract, such that a derived class would actually need to do the implementation, e.g.:
class Derived : MyClass<double, int> {
inline void hello(const double& t) override { }
inline void hello(const int& t) override { }
This problem is somewhat similar to this one, but I couldn't understand how to adapt it to my case.
The recursion inheritance seems to be the right solution for me. How about this more complicated case, where the superclass has more than one method and a template argument is mandatory? Here is what I've tried (but I get error):
template <class MandatoryT, class OptionalT, class... MoreTs>
class MyClass : public MyClass<MandatoryT, MoreTs...> {
virtual ~MyClass() {}
virtual char* goodmorning(const MandatoryT& t) = 0;
virtual bool bye(const MandatoryT& t,
const std::map<std::string,bool>& t2) = 0;
using MyClass<MandatoryT, MoreTs...>::hello;
virtual void hello(const OptionalT& msg) = 0;
template <class MandatoryT, class OptionalT>
class MyClass<MandatoryT, OptionalT> {
virtual void processSecondaryMessage(const OptionalT& msg) = 0;
template <class MandatoryT>
class MyClass<MandatoryT> {
virtual void processSecondaryMessage() = 0;
Basically what I want is that the derived class should have one or more types. The first one is used in other methods, while from the second onwards it should be used in hello(). If only one type is provided, an empty hello() is called. But when at least a second type is provided, hello() should use it.
The code above complains that there should be at least two template arguments, because there are "two" ground cases instead of one.
Maybe someone else can do better, but I see only two ways
Recursion inheritance
You can define MyClass recursively as follows
// recursive case
template <typename T, typename ... Ts>
struct MyClass : public MyClass<Ts...>
using MyClass<Ts...>::hello;
virtual void hello (const T&) = 0;
// ground case
template <typename T>
struct MyClass<T>
{ virtual void hello (const T&) = 0; };
variadic inheritance
You can define another class/struct, say MyHello, that declare a
single hello() method, and variadic inherit it from MyClass.
template <typename T>
struct MyHello
{ virtual void hello (const T&) = 0; };
template <typename ... Ts>
struct MyClass : public MyHello<Ts>...
{ };
The recursive example is compatible with type collision (that is: works also when a type is present more time in the list of template arguments MyClass; by example MyClass<int, double, int>).
The variadic inheritance case, unfortunately, isn't.
The following is a full compiling example
#if 1
// recursive case
template <typename T, typename ... Ts>
struct MyClass : public MyClass<Ts...>
using MyClass<Ts...>::hello;
virtual void hello (const T&) = 0;
// ground case
template <typename T>
struct MyClass<T>
{ virtual void hello (const T&) = 0; };
template <typename T>
struct MyHello
{ virtual void hello (const T&) = 0; };
template <typename ... Ts>
struct MyClass : public MyHello<Ts>...
{ };
struct Derived : public MyClass<double, int>
inline void hello (const double&) override { }
inline void hello (const int&) override { }
int main()
Derived d;
-- EDIT --
The OP asks
how about a more complicated case where MyClass has more than one method and I always need to have one template argument (see edited question)?
From your question I don't understand what do you exactly want.
But supposing you want a pure virtual method, say goodmorning() that receive a MandT (the mandatory type), a pure virtual method hello() for every type following MandT or an hello() without arguments when the list after MandT is empty.
A possible solution is the following
// declaration and groundcase with only mandatory type (other cases
// intecepted by specializations)
template <typename MandT, typename ...>
struct MyClass
virtual void hello () = 0;
virtual ~MyClass () {}
virtual char * goodmorning (MandT const &) = 0;
// groundcase with a single optional type
template <typename MandT, typename OptT>
struct MyClass<MandT, OptT>
virtual void hello (OptT const &) = 0;
virtual ~MyClass () {}
virtual char * goodmorning (MandT const &) = 0;
// recursive case
template <typename MandT, typename OptT, typename ... MoreOptTs>
struct MyClass<MandT, OptT, MoreOptTs...>
: public MyClass<MandT, MoreOptTs...>
using MyClass<MandT, MoreOptTs...>::hello;
virtual void hello (OptT const &) = 0;
virtual ~MyClass () {}
Here the recursion is a little more complicated than before.
