why does my maven tests fails when run as a whole and passes when ran individually? - maven

Hi I am having a strange scenario.
I have a spring boot java project . I have lots of Junit tests as well.
when i run the tests from the terminal by issuing the command mvn clean test, 2 tests belong to a class fails
however if run the those tests belonging to that class from the eclipse Run as >> Junit tests it passes .
any idea why does this happens ? and how can i fix it ?
the following is my sure fire plugin configuration
<!-- Force alphabetical order to have a reproducible build -->
thank you


Tests run slower with Maven than with IDE

I'm facing some test time execution issue related to local test execution with Maven. I have around 250 tests which run about 15 min on the IDE test runner and about an hour (55min to be exact) when executing them with maven locally. I tried a lot of configurations to make test execution in parallel but neither of them work for me, the time is still the same...probably I'm doing something wrong. Can anyone help on this? The last maven surefire plugin configuration that I tried is the following:
And for test execution command I've used:
mvn test
mvn surefire:test

geb passing test case as a parameter from maven commandline

How do I pass the test case to geb via maven commandline:
I have a test case class named GebishOrgSpec2.groovy
I want to pass this test case maven and let geb run it over the command line.
I am having successful build but no run of the test case
How do I solve this problem?
This is my pom.xml
I have tried the following codes and they are all not running the testcase
mvn -Dinc.TestCase=GebishOrgSpec2.groovy test
mvn -Dinclude=GebishOrgSpec2.groovy test
mvn install -Dinc.TestCase=GebishOrgSpec2.groovy
mvn install -Dinclude=GebishOrgSpec2.groovy
I have tried these links
How to run Geb TestCases from windows command line?
Grails geb getting parameters from commandline
Geb exception when running tests in maven
they are all not working
System.getProperty("inc.TestCase") is returning null as well
I want to add that if I add the test case directly into the pom it does run successfully
can you please help
Don't use in-/excludes in your POM for something you want to do from the command line. It is much easier, both for
Surefire (unit tests) via mvn -Dtest=TestCircle test and
Failsafe (integration tests) via mvn -Dit.test=ITCircle verify
This works beautifully for Spock/Geb tests.

How to save all test report to separate file in Junit

I am writing Junit test cases for my project for that, i added junit dependencies to my pom.xml
and by giving the below command i am able to run the test cases
mvn clean install -DskipTests = false
All tests are runnig successfully.
But, I want to save the test report to separate file with including AssertionErrors also
How can i save the test report into another file. Can any one please help me
You can do this with maven-surefire-report-plugin.
Basic configuration example:
To create a test-report in a separate file, you have to execute:
mvn surefire-report:report -DouputFile=YourFileName.html
If you don't specify a different output directory, by default the report will be generated in target/site folder
Hope it helps

Different log4j settings when running with Maven than when running from Eclipse

I'd like my console to be as quiet as possible when I run my tests with mvn test, unless something goes wrong. Then again, when I'm writing tests in Eclipse (in other words, when I run single junit tests inside Eclipse), it's ok for them to be pretty verbose.
So I would need a way to have different log4j/logback settings when running all my tests with surefire than when I run them one by one in Eclipse. Is there a way to accomplish this?
You can configure surefire to use a different logger settings file. That will be ignored by Eclipse.

Stop Tests on first Failure with Maven/JUnit/Spring

I'd like Maven to stop trying to run my JUnit Spring tests when it encounters the first error. Is this possible?
My test classes look like the following, and I run them just as a standard Maven target.
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:/spring-config/store-persistence.xml","classpath:/spring-config/store-security.xml","classpath:/spring-config/store-service.xml", "classpath:/spring-config/store-servlet.xml" })
public class SkuLicenceServiceIntegrationTest
If there's an error in the Spring config, then each test will try to restart the Spring context, which takes 20 seconds a go. This means we don't find out for ages that any tests have failed, as it'll try to run the whole lot before concluding that the build was a failure!
Answering ten years later, since I needed exactly the same.
The failsafe plugin can be configure to "skip tests after failure", using the skipAfterFailureCount parameter.
Official documentation:
This is more a remark, than an answer, but still, maybe you'll find it useful.
I'd recommend separating your integration tests into a separate phase, and running them with Failsafe, rather than Surefire. This way you can decide whether you need to run only fast unit tests, or the complete set with long-running integration tests:
<!-- Uncomment/comment this in order to fail the build if any integration test fail -->
A workaround for your problem might be singling out a test into a separate execution and run it first; this way the execution would fail and subsequent surefire/failsafe executions will not be launched. See how to configure the plugin to do it.
