first app showing unread notification count from second app - xamarin

Notifications from a previous app are being shown on the other app.
I have re-installed the app on multiple devices. If i send the notification out for one app then the unread notifications count of the other app are being displayed in the first app.
both apps are setup as different firebase projects.


Xamarin Forms Push notifications not received properly when the app is closed in android

We have configured push notifications in our Xamarin Application for both android and iOS. In iOS notifications are being received properly. But in Android, specifically when the app is closed the notifications are not being received properly.
When the app is open, push notification is triggered and displayed properly as expected, can be observed in the screenshot attached.
When the app is closed, push notification is triggered and displayed as "body", can be observed in the screenshot attached.
Note* Notifications are being sent from core with Azure Notifications hub.
The payload looks like below : new JObject(new JProperty("notification", pushMessage)).ToString(Formatting.None);
Andoid Notifications
I tried changing notification payload in different ways but still result didn't change.

Azure bot - show chat notifications in notification bar in cross platform moobile app (Xamarin)

i wanted to show azure's chat bots responses as notifications in the notification bar like PUSH notifications.
I've came across that i need to use xamarin webview to integrate bot in Android app. So, can webview capable of showing chat responses as push notifications ?
I'm using Bot Framework SDK V4
and .Net Core
Xamarin for cross platform development
The WebChat control (webview in your questions) is used as a UX display control within your app. Messages from your bot to your app goes through a dedicated channel that has nothing to do with a mobile Push Notification. So in short, the answer to your question is no, this functionality is currently not supported by the client Webview control (WebChat).
With that said, you can create a custom middleware component for your bot that can send a Push Notification message using Azure Notification Hub. Or you can create custom functionality (sample showing a standard web app) in your bot that sends a push notification. Or your bot can drop a message to a queue and have an Azure Function pick the queue message and send the push notification. Note the last option is an implementation detail.

Laravel queue: How to track progress and know which sub jobs suceeded/failed

Currently im building a platform where android FCM messages have to be sent out to devices which has my app installed.
I have a notification builder in my backend which will allow an admin to add notifications. This also dispatches a NotificationJob which will query the DB and find all devices which has installed the app (say 1000 end users) and dispatches a sub job each to send the push notification out (1000 subjobs).
In the notification admin panel I want to display a status like 950 succeeded/50 failed corresponding to each notification entry.
Is something like this possible with laravel queues?
Also are subjobs really a overkill for this?

Using Swift 2 won't allow iOS 8 devices to Register for Push Notifications

I am configuring push notifications on for iOS using Xcode 7 and Parse. The notifications are working perfectly on a device running iOS 9.
But when running the application on a device with iOS 8, I am running into problems. I am unable to get the Alert View where the user can select to "Allow Notifications from App X".
But, the device token registration call is being called successfully when the user opts in to push notifications and the device is successfully registering an Installation object with a valid device token. Notifications are also being sent to the device.
If I go into Settings->Notifications->My App and turn the Notifications On or Off, it doesnt make a difference the notifications are still being sent through.
This is the code I am using to register for notifications:
let settings = UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: UIUserNotificationType([.Alert, .Badge, .Sound]), categories: nil)
Found the solution here on stackoverflow... Registration for notifications are sent only once on devices running versions older than iOS 9.
As answered by another user here...
"The first time a push-enabled app registers for push notifications, iOS asks the user if they wish to receive notifications for that app. Once the user has responded to this alert it is not presented again unless the device is restored or the app has been uninstalled for at least a day."
"If you want to simulate a first-time run of your app, you can leave the app uninstalled for a day. You can achieve the latter without actually waiting a day by setting the system clock forward a day or more, turning the device off completely, then turning the device back on."
Reference Links:
Push Notification ON or OFF Checking in iOS

How to get app message from companion app if Pebble app is in background?

"I am explaining whole scenarios here in order to avoid multiple discussion threads, as I am looking for quick help, so providing here all the details."
I have created a application which communicates with the android companion app, which has some of events scheduled and needs to send to pebble app, so that even if the timeline is muted for our app we can provide important information to pebble app user.
I am able to get the data from companion app and process it successfully only if the pebble app is open but my one more requirement is :
To get data in pebble app sent by companion app, even if my pebble app is in background.
ie. If the companion app sends me some message but the pebble app is in background so I should be able to read that message and wake up the Pebble app to show the desired information.
I am using "App Message" for communication between Companion app and Pebble app.
I gone through the Pebble Documentation which states :
"Background workers do not have access to the UI APIs, they also cannot use theAppMessage API or load resources. Most other APIs are available includingAccelerometerService, CompassService, DataLogging and Storage."
One more Query is :
As we can get notification in our Pebble if its came to Phone, so is there any way to open some desired app or related app to that message in Pebble watch.
Please guide me if there is anyway to get this done.
Thanks in advance.
Your Android application can launch the watchapp before sending the message to her. That should solve your problem.
As indicated in the documentation, the background worker on the watch cannot receive app messages.
