Nativescript - data not binding onTap - nativescript

At certain point on my xml file i have this:
<GridLayout row="2" rowSpan="2" col="2" rows="*" columns="40,*,40" verticalAlignment="center" horizontalAlignment="right" marginRight="10">
<Label row="0" col="0" text="+" tap="onTapPlus" verticalAlignment="center" horizontalAlignment="center" style="color:black;font-family: 'Allerta Stencil', sans-serif;font-size:20px;"></Label>
<Label id="" row="0" col="1" text="{{nrItemsTakeAway}}" verticalAlignment="center" horizontalAlignment="center" style="color:black;font-family: 'Allerta Stencil', sans-serif;font-size:20px;text-align:center; width:50px;"></Label>
<Label row="0" col="2" text="-" tap="onTapMinus" verticalAlignment="center" horizontalAlignment="center" style="color:black;font-family: 'Allerta Stencil', sans-serif;font-size:20px;"></Label>
So when the user taps on the + button, the onTapPlus function is called and the nrItemsTakeAway is suppose to just for testing, i did this on my onTapPlus function:
function onTapPlus(args) {
const button = args.object;
const page =;
vm.set("nrItemsTakeAway", "4");
page.bindingContext = vm;
but it doesn´t is not binding, what am i missing here?


how to set gridlayout from js from a string of layout defined

I'm trying to set a grid layout as below in xml
layout: `<GridLayout row="0" rows="*, 2*, *">
<GridLayout width="57%" row="0" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center">
<Label class="lobster-regular carousel-item-head" text="Welcome to Payments App" textWrap="true"></Label>
<GridLayout class="carousel-item-circle" row="1" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center">
<Label class="fa carousel-item-icon" text="" textWrap="true"></Label>
<GridLayout width="49%" row="2" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center">
<Label class="opensans-regular carousel-item-desc" text="Let's see a quick overview of our features." textWrap="true"></Label>
so i created a scroll view from js and tried to add content to it as below. but its giving stackerror.
also i found that here they implemented same thing. but difficult to understand.
but when i tried the similar thing i'm not able to do so, here is my project link.
const myScroll = new ScrollView();
myScroll.orientation = "vertical";
myScroll.content = homeViewModel.layout;
please give me in detail suggestion and answer or alternative to achieve this.
Use UI Builder
const layout = `<GridLayout row="0" rows="*, 2*, *">
<GridLayout width="57%" row="0" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center">
<Label class="lobster-regular carousel-item-head" text="Welcome to Payments App" textWrap="true"></Label>
<GridLayout class="carousel-item-circle" row="1" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center">
<Label class="fa carousel-item-icon" text="" textWrap="true"></Label>
<GridLayout width="49%" row="2" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center">
<Label class="opensans-regular carousel-item-desc" text="Let's see a quick overview of our features." textWrap="true"></Label>
const builder = require("tns-core-modules/ui/builder");
const gridLayout = builder.parse(layout);
myScroll.content = gridLayout;

Nativescript Ios Vertical align

Faced an unpleasant problem
help me please
When trying to align to the bottom of the page, the IOS unit does not completely go down
iosOverflowSafeArea did not help
<GridLayout columns="*,*" rows="*" row="1" col="0" class="project-type-content" width="100%" [iosOverflowSafeArea]="true">
<StackLayout width="100%" row="0" [col]="i" *ngFor="let item of projectTypes; let i=index" class="debug" verticalalignment="bottom" [iosOverflowSafeArea]="true">
<StackLayout width="75%" (tap)="onProjectTypeChoose(item.urlPrefix)" class="debug" [iosOverflowSafeArea]="true">
<GridLayout columns="*" rows="auto, auto" height="auto">
<StackLayout class="btn-type-choose" col="0" row="0">
<ns-rounded-button fontColor="#fff" borderColor="#fff" color="#fff" [text]="item.title" [bg]=""
<StackLayout width="100%" col="0" row="1" class="project-type-item">
<Label [text]="item.subTitle" width="100%" class="project-type-item-title monserrat regular"></Label>
<!--<Image [src]="item.image" stretch="aspectFill" class="project-type-item-image"></Image>-->
<HtmlView [html]="item.description" width="100%"></HtmlView>
<Image src="~/assets/images/firstScreenShadow.png" width="100%" horizontalAlignment="center"></Image>
<Label text="What`s New:" class="whats-new-title monserrat semi-bold"></Label>
<Label *ngIf="item.updateText && item.updateText[0]" [text]="item.updateText[0]" class="project-type-item-wats monserrat regular"></Label>
<Label *ngIf="item.updateText && item.updateText[1]" [text]="item.updateText[1]" class="project-type-item-wats monserrat regular"></Label>
<StackLayout width="100%" class="tap-to-choose" height="20">
<Button text="Tap to choose" class="tap-to-choose-btn" width="60%"></Button>