In case you instantiate a MyClass with only the mandatory type (by example: MyClass<char>) the main version ("groundcase with only mandatory type") is selected because the two specialization doesn't match (no first optional type).
In case you instantiate a Myclass with one optional type (say MyClass<char, double>) the specialization "groundcase with a single optional type" is selected because is the most specialized version.
In case you instantiate a MyClass with two or more optional type (say MyClass<char, double, int> start recursion (last specialization) until remain an single optional type (so the "groundcase with a single optional type" is selected).
Observe that I've placed the goodmorning() in both ground cases, because you don't need to define it recursively.
The following is a full compiling example
// declaration and groundcase with only mandatory type (other cases
// intecepted by specializations)
template <typename MandT, typename ...>
struct MyClass
virtual void hello () = 0;
virtual ~MyClass () {}
virtual char * goodmorning (MandT const &) = 0;
// groundcase with a single optional type
template <typename MandT, typename OptT>
struct MyClass<MandT, OptT>
virtual void hello (OptT const &) = 0;
virtual ~MyClass () {}
virtual char * goodmorning (MandT const &) = 0;
// recursive case
template <typename MandT, typename OptT, typename ... MoreOptTs>
struct MyClass<MandT, OptT, MoreOptTs...>
: public MyClass<MandT, MoreOptTs...>
using MyClass<MandT, MoreOptTs...>::hello;
virtual void hello (OptT const &) = 0;
virtual ~MyClass () {}
struct Derived0 : public MyClass<char>
void hello () override { }
char * goodmorning (char const &) override
{ return nullptr; }
struct Derived1 : public MyClass<char, double>
void hello (double const &) override { }
char * goodmorning (char const &) override
{ return nullptr; }
struct Derived2 : public MyClass<char, double, int>
void hello (double const &) override { }
void hello (int const &) override { }
char * goodmorning (char const &) override
{ return nullptr; }
int main()
Derived0 d0;
Derived1 d1;
Derived2 d2;

I am trying to use boost, C++ with templates, and factory pattern but can't seem to figure out the right syntax for it?

Here is the specifics:
Consider a simple constructor in a class with two input arguments,
concreteclass(_1, _2).
I have a map for this instantiation, map <string, concreteclassType>.
Also, these classes work with different datatypes concreteclass<double>(_1,_2) is different from concreteclass<int>(_1,_2).
Now that my problem is described above here is what I try to do using boost::factory pattern, classes defined in a string map and datatypes defined in an enum.
First, there is a simple way to demonstrate how boost factory pattern can be used with constructor arguments, the following nicely code works:
// Factory which takes two arguments
struct base {
base(int alpha) : alpha(alpha) {}
virtual ~base() = default;
virtual void print() const = 0;
int alpha;
struct derived : public base {
derived(int alpha, int beta) : base(alpha), beta(beta) {}
void print() const override {
std::cout << alpha << " " << beta << std::endl;
int beta;
void TestBoostFactoryWithTwoArgs()
// Constructor factory with two input args
std::map<std::string, boost::function<base* (int&, int&)>> factories;
factories["derived"] = boost::bind(boost::factory<derived*>(), _1, _2);
int x = 42;
int y = 51;
std::unique_ptr<base> b{"derived")(x,y) };
// Factory with two initialized inputs args - binding of values not at run time
std::map<std::string, boost::function<base* ()>> factories;
factories["derived"] = boost::bind(boost::factory<derived*>(), 42, 51);
std::unique_ptr<base> b{"derived")() };
Now consider my code - SimpleClasses.h:
// Dummy base class - non template
class IBaseClass
// Templatized Derived Base class
template <typename T>
class ConcreteClass : public IBaseClass
std::shared_ptr<IBaseClass> m_leftArgument;
std::shared_ptr<IBaseClass> m_leftArgument;
ConcreteClass(std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass>& leftArgument, std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass>& rightArgument)
m_leftArgument = leftArgument;
m_rightArgument = rightArgument;
virtual T DoSomething()
cout << "I did something in Concrete Base Class" << endl;
return T();
}; // This is the main reason for creating T
template <typename T>
class ConcreteClassA : ConcreteClass
template <typename T>
class ConcreteClassB : ConcreteClass
template <typename T>
class ConcreteClassC : ConcreteClass
Another File, ClassFactory.h :
#pragma once
#include "SimpleClasses.h"
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <boost/functional/overloaded_function.hpp>
#include <boost/functional/factory.hpp>
using namespace std;
// Add More class Keys here
namespace MyClassesNamespace { // These are all string keys
static const string CLASS_A = "specialclassA";
static const string CLASS_B = "specialclassB";
static const string CLASS_C = "specialclassC";
enum EMyDataTypes
// This type def we keep for non templatized base class constructor
typedef boost::function<IBaseClass*(std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass>&, std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass>&)> IBaseClassConstructorFunc_factory;
// Dummy base factory - no template
class UBaseClassTemplateFactory
template<typename T>
class UClassFactoryTemplate : public UBaseClassTemplateFactory
static std::map<string, IBaseClassConstructorFunc_factory> ClassFactoryTemplateMap; // Unique Classes only
__forceinline static UClassFactoryTemplate*Get()
static UClassFactoryTemplate<T> SingletonInstance;
return &SingletonInstance;
static std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass<T>> CreateClassTemplatized(string ClassString, std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass> LeftArgument, std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass> RightArgument);
// This type def we keep for non templatized base class
typedef boost::function<UBaseClassTemplateFactory*()> ClassFactoryTemplate_factory;
/* This is the instance class that resolves the classes as well as the concrete datatype to be used in UClassFactoryTemplate*/
class UClassFactory
static std::map<EMyDataTypes, ClassFactoryTemplate_factory> ClassDataTypeTemplateFactoryMap;
__forceinline static UClassFactory *Get()
static UClassFactory SingletonInstance;
return &SingletonInstance;
static std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass> CreateConcreteClass(string ClassString, std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass> LeftVal, std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass> RightVal, EMyDataTypes someEnumVal = EMyDataTypes::INT8);
Finally, in ClassFactory.cpp
#include "ClassFactory.h"
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
/*static, but non-const data members should be defined outside of the class definition
*and inside the namespace enclosing the class. The usual practice is to define it in
*the translation unit (*.cpp) because it is considered to be an implementation detail.
*Only static and const integral types can be declared and defined at the same time (inside class definition):*/
template<typename T>
std::map<string, IBaseClassConstructorFunc_factory> UClassFactoryTemplate<T>::ClassFactoryTemplateMap;
std::map<EMyDataTypes, ClassFactoryTemplate_factory> UClassFactory::ClassDataTypeTemplateFactoryMap;
template<typename T>
inline UClassFactoryTemplate<T>::UClassFactoryTemplate()
ClassFactoryTemplateMap[MyClassesNamespace::CLASS_A] = boost::bind(boost::factory<ConcreteClassA<T>*>(), _1, _2);
ClassFactoryTemplateMap[MyClassesNamespace::CLASS_B] = boost::bind(boost::factory<ConcreteClassB<T>*>(), _1, _2);
ClassFactoryTemplateMap[MyClassesNamespace::CLASS_C] = boost::bind(boost::factory<ConcreteClassC<T>*>(), _1, _2);
template<typename T>
std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass<T>> UClassFactoryTemplate<T>::CreateClassTemplatized(string ClassString, std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass> LeftArgument, std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass> RightArgument)
std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass<T>> someTemplatizedDataTypeInstance{ (LeftArgument,RightArgument) };
return someTemplatizedDataTypeInstance;
ClassDataTypeTemplateFactoryMap[EMyDataTypes::INT8] = boost::bind(boost::factory<UClassFactoryTemplate<int>*>());
ClassDataTypeTemplateFactoryMap[EMyDataTypes::FLOAT8] = boost::bind(boost::factory<UClassFactoryTemplate<float>*>());
ClassDataTypeTemplateFactoryMap[EMyDataTypes::FLOAT16] = boost::bind(boost::factory<UClassFactoryTemplate<double>*>());
std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass> UClassFactory::CreateConcreteClass(string ClassString, std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass> LeftVal, std::unique_ptr<IBaseClass> RightVal, EMyDataTypes someEnumVal)
std::unique_ptr<UBaseClassTemplateFactory> BaseOperatorTempFactory{ };
return BaseOperatorTempFactory->Get()::CreateClassTemplatized(ClassString, LeftVal, RightVal);
The question now is, the above code does not even compile let alone run, it says abstract class cannot be instantiated for the templatized map. I just want the UClassFactory to return me correct instantiated class like A,B,C based on a string map with correct datatypes based on an enum. How do I achieve this combination? I wonder what is the correct syntax? Or is my approach inherently flawed? Or there is a nice way to instantiate classes with factory pattern and different datatypes? Please let me know any suggestions/ comments.

