Laravel queue:work is processing 10000 in 60s until it crashes - laravel

I don't know what exactly happened but when ever I start:
php artisan queue:work & redis-server.exe (windows)
I get a lot of processings for 1 event even tho app is not used (opened on browser)
I am not even using this Event from picture....
I am so unsure why is this happening?

Well using redis-cli flushall and queue:work --tries=1 helped me clean all proceses that were stored within redis and fail after one try.


Laravel 5.3 queue worker, stop after some time through Jenkins

In Laravel 5.3.
I'm running through jenkin a command of laravel:
php artisan queue:work
But I need to stop it. Ideally I would like to stop the worker after the queue jobs gets empty, but it's not possible on Laravel 5.3. So another option would be to stop the command after sometime, let's say 1 minute.
How can I stop a process running through jenkins after some time? or stop a php artisan command.
With php artisan queue:restart I can stop all the jobs so I tried:
php artisan queue:work
sleep 60; php artisan queue:restart
But that 2nd line will never get reached because the workers is still running.
Any tip?
you can use some solution form solve it
You save server resources by avoiding booting up the whole app on
every job.
You have to manually restart the worker to reflect any
code change you made in your application.
You can also run:
php artisan queue:work --once
2- This will start an instance of the application, process a single job, and then kill the script.
php artisan queue:listen
The queue:listen command simply runs the queue:work --once command inside an infinite loop, this will cause the following:
An instance of the app is booted up on every loop.
The assigned worker will pick a single job and execute it.
The worker process will be killed.
Using queue:listen ensures that a new instance of the app is created for every job, that means you don't have to manually restart the worker in case you made changes to your code, but also means more server resources will be consumed.

php artisan queue:work freeze in terminal

I use the queue in my Laravel 5.4 project to send emails in background.
I have created the table for jobs, created the class for the job, and put QUEUE_DRIVER=database in my .env file. When I dispatch my Job, I can see my task in the jobs table. So far so good.
However, when I then execute the command
php artisan queue:work on the webserver - it's freezing and not have any results.
What could be the problem?
This probably is because this is a service that uses the current thread in Ubuntu (from your tag). If you add a &, the process will run in a forked thread.
php artisan queue:work &
Or after a quick google, you can have a look at
nohup php artisan queue:work --daemon &

Php artisan queue:work doesn't work with supervisor

I have installed & configured supervisor.
ps -ax shows 10 processes such as:
php /home/vagrant/Sites/mysite/artisan queue:work --tries=1
However when I put something in queue it stays there and nothing happens. But if I run this command manually (even under vagrant user, exactly how it does supervisor) everything works.
I use Redis for keeping queues.
What can be the reason?
So, here is some additional info, since I really couldn't figure it out.
Laravel 5.5 version
Actually I have two supervisor configs for 2 projects. First one seemed to be working. Second doesn't. I mean, I can see the processes by ps -ax, but nothing happens. Both configs are identical:
command=php /home/vagrant/Sites/mysite/artisan queue:work --tries=1
Also I couldn't figure out how can I enable and disabled some configs (like en2site for supervisord :) )
So, when I put something in the queue I can see it in redis. Then I manually run php /home/vagrant/Sites/mysite/artisan queue:work --tries=1 under vagrant user and queue jobs are dispatched and run. But only if I run the command manually =\
I was about the same problem.
The issue is apears becouse supervisor when call
php /home/vagrant/Sites/mysite/artisan queue:work --tries=1
actualy not in project working directory, and artisan cant find .env file.
so you have some option to handle this:
set your enviroment variables from .env file
add directory parametr to your supervisor config
set set_include_path in php.ini to your project folder

how to run all queue jobs in one line

Can someone know how can I run in one command to Laravel artisan work on all queue in project?
I know that I can run something like that nohup php artisan queue:work --queue=admin_contact_message_mail,user_get_message_notification,user_get_message_mail --daemon & , but I have a huge list of queues and asks is there any way to call it all in once or I need to list them all to queue run it and listen it?
php artisan queue:listen will do the job!

Supervisord Fatal (Laravel 4.1 + Beanstalkd) No commands defined in the "queue" namespace

Here's an odd one. I'm running supervisor 3.13 with beanstalkd for a Laravel 4.1 queue. I have a /stage/ and /production/ instances of my app running. I'm running supervisor programs to run artisan queue:listen (out of separate .conf files) for each as follows:
command=php artisan queue:listen --env=production
The only difference is replacing production with stage in the program. However, when supervisor runs, only the stage program executes correctly. The production program shows FATAL Exited too quickly
appname-production FATAL Exited too quickly (process log may have details)
appname-stage RUNNING pid 6784, uptime 0:32:01
The stage queue is working fine as shown in ps aux. Also, running artisan queue:listen in the production folder works just as it should. When I examine the supervisord log for production however, it's full of:
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.20
Content-type: text/html
There are no commands defined in the "queue" namespace.
I've exhausted my technical knowledge of the setup here - I can't seem to reason out why two cloned setups are behaving differently. I've only been able to guess that supervisor is getting boggled somewhere - as I can get the production queue working fine by doing it manually.
All help / ideas are very appreciated.
Finally fixed this and wanted to share. Like other solutions, the fix had to do with setting an absolute path to php. However, the PATH var also needed to be set via environment in the subprocess conf. Here we go:
command=/usr/local/bin/php artisan queue:listen --env=production
Hope this helps someone in the future!