nativescript data has to be displayed grid view with 4*4

For displaying the grid view (4*4) in nativescript with Angular, I have integrated the npm "nativescript-grid-view" as per the example in npm site. But, It fails for me. I got the error whenever I enter that page in the application.
Error :
System.err: Error: Expecting a valid View instance.
System.err: File: "file:///data/data/com.domain.project/files/app/tns_modules/tns-core-modules/ui/core/view-base/view-base.js, line: 337, column: 12
Code .ts file
<GridLayout class="page">
<GridView [items]="order" colWidth="30%" rowHeight="100">
<ng-template let-item="item" let-odd="odd">
<StackLayout margin="10" [nsRouterLink]="['/item',]" borderColor="blue" borderWidth="2" borderRadius="5" verticalAlignment="stretch" class="list-group-item" [class.odd]="odd">
<Label verticalAlignment="center" [text]="item.productName" class="list-group-item-text" textWrap="true"></Label>
import { GridViewModule } from 'nativescript-grid-view/angular';
imports: [
loader: {
provide: TranslateLoader,
useFactory: (createTranslateLoader),
deps: [Http]
"tns-android": {
"version": "3.0.1"
"tns-ios": {
"version": "3.4.1"
"typescript": "~2.2.0",....
Somebody has asked the question is below forum, but no one has replied.
Or you could use nativescript-ui-listview and its ListViewGridLayout with spanCount property. The official documentation for this functionality is here. Basically, you could do the following:
<RadListView [items]="dataItems">
<ng-template tkListItemTemplate let-item="item">
<!-- item template here -->
<ListViewGridLayout tkListViewLayout spanCount="4" scrollDirection="Vertical" ios:itemHeight="200" ></ListViewGridLayout>
NativeScript 4X4 GridLayout
I have written some code in the nativescript playground link.
<GridLayout rows="*,*,*,*" columns="*,*,*,*">
<Label text="1" row="0" col="0" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="2" row="0" col="1" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="3" row="0" col="2" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="4" row="0" col="3" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="5" row="1" col="0" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="6" row="1" col="1" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="7" row="1" col="2" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="8" row="1" col="3" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="9" row="2" col="0" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="10" row="2" col="1" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="11" row="2" col="2" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="12" row="2" col="3" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="13" row="3" col="0" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="14" row="3" col="1" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="15" row="3" col="2" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="16" row="3" col="3" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
Preview of the 4x4 GridLayout will be like this
Below code does work without using nativeoscript-grid-view. I think that nativescript version is the problem.
<ScrollView class="plansScroll" #plansScroll orientation="vertical" horizontalAlignment="center" width="100%">
<WrapLayout orientation="horizontal" [id]="myIndex" (tap)="onPlanSectionTap($event)" class="plansScrollGrid m-5" #plansScrollGrid>
<StackLayout *ngFor='let item of order; let myIndex = index' width="25%">
<!-- <Image [src]="item.imagePath" width="80"></Image> -->
<Image width="80" [src]="'~/assets/img/bratShop-overlay.jpg'"></Image>
<Label [text]='item.productName' textWrap="true" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" #plansScrollGridType></Label>
<Label [text]='item.orderNumber' textWrap="true" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" #plansScrollGridType></Label>
<Label [text]='item.orderStatus' textWrap="true" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" #plansScrollGridType></Label>
<Label [text]='item.orderDate' textWrap="true" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" #plansScrollGridType></Label>

Nativescript inner StackLayout

Hello everyone I'm trying to make inner StackLayouts but the second one comes to top of first one so that I can't see the second StackLayout should I handle with css if it is how or is there an other way
Here is my code
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal">
<StackLayout width="500">
<GridLayout columns="50, *" rows="*" width="500" height="50"
<Label text="Name" row="0" col="0" backgroundColor="red">
<Label text="Fol" row="0" col="1" class="alignRight"
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal" width="500" height="180">
<Image src="" width="500" left="10"
Thank you
At first I would delete the widths to see how the page is displayed. 500 is a very big value. Only large tablets can support that.
As an example at first I would try this :
<GridLayout columns="auto, auto">
<GridLayout col="0" columns="50, *" rows="*" verticalAlignment="top">
<Label text="Name" row="0" col="0" backgroundColor="red">
<Label text="Fol" row="0" col="1" class="alignRight"
<Image col="1" src="" left="10" op="30">
After you see the two parts align horizontally you can start tweaking the widths

center image in nativescript

After I try NativeScript tutorial "Grocery", I found out that its button quite hard to tap it's because tap area is too small, so I want to increase Image hight by update layout file to the following below. However, image not seem to be in the center (Image Below).
How can I achieve this in NativeScript ?
<ActionBar title="Groceries">
<ActionItem text="Share" (tap)="share()"
ios.systemIcon="9" ios.position="right"></ActionItem>
<GridLayout rows="auto, *">
<GridLayout row="0" columns="*, auto" class="add-bar">
<TextField #groceryTextField [(ngModel)]="grocery" hint="Enter a grocery item" col="0"></TextField>
<StackLayout class="delete-container" height="100%" (tap)="add()" col="1" >
<Image src="res://add" stretch="none" horizontalAlignment="center"></Image>
<ListView [items]="groceryList" row="1" class="small-spacing" [class.visible]="listLoaded">
<ng-template let-item="item">
<GridLayout columns="*, auto">
<Label col="0" [text]="" class="medium-spacing"></Label>
<StackLayout col="1" class="delete-container" height="100%" (tap)="delete(item)">
<Image src="res://delete"></Image>
[busy]="isLoading" [visibility]="isLoading ? 'visible' : 'collapse'"
row="1" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center"></ActivityIndicator>
You should check out NS's FlexBox layout.
It is quite useful:
