What version of adaptive card is supported by Microsoft teams? - botframework

I want my bot to send and embed video on Microsoft teams.
I noticed VideoCard is not supported by Microsoft teams.
So I tried using AdaptiveCard, but noticed you need v1.1 to embed video.
However, when I send a message with version 1.1 I it sends a undefined message (just text saying undefined). With v1.0 I can send cards without issue (to embed images etc.). v1.1 works for me when using the emulator.
Does this mean Microsoft Teams only supports v1.0 of AdaptiveCard? Or is there a way to upgrade my bot?
Currently AdaptiveCard is on version v1.2.2 so it would be nice to upgrade.

Microsoft Teams currently supports v1.0 of Adaptive Cards, with additional support for newer versions planned.

Only version 1.0 of Adaptive Cards is supported in teams, We are working on upgrade but we don't have timeline to share. Please have a look at Card Reference for more information.


Skype For Business Server 2019 - Better way to Integrate the Chat Bots with server 2019

I am trying to integrate A Chat Bot Service with A client who uses the Skype For Business Server 2019. On Microsoft Docs Page, I found that UCWA 2.0 exposes SFB Server 2015 instant messaging (IM) and presence capabilities. Could anyone please confirm whether this holds good for SFB Server 2019?
Do we have any better way to integrate the Bots with SFB Server 2019 other than UCWA 2.0 (As I came across the docs that mentioned UCWA having IM limitations and scaling issues)?
From this doc, Bot Framework also deprecated the support for Skype or business channel.
Please provide any information you have regarding this. Thanks in advance.
I suspect that UCWA will scale just fine, I know of some projects for pretty large organisations that have used it.
As an alternative you could look at UCMA 6.0 (which is more feature complete than UCWA), this is the SFB 2019 release and whilst I haven't seen any explicit documentation for this version I very much doubt it has changed much since UCMA 5.0 as the Microsoft strategy at the time of release was focused on Teams.
There’s 3rd party software available that can help with this, check out MindLink. Their API supports various versions of SfB server and I believe 2019 is covered too. You can apply throttling and other management capabilities so it is built to scale - it could be more for the enterprise, then again I don’t know what your project is.

botframework-webchat v3 and botframework sdk v4 support

I am currently working on migration clients' botframework-webchat v3 solutions to v4. According to the v4 webchat docs, there is full support for botframework-sdk v4. However, I am wondering what the support for pre-existing botframework-webchat v3 solutions is for botframework-sdk v4?
Some clients may not wish to migrate their botframework-webchat solutions at the moment, and I am trying to determine the effect of using botframework-sdk v4 would have on their current botframework-webchat v3 solutions.
v3 was moved to the following GitHub repo. And according to the README file:
Microsoft Bot Framework SDK V4 was released in September 2018, and since then we have shipped a few dot-release improvements. As announced previously, the V3 SDK is being retired with final long-term support ending on December 31st, 2019. Accordingly, there will be no more development in this repo. Existing V3 bot workloads will continue to run without interruption. We have no plans to disrupt any running workloads.
We highly recommend that you start migrating your V3 bots to V4. In order to support this migration we have produced migration documentation and will provide extended support for migration initiatives (via standard channels such as Stack Overflow and Microsoft Customer Support).
This means that support for v3 has ended, but it will continue to run without any interruptions.

Issue in publishing Microsoft bot v4 designed with Adaptive dialog

I am working with Microsoft bot framework 4.10 with adaptive card. my bot properly working in emulator, but when I tried to publish it in Azure web app its not given any response as expected. I have go through Microsoft given both samples. Take a look at the github project.
I have done the same configurations as in the document.
Is there any additional configurations needed to be done for adaptive dialog.
I really appreciate any help :)

how to add prompts in skype for business?

I created a bot using microsoft bot framework and deployed it on skype for business.
Now the challenge is i need to add yes/no prompts for a couple of questions.
sample image is attached
How can I add these kind of prompts in skype for business?
I'm afraid the Skype for Business channel is deprecated: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-service-channel-connect-skypeforbusiness
Skype for Business channel of Bot Framework was deprecated on June 30, 2019.
Skype for Business channel stopped accepting new bots on June 30, 2019. Existing bots continued operating through October 31, 2019. The channel is currently being deprecated, and no production loads should be using it. Microsoft Teams is the preferred communication tool from Microsoft. Learn how to connect your bot to Microsoft Teams.
However, what you're looking for is a type of dialog called a confirm prompt, and dialogs are not channel-specific. I don't know what SDK you're using, but this document explains how to use prompts and links to a sample in several languages: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-dialog-manage-conversation-flow

When will the Microsoft Bot Framework support Facebook Chat Extensions

Facebook recently announced Chat Extensions which will allow group-based interaction with bots. More about how that works is listed here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/design/guides/chat-extensions
Has any announcement been made about when the Microsoft Bot Framework will support this feature of FB?
I suggest you make a new issue asking for this enhancement on GitHub