c++11 segmentation fault while playing with variadic templates

So I was Playing around with c++11 Varidiacs, and I wanted to create a thing called CallClass, basically a class that warps a function, for later call,when all variables are set(truly I have No Idea If It can Be Useful):
#include <tuple>
template <typename OBJ,typename F,typename... VARGS>
class CallClass
CallClass(OBJ& object,F callFunction)
{ }
CallClass(const CallClass& other)
{ }
template <size_t INDEX>
auto get(){ return std::get<INDEX>(_func_args); }
template <size_t INDEX,typename T>
void set(const T& val){ std::get<INDEX>(_func_args) = val; }
template <size_t INDEX,typename T>
void set(T&& val){ std::get<INDEX>(_func_args) = val; }
auto Call()
//throws segmentation Fault Here
return InnerCall<0>(_func_args);
virtual ~CallClass() {}
std::tuple<VARGS...> _func_args;
OBJ* _object;
F _func;
template <size_t INDEX,typename... ARGS>
auto InnerCall(std::tuple<VARGS...>& tup,ARGS... args)
auto arg = std::get<INDEX>(tup);
return InnerCall<INDEX + 1>(tup,args...,arg);
template <size_t INDEX,VARGS...>
auto InnerCall(std::tuple<VARGS...>& tup,VARGS... args)
return (_object->*_func)(args...);
Now when I try to compile(compiling using IDE:code::blocks, configured to use MINGW On windows ), it prints Compiler:Segmentation Fault, anybody any Ideas?
class obj{
obj(int a)
{ }
virtual ~obj() {}
int add(int b,int c){
return _a + b + c;
int _a;
int main(){
obj ob(6);
CallClass<obj,decltype(obj::add),int,int> callAdd(ob,obj::add);
cout << "result is " << callAdd.Call() << endl;
return 0;
After a Bit of a search i stumbled upon a similar issue, in a way.
apparently the way I'm unpacking the tuple is an issue, so i decided to use a different approach as shown in: enter link description here
had to add a few changes to suit my needs:
namespace detail
template <typename OBJ,typename F, typename Tuple, bool Done, int Total, int... N>
struct call_impl
static auto call(OBJ& obj,F f, Tuple && t)
return call_impl<OBJ,F, Tuple, Total == 1 + sizeof...(N), Total, N..., sizeof...(N)>::call(obj,f, std::forward<Tuple>(t));
template <typename OBJ,typename F, typename Tuple, int Total, int... N>
struct call_impl<OBJ,F, Tuple, true, Total, N...>
static auto call(OBJ& obj,F f, Tuple && t)
return (obj.*f)(std::get<N>(std::forward<Tuple>(t))...);
// user invokes this
template <typename OBJ,typename F, typename Tuple>
auto call(OBJ& obj,F f, Tuple && t)
typedef typename std::decay<Tuple>::type ttype;
return detail::call_impl<OBJ,F, Tuple, 0 == std::tuple_size<ttype>::value, std::tuple_size<ttype>::value>::call(obj,f, std::forward<Tuple>(t));
and changed Call():
auto Call()
std::tuple<VARGS...> func_args = _func_args;
return call(*_object,_func, std::move(func_args));
I will probably make a few more changes, like passing the tuple as a reference, and making the structs a part of my class.

boost::iterator_facade operator->() fails to compile

Consider the following code:
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <map>
// Class implements an stl compliant iterator to access the "sections" stored within a configuration.
template < typename _Iterator, typename _Reference >
class Section
: public boost::iterator_facade<
Section< _Iterator, _Reference >,
// Define the type of the base class:
typedef boost::iterator_facade<
Section< _Iterator, _Reference >,
> base_type;
// The following type definitions are common public typedefs:
typedef Section< _Iterator, _Reference > this_type;
typedef typename base_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename base_type::reference reference;
typedef _Iterator iterator_type;
explicit Section( const iterator_type it )
: m_it( it )
{ }
// Copy constructor required to construct a const_iterator from an iterator:
template < typename _U >
Section( const Section< _U, _Reference > it )
: m_it( it.m_it )
{ }
// The following classes are friend of this class to ensure access onto the private member:
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
template < typename _Iterator, typename _Reference > friend class Section;
void increment( ){ ++m_it; } // Advance by one position.
void decrement( ){ --m_it; } // Retreat by one position.
void advance( const difference_type& n ){ m_it += n }; // Advance by n positions.
bool equal( const this_type& rhs ) const{ return m_it == rhs.m_it; } // Compare for equality with rhs.
reference dereference( ) const { return m_it->second; } // Access the value referred to.
difference_type distance_to( const this_type& rhs ) const{ return rhs.m_it - m_it; } // Measure the distance to rhs.
// Current "section" iterator:
iterator_type m_it;
struct Data
void f( ) const
{ }
typedef std::map< int, Data > map_type;
typedef Section< const map_type::const_iterator, const Data& > iterator_type;
map_type g_map;
iterator_type begin( )
return iterator_type( g_map.begin( ) );
void main( )
iterator_type i = begin( );
// i->f( ); // <--- error C2039: 'f' : is not a member of 'std::_Tree_const_iterator<_Mytree>'
( *i ).f( );
So the iterator facade shall return a reference to Data type. This works well when dereference operator is called but compile fails when operator->() is called. So I am a bit confused because operator->() tries to return a std::map::iterator. Any ideas ?
The iterator returns an iterator on dereference. To get the f part, you need to dereference twice.
It looks a lot like you misunderstood the meaning of the template arguments to iterator_facade. The second argument is not supposed to be any iterator type (this is what causes all your trouble). Instead you should use it to name your value_type.¹
From the way you specified the dereference operation (and Ref) and wanted to use it in main (i->f()) it looks like you just wanted to iterate the map's values. So, I'd rewrite the whole thing using more descriptive names as well, and here it is, working:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <map>
// Class implements an stl compliant iterator to access the "sections" stored within a configuration.
template <typename Map, typename Value = typename Map::mapped_type>
class MapValueIterator : public boost::iterator_facade<MapValueIterator<Map>, Value, boost::random_access_traversal_tag, Value const&> {
// Define the type of the base class:
typedef Value const& Ref;
typedef boost::iterator_facade<MapValueIterator<Map>, Value, boost::random_access_traversal_tag, Ref> base_type;
// The following type definitions are common public typedefs:
typedef MapValueIterator<Map> this_type;
typedef typename base_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename base_type::reference reference;
typedef typename Map::const_iterator iterator_type;
explicit MapValueIterator(const iterator_type it) : m_it(it) {}
// Copy constructor required to construct a const_iterator from an iterator:
template <typename U, typename V> MapValueIterator(const MapValueIterator<U,V> it) : m_it(it.m_it) {}
// The following classes are friend of this class to ensure access onto the private member:
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
template <typename U, typename V> friend class MapValueIterator;
void increment() { std::advance(m_it); } // Advance by one position.
void decrement() { std::advance(m_it, -1); } // Retreat by one position.
void advance(const difference_type &n) { std::advance(m_it, n); } // Advance by n positions.
bool equal(const this_type &rhs) const { return m_it == rhs.m_it; } // Compare for equality with rhs.
reference dereference() const { return m_it->second; } // Access the value referred to.
difference_type distance_to(const this_type &rhs) const { return rhs.m_it - m_it; } // Measure the distance to rhs.
// Current iterator:
iterator_type m_it;
#include <iostream>
struct Data {
void f() const {
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "\n";
typedef std::map<int, Data> map_type;
template <typename Map>
MapValueIterator<Map> map_value_iterator(Map const& m) {
return MapValueIterator<Map>(m.begin());
int main() {
map_type g_map;
auto i = map_value_iterator(g_map);
Which prints the output
void Data::f() const
as you'd expect.
Note that there are numerous places where I implemented the member functions using standard library facilities. Note as well, the iterator "mimics" random access, but it won't have the expected performance characteristics (increment is O(n)).
Final note: I'd recommend against having the implicit conversion constructor. I think you can do without it.
¹ The reference-type should typically be the same (but ref-qualified) except in rare cases where you actually "proxy" the values. This is an advanced topic and rarely should be used.
